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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Well sorry, i'm just new to this city and have never heard the name TEST. Then again I barely care," he said before the hair went back over his eyes. They burned from underneath as he let out an annoyed grunt and moved them away again. He saw a man but tried to ignore him, weirder shit had happened in his life.

@JPax42 @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Tristin's gaze didn't leave the boy as she nonchalantly pulled out a gun and pointed it at Sky's face. "Get out, I'm in charge of security here."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
"Relax 'Helga' I'm not here to cause trouble. If you remember from that phone call I'm a mercenary. I just want to speak with your higher ups."

JPax42 said:
Tristin sneered at the boy. "Emo shit." She then pulled out another gun and pointed it to Sky. "Ugh, get out already. I'm trying to enjoy my week and a colorful pansy rolls in and then you show up."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Sky wasn't intimidated by the slightest. With the gun pointed at his helmet, he would stand his ground. "Hey all I require is your superiors. If they don't want me then that's fine. Can't you call them up?"

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NickTonCutter said:
"My job is not about checking corpse...I'm too sensible for that.The police will take care of it." he smoke another cigarette before putting the other on a bin "Plus you already see that drunk guys was at TEST team....We can't really do too much against them..." Well,Sora was certainly determined and curious about the purpose of the TEST team after this scene.
Faust got back up from his leaning position. Well you have fun. I have things to do. He said, walking towards his manor. I might see you another day. But I'm a bit busy. Goodbye.

Thomas glared before taking out his gun "Lucky I don't kill people." He said twirling the gun and putting it back in his holster. He tipped his hat and started walking away to look for his sister.

@JPax42 @YoungX

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"You're trespassing private property!" Tristin was getting visibly annoyed. Without looking she fired a warning shot at Thomas's feet. Of course it was a blank, but she laughed.


Igor walked up behind Tristin and lowered the guns from her hands.
"Tristin you cannot see that you don't point gun at little man." Igor himself pulled out a larger gun. "That is my job. Little man, get off private property."

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
"You're trespassing private property!" Tristin was getting visibly annoyed. Without looking she fired a warning shot at Thomas's feet. Of course it was a blank, but she laughed.


Igor walked up behind Tristin and lowered the guns from her hands.
"Tristin you cannot see that you don't point gun at little man." Igor himself pulled out a larger gun. "That is my job. Little man, get off private property."

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
Sky would look to the man that appeared beside Tristan. "You must be a TEST official. I'd like to know if you would hire me for any contract. As long as it doesn't involve innocents or civilians I'm all for it."


"Get out little man before I blow your brains out. TEST is of good company but we do not tolerate trespassing." Igor grumbled. "If you want to talk to leader you wait for rally. Civilians like you do not get to walk in on private grounds." Igor kept the gun pointed at Sky.

JPax42 said:
"Get out little man before I blow your brains out. TEST is of good company but we do not tolerate trespassing." Igor grumbled. "If you want to talk to leader you wait for rally. Civilians like you do not get to walk in on private grounds." Igor kept the gun pointed at Sky.

"Fine I will. Didn't know this was private ground," he said jumping upwards landing on a nearby rooftop. He would then shout out a question. "WHEN AND WHERE IS THIS RALLY?"


"Like I said, you learn along with the rest of the civilians. Now do you have better thing to do than scare girl?" Igor tried to hug Tristin but Tristin just nodded away and walked off.

JPax42 said:
"Like I said, you learn along with the rest of the civilians. Now do you have better thing to do than scare girl?" Igor tried to hug Tristin but Tristin just nodded away and walked off.

"Scare her? You serious she wasn't afraid of me despite the armor," he said as he would hop away from rooftop to rooftop. "Sheesh talk about a strict bunch. Still... a potential contract is worth it in the end."

(Open for interaction. Just remember that Sky is in his armor. More detail at CS.)
Thomas glared and ran as a blur in front of her, he shot a blank a little lower than her hand, his warning shot. "Easy where you shoot, you might hurt someone," he said laughing and taking a few steps back, his hands in his pockets.

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Thomas shrugs "What makes me a pansy? Is it the hat, the clothes or the pimp cane, there has to be something," he said putting the gun away but keeping a tight grip on his cane.


Tristin jumped in front of him with equal speed and booped him lightly on the nose. "I've seen weirder in that building, you're not too much a special monkey as you are a nut." Tristin giggled and flipped backwards onto her hands, turning from him as she did. "If there's anything else you'd like to know about trespassing, there's a whole world about the stuff you don't know." Tristin tied her brown hair into a ponytail and began wrapping her fists.

@Shammy the Shamrock
The attention of Sora focus on a guy who was jumping rooftop after rooftop...Well,there wasn't a law against "Roof jumping activity" but hey,why not make one.He yells on the guys "Hey ! What are you doing ! It's a violation of the law !"

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NickTonCutter said:
The attention of Sora focus on a guy who was jumping rooftop after rooftop...Well,there wasn't a law against "Roof jumping activity" but hey,why not make one.He yells on the guys "Hey ! What are you doing ! It's a violation of the law !"
Sky would stop moving to hear someone say that roof jumping was against the law or something. He would look to see a guy and would call BS on that. "I'm pretty sure roof jumping isn't against the law if it's from building to building. Not many do it because they can't."

Thomas smirked as he ran up, he did a flip before landing on top of her, doing a hand stand. "You're right, I am a nut a circus peanut. Trust me, I know much about trespassing," he said removing his hat and doing a pose.

YoungX said:
Sky would stop moving to hear someone say that roof jumping was against the law or something. He would look to see a guy and would call BS on that. "I'm pretty sure roof jumping isn't against the law if it's from building to building. Not many do it because they can't."
"You got a point on that.But may i ask you why are you wearing and armor with roof jumping activity?Seriously,it's look like you are gonna kick the ass of someone..."

Still,it was sure by just looking at that guys that he wasn't a heroes,and even maybe a robots.
NickTonCutter said:
"You got a point on that.But may i ask you why are you wearing and armor with roof jumping activity?Seriously,it's look like you are gonna kick the ass of someone..."
Still,it was sure by just looking at that guys that he wasn't a heroes,and even maybe a robots.
"This suit? It's my mercenary stuff. I'm just heading on back after being told by TEST people I can't come in. I'll have to wait for this rally thing before I can talk about contracts."


Tristin swiftly pushed him down and did a hand stand with one hand on his back. "I'm sure you do nut monkey." Tristin giggled and pushed off with that hand, away before he could react. She finished wrapping her fists. "Alright Dr. Vasiliev..." Tristin muttered to herself and her mood immediately sank when she looked back to the TEST facility. It was nice, but there was so many things in there that the monkey didn't know about. Tristin's voice became heavy as she walked towards the facility. A loud yelling from the guy was heard in Russian. Tristin barked back. "I said I'm coming!" Tristin turned to the boy one more time, a sad look on her face now.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas tilted his head as he got up "Hey why the face? Do you have to go back to work? Ya shouldn't be sad about your job especially if you work in a fancy building," he said looking up at the TEST building then back at the girl.

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YoungX said:
"This suit? It's my mercenary stuff. I'm just heading on back after being told by TEST people I can't come in. I'll have to wait for this rally thing before I can talk about contracts."
"I see..." Something wasn't right for Sora,TEST were hiding something ? "Well,Are you a heroes?Because on the news they only accept them as far as i know.May i ask your name after all ? Mine is Sora." he would take some note of this guys if he say more about him.

"I wish I worked in the fancy floors. Or worked at all" Tristin sighed and sat down on the grass. She didn't want to tell the guy that she was an experiment. The only thing that would give her way is if she burned a tree or something in front of him, really. Other than that, she looked like an acrobatic fifteen year old girl. In...a jumpsuit. She put a hand on the grass and started stroking it in a weird way. More yelling in Russian, to which Tristin responded by yelling back in Russian. She put her head in her now wrapped hands, which looked as if she was about to take part in a boxing match. "It's not as great as it seems, it really isn't."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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