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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sora keep pointing the guns at Johny before drag it away "How could i know that you say the truth ?" he look at Faust and the police "Keep and eye of him." he say before turning back at Johny "And you call someone..."

@Yappi @MrEvilMexican
Sky would be in his "lair" looking over his latest contacts. They are all of reputable people, but a few have shady backgrounds. He feels that having a much better record will get him noticed by more reputable folk. For now he decides to look over any potential contacts and remembers the organization TEST.

"TEST? I've heard of them. They do good for the city, and it generally isn't anything to be concerned with. Of course... that doesn't mean I can't work with them. Perhaps they'll give me a call?"

(@JPax42 or anyone else in need of Sky's services. Just contact him hue.)

"Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse on y danse..." Tristin was singing while she was hopping around. She picked up the phone and dialed up a random number which just so happened to be Sky's. "On y danse tous en rond-oh hello!" Tristin's singing voice was really good. She got it from her mother, who was the illegal circus ringmaster under the same name. She was basically prank calling a mercenary but she didn't know it.

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I take my gun back "Yea sure... I'll be over at TEST labs in a moment to check the new patient" he takes out his portal gun and jumps through it landing at the TEST labs next to the scientist. He would drink a big glass of water and cofee. He goes over "Ok so what's going on?"


Faust leaned on his rapier/cane (mind you unless you had a very keen eye you wouldn't be able to notice the handle was detachable.) "I don't see why you're worried. Like I said, I'm not a sword wielding maniac or barbarian."


"Yah! It never fails to surprise me of when you teleport. Look at huge mess." Igor clicked his tongue and pointed to the disgusting mess of hydrogen and carbon stuff. There was basically coal and some stuff caught fire. "This is all of stupid food project! Now, here is vodka." Igor handed Johnny a bottle of vodka.

JPax42 said:
"Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse on y danse..." Tristin was singing while she was hopping around. She picked up the phone and dialed up a random number which just so happened to be Sky's. "On y danse tous en rond-oh hello!" Tristin's singing voice was really good. She got it from her mother, who was the illegal circus ringmaster under the same name. She was basically prank calling a mercenary but she didn't know it.

Sky received a phone call from... sourced unknown to him. He wasn't sure who this is, but he hoped it would be a client. There would be a bit of silence before taking the call, but it was fine.

"Hello you've reached one of Sky the mercenary's phone lines. Who is this?"


Tristin quickly put on a fake accent. "Khyello, zis is Helga. Is this my long lost cousin Dmitrovich? Or is it of my dreaded sister, Sheannon?" Tristin was having fun, even though it was a mercenary phone line. Like mercenaries existed.

Sora sigh "Seriously?He was a TEST member?Now i'm really scare about what will happens next." looking at Faust,Sora help him to get out of the scene before taking one hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry old man.But we are never safe..." he tell the police to stop to track him "Anyways...What is your goal in life?" After all getting friend with and old man should be cool,Sora though.

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JPax42 said:
Tristin quickly put on a fake accent. "Khyello, zis is Helga. Is this my long lost cousin Dmitrovich? Or is it of my dreaded sister, Sheannon?" Tristin was having fun, even though it was a mercenary phone line. Like mercenaries existed.

Sky then figured this was one of those "prank phone calls" that he had heard of. Still this could be a potential client, so he would at least approach with some casual speech. "Do you need a job that needs done? I'll do it for a price just name it." He wasn't sure why he was playing along with this, but he figured he would at least see if this would go somewhere.

Thomas kept being dragged through the city by Paige, he burrowed his feet into the ground which didn't help as Paige was obviously stronger. He sighed and decided to go with it, taking out his cane he walked around the city keeping his other hand against the holster of his gun.

Paige stretched so she touched the back of her feet without even trying. She went back up to look at her brother "Lighten up a bit, you're acting like we're in Gotham," she said with a chuckle. Looking around everything was new, she's never really out unless a parade came so seeing everything made a faint smile come to her lips before fading under the shadow of her hat.
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JPax42 said:
"Yah! It never fails to surprise me of when you teleport. Look at huge mess." Igor clicked his tongue and pointed to the disgusting mess of hydrogen and carbon stuff. There was basically coal and some stuff caught fire. "This is all of stupid food project! Now, here is vodka." Igor handed Johnny a bottle of vodka.


"Wow you really fucked up this time. Well I'm going to give you this" he hands him a thing that cleans stuff up easy "Im going to sleep" he passes out on the table

"Haha Johnny you save my ass again!" Igor quickly cleaned it up and gave Johnny a rough pat on the back. "Should I of visit subject? What was her name again?"



"The only joab Hyelga needs is the-" Tristin was bending the phone lines to make her voice distorted. She snuck a crude message in there. "-sticky-" More static. "-removable-" even more static. "-testicles!" Tristin couldn't take the pressure and leaned back, laughing like an idiot. "I'm not actually Russian nor is my name Helga! You should've seen the look on your face!" Tristin looked out the window and laughed. At least she was on the floor that was above the surface, compared to other subjects below.

@YoungX (Open for interaction, window interaction. Very dangerous.)
JPax42 said:
"Haha Johnny you save my ass again!" Igor quickly cleaned it up and gave Johnny a rough pat on the back. "Should I of visit subject? What was her name again?"



"The only joab Hyelga needs is the-" Tristin was bending the phone lines to make her voice distorted. She snuck a crude message in there. "-sticky-" More static. "-removable-" even more static. "-testicles!" Tristin couldn't take the pressure and leaned back, laughing like an idiot. "I'm not actually Russian nor is my name Helga! You should've seen the look on your face!" Tristin looked out the window and laughed. At least she was on the floor that was above the surface, compared to other subjects below.

@YoungX (Open for interaction, window interaction. Very dangerous.)
"Well I don't really care if your name was Stalin. I'm a mercenary for hire, so if you want a job then call. If not the don't waste my time," he said hanging up on the call. He decided that if he needed a job... he had to go put himself out there. He would put up a job request on an Internet mercenary site.

(Open for interaction. Sky has a job request on a mercenary site hue. Money is important.)
JPax42 said:
"Haha Johnny you save my ass again!" Igor quickly cleaned it up and gave Johnny a rough pat on the back. "Should I of visit subject? What was her name again?"



"The only joab Hyelga needs is the-" Tristin was bending the phone lines to make her voice distorted. She snuck a crude message in there. "-sticky-" More static. "-removable-" even more static. "-testicles!" Tristin couldn't take the pressure and leaned back, laughing like an idiot. "I'm not actually Russian nor is my name Helga! You should've seen the look on your face!" Tristin looked out the window and laughed. At least she was on the floor that was above the surface, compared to other subjects below.

@YoungX (Open for interaction, window interaction. Very dangerous.)

I fill up my flask sipping out of the vodka bottle "Ok so this is... Ok so she can heat stuff up... BORING" he says before sighing "Here, I've been. Hammered for 2 days so i need sleep" he hands him a small cube device that turns water into tequila in a 5x5x5 space. He passes out flat on a TEST table. TEST would fire him but he's the smartest scientist they have.
Thomas split from his sister as she was busy gazing at everything she came across. He sighed, she knew the way home and so he walked around the city. He saw a women around two years younger than him and tilted his head, he went a bit closer. Curiosity took over as he stood still, tilting his head at this new girl.


"Whatever. You need to stop drinking." Igor put one of his giant hands on Johnny's back.



Tristin saw a guy about two years older than her looking at her through her window. She opened the heavy steel door and closed it silently. With more silence, agility, and speed, Tristin hopped the fence to meet the boy.
"This is restricted property you shouldn't be here!" Technically, Tristin should've been indoors as well.

@Shammy the Shamrock
NickTonCutter said:
Sora sigh "Seriously?He was a TEST member?Now i'm really scare about what will happens next." looking at Faust,Sora help him to get out of the scene before taking one hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry old man.But we are never safe..." he tell the police to stop to track him "Anyways...What is your goal in life?" After all getting friend with and old man should be cool,Sora though.

Safe? I can defend myself. He tells Sora, drawing his rapier from the cane before sheathing it again. Purpose? I'm already to old to have a purpose. He leaned on the cane again. You realize getting out of a scene doesn't make anything safer, right? The streets are infested with idiots.

JPax42 said:
"Whatever. You need to stop drinking." Igor put one of his giant hands on Johnny's back.



Tristin saw a guy about two years older than her looking at her through her window. She opened the heavy steel door and closed it silently. With more silence, agility, and speed, Tristin hopped the fence to meet the boy.
"This is restricted property you shouldn't be here!" Technically, Tristin should've been indoors as well.

@Shammy the Shamrock

He flipped him off in his sleep
Thomas kept his head tilted "Oh, I'm just exploring. Why are you inside then?" He asked keeping his ground, he put the cane away and studied the girl. Deciding to get a better look he removed the orange hair from his face, revealing bright blue eyes.

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Sky was definItely in need of some clients. He figured his reputation was enough, but he needed more than that it seems. Still he wasn't sure what to do, so he figured he would head off to TEST. The problem? He had no idea where it was.

"Great... There had to be someone that knows where TEST is located."

Sky then decides to head outside in his suit, and would go from rooftop to rooftop looking for TEST.

(Open for interaction)
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"My job is not about checking corpse...I'm too sensible for that.The police will take care of it." he smoke another cigarette before putting the other on a bin "Plus you already see that drunk guys was at TEST team....We can't really do too much against them..." Well,Sora was certainly determined and curious about the purpose of the TEST team after this scene.


"Well then." Igor guzzled vodka and fell asleep next to Johnny.



"Did you seriously ask me that question? Can you not see the TEST badge?" Tristin looked at the guys eyes and pushed her hair back. Tristin's own amber eyes meet the blue, although hers had an odd warmth to it. Only she knew she possessed an ability that the world wasn't quite ready for, but staying for too long would give it away.

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
"Well then." Igor guzzled vodka and fell asleep next to Johnny.



"Did you seriously ask me that question? Can you not see the TEST badge?" Tristin looked at the guys eyes and pushed her hair back. Tristin's own amber eyes meet the blue, although hers had an odd warmth to it. Only she knew she possessed an ability that the world wasn't quite ready for, but staying for too long would give it away.

@Shammy the Shamrock
As Sky went from rooftop to rooftop, he would overhear someone mention TEST. Curious he would look over to see a boy and a girl. The voice was oddly familiar and he remembered it to be that prank caller. Still it was his ticket to TEST, so he would ascend downwards in a cool fashion and make a smooth landing. He would look at the girl and asked, "Your from TEST? Can you take me to them because I'm sort of looking for them."

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock

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