~Alone~ (RP)

Mark walked again sighing heavily as he made himself over a large piece of debris. He had been on his feet for about the 3rd straight day and haven't seen another sight of people since the boy with the blades. "He looked around finding another little stack of cans for food like peaches and tuna. He gave a little grin putting it in his pack before his cat poked its head out mewing excitedly pointing towards a certain direction. He got curious when he turned his head and caught a smell of what seemed to be stew. He couldn't help himself as he began making the trek towards them until he saw two people a boy and a girl. He ducked behind an another piece of debris and tried to watch carefully but couldn't help leaving his head out just to smell the stew.
Toa takes a quick sniff of air pick her up and jumps behind a bush. While he is behind the bush he calls over his pet snake and gives it a bottle and sends it up the tree. He starts to put on his shark tooth knuckles. He watches his snake as it slithers over to where the sound was heard and hurls up the bottle and watches it shatter releasing the chloroform.
Moondances tail swishes back and forth and she starts to purr. "purring that means, wait Toa! theres a human back there dont hurt them!" Aria screamed
"its not the chloroform im worried about." she glances at the teeth embeded weapons. Aria went to peek behind the rock and saw a boy and his cat unconsious. she dragged the boy out and used her cloth badg as a pillow for him. Moondance curled up with the boys cat. once he seemed comfortable, she went back to where she had been sitting. "look what you did. now we have to sit here till he wakes up." she gave Toa a stern look.
Mark coughed for a while covering up scrapes trying to stop her from inhaling the chloroform but eventually gave one more yawn and cough before collapsing to the ground.
((whenever you want))

Arias eyes got big as saucers. "whoa whoa no strange medicine! we dont know what his condition is! put it away put it away!" she said franticly
Mark's eyes began blinking groggily, When he finally opened them he saw the boy and the girl but one of them had a needle. "Please don't hurt me" he said sitting up all of a sudden.
"your awake!" without thinking, she went over and hugged him. she checked his haed and looked over him to see if he was hurt. "i thought we would never find anyone else! are you hurt anywhere?"
Mark blushed looking at the girl as she hugged him. "Not that I can think off" he said then immediately remembered his cat. "Where's Scrapes" he demanded quickly.
"its good your not hurt. hes over there. she pointed to where her cat was, curled right next to his. im Aria, my cat is Moondance, and my friend here is Toa." she completely didnt notice anything. Aria was sometimes an airhead.
"Nice to meet you" He said picking his cat up cradling it. "Oh and Its a she, her names scrapes" he said to Aria. "My names Mark" he said to her.
"nice to meet you" Aria smiled. "Toa please put the needle away. Mark, would you like some stew? there is still a little bit left."
"Yes please" he said a little over excitedly. "Sorry" he said backing off "It's just that this is the first time I've had anything cooked since the disaster" he finished.
Aria laughed. "alright. prepare to be amazed by my simple stew! its got a few wild veggies and rabbit meat." she refilled the bowl she had used, and handed it to him. she made a few motions to Moondance and the feline jumped off into the bushes. she returned moments later with a mouse in her jaws. "this is for scrapes when she wakes up." Aria said as Moondance dropped the mouse.
"Oh thanks so much" he said poking scrapes nose as it sniffed the air smelling the mouse which made her sit up as she went over and began eating the mouse.

"This is so good" he said to her gulping the thing down quickly with a heavy sigh.
"as Toa was telling me earlier, we dont have to live like a bunch of rogues. with a little hard work things can be almost as they were before." she smiled as she gazed at the fire. "want another bowl? im already stuffed, and theres still plenty left"
"Really" he said happily handing back the bowl. "If you really don't mind I would love it" he said. "You know when you said the ingredients I didn't think it would taste bad but I guess anything tastes good when your starved" he said.
"really? i thought i did a good job." Aria handed him the bowl after filling it up. she made a fake pouty face. "and im not starving."
"Really well umm" he said rubbing the back of his head nervously. "I guess everybody has a different taste is all and yours seemt o be much better" he said with a nervous laugh gulping down the stew once more.
"haha. didnt mean to make you feel awkward. i get a bit defensive about my cooking sometimes." Aria smiled "aside from that, its nice to know Moondance has a friend now." the black cat sat and waited patiently as scrapes ate the mouse.

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