~Alone~ (RP)

"Yeah She won't be lonely anymore so that's good" he said as scrapes finished licking the rest of the mouse off her lips as she mewed happily at the Moondance.
Moondance walked over to Scrapes and gave her a lick on the shoulder. "that must be a friendship thing for cats." Aria said, observing them.
"Yeah im glad its not a human thing" he replied jokingly as scrapes stood up licking his shoulder.
"why so cold Toa? we can travel together cant we?" Aria frowned. "there might be other people who need our help, besides, your my friend right? i dont want to lose anymore friends. we should stay together."
Mark sighed standing up grabbing scrapes as he did putting her in the inside of his coat as he followed behind her making sure he had his own things at the same time.
Aria just keeps walking along happily when it hits her that she is traveling with two guys. dangit! i hugged Mark earlier! that mustve been awakward! and Toa carried me. Moondance looked at Aria funny as the tiny feline sat on her shoulder. the black cat licked Arias face, noticing her obviously flustered blush.
Mark shuddered at the snake walking faster since he felt safer with Aria then with he snake and Toa.
Aria grabbed both their wrists and forced them to shake hands. "Toa, you should be a little nicer, and Mark, try not to be intimidated, man up a little!" she let go of their wrists and smiled at both of them. oh boy. guess who is the peacekeeper now? this might get a little weird.
Mark shuddered again rubbing his arm nervously. "Then began to make a nervous laugh "Your kidding right" he asked looking up but saw the way the snake was looking at him and dropped his gaze again.
"well shaka is your.....pet, so to speak. can you control him just a bit?" Aria pleaded "if you dont i might cry, and no one wants to see a girl cry am i right?" she threatened lightly.
"Well actually I developed a injectable liquid that stops crying and shaka stop starring" the snake keeps starring and snaps at him sarcastically says "no don't do that shaka"
Mark found himself inching behind Aria like a small child peering at the snake over her shoulder.
Aria turned to Mark and put a hand on his shoulder. "its fine Mark. he wont hurt you. i trust him." she said comfortingly. "how old are you any way?" she asked curiously.
"Im 18" he said simply. "Though my parents home schooled me most of my life so I didn't get out much" he said thinking about it.
Mark couldn't help jumping again keeping his eyes on the snake from over Aria's shoulder again.

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