~Alone~ (RP)

When she mumble he stumbled and fell over landing in the mud but he catches her above the mud so it wouldnt smudge her beauty then carefully puts her back on his back and keeps walking after been walking for three hours
[QUOTE="~*KolorKitsune*~]Jasper sighed. "It's just around the block. Don't complain, it'll make it worse for everyone." he said softly before turning a corner, Jinx following.



"Didn't mean to sound whiny, it's just we've been on our feet since like 6 AM, so we're kind of tired, that's all." Tamika looked at the ground with a guilty expression

Sara smiled. Tamika never apologised for being an absolute brat to anyone, not even their mum.
there is a russling in some nearby bushes. "wait here" Aria grabs an arrow, and draws her bow as she walks towards the bushes. she lets the arrow loose and there is a small shreik followed by silence. Aria walked over to the bush and pulled out a large rabbit, with her arrow stuck through its chest. "supper"
"yep. i once had an uncle who hunted deer and rabbit. and trust me, i make a mean rabbit stew." Aria ran off and and came back with sticks, a large melon and a few wild veggies she had found growing nearby. she checked the veggies to make sure they were safe, cut the melon in half, scraped out the insides leaving only the hollow shell, wrapped in tinfoil she had found in an abandon convenience store and tossed in the rabbit and veggies after cutting them all up with her pocket knife. "the rabbits natural juices make a great broth." she said making a fire to cook everything.
"yeah. i know. but, a nice fat cow isnt going to stroll in and give us his steak now is he?" Aria joked. she cut open a smaller melon, making two small bowls out of it and putting the inner fruit into the other half of the large melon. "now we have fruit and stew!" Aria popped a peice of melon into her mouth.
"you dont like melon? but its so sweet!" Aria ate a bit of stew. "this turned out pretty good actually."
"No im not a big fan of melon but the soup is exceptional and so is that girl right beside me. Hey i found her again" laughs and continues to eat his soup
"i love sweets and fruit is about the only sweet food i can find now days." she blushed a bit at the compliment. "i love cooking as well, and that hasnt changed even though the world has."
"Hey you cant look at it that way. The world needed change it was the humans fault that the world was being killed and now its full of nature. You always have to look on the positive side other wise you'll only allow yourself to fall" smiles and cocks head to the side
Aria takes a deep breath and enjoys the smell of fresh earth. "i do think that this is better. i just lonely so easily. i had many good friends, and was able to change lives for the better too. it may sound goody goody but it was something i enjoyed so much"
"Dont worry i follow you to the ends of the earth if finding a civilization is that important to you." finishes his soup
TheCreativeUsername said:
"Didn't mean to sound whiny, it's just we've been on our feet since like 6 AM, so we're kind of tired, that's all." Tamika looked at the ground with a guilty expression
Sara smiled. Tamika never apologised for being an absolute brat to anyone, not even their mum.
Jason smiled. "Hey, no need to apologize, we all complain at one point or another. Well, here we are!" he said as they eared the hotel that he lived in and his father used to own.

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