~Alone~ (RP)

her blank expression fades and she glares at the two of you. "Toa leave him alone. you need to get along." she snaps. "its late. im going to sleep and i suggest you do to." she lays down in a soft area of grass and Moondance curls up next her. a few more tears escape as she falls asleep.

(i need to sleep too so im going to assume Mark is asleep as well, i dont want to have to control wingals chara.)
Sits up and waits for them both to fall asleep and gets up starting to walk back to his house "going to snap at me have fun with him"
"Well, I've gotta say, that was quick..." Sara nodded approvingly. "What do YOU think Tamika..?" she asked cheekily.

"That... Is.... AWESOME!" she squealed. "Sorry, we've basically been living in... trees."
Once he finally reaches home he swims into the shark infested waters,walks up the ladder and falls asleep in his bed
(((i will make an actual post later, but regarding Arias behavior, she is emotionally distraught at the moment and to clarify she snapped at both Mark and Toa. because she is very dense, they are on equal ground even tho she just met mark, and toa has been traveling with her for while. and another thing, her responses are completely based on her personality and past expeiriences. sorry for making things so complicated for the two of you but i also want to thank you because, as i may have said before, Aria is a character from a story i am currently writing and this is the first time dealing with this side of her. thanks to you two ive gotten to develope Arias character deeper, and possibly write a follow up story when im done with the current one

Again, thank you so much you two! and sorrry if Aria is hard to deal with! :) )))
TheCreativeUsername said:
"Well, I've gotta say, that was quick..." Sara nodded approvingly. "What do YOU think Tamika..?" she asked cheekily.
"That... Is.... AWESOME!" she squealed. "Sorry, we've basically been living in... trees."
Jas smiled. "Well, you don't have to live in the trees any longer. C'mon, you guys can come pick your rooms out." he said, heading toward the entrance.
He wakes up thinking "hmm i wonder if anything has set off my chloroform bombs at that hotel. I guess i could go check" gets out of his bed and jumps into the waters and swims to land walking toward the hotel
Aria woke up, it felt like she had been hit by a train. she'd had a terrible night mare, she was sore all over and her face felt hot and swollen. she reasoned that she had been crying in her sleep and also wished to apologize to Toa and Mark.
Mark woke up with scrapes licking his face mewing constantly. "Whats wrong" he asked before noticing the tears on his face. He then remembered hos dream about his parents and siblings. "It's okay i'm fine now" he said patting scrapes head standing up. Where's Toa" he asked himself looking around.
Mark looked around from his spot and became a little disappointed not see Aria either. "Hello guys" he called out hopefully hoping they didn't decide to leave him.
Aria heard Marks voice and stood up from uncomfortable patch of grass. "Mark? is that you?" she looked around.
"Aria is that you" He called back rolling up his blanket and putting it in his bag walking towards the sound of her voice putting the cat in his jacket again.
Aria noticed Mark walk out from behind the large tree she had slept near. "no wonder i couldnt see you. you were on the other side of the tree." she smiled weakly
"Really" he asked looking at her and where he was sleeping. "Huh That's odd" he said before getting back to the pint. "So is Toa with you" he asked.
"no. so i take hes not with you. doesnt surprise me. he didnt seem to want to be away from his house. besides, who would want to stay with soomeone as emotionally wrecked as me."
"thanks." She smiled a little bigger. "im sorry about yesterdays breakdown. i guess after spending time with actual people, it finally hit me what had happened. it broke through, so to speak."
"have you seen any other people? i intended to look for other people but you are the only one i found, aside from Toa." she llooked at her feet sadly.
"Well actually There was two people" he began. "But one of them had twin swords and the other had a limp and I really didn't want to try and follow them" he said.
"ok. perhaps we should get moving. we should try to find decent shelter today." Aria said unsure of what the best move was.
Oh okay then" He said just as confused as her keeping up with her footsteps. "Do you think we could try one of these buildings" he asked.
Toa was walking threw the forest again trying to find the hotel from earlier when he heard someone talking and climbed up into one of the trees and put his shark tooth knuckes on
"why didnt i think of that.?" Aria felt a little silly now. but somehow it cheered her up. "there is a convenience store nearby with lots of good stuff we could use." she suggested.

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