~Alone~ (RP)

"That sounds like a plan to me" he said walking up next to her. "So umm did you live in this neighborhood" he asked curious.
"no, actually. i lived in a small town about an hour away" Aria answered. "i got stranded here during the disaster." they turned the corner and came upon the convenience shop.
"Ahhh well I lived-"he began before sighing. "I cant actually remember where my house used to be" he said depressed walking to the store
Watches as they walk into a convenience store and decides to let them live until he proves other wise. As he is watching from the tree he is bitten by something and swats at it but he is overcome by a sudden anger.He jumps out of the tree landing with a thump
"theres not much here, but we can stock up on stuff and stay the night before going anywhere else. it seems last night was your first good meal in awhile so you should regain your strength before we go anywhere." Aria said, getting a chill down her spine. she had heard a noise from outside so she decided to board up the entrance to the convenience store.
Mark notices her boarding up the entrance but tries not to get worked up about it. "What kind of food and supplies did they have" he asked quietly.
Aria finishes what she is doing and motions Mark to follow her into the back room. "theres a bunch of food, but im not sure its good. and theres also camping gear.
Before he rushes the door he puts on his shark toothed arm guards and shin guards. Slightly growling and circling the store just as a shark would do.
"Well I can eat the food first so we know its okay" he offered.

Mark got nervous hearing something outside "Must be wolves" he thought in his head keeping his smile on his face as he slip his hand in his bag grabbing on to the hilt of a small knife but still sharp enough to cut.
Aria hears noises again, and trembles a bit. "maybe we should get out of here." she motions to a door in the back and heads towards it.
Sniffs the air and tells shaka to wait by the back door growls again and waits by the front door. He punched the door breaking the grass and kicking at the wood. As some of the wood starts to snap.
"Yeah okay" he said getting up and following but looked back at the foods and camping gear. "But we need this you go on ahead I'll meet you further in the woods" he said handing her scrapes. "She'll be able to find me" he said packing food and supplies. Mark jumped back in surprise seeing the door and glass being taken down. He looked around before seeing a butcher sized knife and kept it behind his back shaking from fear and anticipation.
As he finally breaks down the rest of the door and walks in "Oh its you i havent smelled your blood yet" growls. Shaka is on the roof waiting for someone to come out.
she stands at the back door, still trembling. "T-Toa? dont scare me like that. where did you go?" she settles a bit but is still afraid as she holds the two trembling cats.
"Pulls the knife out to block but it meets with the shin guard causing him to be slammed against the debris and wall. "Come on that hurts" he complained groaning as eh stood up.
Aria remains where she is, unable to move. "w-why blood? im sorry about snapping yesterday, why are you doing this?" her voice was angry but she was too afriad to do anything.
Mark looked at him fearfully but remembered Aria was watching and tried calming down with a small effect but pulled the knife in his hand to a boxing position hopefully to defend his face.
Mimicks his position and throws both his fist downward and does a low kick to knock him of balance. He looks over at Aria "you want to yell at me"
Mark dodged both of the punches but got hit with the low kick not being able to catch himself as he landed hard on his back. "Ow ow ow" he groaned standing up with more effort getting back into a fighting position throwing a jab to the face with one hand and aiming the other one with the knife at his shoulder hoping to cut him at least.
Aria starts tearing up again, "why must you fight? the disaster is over, the fighting and bombs and guns, its all gone! shouldnt we be starting over. i dont want to see anyone hurt anymore." she covers her ears. too many loud noises! i cant think straight anymore. chase i failed. i changed you but i cant change the world. im not strong enough.

((in case you didnt read my chara discription, loud noises are her weakness. poor Aria. ); ))
Takes the hit to the face and allows a small cut and laughs "Okay my turn" head butts and follows up with repetative pistol punches with his shark knuckles then a side kick with his sharks toothed shin guards

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