~Alone~ (RP)

Mark saw what was going on and began trying to pick himself up. When he onto his arms and legs he paused as he coughed up a small amount of blood before heading towards the back door.
Aria leapt down nimbly,dodging debris as it fell from the ceiling, she exchanged a few glances with Moondance and the tiny black cat headed towards Mark, Scrapes following close behind. those three could make it. i dont want it to end. Toa and Mark were my first friends after the disaster but it seems i cant save both of them. good luck Mark, take care of Moondance. i suppose i will be meeting you soon Chase.

He shakes his head comeing back for a moment "Aria" and throws her threw a wall to get her out . He waits for her to look at him with his feet stuck in the wood and mouths out "remember to have fun". He cocked his head and smiled like he use to with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. He falls over just before the building toppled over.
Aria looked on in aw. "Toa.......saved me?" she teared up, there was dust everywhere, she didnt know where Mark was, she had just watched another friend die. she couldnt move, she was trembling as her whole body went cold. am i just here to watch people suffer and die?

(so you just up and die when it was getting fun? awsome fight by the way, another side of Aria popped up here. she is deffinatly a fighter, but not a killer. if you would have survived she could have tryed to at least bandage you up? and you left her no explanation to the attack! it was fun though.)
Shaka slithers threw all of the wood slowly dragging him out from under. He then brought a dead bug and dropped it by his bite and curls up on his chest. He still had a smile on his face" the snake brought out a letter from his pocket

(I know i have the entire story planned out but I have to adapt it several times)
((makes sense))

Aria was instantly snapped out of it when she saw shaka drag him out. she crawled over weakly, hoping shaka wouldnt be too defensive. "im sorry shaka, i didnt want this to happen."she glanced at the bug and looked at the letter and began to read
In the letter it says "To you who have found this I am probably dead. I still have so many things to do I guess its to bad. I never had a kiss from a girl. On to my real business while I was alive I believed in having fun and since I am no longer able I am giving you my home at these cordinance ____. Also if you would be so kind to deliver my snake ,Shaka, to an old friend of mine Brady you would have my thanks. I would worn you though he loves games watch for his kicks there probably stronger than my entire body in its prime. If you are not up to the task I would ask you to pass it to someone else. With great thanks live long have fun.
Aria let a few tears fall.she hoped he had found a place to have fun, because in all honesty, until the fight she had never known she could be so strong. she smeared the tears away. "no more!" she shouted. "no more tears, no more weakness, no more needless violence. i swear on my own life this is the last time i will let someone die!" she stopped for a moment, rereading the first few lines, then looked around awkwardly. you wouldnt mind, right Chase? its kind of like a dying wish even though hes dead. she let out a gentle chuckle, then leaned over and kissed him. thanks for showing me how strong i can be. she got up, and started to dig a hole, she figured it was only right to bury him.
as she finished the hole, she did her best to be gentle as she dragged him over and slowly slid him in. she dug through the debrisand found a mangles roll of paper towels. she pulled a few off, dabbing the blood away from his mouth and covered parts of his stomach with what was left on the roll. you deserve a better funeral then this, but im not a mortician. she reached in her bagand grabbed a silver charm she had found in the store before Toas break in. it was a tiny, stainless steel shark.she put it in his hands and set his hand on his stomach. she buried him and lined the fresh dirt with stones. she had wanted to see his reaction to the gift, but it was too late. she looked over at shaka, "come here," she said gently.

((so only your characters appear to be tough, sarcastic and somewhat rude?they certainly make a fun story.))
Shaka slithers over to her and up on her shoulders and looks as if he is smiling and licks her cheek

(I am sarcastic and physically I am tough but not mentally)
((makes sense.im just a wimp. true story. but my characters tend to be quick on their feet.by the way i assume you will be playing brady when i find him?))

Aria smiles. "good snake. now i know Toa liked to tease, but can you behave until we find Brady? i cant just leave Mark by himself." she gave Shaka a gentle pat on the head.
(Yes I will)

Shaka nods his head and slithers down back on the ground and lays on his grave and digs with his nose alittle and looks up at you
"im sorry Shaka. i tried, i really did." Aria said sadly, thinking back to the bug that had been laying near his arm. ive never seen it before. she followed Moondance around the corner. she saw Mark and ran over to him. she was releived to find him unconsious but alive. she sat down next to him and leafed through a bug book she had picked up in the store before the attack. she thought it would come in handy seeing as she almost died of poisoning. she found a bug identical to the one Shaka had dropped near Toa earlier and read about it.
Shaka slithers to her and looks at the bug book. He then rubs his head under her chin and tries to get the letter
"Mark coughed again slowly gaining his consciousness back. He moved his eye to the side thinking he saw or heard someone there. "Aria" he sputtered out hopefully coughing up a bit more blood. "Where's Toa" he asked worried beginning to attempt standing.
Shaka uses his nose to flip the letter over and licks parts of the paper. Words start to appear saying. "To you who had bonded with Shaka enough to show you this shaka and i are one and the same. If one dies the other lives on this was a result of a science project I took part in where a link was made between the animals and humans." Toward the bottom of the paper were more words that looked skribbled like he was hurried. "Hello Aria if your reading this I'm gone but I wanted to let you know why I actually saved you. Your brother and I use to be friends he knew something was comeing and asked me to protect you if he didn't make it. I'm just sorry i couldn't protect you longer because I love you. Part of me wishes you would have wanted to stay home but that wouldn't be much fun would it. Well Your getting all excited to get out of my tree house so I guess ill finish here
She read the letter and tried to hold back tears. how cruel, to expeirement on someone.she reread the word "Love" a few times sorry Toa, it seems i was to wrapped up in my memories of Chase i dodnt see how much you cared. .As Mark spoke, Aria felt needles in her heart. "he is kinda here." she glanced at shaka, she let a few tears fall, but quickly wiped them away. "dont try to move" she put her hand on his shoulder to keep him from getting up. "where does it hurt? i can try to patch you up a bit."
He sighed to himself hearing what happened to Toa. "My arms and my stomach" he said lifting his shirt up a bit to show multiple cuts and bruising. He looked out into the store they were just in. "Sorry I couldn't protect you" he said honestly a little depressingly.
((you could have chosen to grab me and jump out of the building instead of shoving me? youve built an interesting story though, its dramatic! im kinda sad too. but you made things weird for Mark. how will things turn out when we find Brady? *dramatic music*))

Aria folds up the note and turns to mark, "this may hurt a bit but let me check for internal bleeding." Aria said gently pressing on various parts of his stomach. why do things always turn out like this? why must so many people die? she thinks as she is examining Mark.
Mark winced several times as she pressed against his stomach. "Is it that bad" he mumbled out glancing back to Aria once more. "Is it okay to ask what happend in there" he asked wincing again.
(I was being sarcastic but if I jumped out with you its not as dramatic)

Shaka looks into Aria's eyes cocks his head to the side and makes it look like he's smiling.
"when the ceiling collapsed Toa finally returned to himself and pushed me out of the building. he saved my life but the building collapsed on top of him." Aria said finishing her exam on his stomach. she looked at shaka with a smile and pet him before turning back to Mark. "your insides seem a bit tender, but nothing lethal. now say ahhh so i can check your mouth. this might hurt a bit also."

((sarcasm doesnt work well on the internet you derp.))

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