~Alone~ (RP)

( xD trust me she's right Iv'e got in trouble sometimes until I learned that much =_=)

He sighed looking back at the collapsed store. "I wished you would have killed him though" he said out loud by accident gulping once before opening his mouth wide.
(Yeah whatever I'm snake right now that's it. Another thing I would recomend healing completely before meeting Brady)

Shaka slithers over to mark and bites him injecting him with pain killer(but you don't know that yet)
Aria put both hands on his cheeks, carefully feeling his jaw from the outside while looking for wounds inside. "looks like the bits of blood you coughed up came from inside, but you are also missing a molar in the way back. did you hit your head? or did Toa sock you one in the jaw? and why did you want me to kill him?" she said slightly angered.
Mark winced harshly before tensing up seeing Shaka bit into his shoulder. "His trying to kill me isn't he" Mark said a bit scared immediately putting his hand to the snake as he began trying to pry his mouth out. "As he was listening to Aria he sighed before turning back some of her attention to her as he noticed his body feel a little better. "Because now I have to know that the one person who could save you was the one that tried to kill you" he said. "I' m nothing but dead weight" he said sadly removing his hand off the snakes head.
Shaka let's loose and slithers over onto Arias shoulder looking over mimicking marks previous behavior and looks like he's laughing
. "i think shaka was trying to help. may i tell Mark about part of the letter so he understands you gave him medicine?" she petted shaka. "youre not dead weight Mark" she looked serious
"Then what am I other than a Punching bag for stronger guys looking to get us" he asked just as serious.
"youre my friend. youre a reason i shouldnt give up, and a reason for me to fight if nessecary. youre the only one i have right now. ive already lost two people and i wont lose anymore." Aria looked at him with a serious but gentle expression. "as for Shaka, he was part of a lab expeirement, so i expect his venom has medcinal properties."
Mark felt a little bit better hearing her say all of that before he glanced at Shaka. "Your an odd snake" he told him a bit jokingly.
"One question though" he asked looking at Both Aria and Shaka. "Did he leave any one of his shark skin gear" he asked.
"shaka, didnt i tell you to behave? and unless that is sarcasm, then no. i buried all his gear with him." Aria answered.
Mark looked at the snake still terrified of it as usual. "I was just asking is all" he said a bit shakily. "But that's good he deserves to be buried with at least that, I mean the fact that he put so much effort in it" he finished.
"its ok Shaka, Mark is a good guy." she pets the snake. "are you well enough to walk? i have to find some Bradly guy, Toa wanted Shaka to stay with him." Aria stands up and holds out her hand/
Mark sighed grabbing her hand as he made his way onto his feat stumbling a bit. "I think I can walk for a little while" he said before standing up straight.
"alright. i know you and Toa didnt get along too well, but would you like to visit him one more time? its the respectful thing to do." Aria asked letting Moondance hitch a ride in her shoulder bag and Shaka on her shoulders.
Mark sighed picking up scrapes as she wanted to be picked up. "I would but I don't know what to say in the least" he admitted putting scrapes in his shirt after tucking it inside his pants.
"just leave something. like that flower." Aria spots a few flowers growing nearby.

((thats ok, shaka is with us, we wont find Brady till you get back plus ill be off in a bit.))
(Ahhhh how many hours from now will you guys be back on?)

He sighed before reaching over to grab the flower trying to get the roots and everything. As soon as he did h took the flower as he put the flower on the front end of his grave putting soil around the bottom. He stood up a little staring at the grave before quickly turning away back to Aria.

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