~Alone~ (RP)

((about 10 hrs maybe, which is noon central time))

"this was......not how i imagined it would be when i found people." she said as she walked slowly, hoping Mark would be ok.
as they walked, Aria frowned. "why do you think someone like me is able to change a life, get a second chance but then ends up watching people suffer?" she asked. "i just wanted to help people, to make them smile."
"And really there is nothing wrong about that" he said sighing. "Actually" he began taking a quick pause ni his pace. "Its a lot more then I could do "he finished continuing.
"dont be so hard on yourself. if it werent for you i probably would have given up back there." Aria smiled. "Chase was there too. but i think you reminded me of why he saved me in the first place. its probably this reason i broke free andgot into fighting mode, i almost gave up."
"Well it's really nice to know you still have that winning faith in you" he said smiling again. "Well do you want to try finding some shelter again" he asked looking up at the sky as dark clouds began coming in slowly.
"Well all we need is a sturdy one" he said looking around just as much.

(Alright im going to sleep ill be back as soon as I can wake up)
Currently Brady is walking around a plot of land to protect his territory. Along his little a path are several dead bodies of those who have tried to trespass Before
Aria led Mark into an old furniture store "sleeping here will be nice" she commented flopping on a dusty old mattress. she was exhausted from the fight, and would need all the energy she had if she was to avoid getting clobbered by Brady. at least from what the letter said. she knew she couldnt fight someone like that, but her dodging and nimble movemoent would keep her from get socked a good one. she nodded off for awhile.
As Brady was making his rounds he came upon a dieing tree. He stopped and began to meditate while standing after about a minute of meditating he round house kicked the tree connecting solidly as it snapped and fell to the ground.
Mark was half asleep mostly thinking about the fight, "I don't care who this Brady is i;m not going down as easily" he said determined.
"lets try not to fight. youre definatly not in the best shape right now." Aria looked at his torn clothes battered body.
He sighed to himself before smiling again. "Your probably right" he said relaxing again. "Your just like my mom" he said with a grin.
"oh i am?" she raised an eyebrow "does my little man need a bedtime story? oh, but i know just what you need. mommy is coming" she said with a sneaky look in her eye. she walked over to him, stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the forhead. "mommys litte boy"
Mark looked surprised blushing a little bit. "Yeah just like her" he remarked back with a lame grin.
Aria blushed slightly. "you hungry? i can go find us something to eat. im starved after that fight" she smiled
"sure" Aria smiled, with a slight flinch. she noticed she had a few cuts and bruises too. she didnt say anything because she knew Mark was worse off. "anything sound good? i know this area pretty well"
"Anything edible and preferably meat" he said checking her ever since he saw a slight wince.
"how about venison?" she whispered, spotting a deer. she grabbed an arrow and her bow from her back. she drew her bow, more painfully then she thought, and let an arrow fly. it struck the deer in the stomach. the deer struggled awhile before falling to the ground. dangit. shaky hands. that should have bee an instant kill, a hit to the neck.
"Well it's a shame it didn't die instantly but at least we cane at tonight" he said grinning as he went over checking the dead deer.
"i can carry it. you still look sore from earlier." Aria offered. "and i hope you know how to cook deer, my knowledge of it isnt the greatest."
"If you can skin it I can cook it" he said backing up a little but against his own intentions.

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