~Alone~ (RP)

"no problem. my uncle taught me how to skin deer before." she picked up the animal with ease and motioned for Mark to follow her back to their shelter.
Mark looked at her from behind moon dance still hitching a ride on her shoulder. "I feel like your sidekick" he announced from behind.
"you wanna carry the deer?" Aria asked sarcasticly. "or are you just worried the sidekick doesnt get the girl?" she had a smug look on her face.
Sienna walked down the half destroyed sidewalk with Zahra following closely behind. The large Jaguar scanned it's surrounding cautiously, ready to strike at anything that came into view.

"Zahra. Relax.. No one's around." Sienna murmured quietly, scratching his head.

Her Bow and Arrows were rested gently in her other hand, armed and ready. She glanced around as well, walking in a slow and cautious manner.
As he walks around he feels a slight feeling of hunger and sits down and starts a mantra.This he was hopeing would rid him of hunger and allow him to rest for a moment.
"well, you better try harder then." she teased, "otherwise the girl might get away." she tossed the deer on the ground in front of their shelter and started to skin it. "want to learn how to skin a deer?"
Sienna sighed, leaping over a huge crack in the middle of the street and continuing to walk forward. She let her guard down, which was obviously a mistake. The bushes rustled behind her, and almost immediately, there was a gun pointed to her head. She froze and her eyes widened.

"Give me all your supplies!" He spat at Sienna, pressing the gun to her head harder, prepared to pull the trigger.

Zahra roared in anger and immediately attacked the dangerous man, tackling him to the ground and biting his face viciously. He panicked, not seeing the large cat and shot the hand gun a few times, making Sienna jump. The shot rang out in the deserted town, probably alerting anybody that was nearby.

"Zahra! Stop!" She exclaimed, pushing the large animal off of him and aiming her Bow and Arrow at the man. But he was already dead, with his neck twisted in an odd direction.

She sighed in relief and lowered her weapon, glancing at Zahra who had blood covering his muzzle.

"Hopefully nobody else heard that.." She murmured, looking around quickly.
(geez girl)While sitting in the tall grass repeating his mantra he heard gun fire ringing out from the forest. This was his territory and nobody would be there but him they had only made it worse by ruining his manta. He stood and began to walk in the direction of the gun fire. Once he got close he saw a woman,a large cat, and a corpse. He walked out from the trees and stated “You are tresspassing on my land im going to have to ask you to leave immidiatly.”
"I'm guessing I don't have a choice" he said sitting down ready to observe how she skinned the dear when he heard a few gunshots in the background and looked behind him. They were not that far away maybe just a mile" he thought to himself tempted to stand but sighed staying sitting since he was in no condition to stop anything that might be going on. "How much do you want to bet it's that guy were looking for" he asked.
Sienna looked up and turned her bright blue gaze towards him. Zahra leaped out in front of her and snarled loudly at him, prepared to strike.

"Zahra. No." She spat sternly, watching the large Jaguar slowly retreat back to her, but he kept his eyes on him.

"Sorry," Sienna said, flicking her gaze back to his.

"I didn't know this was someone's territory." She finished, than glanced down at the dead body.

"Want us to move that for you?" She asked, motioning for the large cat to drag his body away.
"No the only thing i want you to do is go away"

He put his hands in his pocket and walked over to the dead body. He put one foot under it and kicked it into the nearest tree. Then he slid of his jacket "If not you will join him." looks over to the cat "and that thing will be going first" stares at her deep into her eyes the proceeded to lift up one knee up to his chest.
Sienna gave him one final look before whipping around and walking off slowly. Zahra let out a low growl at him before quickly trotting off after her.

'How rude...' She thought stubbornly, gripping her Bow and arrow at her side in irritation.

'Could he at least have a little sympathy? I mean, I just had a gun pointed to my head.' She growled in her head, getting in angered look on her face as she dispersed into the abandoned town and quickly disappeared.
He watches her walk off into the distance realizing shes traveling towards the thieves territory. "I wonder if i should tell her or not." he sits on the ground and holds a golden scorpion necklace in the palm of his hand and meditates asking the scorpion what to do. After a minute he stood up and started to walk the direction she was going. His heavy steps alerting everything in the area of his presence and watches as animals run off.
Sienna heard footsteps behind her and quickly turned around, her gaze irritated and angered as she saw the same person from before following.

"I thought you said you wanted me to leave your territory?" She said, almost in a snappy tone. Zahra's spotted pelt bristled angrily as a low growl formed in his throat. She gripped her Bow and arrow cautiously, not knowing what he was trying to do or say.
"Yes and you did a wonderful job just don't walk this way" continues walking toward her until hes right in front of her.

"However if you choose to continue this way i am going to accompany you for about five miles" looks down at her

"Crap i forgot my jacket" looks down at his scorpion necklace laying against his chest

"ah well ill live"
"you may be right, but neither of us are at full strength." she pointed out. "and its easier to learn by doing, give me your hand." Aria placed her knife in his hand, put her hand over his and guided it along, carefully skining the animal.
Sienna raised her eyebrows, being slightly suspicious towards his idea.

"Why would you need to accompany me?" She asked curiously, squinting her eyes in the direction she was walking and than glancing back to him. Zahra's fur bristled still, ready to attack at its own will.
Looks over at the cat and laughs "Poor baby so foolish. If you dont want me to follow you i wont ill walk to the side" looks over toward the bushes as there is a russelling.

Walks toward the bushes and looks down at a with a gun pointed at the girl.

He leans over and whispers in his ear "Whatcha doing" the man stands up knocking his head in Bradys face.

"That hurt" the man scrambled for his gun but before he could even reach it Brady had side kicked his head into the nearest tree with a sickening crack and his body crumbled to the ground.

"But anyways as i was saying...what was i saying"
Sienna froze again as soon as another gun was pointed to her head again. She watched Brady fight and eventually kill the man who was threatening them. She turned back to him and had a smirk on her face.

"You were saying something about accompanying me for 5 miles. If you want you can. But Zahra isn't going to like it much." She said, giving the large cat a look before glancing back to him.
"Oh no is the kitty going to kill me" he shows off his neck to taunt it

"Well im so glad you said i could because i value your opinion so much because we just met" as he looks at the sky and mutters something "Even if you did say no i would have followed you."
He blushed feeling himself shudder lightly as he skinned the deer alongside with her. "You know this is an odd thing to know" he remarked grinning.
Aria sighed. "i know. i had a weird family. but at least we can eat right? your free to think what you want about me, but id rather this then eat grass." she frowned and let go of his hand. its true. im skinning a deer, back there i fought like a pro. im not as girly as i used to be.

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