~Alone~ (RP)

"too lazy" Aria laughs. "c'mon hurry im starving over here" she pretends shes pounding on an invisible dinner table.
"Fine, Fine here" he said getting two pieces putting them on a flat side of a pan and handing it to her." It should be warm" he said.
Aria starts to eat "wow, this has to be the best thing ive eaten in months! well done!" she smiles and continues to eat.
Aria takes another bite, "you know, its surprising how comfortable around you considering a few days ago i was still counting how long i had been alone by months." she smiled gently.
"Well yeah it's the same thing for me until I found scrapes" he said smiling as she appeared as if on cue and Mark tore of a piece giving it to her as she began taking bites from it her tail swishing back and forth at the new taste.
Moondance showed up with a plump mouse. "it looks like she prefers her own kill" Aria chuckled as she finished eating. "i cant believe how much time i spent alone." she felt a bit sad, no matter what she did she still missed Chase, although it had been awhile since she thought about it.
"Well at least your not alone anymore right" he asked smiling giving her another piece as he took a bite himself.
"right." she smiled. "its weird, when i think about Chase, i still miss him but it doesnt hurt the way it used to." she looked at the ground as she nibbled at her steak.
"Well that's good now sheer up after we eat we can rest and deliver the devil snake to Brady" he said drinking some water.
"right" Aria replies. thanks for sticking with me Mark. you might have started to fill the hole inside me. she thinks, putting her hand on her heart.
"n-no. im fine" she blushes slightly, feeling a bit conflicted for a moment. she shook it away. this was what Chase had wanted right. "thanks for putting up with me. especially when i was an emotional train wreck the other day." she said smiling again
"There's nothing wrong with you at all" he says then looking up thinking. "At least what I could see" he added shrugging.
"thanks that means a lot" she smiled even brighter. she ate until she was full, and felt a bit sleepy. "i feel like going into a food coma. just like after having a large thanks giving dinner. ahh good times. now i REALLY want mashed potatos."

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