~Alone~ (RP)

((not everybody is that active. im going to start getting off earlier and spending less time on the site as well cuz i need to fat butt off the couch and exercise before summer is over. besides, im starting college in a month. :\))

Aria finally woke up to Moondance kneading her paws into Arias stomach. "that tickles" she giggled, stroking the small feline.
Scrapes mewed happily catching something in her dreams but rolled off Mark and looked around a little confused.
(beleive it. im 5 foot 7, 200 pounds and i wear XXL shirts. :\ ))

Aria got up and streched. she let out a quiet yawn before examining her scratches. she felt much better then the day before but was worried about Mark. shakas venom probably wore off so he might be sore again.
(Dont worry Im an unnatural size for a boy my age =_= im trying to lose before I become a freshman T^T)
((yea, but people dont usually notice if a guy is husky. and all my fat is in my stomach, its not spread through my arms or thighs so i have this belly problem. but apparently i have nice legs. -_- ' sorry Anon, no muscle here. very funny Wing))

"morning Shaka." she patted him on the head.
(Really sorry not trying to make you feel bad I'm sure you can lose it All before college if you try ^^.)
Shaka smiles at her and rubs his head under her chin

(Well I'm 6'2" and 140 not sure if that makes anything better)
Mark woke up eventually as he noticed scrapes pawing his face. He sighed seeing the sun up as he tried sitting up but felt a sharp pain as he caught himself fomr laying down by leaning on his arm."Ow" he said a bit surprised.
Aria walked over as Mark woke. "dont move too much. let me check your stomach again." she knelt next to his mattress.
she blushed a little. "dont make this awkward." she pressed gently in a few places on his stomach checking for bleeding and swelling.
"Okay I wont but you always look a little funny when you blush "he grinned wincing but not as much as before.
"whats so funny about me blushing?" she finished up at looked at him. "now open wide, i also need to check that hole where your tooth used to be." she smirked.
she put her hands gently on his face. "well, aside from some swelling in the stomach, your just fine tough guy." she let her hands fall to her sides, and looked away, a light blush painted her face. "can i tell you something weird? about the dream i had last night."
"shhhh. settle down Shaka." she pet the snake. "well, to tell the truth, last New Years, i almost dissapeared for various reasons. my dream was about the day i was reunited with Chase, a few weeks after New Years. what was different, was that Chase wasnt the only one there. you and Toa were there too. i gave you all a hug just like i did for Chase that day," she paused, turning red, "that day was the first time Chase and i kissed. in the dream Toa kissed me on the forehead, and when i went to kiss Chase, i looked up and....." her blush deepened. "it was you who was holding me." she shifted awkwardly in her spot. "sorry that was really weird." she started to ramble.
:Mark blushed a little bit coughing into his hand.

"Well I guess that means something right" he asked smiling.
(We all aware shaka is an andaconda)

Shaka started to calm down but at the mention of Marks name he raised up his head and his eyes went to thin slits and snapped hissing
she smiled a little. "maybe." she tried to shush Shaka again, gently running her hand down his scaly body. she thought back to the dream.Chase had stood there with that gentle smile she loved so much, with a nod of approval. was this really ok? the warm sensation that had stuck with her through the fight started to fade and she heard a whisper in her ear. "let me go so i may rest." the warm sensation intesified on her lips and disapeared in a mist that floated over Marks shoulder. Aria let a single tear fall. "Hes gone" she frowned, putting her hand over her mouth.

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