~Alone~ (RP)

As Aria touches his body he turns around and hissed at her. He stared at her as his body swayed side to side snapping at her.
His fangs ate shown instead of his fangs being a blue they are red slightly dripping. He snaps again at her his pupils going thinner.
"im sorry Shaka." she got up and stepped back. "i cant dwell on the past anymore. i miss Toa, he was important to me too." she starts to tear up again. "but if i keep looking back and dont move forward, im afraid i might break again. Toa taught me to be strong and showed me how to have fun. if i allow myself to hurt like i have then taht all goes to waste"
she backs up again. she was starting to panick, Mark was still hurt and Chase was gone, Toa buried. The warmth that pulled her through the battle was gone. she stood her ground, but mad no attempt to fight. there was no way she could hurt the snake her friend had been so close to.
He turned around and slithered out of the building trying to get away from the girl. He slithered around a corner and started up one of the tree
Aria collapsed to the ground. this was just too much. how was she supposed to deliver Shaka to Brady if he was being hostile? she sighed in defeat.
Mark watched the snake now getting angry and annoyed at the snake. "I'm gonna skin that thing into a belt" he said standing up in a little bit of pain.
"no, Mark, we have to get Shaka to Brady. he will be happier that way." She said sternly. she walked over to him, "you need help? if it hurts we can wait awhile."
"I'm fine" he said stretching a bit wincing still. "Just sore" he said before looking outside. "But if that stupid snake would bite me one more time we could deliver it today and we can both go on with our lives" he shouted.
"Well if he wants to go somewhere happy he has too bite me with that medical venom" he said again outside.
He stayed in the tree looking down at mark while his fangs were still dripping red instead of the normal blue and hissed from up in the tree.
"his fangs turned red before he fled the building. how can you be sure its not poison?" Aria said, cautioning him. "i dont want to bury you too."
Mark just sighed leaning against the wall of the building."Fine lets get packed up and leave the snake hear since it wants to be difficult" he said shrugging.
Shaka hissed at Mark and started coming down the tree periodically snapping raising his head heigher and heigher
"please Shaka. you wanna see Brady?" she said in a slightly babyish voice, "do ya? b-r-a-d-y. " she hoped he understood
Mark jumped back seeing the snake coming closer. He gulped as he grabbed the butcher knife they used to cut the meat and thee dome shape of the pot lid as a shield.
He stopped his pursuit of Mark and looked over at Aria. He cocked his head to the side like dog and slithered closer to her as his fangs started turning blue again.
Aria breathed a sigh of relief. "you just need a friend right?" she held her hand out carefully. "settle down Mark"
He slithered to her hand and licked it and put on his normal smile. Shaka then slithered around her arm over her shoulders and down the other arm.
Mark let out another sigh. "Your a complicated snake" he said dropping the lid and the knife.

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