~Alone~ (RP)

Seeing what was about to happen he covered his face with his arms as he took every punch. He was a little scared feeling himself bleed from cuts on his arms and chest. He was about to drop his hands when he felt the kick and collapsed falling into some of the broken store shelves.
Aria felt a warm sensation and heard a voice, "you changed me, when nothing else would. dont give up." still trembling, Aria grabbed an arrow, and held it at her own neck, and grabbed a rusty kitchen knife off the floor in case she was attacked. she took a deep breath and yelled at the top of her lungs "STOP!!!!! BOTH OF YOU!!!!!" she gasped, "now, Toa, tell me exactly why you are doing this please. so help me, i will die before i watch anymore people hurt themselves." her expression was completely calm.
Smells the air filled with blood "Now thats what im talking about" kicks some of the stuff from the store out of his way and picks mark up with one arm by the front of his shirt. Looks over at Aria and cocks his head to the side "Your going to give up your blood freely. There is no fun in that" throws mark at her arm with the arrow
Mark didn't struggle since he couldn't find the strength to but glanced over at Aria concerned. "Don't do it Aria I'll be fine just leave through the front okay" he said smiling. "Please for me" he added as a drop of blood seeped down his forehead from the headbutt. Mark felt the wind knocked out of him as he fell close to Aria. Scrapes being concerned immediately came down licking Mark's forehead repeatedly.
as Marks body knocked the Arrow from her hands, she looked at him, "i cant do that! i cant watch anymore people get hurt, not when its my fault. im not supposed to even be here. i should be dead but i was givin a second chance so maybe i should just disapear." she drops the knife. she feels her strength drain and her heart rate slows a bit. thats right. i was given new life, now please, take away my pain.

((sorry for the interuption, another detail, Aria was given a second chance by God, allah or whatever the heck you choose to beleive in. again, sorry for the weirdness.))
"Aria" he said immediately seeing her look paler and weaker. "Don't you even think about it" he said standing up with effort keeping her standing. "Dont be selfish i'm sure it wouldn't be what that guy you loved so much would want you to do" he said reassuringly. "And think about moondance" he added.
Koa picks her up by her neck "Take away the pain" laughs and coughs some blood " Only threw pain will you relieve yourself of pain" laughs
(This is confusing since one of us ends up posting before the other =_=)

"Let her go" He glared at Koa grabbing the smaller knife from his pocket and driving it into his stomach.
now! As she is lifted up, she quickly takes her combat daggers out and sticks one right in his side, thrashes free of his grip and steps back. "if you choose to be this type of person i will show you no mercy." Aria heart rate quickened, and her feet felt light, she reached down for the rusty knife on the floor. "i will not allow you to hurt innocent people. and i may have forgot to tell you about my combat training." she scowled at him, and feeling the warm sensation again. dont worry. i wont lose. i never lose.
As soon as he stabs him he coughs blood again and takes the knife to the side and takes both of them out "There we go show me what you got" still holding her side kicks him with both legs "Shaka WRAP" shaka slithers in to the store and watches aria
Mark coughed up a little bit of blood having the wind knocked out of him but had the joy of seeing Aria fight back stabbing Toa immediately before he hit the ground.
((hey, read my previous post before strangling me. -.-' ))

Aria looked at him, "i really dont want to hurt anyone." she said gently, holding both blades defensivly.
Aria dodges and runs lightly to the other side of the room. to the side. "you may be strong, but you are large. your build is for strength. mine is for agility. in others words, your heavier then me, have fun keeping up." she spots some stairs crumbling from the bottom up and climbs nimbly up out of reach. "now i will say this one more time, please, and i repeat kindly, please tell me why you are doing this?"
Mark watched a little amazed at how skilled Aria was as she reached the top with ease. "He felt scrapes tongue again on his hair and smiled hearing the cat mew but remembered Shaka. "Scrapes follow her now" he demanded as the cat jumped back but got the message following aria at the top.
Aria, hated conflict, she didnt want anyone to get hurt. Moon dance mewed from her shoulder and motioned to a bite on Toas arm. "Toa, what bit you earlier? is that what is causing this aggression?" she was concerned. he had saved her from poison earlier, but was he the victim now? she let Scrapes climb up to her other shoulder.

((i think this is as far as we should go till Toa is back, we cant just slaughter him.))
Laughs at her and kicks the stairs breaking them apart “causing this aggresion who knows if ive always been like this” jumps up and punches two holes in the ceiling.He holds on to the wood, flips over and kicks a hole in the ceiling large enough to climb through.
Aria poised herself defensivly. "you dont have to do this" she softened her voice "what in the world happened to make you this way? you were so nice yestaerday." she thought back to when they found Mark, "do you have something against Mark? or even me?"
He copies her pose and throws two hammer punches " Did you know some sharks will copy exactly what the other shark is doing to win" waits for her to move " I wonder how long this floor will stay" stomps on the ground breaking a hole in and pulls his leg out then slowly circles around her.
"That's not my problem, I'm the light one remember?" She said quietly, carefully watching his movements. "Stop this. You're too predictable. If you really wanted to kill us you would have done it by now. Sharks frenzy, they don't play around. Besides, you're bleeding out, you can't last long with heavy blood loss." Concern flicked in her eyes as she glanced at the two wounds in his abdoman
Allysa slowly skips across the cracked pavement as she looks all around at her surroundings and she smiles slightly but her eyes show veiled sadness as a large cobra slithers after her. She looks behind her at the slithering form; "Do you think we'll find anyone here, Debbie?" She asks the serpent not expecting a reply but asks anyway.
“Fine then i guess ill go belly up but im not leaving without a bang” smashes several holes around him and jumps falling down to the first floor. He starts breaking down support beems that are holding the building up.

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