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Fantasy All Out War: An Apocalyptic Roleplay


Crystal Gem
The world, as we know it, has gone to shit. Only two days after a mass infection, the entire world has completely collapsed. No government, no nothing. Just looting, killing, and surviving. Your character, whoever he or she may be, must learn to adapt, and be able to do everything they need to do to survive. Not only from the dead that are rising, but the living themselves. 


It has been two years since the apocalypse has began, and a small group has made their way from Miami Florida, to Richmond Virginia. There, the survivors managed to settle up in a prison, where they managed to get tons of people to survive in, and its been all peachy for a while. Until now... Many herds have attacked lately, and the main leader (Jackson Brower) has started to be worried about other groups in the surrounding areas. What will happen? How will it play out?

Use this  sheet exactly as it follows. Post it down below for me to accept later on. Thanks!
(+ is optional)









Name: zen exodus




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Personality: more of a "go with the flow" type of person he's able to find fun in anything he does including killing zombies even though he looks like one himself 

+Hobbies: hiding from his strict military family, observing nature, and, as of now, killing zombies

+Likes: playing games, sweets, killing zombies, small animals, his hat, sparring

+Dislikes: strict people, mean people, arguments,

+Extra: being raised in a strict military family he underwent rigorous training resulting in multiple scars and permanent stitches all over his body. his weapon is a sharpened decretive scythe that used to hang in his room. is also part of the rabbits.

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Your going to LOVE Hank.

To put it into perspective, Hank is an unpredictable troll who's mindfuckery is going to be on par with the Joker's, and whenever he shows up he's going to be eating some sort of freshly cooked meat on a bun with excessive amounts of ketchup or honey mustard.

He also-wait, if I say that now it'll spoil things.


Name: Jackson Brower

Age: 22

Gender: M


Personality: Good leadership skills, very charismatic.



"Nothings coming... yet," She had a scope in a window and was looking for any funny buisness. When she had taken off her dead moms head, she had gotten much more series, no more funny buisness. Just kidding, Emma's only matured a bit. 
Jack stopped by his cell (decked out with electricity and a TV with a working DVD player) and got a bottle of wine. He then went to go visit Emma and said "Hey, you wanna celebrate the recent defeat of a horde?"
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Jacob Alvair

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: He wears a red tailcoat above a tattered wife beater.  His slicked black blonde hair is bloodstained and his face bears a torrent of scars.  To hide his disfigurement he wears a white rabbit mask, that ends right above his mouth.  He also wears a black pair of dress pants

Personality:  He's a bit insane, though he takes his sadism out on the dead for the most part.  He has large trust issues regarding anyone that isn't his second in command, Zee Milo

Zee Milo

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance:  His brown hair is matted down upon his head.  He wears a novelty t-shirt, and sports a rabbit mask, though he isn't hiding anything underneath.  He also wears a pair of sweatpants, discolored after the years of walking around in the apocalypse.  

Personality: Zee's a trusting and relatively caring individual.  He easily counters his bosses hateful nature, though he doesn't have the final say in most manners.  He's easily frightened, but is good at holding his ground for friends and fellow Rabbits.
Zee sat against the barren ground of the warehouse.  a good 15 rabbits surrounded him, though none of them were Jacob.  "Where is he?!"  Zee seemed rather worried for his comrade, even after the death of the previous second in command.  "How long does reconnaissance take!"  A rabbit a couple meters away from him shrugged.  He sighed, readying his baseball bat.  "I'm going after him."

James burst through the door, face speckled with blood, and a man tied up behind him.  "You wouldn't believe what I've been doing today!"  He was out of breath, the man behind him in tears.  He walked towards Zee, dragging the man with him.  "This man here," He motioned to to the man tied up behind him, "Ran three miles with his feet bound!"  He shook his head, a smile still struck across his face.  "His friend, however, was not as lucky...  He coats my knife actually."  Zee's eyes went wide.  

"Coats your knife?!" Zee yelled, a mix of fear and anger in his eyes.  "We need rabbits more than you need a laugh!"  Zee's fists were clenched tight.  He lowered his head, sighing.  He walked over to Jacob, turning to the man bound behind him.  "He'll grow on you, as a master or as a fellow rabbit."  The man gulped down a breath of air.  "You can join us, and I swear we won't kill any friends that might not be able to run three miles."

"With their legs bound" Jacob specified.  "And it's my job to recruit our prisoners, second in command."  He turned around, now too facing the bound man.  "In this instance, however, I think the deed's already done."

"Thank you s-"  He felt the blood from Jacob's last kill fall onto his shoulder, the cold steel of his knife touching to Zee's throat.  

"But never, ever, talk to your leader in that way again."  He let the knife fall back to his side, the blood dripping from it not Zee's quite yet.
I'm not a very photo-heavy person, so I hope this will suffice if you are still accepting. And hope you'll all cut me some slack on writing, very recently started getting back into this whole RP thing.

-Name: Raymond "Ray" Sinclair
-Age: 21
-Hair: Steely grey in color, a majority of it pulled back into a tail that reaches the middle of his back. Stray strands hang just in front of his ears, with few covering the front of his face.
-Eye Color: Possesses complete heterochromia, left eye is a shamrock green while right is an amber yellow
-Body Frame: Raymond stands at 5'11, and weighs just about 160 lbs. Frame is that of a leaner male, muscle tone is developed and chiseled, yet not overwhelmingly large or noticeable. With broad shoulders and a naturally straight back, its a surprise his movement is rather fluid. His arms are most often crossed in front of his chest, or down at his side, a pet peeve of his is hands inside of pockets and he hardly ever puts his own hands in their either. Skin is of a lighter complexion, giving his eyes a strong contrast.
-Clothing: Public choice of attire is usually the same, almost like it were a uniform to him. Black or dark blue jeans, its a wonder these don't hinder his movement in a fight. A black undershirt, only worn as it is seen as a fitting color contrast to the grey trench coat-like cloak he wears. The entire front is left unbuttoned, leaving the black shirt exposed. A silver chain hangs and connects the two ends of the collar for the coat, and another hangs from a right belt loop to a hidden object in his front right pocket.
-Weapon Choice: Preferring to use an age-old fighting style of twin double-edged swords. Both are about forearm length, with no guard. Starts with the hilt, where dull steel is layered by leather and then cloth, and into a smooth transition to the dual edged blades themselves. Both hang from his left hip, sheathes clipped to his belt.
-Personality: Raymond is rather sociable, getting along rather well with his fellow survivors. At first a bit timid towards strangers, exposing his true colors to comrades quickly after associating with them and achieving positive results. Unintentionally comes off as flirty, but he has no intention of a romance with any individuals. His attitude towards targets however, is the opposite. Being one who enjoys seeing those who deserve it suffer, he had developed a rather sadistic or tormenting tone towards those who he had intention to kill. If left unsupervised, torturing for information is his preferred method of removing targets, that is, if he isn't on a timer. If he is, a quick removal is also a tactic taken.
-Feeling superior, yet doesn't gloat or tell others how he feels
-Serious individuals
-Long, difficult assignments or tasks
-Loud noise
-Fears: Cats. An absolute fear of them. He has no particular reason to be, but he Raymond has been deathly afraid since the beginning of his existence.
I'm not a very photo-heavy person, so I hope this will suffice if you are still accepting. And hope you'll all cut me some slack on writing, very recently started getting back into this whole RP thing.

-Name: Raymond "Ray" Sinclair
-Age: 21
-Hair: Steely grey in color, a majority of it pulled back into a tail that reaches the middle of his back. Stray strands hang just in front of his ears, with few covering the front of his face.
-Eye Color: Possesses complete heterochromia, left eye is a shamrock green while right is an amber yellow
-Body Frame: Raymond stands at 5'11, and weighs just about 160 lbs. Frame is that of a leaner male, muscle tone is developed and chiseled, yet not overwhelmingly large or noticeable. With broad shoulders and a naturally straight back, its a surprise his movement is rather fluid. His arms are most often crossed in front of his chest, or down at his side, a pet peeve of his is hands inside of pockets and he hardly ever puts his own hands in their either. Skin is of a lighter complexion, giving his eyes a strong contrast.
-Clothing: Public choice of attire is usually the same, almost like it were a uniform to him. Black or dark blue jeans, its a wonder these don't hinder his movement in a fight. A black undershirt, only worn as it is seen as a fitting color contrast to the grey trench coat-like cloak he wears. The entire front is left unbuttoned, leaving the black shirt exposed. A silver chain hangs and connects the two ends of the collar for the coat, and another hangs from a right belt loop to a hidden object in his front right pocket.
-Weapon Choice: Preferring to use an age-old fighting style of twin double-edged swords. Both are about forearm length, with no guard. Starts with the hilt, where dull steel is layered by leather and then cloth, and into a smooth transition to the dual edged blades themselves. Both hang from his left hip, sheathes clipped to his belt.
-Personality: Raymond is rather sociable, getting along rather well with his fellow survivors. At first a bit timid towards strangers, exposing his true colors to comrades quickly after associating with them and achieving positive results. Unintentionally comes off as flirty, but he has no intention of a romance with any individuals. His attitude towards targets however, is the opposite. Being one who enjoys seeing those who deserve it suffer, he had developed a rather sadistic or tormenting tone towards those who he had intention to kill. If left unsupervised, torturing for information is his preferred method of removing targets, that is, if he isn't on a timer. If he is, a quick removal is also a tactic taken.
-Feeling superior, yet doesn't gloat or tell others how he feels
-Serious individuals
-Long, difficult assignments or tasks
-Loud noise
-Fears: Cats. An absolute fear of them. He has no particular reason to be, but he Raymond has been deathly afraid since the beginning of his existence.

Right in front of The Rabbit's warehouse, a masked man with a double cheeseburger with honey mustard in one of his hands was plugging a laptop up to a projector.

Across from the projector was a large black sheet spread between a pair of lampposts and tied at all four corners.

He ran up to the door of the warehouse, knocked three times, ran over to the laptop, pressed the spacebar, and climbed up a tree before anyone could see him.

The projector switched on, and an old timey countdown was projected onto the sheet.
(My computer decided to commit seppuku (¬_¬)ノ)

Zen was bored. So bored in fact that he was dragging his scythe behind him. Not like it mattered much seeing as it had chipped immensly over the years. Though he refused to get another weapon because he was so used to it. As he was walking he caught something interesting out of the corner of his eye. A man covered I. Blood running into a building and dragging someone behind him. He only saw it for a second but it piqued his interest. With a smile he flipped his scythe onto his shoulder and made his way over to the left open door but before he got there another person showed up ran to the door, knocked and ran again afterwards climbing into a tree. He decided to watch from afar. 

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Zee was still standing there, frozen in fear.  The tied up man was being taken to the back of the warehouse by a few miscellaneous rabbits.

 Jacob wheeled around as soon as he heard the knocking commence.  "Well what might we have awaiting us now..."  he chuckled, moving gracefully over to the door of the warehouse.  He pushed it open, taking a step outside.  As soon as his vision made it out of the warehouse his eyes fixated on the projector.

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