~All Around the World~

Sage rubbed her eyes a bit more, “I know... Do you think I could get him to love me?” Sage asked quietly. She smiled at Jenna, “You have been very honest with me… but sometimes I wish people would lie.”

When The Conductor come back into the hall way, he asked about the left over’s. Taking Jenna’s hands Sage gave her a small smile,
“Thanks for worrying… I think I need to cook something, it calms me down.” Letting go of Jenna’s hand and following the Conductor, she noticed he had headphones in his ears, So Sage averted her gaze and walked slowly in to clean things up. Silently she picked up from where The Conductor left off.


Rhea smiled at Bella, before signing to her again,
You’re the first person I have told my name too. Thank you for listening. I am going to go get food, I am really hungry. I think it is time for me to wake up… would you like Timotei back?She asked, handing the Bunny back to Bella.

Getting up, Rhea weakly walked out of the room and into the kitchen and peaked into it. There was the blue haired boy again, and a guy with glasses, the one that knocked into earlier. Taking a few uneven steps, Rhea walked into the room and sighed wondering if anyone will pick it up.
‘Can anyone understand this?’

The blue haired boy looked up at her and then smiled at her.
“I see you speak sign language.”

‘You understand me?’

“Yes.” He said back.

‘What is your name?Rhea asked, her hands making the conversation.

“Yes, of course.” He responded.

‘Wait… what?’ Rhea tilted her head in confusion.

“No, but you can try.” He said back.

‘You… can’t actually understand sign can you?’

“Yes of course.” He said, ok now Rhea knew the blue hair guy was faking.

‘Are you dumb?’Rhea asked the boy

This time the boy just smiled at her. Rhea sighed and looked around the kitchen.

(Rhea and Matt need interaction. Sage is always open to chat for me. There is a bunch of us in the kitchen now so.)

Edit: my bad... I had read the conductor went back to the kitchen. Edit that out.
Once Sage had left to go clean, Jenna walked quickly towards the cart where and The Conductor slept. Noticing he was a little preoccupied with his music, she giggled and snuck up behind him. "Conductor!" Jemna screamed loudly, pulling the ear buds from The Conductor's ears and laughing loudly.
The Conductor stole a sip from his milkshake, raising his eyebrows. "Hmm." He hummed, some-what annoyed. "I was listening to that you know." He muttered, desperately holding back his grin.
Jenna stole the cherry from The Conductor's milkshake. "I'm sorry! I was just wondering... I don't know, you're mood is different than usual. You seem really irritated with everything." She whispered, walking in front of The Conductor so she could look him in the eyes. "Will you please tell me? It upsets me seeing you like this."
Sanz turned off the faucet head, letting the steam fade slightly as callused fingers ran through his hair.

"That's much better."

He towel-dried his hair, pulling on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with the symbol of the triforce on it. When he was done, the brush went to his hair, letting it hang down now that he wasn't working out. He walked out feeling refreshed, and went back to his own cabin to drop off the clothes from last night. A slight rumbling ran through his ears . . . thunder.

"Well . . . that was quick."
The Conductor blushed heavily, pressing his back to the wall. "It's nothing. G-Get off." He whispered, trying to keep his poker face. He looked to the door, ensuring it was closed so that no one would get the wrong idea. It did seem a bit odd with Jenna straddling him, yet he found something heavily intoxicating about it.
(( I'll make it a entrance to the kitchen with Ann, something vague for people to add into. ))


I watched the people before me in the kitchen, almost oblivious to me. How cruel. I turned, opening the fridge and pulling out a carton of milk, downing a bit of it. I listened to the shock and fear the group held, and pulling the carton from my lips, a smirk appeared. The whole situation was humorous. Some didn't even notice.

"What's going on here?" I questioned everyone around, leaning on the fridge as the floor seemed to rumble.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Ann step from the hallway to the bathroom, seemingly walking like a ghost. She must have watched the TV again. Her family didn't seem to stop looking for her. I can't count the amount of times I caught her watching her own missing persons' information on the news.
Jenna cocked her head to the side in confusion. "B-but why?" She stuttered, batting her eyelashes at him. A light blush covered her cheeks when seeing The Conductor's across his own. "I don't want to get off, Conductor."

The Conductor gently pressed his nose to hers, breathing quietly. In one swift moment, he lifted her head up and pressed his lips to hers, quickly parting with a flustered face. "Oh, uh, sor, er, I didn't mean to do that!" He stuttered, smiling awkwardly. His face was terribly red, he had never been embarrassed in front of anybody before.
Jenna grew a deep shade of scarlet. "Uh... It's alright! I mean..." She trailed off, her body becoming frozen in the awkwardness. "Umm... Conductor, may I ask you a question, if you don't mind?" Jenna whispered to him, urging herself not to kiss him again.
The Conductor grinned, occupying his mouth with his milkshake to prevent himself from attacking her lips again. "Mmhmm." He hummed, licking a bit of whipped cream from his lips. He roughly swallowed,tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Jenna fiddled with the waist band of The Conductor's sweat pants, as if to stall herself from asking the question. "Well..." She whispered, glancing up at The Conductor's eyes and then back to his bare chest. "I was wondering what your real name is," Jenna said in a voice barely audible.
The Conductor raised an eyebrow. "My real name? Uh, erm...." He muttered, scratching the back of his head. "Jake..." He whispered under the breath, looking away. "BOY, LOOK AT THE TIME, to the, uh.... Arcade for me!" He shouted, slipping out from under her and dashing off. The arcade was dark and noisy, and he absolutely hated it, yet sometimes he went there to collect his thoughts.

I rubbed my stubble, walking across the kitchen, past the ragging hormones. "Don't mind me love bird, just trying to eat a meal." I chuckled, moving to the pantry. "When do we all eat next? I have the urge to cook." I spoke allowed, looking at the vast ingredients before me.

Sometimes I felt too old.

I turned my vision elsewhere Seeing the woman I caught on only days ago of being Rhea, and a boy. She was wildly moving her hands, and he was replying to her. Sign language? Dear lord. Even more communication problems.


"We miss her. Her daughter needs her. I... I can't keep living alone. I can't keep sleeping in an empty bed. Please, if you know where my Amber Lynn is, contact the police department."

"And the last time you saw her?"

"Before I left to hang with my friends. She told me too. I... I came home and she wasn't there."

"And the crime investigators found no struggles?"


"Do you think she left you?"

"No. She'd never..."

The TV screen finally went back, as if telling me "Enough, Ann." But I wasn't done. I don't think I'd ever be done. Seeing him there, our child at hand... even though it reminded me of where I was, I wanted to keep watching it. I missed him. I missed my baby.

I tear fell down my face, as I now stared at my reflection on the TV screen. Her face was covered in streaks where tears fled. Not even the thunder scared me, as it usually did. "Tu me manques." I whispered, rubbing my face and standing. All I could do was move. Walk.

I wisped from the entertainment room to the bathroom hall, hoping to whip my face up and look presentable.
(Lol… I am at work right now… I got to drive home soon so I might be gone for an hour. I think you guys are moving their relationship so fast… it really gives Sage little time to play with them haha… Besides, It is too soon for Sage to do any more meddling after that last stunt. She needs to wait a day.)


Huffing, Rhea moved to a Man who was standing in the corner of the kitchen, Staring at a women sitting on the couch. Rhea moved in front of them both a waved at them to get their attention. Slowly she started to sign to Dadrian and Anna. But Anna got up and began to leave, she was crying... Rhea frowned, why was she crying? like her she looked devastated

Chasing Anna down, Rhea graved her hand to get her attention, Slow she began to sign to the women,
'Are you ok? Are you crying because you miss your family? I miss mine too...' and her own tears began to flood down her face. She had no idea if Anna could understand her... but hopefully she would understand her emotion.


Sighing as the girl left, Sage began to pull out the ingredients to make lunch. In the mood for something hot, Sage deiced to make enchiladas. Slowly and opened a can of corn and turned the oven on to preheat.

When Dadrian walked in, Sage flashed him a smile, "I am just about to make Enchiladas. Have a seat, chat with me." She said with a smile.


Matt looked at Bella after Sanz left, "Do you want to play a game?" He asked the girl.

Edit.... I was too slow.. you posted before I did... give me a bit to completely rewrite my post...

Also the two love birds are in the Dorms

Reedit: Fixed it...
The conductor rushed right past Sanz as he walked into the room. He got a quizzical look at his back before walking next to his bed, throwing the clothes from last night in a small metal bin. There was a girl sitting on one of the beds, her name was . . . Jenna?


He didn't look up as he spoke, just a mild curiosity in case anything was going to rock the train
(( No, I can repost something better! Dadrian can wait! ))


My body swiveled to the silent girl, frustrated over the burning tear ducts that refused to let any more tears fall. I expected her to talk, to ask me what was wrong, but my eyes moved to her hands. I watched her speak to me through sign language, and I sighed.

I slowly signed, trying to remember as much as I could. 'I was stolen from my daughter and lover. He keeps trying to find me.' I huffed, knowing I messed up some words already. 'Sorry, a client signed, that's how I learned a little.'

Somehow, another tear fell, and I immediately wiped it away angrily, leaning on the wall. I gulped back a sob.


"Chat." I smiled. "Sounds like a plan." I moved over to a seat on the bar, actually happy to get some human interaction. "Leave some ingredients for me when you're done, I like mine super-sized." I lounged over the bar, blowing a piece of hair out of my eyesight. The darkness throughout the cabin was almost eerie. When would the accursed lights get back on?
Bella nodded and clapped her hands. "What kind of game?" She asked curiously, bouncing about the room with her long locks soaring about.

The Conductor stepped out of the room, looking at a near by clock. Was it time for lunch already? He happily strode to the kitchen, freezing when he smelled food. Sage. He quietly sat himself at the bar, hoping he didn't hear him enter.

I looked up at the boy who called himself the Conductor of this joint, and as a joke, a saluted him. "How's your day been so far, sir?" I questioned, barely able to make myself sit up and care much. This morning was too slow for my liking.

Jenna looked up. "Hmm? No, I'm fine," She said, smiling happily. "I'm Jenna Rose Mason, and you?" Jenna asked, sitting up and thrusting out her arm towards her visitor.
“Sure, Special request accepted.” She said, “I will make it for you. I love to cook, and I am great at it. Besides I need to calm down. So tell me, what is new?” She said slowly, hearing the fridge open, Sage looked to see The Conductor. She frowned at him and then turned around to look at Dadrian again.


Matt smiled,
“Do you want to play hid and go seek maybe?” Matt said happily. He opened the door to the room to lead Bella out of the room, wondering where the girl had gone.


Rhea held the women’s hand tighter and cried with her, but unlike her, Rhea let her tears fall a bit. She tried her hardest to understand what she was saying, She under stood 'taken' 'Daughter' 'Trying to find' 'Sorry Client signed'.

Rhea put her hand closer to the women’s face,
‘I think it’s ok to cry… can I help?’

He ignored the hand that was offered, shutting the tub of clothes beneath his bed before sliding it back in

"You didn't know? You asked me a question back in the kitchen if you recall."
Kara rolled over in bed and suddenly fell with a 'THUMP' onto the hard wooden floor. "Figlio di una cagna che fan no male!" the purple haired teen shouted to herself as she hit her cheek against a peculiar board that always stuck up slightly. Pushing herself up onto her feet Kara wiped any dust from her short running shorts and band tee before trudging into the kitchen muttering a few colorful words in English this time. She was aimlessly rubbing her bright red cheek as she made her way towards the fridge to look for her carton of orange juice, not even glancing towards the people seated at the bar. Once it was found, and poured into a small clear glass, the young lady began to sip at it's contents as she made her way back into the messy room her and her best friend shared.

Sighing dramatically the adolescent started to clean up the scattered male clothes everywhere, still holding her orange juice in one hand.

After she had finished her orange juice, cleaned up, took a shower and got dressed into a simple outfit (which consisted of: tan high-water shorts that stopped right in the middle of her thighs, black leggings beneath them, a dark colored
sweater and a pair of white Vans) the purple haired mistress put up her said hair into a high ponytail and made her way down the hall back towards the kitchen where she guessed Cido would be.


Clyde rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands as he pushed himself out of the pool's warm chlorinated water. As he sat on the edge of the pool, with his feet swinging casually in the water, the young man ran a hand through his messy green hair and stared down aimlessly at his toned six pack. In the pale lighting around the pool, the male's skin tone was lightened somewhat which gave him an eerie iridescent glow. He was wearing a pair of red swimming trunks that complimented his eyes just right. Clyde had been swimming for over two hours and as he decided it was time to get out, his feet were already out of the water and moving towards the showers not to far away.

After washing the chlorine off his skin and drying himself off, Clyde proceeded to get dressed into a pair of simple black skinny jeans, red converse and his favorite multi-colored tank top with a picture of Spyro on the front along with his name above him in the classic gamer

He then gathered up his wet towel and swim trunks so he could carefully dispose of them in his dirty hamper in the bunk he shared with Kara.

The adolescent scrunched up his eyebrows in wonder,
"Hopefully she is finally awake." He spoke softly to himself as he made his way to his destination.

The Conductor laughed. He was enjoying the show from Sage so far. "Eh, mixed. Very mixed." He laughed. Suddenly, a dim light began to flicker on. He looked up curiously, sighing with relief to find that the many lights throughout the train had activated again.

Bella nodded, zooming off to find a place to hide. She quickly stuffed herself in the space between Sage and the small stove, quietly laughing.

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