~All Around the World~

Jenna smiled slightly and shook her head. "No... That's not it. I just get... I don't know, some sort of vibe from you. It's definitely not a bad one, though!" She said, giggling quietly. "I wouldn't get embarrassed over it, Sage."

Shaking her head again, Jenna turned and tried not to laugh at the sight of The Conductor and all of the pancakes on his plate. Turning back to Sage, she smiled even more. "He's insane, I swear." Jenna said, gesturing towards The Conductor.
Sanz jolted a little with Bella's cry. When he looked over and saw what had happened, he walked over to her, gently pulling the girl onto her feet. He rubbed the young girl's head as he spoke to her

"It's all right, you just had the wind knocked out of you."

He put one reassuring hand on her back, where she had landed
Bella rubbed furiously at her tear stained eyes, pointing to the bar. "I want pancakes." She croaked quietly, burrowing her face in to Sanz's bare shoulder.

The Conductor finished off the sixth pancake, rubbing at his bare stomach. "I'm stuffed! You cook like a godess, Sage." He sighed, looking over at Bella with concern. "You okay, Bella?" He asked, grinned as he recieved a nod from her.

(I'm going to bed -.- Its midnight here, I have class tomorrow. Night, don't do too much without me! ;) )
Sanz took the arm that was around her already and lifted her up as if she weighed nothing.

"Of course you do. Someone worked hard on them."

He set her down gently on the stool she had so stubbornly attempted by herself

"Go ahead."
Sage smiled, but was distracted by Sanz helping Bella who had just burst into tears. Noticing his eggs were still cooking, Sage quickly tended to them and placed them on a plate, with one pancake. Putting 2 pancakes on another place Sage smiled at Jenna, “One moment.”

Walking over to Sanz, Sage placed the place of his eggs and his one pancake down on the counter with Pancakes for Bella, “Here you go, Sanzy can help you with the rest Bella. Then you can eat Pancakes with everyone.” Children… they break even my poker face. Sage thought to herself, smiling at Bella. We are going to end up spoiling her… She thought again. Returning to Jenna, Sage handed her a plate as well. “Why don’t you go head and eat while you contemplate why I am strange.” Sage said lightheartedly.

"Also, it takes someone insane to conduct a train full of kidnapped people."
Sage said, with malice in her voice.
Bella grinned, grabbing a fork and stuffing a pancake in her mouth. "Fank you, I'm unculturede!" She muffled through a mouth full of pancakes.

(NOW I'm going to bed.)
Jenna covered her mouth. "No, I didn't mean it that way! I meant it in the nicest way possible. Honest, Sage!" Smiling weakly, Jenna spoke quietly, "Thanks. Trust me, I won't think about it any more if you don't want me to."
(Yeah, I lied. God I am going to be a sleep deprived zombie tomorrow.)

The Conductor sighed, jealously bubbling inside of him. Stop this! Stop this right now! You barely even know her. Why is that jerk talking to her anyway? Oh god I like her don't I? He groaned, running his fingers through his tangled hair.

Bella squeezed Timotei close to her chest, panting as she felt herself become bloated. "I'm full!" She squeaked after only eating one pancake.
The sun peered through the window as Ashley tossed the covers over her head, groaning as the rays tickled her cheeks. Slowly, she sat up, rubbing the exhaustion out of her chocolate brown eyes, her soft brown hair in a nest of tangles. "Ugh," she groaned, slipping off of the bed, her bare feet padding softly against the floor. Glancing in the mirror, she shuddered at her reflection, reaching for her brush and yanking it through her hair. She winced as the bristles tore through the knots, watching as her hair became soft and smooth. Grabbing a hairtye, she threw it up in a ponytail, throwing on an ACDC t-shirt and a pair of sturdy jeans. Grabbing her iPod, she put her headphones in, cranking up the music as she slipped out, walking quietly towards the kitchen, mouthing the words to Radioactive by Imagine Dragons.

As she reached the kitchen, she saw a few others, giving them a tiny smile before going for the cabinet where the cereals were kept. Opening it, she scanned the shelves for fruit loops, her favorite cereal of all time. At last, she found it, at the very top shelf, much out of her reach. Scowling, she jumped up, swiping out her hand to grab it and missing it completely. She continued to jump for the box like a madman, silently cursing her short height.
Jenna spun around once hearing the noise The Conductor was making. "Conductor? Are you alright? Did you eat too many pancakes or something?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. Signs of pure confusion and concern were etched onto her features. "Do you need help?"

Rhea felt herself slide onto the floor, half way between the two cabins. The talking stopped when an ear piercing cry came from the room. Rhea glanced up, scared it might be something bad. But the talking started back up moments after the crying had subsided. Pulling herself up, her curiosity got the better of her.

Moving weakly to the corner of the kitchen door, Rhea peaked in to notice a little girl happily eating pancakes. She looked fine, not hurt at all. Rhea felt herself shake a little, fearful of everything on the train. This was the first time since they had gotten on this train that Rhea has gotten out of bed on her own. Rhea continued to hover outside the door way, debating to go in or not. Horrible thoughts passing her mind of things the kidnappers might have planed. One of the people in the room could be a kidnapper.


Sage only shook her head, “I won’t tell you what to think or not think.” Sage said. She was not even trying and she was already getting Jenna worked up. “You can make it up to me some times I suppose.” She said smiling at Jenna, giving her a wink before turning her attention to the third batch of pancakes about to be done.


Matt fidgeted in his chair, not sure who to talk to. There were a lot of people here, but everyone already seemed to have someone to talk too. He tried hard to make conversation already, but was slightly ignored. He was sure it was not intentional, just people are unsure like him. Perhaps he did not speak loud enough, or their thoughts were occupied. Shoving another bite of pancakes into his mouth, he sighed with content. At least he knew he would not starve.

(Edit: Exactly like lxidor92 says LOL~)
(yeeeees . . . Yeeeeeeees! give in to the rp desire! Forgo the sleep! *maniacal laughter*)

"Well that's fine, I don't see anything else on your plate."

Within just a couple of minutes, Sanz had polished off his entire plate, as well as the leftover pancake that Bella left. Why did children always break down the facade he put up on a daily basis
Jenna rolled her eyes at Sage. "And how could I make it up to you? Be your little cooking assistant?" Jenna laughed, sighing contently. "You know, you could actually be my friend, Sage." She said, nudging him softly. "I-if you want to, that is!" Jenna quickly added on, making sure she didn't sound too demanding. A small blush dusted over her cheeks. I'm ruining things already...! She thought to herself, sighing weakly.
The Conductor sat up stiffly, his face blushing as he pushed his glasses farther up the brim of his nose. "I'm fine. Go make friends, or whatever you're doing. I'm going back to bed, I don't wanna be involved in cleaning." He muttered, standing up and walking out of the kitchen, sitting on his bed. He groaned in angst, finding the pair of pants with a hole in it next to his bed. Her bed was next to his. He sighed deeply, shoving his head in to his pillow.

Bella quickly found Sanz and sat on his foot, coiling he body around his leg. "Sit down!" She ordered, yawning loudly.
Sanz sighed and brought himself down, the leg she was clinging to remained upright, with his arm on top of the knee

"And pray tell, what would you want me to sit down for?"

Was this what having a little sister felt like? The only girl he'd every really known for any comparison was his sister . . . Sanz knew better than to use her as a staple benchmark for the opposite sex
When The Conductor got up and rushed out of the Kitchen, the biggest smirk crossed Sage’s face. SO early for someone to get jealous. “Oh we can be friends, or more then friend, Or friends with benefits. I am easy either way, Jenna.” Sage said with a straight face, before she started to laugh a bit. “I am partly kidding. I think we will make great friends.”


Rhea pushed herself against the wall when a man rushed passed her, nearly knocking Rhea over as he moved back to the rooms. Stumbling backwards, Rhea fell and knocked her head on the wall with a
Thunk. Tearing up a bit, Rhea rubbed her head and sat up. That was it… she wanted to go back to her room already, no longer wanting food.


“It’s ok, I’ll help with clean up.” Matt offered, blushing a bit when he heard Sage’s comment about friends with benefits. He was kidding luckily… but still he did not want to hear about this.
Muttering under her breath, Ashley gave up on trying to get the cereal, turning to face the others. They were sitting around, eating pancakes and chatting lightly. She pulled out her earphones, staring at her feet briefly before turning to look at them again. "Um..." she whispered softly, pointing meakly up to the box of fruit loops. She freaking wanted fruit loops terribly, and she couldn't even reach them. Where was Aaron when she needed him? "Can someone please help me get that?" her voice was quiet and soft, barely audible, but loud enough for someone to hear.
Jenna blinked in surprise. "Wow, I actually thought you were serious!" She giggled, smiling. "Well, Sage, I'm glad we can be friends! By the way, what's up with The Conductor? He's just... I don't know. Acting out of character, I guess?" Jenna shrugged, looking over at the girl who had just fallen. "Are you okay?"
The Conductor cringed as an alarm began to sound. He dashed to the kitchen, looking around frantically. The alarm suddenly stopped, being replaced with a voice.


He grunted as the lights began to dim and the alarms came back on. "Look everyone, bring the pancakes to your bed and shake a leg!" He screamed, grabbing Jenna's hand and dragging her to their cart. He released her hand and sat on his bed, listening as the alarm slowly stopped.
Jenna nervously sat on her bed, shivering in fear. "C-c-conductor?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper. Fear coursed through Jenna's veins as she counted down the seconds passing. She nervously gripped onto her knees, wincing.
Sanz looked up as the voice blared over loudspeaker

Have some decency to give us more than a ten-minute warning dammit!

He put a hand on Bella's shoulder

"Bella, where is your bed? The place where you sleep?"
Bella shrugged. "I think in Cart Two. Or maybe one. I know how to get there. It's the one next to the cart with only one bed." She thought hard. "It's Cart Two."

The Conductor looked over at her, making out her shaking silhouette. "Yeah?" He asked, scanning her pose. She looked scared, and it made him feel hurt.
Sanz sat up and took her hand

"Listen, it's going to become very dark soon, so we need to head back there all right?"

He gently made his way in that direction, keeping a light grip on her hand
"The lights are going to be out... Right?" Jenna squeaked, a tear rolling down her cheek. Jenna sniffled as she looked over at The Conductor, surprised to see him looking back.

"Don't tell anyone this, but I'm terrified of the dark. I... I... I can't be in the dark, Conductor!" Jenna cried out to The Conductor softly, whimpering in fright.
Sage laughed out loud, “Oh no, that was very in character for him. Expect that to happen often.” She finished before Jenna had wondered off to see a girl on the floor. How did Sage not noticed her? That’s the other girl, the quite one she does not know the name of. Sage noted that she stays in bed all the time. This is the first time Sage had seen her out… Interesting.

Nothing made Sage feel grumpy was rushing without cleaning up. The alarm going off made Sage frown deeply before putting pancakes on a plate for herself to enjoy elsewhere. Her mood slightly lifted when The Conductor rushed Jenna away.

Moving slowly to her bed, Sage noticed the girl was still on the floor. She looked scared and pale. Debating if she should help her or not Sage took a bite of her food and then left, thinking the girl will get on on her own.


“Oh! I can help you!” Matt piped up to the girl who was asking Aaron for help. Getting up, Matt walked over to her and smiled, “What did you want for me to get for ya? Did you not want any pancakes? Sage made some for everyone!” He offered politely. Until the Alarm rang loudly around the area.

“Oh man... I think you might have to deal with some pancakes.” He told the girl, “Ill get your cereal down for you tomorrow morning, sound good? Would you like me to walk with you to the rooms?” He asked politely.


Rhea looked up at the girl who just asked if she was ok, she only nodded her head, pushing on the wall to help her get up. She felt terrified still. She knew nothing of her surrounding, she knew no one here, nothing was for sure. But the girl’s talk with the new face was shot when an alarm chimed, making Rhea jump. No food? Going under the ocean? Rhea panicked a bit more, She knew she shouldn't have gotten out of bed today.

Weakly, Rhea stood still, waiting for people to all leave.

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