~All Around the World~

Sage smiled, “Not hurt really, seems to gentle of a guy. But you have to be honest to yourself. We don’t know anything about The Conductor. Not even his real name. TC is not a victim like us.” Sage said quietly, almost a whisper. These were her true feelings. Closing her eyes Sage smile, “Do you miss your home?” In truth, Sage did not miss her home at all. She lived alone and she found it much better to be here in this setting. Although the circumstance in which she was forced into the place was not a factor boding for positive reviews.

Leaning in next to Jenna, Sage laid her head down on her shoulder.
“I think I am finally getting tired. This hour is going to be much longer then I thought.” She said, “And the fact I left the kitchen a mess if driving me nuts.
Jenna giggled at Sage's actions. "Ummm, yeah. Well, not really... You see I was an only-child, and then both my parents died of cancer when I was eight. It was kind of weird. They both got sick at the same time, and they both looked like they were actually recovering, but nope. They passed away." Jenna sighed and yawned. "Then, I had to go through a bunch of foster families who just hated me, and weren't afraid to show it. Sorry if I'm talking too much..." She whispered the last part, looking down. Jenna yawned again before laying back on Sage's bed and motioning with her right hand for him to do the same.

([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] So sorry this is so late! My MacBook died, and I couldn't find the charger!)
The Conducter gently tossed over, sitting up in a bolt. "Hmm? Jenna? Oh." He mumbled, looking around with curiosity. He saw Sage with Jenna. He snarled quietly and stretched his back. "How long has it been?" He mumbled, pulling on his glasses and blinking.
(You guys have been forgetting your other characters… CharChar has been looking for Aaron, but you ignored her post. :( and poor James…. xD Sage might Actually be friends with Jenna… she is so freaking honest. xD )

Jenna laid down and motioned for Sage to lay down with her. She smiled when she noticed The Conductor get up and looking around for Jenna. When he looked at Sage, she winked at him and laid down with a smile. Laying down next to Jenna, Sage faced her, inches apart whispering,
“I don’t think you talk to much at all. I actually love a lot when people open up to me.” Very true, except she likes it for different reasons then anyone could assume.

Reaching out to Jenna, Sage slide one of her hands across her cheek,
“Sounds like your parents tried really hard to recover because they loved you. It even sounds like the pretended to get better so you would not have to worry. Those sound like very loving parents to me.” Sage said, trying to encourage her a bit. Taking Jenna’s hand, Sage kiss the top of it, “If you need anyone to talk too, I will be more then willing to listen.” She said, squeezing her hand.
Jenna's face grew a bright red at the extremely close proximity and the kiss. "I... Uh... Yeah, sure!" She stuttered out, growing even more red. Turning towards The Conductor, Jenna looked at him, a look of desperateness plastered across her face. "I'm not really sure how long it's been, Conductor..." She whispered, turning back to Sage and smiling a weak, helpless smile.

([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] )

I lay in my bed, refusing to move. My eyes were glued to the ceiling, a frown just as stuck on my stubbled face. It still wasn't easy to believe. Hell, Maria would move on. I died honorable. But for some reason, I keep thinking it over and over, even after a week has past. Of course, my hear aches. I miss er. But my mind knows better. There was no way to get back.

I sighed, turning onto my side, eyes now on the door. It was hard to believe we were trapped. They made it so homey. Though I had a kind size bed without roommates, it almost seemed like my bedroom. The walls were the same color, the carpet was just as ugly as the one before. It wasn't clean, but it wasn't dirty. Just as quiet as Sunday mornings were, when Maria woul-

No. I'm not going to sit in pity over a wife who thinks I'm dead.

Now was the time to shower, and have some... well, brunch. Maybe skip the shower.

I roamed into the kitchen cart after throwing on some sweatpants, hearing voices as I yawned and stretched.
(Terribly sorry people. This thread is so active it's near impossible to keep up! -.-)

The Conductor sprang to his feet, alarmed. "Uh, Jenna, can me and Sage have a small word alone?" He asked happily, his coy grin barely visible in the dark room. "All I ask is for you to sit at your bed, er, here." He offered, handing over his iPod. "Listen to music while we talk." He mumbled, his smile slowly fading.

Amelia hugged her knees on her bed, sighing. The only people in her room were Matt, Aaron, James, Bella and Ash, who were all off doing their own thing. She collapsed onto her bed, sighing lazily. "Anyone have a clock?" She whispered, hoping someone would hear.

Bella stood up lazily, stretching and rubbing her eyes. She gently rose, a faded blue bunny held tightly to her chest. She shuffled her feet, scooching to the crowd of people talking. "Is it bed time still?" She asked innocently, extending her arms to stretch more.

Aaron paused the music playing on his iPod, paying attention to his surroundings. Everyone seemed silent, yet loud at the same time. He browsed through the faces. He had met no one yet, especially from his cart. "Ash?" He whispered quietly, squinting his eyes. Him and Ash were good friends before the kidnapping.
Jenna looked to Sage, shrugging. She sat up and crawled off the bed, retrieving the iPod. "Thanks, Conductor." She whispered into his ear, popping the earbuds into her own. She wrapped him in a right embrace, burrowing her head into his shoulder.
The Conductor tightly hugged her back, sticking out his tongue as he secretly brandished his middle finger towards Sage. He winked, released Jenna, and allowed her to be on her way. "Now, before I yell, 'Sage', you're fishy. Jenna is innocent." He growled quietly, pointing towards her. "I know what you're up to, and you're not going to win. I think we both know I'd never be one to back down from a challenge, so go ahead, do what you please. Just don't.... Don't hurt Jenna." He finished, swiftly turning on one heel and striding towards Jenna.


@I Love Death the Kid
Sanz pulled the headphones off, music still faintly understandable from the speakers. His eyes squinted, trying to see through the darkness as Bella got up.

"Are you not tired?"

Understandable, since they hadn't woken up more than a couple hours ago. If he ever found out who designed this train, they were going to be put within an inch of their life.
(I can't believe he confronted me so soon... Oh well, I am going to throw him for a loop.)

“TC, you might want to hear what I have to say…” Sage said quietly, Sage lazed on her bed, her cheek in her hand. “I want you to hear something important…” Getting up, Sage untied her tie and pulled it off her neck. “Will you listen to what I have to say?” She said, taking a shy composer. Sage took a deep breath like she was about to say something big, she turned her gaze to the floor, waiting for The Conductors response.


Rhea jumped a little when the little girl got up. She saw the bunny that she held. Getting up, Rhea approached Bella and pointed at the bunny, silently asking if she can see the bunny. Rhea just wanted to feel the Rabbit, reminding her of a toy her brother had given her once... She missed everyone. She wondered if this little girl missed everyone too. Was this red haired man her brother?


Matt watched the girl get up and interacted with Bella, that was the first time she showed interest in something. Looking at Sanz, then Bella, Matt waited patiently to see how things would go.
The Conductor turned around, raising an eyebrow. "Hm? How impolite of me for not waiting for a response. Make it quick." He mumbled, stuffing his hands in to his pockets and approaching her.

Bella thrusted her arms in to the air, tossing the bunny up. "It's Timotei." She mumbled quietly, tossing her bangs to the side. "He doesn't like to be called a bunny because he has a name." She added casually, watching with fear hinted in to her eyes.

Sage pouted, “Well if you are going to be that way……” Sage made herself tear up a bit, “You ever think I wanted to make you jealous? Because I think I’ve fallen for you… It makes me jealous when you give all your attention to Jenna… But I understand, Jenna is everything I am not. A guy like me....” Sage said, not looking up at The Conductor. “I was just telling Jenna how I was really happy everyone loved my cooking. Your compliments always make me happy… Sorry if I am wasting your time with this confession.” Sage felt a tear slide down her cheek, “I need to go…” She said.

Rushing out of the dorm and closing the door, Sage whipped her eyes and then blinked. Fake crying makes Sage’s eye’s sting, and she had a hard time ‘stopping’. So her eyes continued to water.


Rhea watched the little girl a little wary of her. She saw Bella’s hesitation and shank a little bit. Holding her hands in the shape of a heart and giving Bella a weak smile. Rhea sat back down and nodded at her explanation. She opened her mouth like she was going to talk but nothing came out.

Holding up her hand, Rhea began to
use sign language, seeing if anyone would understand her.


Matt watched the girl move her hand in quick motions, He had to squint to see in the darkness, but he could tell that there was a pattern. Although he was pretty sure he had no idea what she was doing,
“What IS she doing?” He asked, voicing his thoughts.
Jenna looked up to see Sage exiting with tears in his eyes. "Conductor! How dare you?! You make my friend cry... You should be ashamed of yourself!" She cried out, ripping the earbuds out so she could hear what was going on. Jenna rushed over to Sage and put a hand onto his shoulder. Jenna gave a disapproving look to The Conductor and returned her attention back to Sage. "Are you okay, Sage?" She askedc her voice dropping with concern.
Bella quickly looked over, her eyes turning a shade darker. Her fingers began to flicker at unimaginable speed, signing things very fast.

Why are you using sign langauge? My mother taught me this at a very young age.

She signed, flopping her hands down exhausted. She picked up her rabbit and placed it on to Rhea's lap, taking a step back.

"WAIT, STOP! IT WASN'T ME, I....! Damn it...." He screamed, prying off his glasses and rubbing at his eyes. He stopped, seating himself down. He stood up, walking to the door and hesitantly placing his hand on the knob. He softly removed it. rubbing at his eyes again. He put his glasses back on, sitting back down on his bed with a groan. "I want out of this god damn train."

Sanz leaned back and kept his eyes peeled through the dark. It almost looked like pandemonium with everyone trying to move around in this near total darkness. He just put the headphones back on, he wouldn't bother attempting anything until the power returned. One of his favorite themes came through to his ears, all the while he kept an eye on what was going on.
(I almost feel bad for TC at this point. xD )

Sage glanced up, smiling a bit, “
Yeah, just sometimes love is complicated.” Sage said quietly. “I think I fell for TC. But he thinks I am tricking you to like me… I am just a bit physical. I love showing my affections.” Sage brushed the tears from her eyes, "I guess it is just not meant to be... but I don't want to give up." She said quietly.


‘I can’t speak… My throat hurts…’ Rhea signed. When she placed the rabbit onto Rhea’s lap, Rhea smiled, ‘Thank you… I miss my brother. He gave me something like this. T-i-m-o-t-e-I is very cute.’ Rhea had to hand spell Timotei because there was no word for it. ‘You can speak, as long as you can understand.’ Rhea responded, Looking at the man with the red hair to see if he also knew sign language.

When he looked uninterested, Rhea looked back at Bella and signed on her hand, spelling out her name,
My name is R-H-E-A’
(Don't, he's a jerk xD I wouldn't, I'd probably kick him and ignore him, yet again I am not any of my characters. None.)

The Conductor stood up as the alarm loudly sounded again. "What the hell is it this time?!?!" He screamed loudly.


He sighed with relief, opening to door to leave. He frowned, gazing down to Jenna and Sage. He growled quietly. How dare Sage lie to Jenna too. He let out a puff of air and stomped his way back to the kitchen. "She wants to play hard to get? Two can play that game." He growled, his face turning red. He slowly began to clean the plates, putting them in the dishwasher angrily.
Jenna smiled a painful smile. "Sage... I don't think The Conductor likes you that way..." She spoke quietly, trying to be as cheerful as possible. "I'm really sorry, but it's the truth...." Shrugging, dealing slightly hurt, Jenna sympathetically hugged Sage. "Really sorry," She whispered into his ear, moving his blue hair away from his face.
"Under the ocean, and into a storm. I'm going to kill whoever designed this route."

Cross opened up the curtains next to him, some dim sunlight coming through. It was covered by clouds though, and he could guess it wouldn't be long until the lightning started. He sighed and walked out to the men's showers. He still hadn't gotten one since he was interrupted.

The Conductor poked his head out of the kitchen. "Sage, there are leftovers, what do you want to do with...... them?" He asked, hesitating quietly. His heart sank to his stomach as he turned back in to the kitchen, finding the milkshake maker. He slowly made a chocolate milkshake, smothering it with whipped cream and a abnormally large cherry. He shuffled back to his room, popping his earbuds in to his ears. He took a sip as the worst song that could possibly play played.

You say, sometimes, it's like I hardly know you

And maybe there's somethings I never showed you

Sometimes you're certain, but just can't get it working at all

You say to yourself somebody better

Will understand you more than I ever

I'll shake his hand, and smile, and say I understand. Well I do

That don't mean I don't think about you

I know we

Said it's just as well that I won't keep, keep you for myself

But, I don't want to see you happier with somebody else

Oh, why can't you just be lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?

Why can't you just be lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?

Why can't you just be lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?

I know you need someone too

This just feels so soon

I know some things should just stay broken

I'm well aware this should remain unspoken

But I've been working on the things that I was learning all wrong, oh

I know sometimes I only twist ya

And maybe I'm too proud to say I missed ya

But what if here and now, I tell you that I'm all figured out?

Or maybe I just like how that sounds

I know we

Said it's just as well that I won't keep, keep you for myself

But I don't want to see you happier with somebody else

Oh, why can't you just be lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?

Why can't you just be lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?

Why can't you just be lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?

I know you need someone too

This just feels so

And I know it seems beneath me

But sometimes it's not so easy

To wish you well and let you go

And I say it's just as well

That I just can't keep you for myself

I don't want to see you happier with somebody else

Oh, lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?

Why can't you just be lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?

Why can't you just be lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?

This just feels so

This just feels so,

Feels so soon

(Lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?)

Why can't you be

(Lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?)

Why can't you be

(Lo-lo, lo lo-lo, lo lonely?)

This just feels so,

This just feels so,

This just feels so soon

(Sorry for the long post x3)
(([MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] Tell me about it xD Uh, not much. Well, uh, the alarms went off again and you're allowed to leave your room now. 'Bout it.))

Ashley sighed, running a hand through her hair as she tried to make out the faces in the room. It was too dark to see anything, and no one said much. Then she heard a soft voice, one that she would recognize anywhere. "Aaron?" She whispered, a grin spreading across her face as she jumped up, squinting to make out the faces, and then following his voice. She scrambled forward, tripping over shoes then fell, landing face first on the floor with a loud thud. "Ow..." She muttered sheepishly, sitting up and rubbing her nose.

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