~All Around the World~


"Calm down?" I questioned, and frowned. "Nothing is new. Just another depressive state. Pretty sure I'll cycle through twenty before getting better." I cracked my knuckles as I sat up, watching the energy slowly replenish. "I like a lot of hotsauce, by the way." I grumbled, then added; "Thanks, man." I didn't bother dealing with the look exchange the people in front of me, but turned to the Conductor for a moment; "How often do they ride through storms?" I questioned, actually curious. I loved thunderstorms, is was nice to hear thunder when I wasn't in a stoic mood though.


I only shook my head before I covered my face and let a sob escape. "I can't even be angry!" I yelled, then lifted a hand to say 'I want child back'. I wanted to be angry. I wanted the love of my life to burst through the sealed doors, demanding for me. I just couldn't... I felt like... I looked her in the eyes, and signed 'I am dead without child'.
“Ok I will start counting! 1…. 2…… 3…..” Matt started to count slowly. As Bella run out of the room, Matt smiled and counted silently in his head. After he counted to 10, he walked out of the room and started talking loudly, “Here I come! I am going to get you Bella.”


Sage tried to finish making the enchiladas before Bella came into the room and hid between her legs.
“Bella what are you doing?” Sage said, obviously not in her usual good mood. For some reason she was falling into her angry roll. Shaking her head a bit Sage smiled at Bella slightly.

“And calm down… just, calm down.”


Rhea frowned,
‘I can’t talk, nothing comes out… but you can talk… I hear. I feel dead too… today is the first day I have come out. I am scared… I feel like I can’t be without my brother.’ Rhea paused in her signing, as if she was coming to a realization herself, ‘what would they want you to do in this situation? I think my brother would want me to be brave… I want to speak again.’
The Conductor looked to the ceiling, as if it would give him answers. His fingers swirled and danced in the air, and he looked like he was concentrating hard. "On average, about twice a day. The weather varies, yet storms last about an average of 10, 15 minutes considering the speed we travel at. You're welcome." He mumbled, stretching his back and scanning about for Jenna. Was she still on his bed? [MENTION=3145]I Love Death the Kid[/MENTION]

(Some intel, from what I know [MENTION=3145]I Love Death the Kid[/MENTION] is sound asleep, contrary to last night. I'll let you know if I find out otherwise.)
Walking into the bar area, Kara noticed that most of the inhabitants of the AATE were already awake. 'Aw maaaan,' she mentally groaned as she rubbed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger in frustration. She had forgotten to actually meet the people on board the train - well other than Cid of course.

'Hopefully, nobody saw me walk in,' she thought as she took a seat at the bar two seats away from everyone else. As she took a seat and began to swing her soft tan legs she fiddled with the hem of her sweater before turning around and surveying the open doorway. She was praying that Cid would walk in at any moment so she didn't look like a complete loner.


Clyde walked into him and Kara's small room and proceeded to throw his wet towel and trunks in the dirt basket by his bed. His eyes gazed about the room searching for his Karkitty, but it seemed as if his little Kat had already poured her morning orange juice and headed towards the kitchen. Clyde had noticed the empty glass left on his bed with orange residue at the bottom to come up with this conclusion. It was a daily routine as well.

He stretched suddenly, letting out a low groan before turning back and heading into the hallway once more. Then his feet turned into the direction of the kitchen, but they were moving slow since the young man was to exhausted to hurry along to his friend.
The Conductor stood up, coughing gently as he looked over at Kara. He laughed, put a finger to his lips to gesture silence, and rushed out of the room. He stepped in to his room, his face flushing when he found Jenna still in the room, her back facing his. He quietly ran to her, tackling her to the bed with a series of laughs. He stood up, opening his drawer and pulling out a pair of black swim trunks and nodding with approval.

[MENTION=3145]I Love Death the Kid[/MENTION]
(You guys keep ignoring the your other characters... I am sorry but that is slightly getting on my nerves. My characters have tried/want to interact with some others but can't when no one is playing the dissapeared characters in less I Bunny them. Which I know is in the rules say not to do so the only other option is to sit in a dialog lock.. Please... I beg of you to interact with other characters and not neglect the other characters... xD )
(WE ARE SO SO SORRY. WE TRULY ARE I MEAN LIKE DON'T LEAVE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'm waiting on Matt to look for Bella, Aaron is sleeping, I already posted for The Conductor, so it's just Amelia, I guess.)

Amelia rose from her bed awkwardly, pulling out her drawer and searching desperately for her bathing suit. She recalled a boy walking through the hallway after swimming, and decided that she would check it out.
(So sorry, [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION], I have been caught up with the drama of Jenna, haven't I? I'll be sure to use all my charries from now on. To tell you the truth, I'm really only use to playing one character at a time, lol.)

Jenna shook her head yes at Sanz. "Oh, right! Sorry, forgot about that!" She replied, just before The Conductor had playfully attacked her.

"Hey, Conductor~" Jenna said, booping him on the nose and giggling. "What's up with the bathing suit?" She asked, smiling widely.

James walked from the kitchen and to his bedroom, in search of Amelia. "Hey, 'Melia!" James said with playfulness evident in his tone. He picked her up by the waist and lifted her up, laughing. "How's it going, stranger?" A large grin cracked onto his face, earning another laugh from him.


The Conductor nodded once more before tossing the trunks over his shoulder. "I was playing on going swimming. 'Case in case you forgot the date, it's July 15th." He muttered, turning on one heel and heading to the kitchen.
"Hey! Wait, can I come?!" Jenna eagerly sat up, tossing the covers off of her. She followed The Conductor close behind and once she caught up, grabbed onto his shoulder, spinning him around quickly. "You wouldn't mind if I came, right?" Jenna asked, running her hand down The Conductor's arm and smiling softly.
(Aaron was talking to Char Char's character... ^^;; I will edit this to a post in a bit... xD )
((Yeah, here, I'll whip something up to clear things up xD )

Aaron stretched his back, forcing himself to leave the comfort of his bed. He quickly got dressed in to a tank top and jeans, combing his hair ever so gently. He smiled, walking aimlessly about the train. "Oof! Sorry... Ash?" He mumbled after bumping in to a rather fimiliar girl.
Sanz let out a sigh as she realized her mistake, quickly being overtaken by the conductor. He pulled headphones back on and made his way to the arcade. Maybe he could pop in an older rpg to pass the time. He smiled as the "Lone Wolf" theme from Asura's wrath came through his ears.
The Conductor laughed, his face gently tinting pink. "Sure. just, uh, stop doing.... That." He chuckled, forcing his arm away her. He walked in to the kitchen taking a deep breath with a grin. "Sage, other person that I have yet to remember your name, I'm going swimming, and I, uh, think Jenna is too. Wanna come? I can make a mean shirley temple." He asked coolly, pressing his back against the door frame and thrusting a thumb in his direction.


[MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] Me and [MENTION=3145]I Love Death the Kid[/MENTION] are impatiently awaiting for you to post xD

I frowned, sniffling away at my runny nose. "Well, you could have told me sooner." I grumbled, thankful I didn't have to butcher hand language. ".... They'd want me to find a way out. But..." I looked at the walls that seemed to be more bars then what they truly looked like. "But there's no way. I can't even tell them I'm alive..." My arms felt empty. The space next to me felt cold and empty. I, as a being, felt empty. So empty, I couldn't muster anger.


My eyes moved to the woman feet away, one I hadn't seen before. "Hello there." I said, my tone almost a question. I had never seen this girl before... "Where did you crawl from?" I asked in a joking tone, my head still on the table, yet turned to her.

[MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION]

(( Sorry, just got back from a party! ))
When Bella completely ignored Sage’s question, her eyes glued to the entrance of the kitchen, Sage move to put the finished food into the oven. Feeling an over whelming need to be alone, she looked at the other in the kitchen. “I set a timer for when the food will finish. I need to go for a bit…” Sage said to Darian, turning to the conductor, Sage sighed and shook her head a bit, “No… but thanks for the offer. Perhaps later.” before turning to go else ware.

Walking out into the hall way, Sage took a turn to go look else ware on the train. Turning around a corner, Sage found a small gym. Interesting. Walking into the gym, Sage meandered around the equipment. She was never one for working out, she was weak muscled. Taking her tie out of her pocket, Sage walked over to one of the mirrors to loosely retie it around her neck. Next she unbutton the cuffs around her wrists and began to roll up her sleeves.

Looking at one of the weights, Sage leaned down to pick up one of the smaller weights. Completely caught off guard by the weight of it, Sage nearly toppled over.
“UGH!” She grunted, picking it back up “Ugh… This is ridiculous…”


Matt walked into the kitchen and jumped around the corner,
“Boo!” he said, “I found you!” before graving Bella and tickling her. But when he heard about swimming, he looked at Bella and smiled, “Do you wana swim?”


Rhea took a few steps away from the women when she grumbled at her, miss taking her words for anger.
‘I think they would not want you to give up either.’ Feeling a bit scared Rhea hugged herself but kept looking at the women, as if she was waiting for her to wake up. What Rhea felt when she saw the little girl with her bunny doll. The little girl probably had a family, people who loved her, crying and missing her. Rhea bet her family was missing her too. But she couldn't do this to herself because it would make it worse on them.

Rhea felt weak, she had not eaten in a few days and needed to do so.
‘You’re not alone. On this train. We all are suffering from the same fate.’
Sanz walked by the gym on his way to the arcade . . . and stopped.

Ugh . . . this is ridiculous

Odd, he hadn't seen anyone else use the equipment in there since he had been brought on this contraption. He shook his head, who on earth was it? He opened the door very slowly, not making any noise as he slipped in to find the blue-haired man attempting to lift a weight. He had to stifle a small chuckle as he realized it was one of the 60 lb ones.


"I... I know." I rubbed my arm, looking at anything other than her. "I just..." I bit my lip, inhaling sharply to stop myself from sobbing. The people in this cage expect me to get over it. How could I? My baby... She'll never see me again...

I leaned against the wall, smoothing out my sundress slightly. "How old are you?" I asked the girl, keeping my eyes off her and focusing on a spec on the carpet. I looked at her for a moment, waiting for her to reply. I kept forgetting I'd have to force myself to look at her, since she couldn't speak.
Sage dropped the weight when she heard someone chuckling. Turning around, Sage looked at Sanz. “Oh Saaannzzzzyy~” Sage said waving at him. “Sorry… I can’t hold a façade anymore. Forgive me but I don’t feel like messing with you right now.” Sage said, sitting down on one of the lifts. She smiled at him. But her smile was a bit twisted with malice.


Rhea shuffled a bit, knowing how uncomfortable she was, Rhea teared up a bit again, but then whipped them with her sleave before signing again,
’15… How about you?’ She asked.
"Name's Kara actually." The young woman spoke to them all as both Dadrian and TC addressed towards her in someway. Giving Dadrian a small smile she continued, "I've actually just been a little anti-social. I promise I haven't crawled out any hole's or anything," she said in the same joking tone before gazing over towards the Conductor so it didn't seem she was ignoring him. She then began to speak directly to him. "I don't believe we've formally introduced ourselves before," Standing up and turning towards The Conductor, Kara simply put her hand out for him to shake, covering her face with a small courteous smile.

With her opposite hand she moved her bangs out of her face so she could see TC a little better. I really need to get those cut, Kara mentally groaned as she scolded slightly up at her purple bangs. I doubt I could get it done though..

She shrugged slightly and returned her focus towards the Conducter, "I believe I may come and take a swim actually. My friend Cid should be there evidentially so that benefits me in a way." Tapping her chin lightly with her free index finger she pretended to ponder over his slight offer of a Shirley Temple, "I would adore a Shirley Temple at this time..." Kara had a twinkle in her eyes as she praised herself for actually coming in here and talking to someone, well other than her Ciddo.
"Probably a good decision on your part."

Sanz picked up the weight he'd left behind and set in on the rack where it belonged

"Everyone who has messed with me in the past ended up getting hurt."
Ashley looked up blankly as someone ran into her, blinking at the familiar face. "Huh?" she muttered, slowly processing the situation, her brown eyes widening, "Aaron?!" A grin slowly spread across her face as she threw her arms around his neck, giving him the biggest bear hug imaginable.
“Haha. I have to say, I never have gotten hurt, mentally. Physically... I would snap like a twig.” Sage pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose. She felt like she had a headache. “Would you like to sit Sanz?” She asked, patting the piece of equipment she was sitting on.
Sanz shrugged his shoulders

"Not like I had anything better to do."

He came up next to the equipment, preferring to sit criss-cross on the ground

"May I ask why?"

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