~All Around the World~

Pulling her legs up, Sage placed her elbows on her knees and tangled her fingers together, finally resting her head on her crossed fingers, " Hmmm? Why?" Sage merely said, almost in a bored tone. She did not really look at Sanz, just stare straight ahead at the wall, admiring the wall paper. You would not think it was a train, just a normal gym room.
Sanz let out an annoyed breath

"If you don't want to answer, just say so. Answering like that is not beneficial to anybody."

Sanz reached behind himself and pulled one of the 80 lb weights off the rack, holding it in his right hand

"It's just a way to waste time."
"Of course. There is a lot of 'Why' going on right now Sanzy. You must understand, I merely want to know in preference to what 'Why' you are looking for." She said, not even flinching at Sanz's blunt rebuttal. "Why did I ask you to sit with me? That could be one. Perhaps deeper, Why are we here, besides to be someones lab rats? Perhaps, why I am flimsy and can be snapped like a twig?" She said, her usually glint of humor came back at the last portion of the question she posed. "Why is a powerful word, completely ready to fill minds with assumptions. Completely ready to throw the world for a loop... Thus I came to this assumption... You are asking me why I invited you to sit? For that I answer you, 'Why do we need a reason'?" Sage smiled, letting out a small breath, enjoying the company Sanz was already giving her. He challenged her, unlike The Conductor and Jenna, who were simple and easy to tease, but they were much more fun.

Is there a reason to anything I do?
She thought to herself.
Sanz looked at her for a solid minute before burying his head in his hand with an exasperated sigh.

"Dammit. Is this normal for you? Or am I just the lucky son of a ***** who gets to deal with it right now?"

More to the point . . . it reminded him WAY too much of someone close to him . . . that devil of a sister
((*sighs* I might as well just drop this now... it's already gotten pretty far and there's no way I'd be able to keep up with how busy I've been lately.... *sighs again* and I really liked the idea of this one too.....))
((We are still on day one... You can try, but this thread does move very fast =/))

With that Sage burst out laughing, her legs swung over the edge of the equipment and her hands came to the grasp the edge, holding her up as she leaned foreword,
"If you must know Sanzy, I don't even know. Like you said earlier, people who mess with me tend to get hurt. Thus... no one has managed to get to the core. Tell me, are you always so blunt?" She said, her usual smile completely gone from her face.
Sage grind, "Of course not, but it seems you have a problem with me." She said, placing her head in her hands once more.
Sanz chuckled softly under his breath

"Well, you can safely say I don't have a problem with you. That's just how I am. It was beaten into me from childhood, so don't bother trying to crack it."

Well . . . it wasn't entirely truthful. This boy DID seem to have a knack for talking between several people, as to what purpose? He had no idea.
Sage's smile softened, "Since childhood huh?" She said, more as a emphasis on his words then a question. "I feel like prying. perhaps you would want to tell me how you have come to be so blunt?" All while asking, Sage started to unroll the cuffs of her shirt, buttoning the wrists. After she was done with the first task, she buttoned the two lose buttons on her collar back up just before she tightened her tie around her neck once more. Feeling a bit more appropriate, Sage trained her sights back on Sanz again.
Sanz stood up suddenly

"Does it matter?"

He set the weight down before walking back over to the punching bag that he had beaten the snot out of early that morning

"Looking back on the past doesn't change a thing."
I think I hit a soft spot. Sage thought when he got up. He walked past her to go to the punching bag. Sage did not turn her gaze to follow him, but remained where she was staring at the wall. "Not physically " She said softly, "No it can't be changed physically. But our understanding of ourselves, of situations and others, can certainly morph the past to be something completely different then we originally thought it was... perhaps you wish for an example?" Sage said, tilting her head back. "But I would like to take that as a defined 'No' to my pry. So, I feel we should stay pleasant. Did you enjoy my pancakes this morning?" Sage said, the conversation change came easy.
Sanz stopped in his tracks and looked back at her

"What are you, are psychologist?"

He put his hand flat against the sandbag and took a deep breath. Stop. That irritating feeling starting to grow does not mean a damn thing. Let it go.

"They were fine."

He answered with his back turned
Sage turned around to look at Sanz, her small smile still present. She was doing what she does best, get on others nerves, she could see it. This is what pushed others away, and it always worked, be it she was trying or not. This moment, she was not trying. She was stuck, searching for words that would not dig deeper or open holes wider. Silence was not Sage's strong point, nor was meaningless chat. Words and possibilities bunched wildly in Sage's head, "This is what I am talking about." She said awkwardly, a fumble on her part. Her speech usually came out confident, flawless. "I am a bit hopeless sometimes."
"I suppose there's some story behind that too? Some manner of life that forced you to constantly speak like some riddler?"

He punched the sandbag once, letting out a small grunt. It always was therapeutic to beat on something, push his frustration and irritation into a physical action.
"A riddler?" Sage laughed bringing the side of her hand to her mouth, "That is new for me." She paused and thought for a bit, tilting her head to the side. She felt her head spin trying to grasp inside of herself for answers to questions she has been asking herself for years. Why has she changed into this person? It was a dumb thing, not to know one's self.

"The manner of life that forced me into the way I am. I don't think I could answer right now. I have yet to change the outlook of my own past." She said, coming up with the answer, rather proud of it actually.
(I don't know how much longer I can stay awake -_- )

"You are a damn psychologist."

Sanz started to circle around, punching the sandbag in the practiced manner he had done before. It wasn't just a fist throw, you utilized your entire body, to throw all your weight at the point of impact . . . whether it was a practice dummy or a living man's skull.
(Thats ok... its like 4am for me now too... I am so sleepy. But you are actually treading into territory with Sage no one has had the patience to tread! Congratulations on cracking the first layer of her skin and earning her respect. xD )

Sage did not answer this time, just watching Sanz ,rather impressed with his fighting skill. He was no fluke or fledgling, it was all skill and power. "No. Just perceptive with a sharp tongued." She answered finally after five long minutes have passed, her malice smile returned at the statement Sage noticed that her smile gave away too much of what she was thinking or going to do. She let out a small sigh and leaned back. Silence was easier to manage when someone else was doing the work. "I made some enchiladas I would think they were done by now. Perhaps you would like some?" She asked after a few moments. Why did he even stay? He seemed like the type of guy who would leave if the situation pressed itself in annoying ways.
(This is all I got left in me. It's currently 4:34, so I REALLY can't afford to stay up any later. One layer eh? The first of many >:3)

"Hmm . . . that's something I actually can't make on my own. Well, I actually never bothered to try making anything too fancy."

He swung around, bringing his leg up high enough for his shin to connect with where an opponents neck would have been. It was one smooth motion, causing the sandbag to swing away slightly, he stepped back into one full-fledged punch when it came back to him. It could have been his imagination, but he swore he heard the stitches straining.
(Good night haha! Be warned, this only gets worse haha. xD >:3)

((The Death Kid, if Jenna tells Sage about the kiss, I something quiet a funny/dramatic? plan
xD .... Might be even better if The Conductor is present haha.))

Feeling the need for time to herself passing, Sage plastered her pleasant smile back on her face and got up off the equipment she was sitting on. Yes, time time she had with Sanz, she was as close to herself as she can get sometimes. Now she was ready to take her mischief to another level.
"Perhaps we should join everyone in the pool? Although I think it is about time I pulled the food from the oven." She said, thinking aloud. Sanz was lucky, he walked in when she was at a weak point in her mind, in her poker face. However, she manage to push a few buttons for him. She will have to be more careful next time.

Watching Sanz punch and torment the punching bad made Sage's smile twist a bit,
"Haha... yes a twig." she mumbled as she turned to walk away before he could answer about swimming, she was sure he would be in the kitchen a bit later for food.
(@Ricia Hmmm... Yes, I shall do this. Drama~ Gotta love it! Anyway, I do greatly apologize for falling asleep this early...again. BUT, I pinky promise that I'll stay up late tonight!)

Jenna squealed in delight and ran off to the kitchen, searching for Sage. "Sage! Hey, Sage, we need to talk!" She yelled out, glancing around for him. Sage is a very twisted person now that I think about it... Jenna thought to herself, scrunching up her nose. I'm starting to wonder if I can actually consider him a friend...
(Hahaha well have fun then hehe.)

Sage just entered the kitchen as Jenna ran around yelling her name,
“I am here.” She said patting Jenna on the head as she walked to the oven to pull out the Encaladas. The time still said 10 minutes, but she thought it would be ok, they smelled ready. Placing them on the table, Sage coughed in her hand then put a lid onto of food. “Now… what can I help you with?”
"Ummm... Well, I know you have a, uh, thing for The Conductor... So, I thought the thing a friend would do is tell you that we actually kissed..." Jenna said, almost whispering the last pert. Her face grew extremely red, thinking about the actions The Conductor had preformed.

([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] By the way, I don't think Nebuala's awake, she won't answer my texts. *sigh*)
Oooh Sanzy made me miss something important. She thought, silently blaming the red hair man for her lag.

Pulling Jenna out of the kitchen and into the hall, she pined her between a wall and Sage herself, thank god for her height.
“Did you guys really?” Sage asked, “I’m not mad…. Just a bit jealous… tell me everything Jenna!” Sage said, her eyes burning on Jenna.

(Thats fine. We can pause it right here if you want until she answers. All my plans have moved 5 times faster and some of them did not even get to happen bc you guy moved this relationship so fast.... we are still on day one
O.o Also... Sage is not that bad, she teasing will stay mild. However, Sanzy is about to get the worst of Sage haha.)

@I Love Death the Kid Yeah I understand that. I always try super hard not to rush a relationship, once they get together, Sage's want to mess with them will diminish. Sage already knows that she wont win, but she dose not do it to win, she does it to watch people squirm haha. But shes not a bad person, if you ever asked her for her help, she pretty good. Beside, I think Sanz is about to crack down on Sage, He will most likely to be the one to learn shes a girl first. xD )
Jenna blinked, surprised at Sage's forcefulness. "Uh, well, I was just talking to him, and I was kind of on top of him, and he kissed me!" Jenna said, not being able to hide the excitement in her voice. "I'm really sorry, it's just... I don't know. I think I might like him too." She confessed, hanging her head.

(@Ricia I know what you mean. To be completely honest, I thought Sage and Jenna were going to get together, LOL. Me and Nebula tend to go through relationships fast. Since we're best friends outside of this website, we like to make plans. xD )

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