~All Around the World~

(We're you two waiting for lil ol meeee? [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] [MENTION=3145]I Love Death the Kid[/MENTION]

The Conductor had already slipped himself out of the doorway before Sage had managed to enter. He changed himself in to his bathing suit and slung a towel over his shoulder. He looked at himself in a small mirror, blushing faintly as he smeared some of Jenna's lipgloss from his lips. He sighed quietly and made his way to the kitchen and opened the door.

Bella nodded happily, grabbing Matt's hand and running to her room. She tripped and stumbled many times, yet it never stopped her from reaching her room. She threw open her drawers, sticking out her tongue as she searched violently for a bathing suit.
Jenna looked over at The Conductor, her face growing incredibly pale. This looks so wrong! She thought to herself, looking back to Sage. "Uh, th-this isn't what it looks like!" Jenna stuttered, desperately searching for something to say.

(Sorry, [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION], thought this would be interesting. :P [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION], Hehe, we were waiting. I was doing so very impatiently.)
(Yeeesss… I was kind of hoping Jenna would go into having a crush on both Sage and TC, and that way the messing around with them could go on long. Sage was not suppose to pull the whole ‘but I loved you the whole time TC’ till much later haha.)

Sage smiled before tucking a finger under Jenna’s chin, pulling her face to look up at Sage’s before she pressed her lips down onto Jenna’s. When Sage had finished she pulled back and put her hand on her cheek and smiled.

"It is defiantly not what it looks like." Sage said with a smile, looking at The Conductor.


Matt only laughed loudly when Bella ran around frantically to get change in her bathing suit. Getting out his own trunks, he proceeded to change while Bella was looking for a bathroom. When he was done, he waited out in the hall for the little girl so they could go together.

(y-you posted before me... whyy? Dx Its not interesting because I have yet to even get to the interesting part... so impatient... I was typing up my other character because he was not in a dialog lock anymore. )
Jenna's eyes fluttered shut in ecstasy. Wait, what?! She screamed at herself mentally. Why does this feel so... Right? "N-no... Sage..." Jenna whispered, blushing heavily. "Conductor..." She looked over at him, her eyes brimming with tears.

(@Ricia Ohmigod, I partially just died. xD )
(I can imagine at some point Sanz dragging Sage away in the middle of her pulling this crap haha…)

Sage saw a bit of tears in Jenna’s eyes, she immediately frowned,
“Oh Jenna! I am sorry… I just wanted to know what it was like to kiss TC…” She said, blushing a bit. “I thought it would be like kissing him, since he kissed you. It would be like Second hand kissing…” She said, squirming a bit, looking kind of embarrassed.
The Conductor felt his face turning red. "I was just letting you know I was going to the pool, since you wanted to come so bad. But, uh, I see your busy." He muttered, walking to the fridge and yanking out a can of soda. He turned on one heel and walked out, hiding the pain coursing through him. Meh, whatever. Never been to good with relationships, anyway. Even though we weren't dating. He thought, stepping in to the pool. He cringed at the cold water, yet still managed to slip himself in to it.

Bella ran in circles, bouncing up and down happily. "I wanna swim I wanna swim!" She squealed, grabbing his hand with her small body still frantically soaring up and down through the air.
Jenna couldn't help but fell a tinge of jealously. Right. The Conductor. Sage has no feelings for me whatsoever. I know this, so why do I still try? Shaking her head, Jenna watched as The Conductor exited, making her heart drop. "Wait! Conductor!" She called out, looking back into Sage's eyes.

([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] It's killing me knowing that Jenna has kissed a girl and she liked it. Lol. xD )
(LOL, your comment made my tummy hurt with laughter. xDD This is like some messed up fake love octagon... xD )

"Oh Jenna... I am sorry. I tried to tell him before he left... You might want to go explain to him. I understand since you like him too. Beside... we both know he would never love me." She said sadly, rubbing her arm awkwardly. "I am sorry about this." She said, "You should probably go."


Matt laughed, "Can you swim Bella?" He asked as they passed Sage and Jenna, it looked like something had happened, but he was not sure. When they reached the swimming pool, Matt looked at Bella, "Do you need floties?"

The Conductor turned his head, clearly hearing Jenna's call. He sighed, shook his head and took a sip of his soda. "I'm done having my heart dumped time and time aga-OH NO." He shouted, standing up. "I've become a girl!" He shrieked, sinking himself in to the water with a groan.

Bella nodded once. "My mom gave me lessons." She muttered, her jumping slowly ceasing. "I can swim. No floaties." She added happily.
"You... You little bastard!" Jenna screamed, delivering a sharp smack to Sage's left cheek. "It's your fault the The Conductor probably hates me now!" She continued to scream at Sage, partly from her worry about The Conductor and partly from her mixed emotions about Sage. "It's all your goddamn fault..." Jenna turned and stormed out of the kitchen, making her way to the edge of the pool. "Jake, I have no idea why Sage did that! We were just talking and he kissed me!" Jenna said, tears forming in her eyes.

([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] I'm so sorry... I feel so bad now! :( [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] I give you your freaking credit.)
(LOL! xD )

“Hahaha okie, In you go Bella!” He said before he picked her up and tossed her in. Dipping his own feet in, he shiver how cold it was, “You won’t became a girl in less your family jewels fall off from this chill. If that’s the case I think we can help each other get through this, because this water is cold!” Matt said laughing at The Conductor yelling at himself, Matt always had a joke read for times like this.

When Jenna ran in and started jelling about Sage kissing her, Matt blush.
W-what? Matt had never had his first kiss... I was planing on kissing the girl he dated... but he never go the chance.


(LOL... Ouch. Don't feel bad xDD)

When Sage got slapped, Jenna yelled at her, calling her a bastard and completed the chewing when she stormed away to the pool area. Sage rubbed her cheek. Plastering a face of shock as she watched Jenna leave.

When she was sure Jenna was gone she only smiled and continued to caress her soar cheek."Usually I manage to avoid the physical rebuttals, but no such luck this time. Oh well, comes with the territory. Snap like a twig..." Sage muttered, feeling a twinge of satisfaction with Jenna's tears. She felt no guilt because Sage knew for a fact that everything would work out at the end for those two, but for right now, she planed to play. Returning to the kitchen Sage pulled out an ice pack and warped it in a paper towel and put it on her cheek.
The Conductor groaned. "Don't call me Jake." He murmured, taking a sip of his soda hesitantly. He refused to give in as easily as before. He dipped his head under the water and pushes his hair to the side, allowing the water to drip down his face. He turned his attention to Matt with a quiet laugh. "You get used to it." He whispered, trying to keep a bit of seriousness with Jenna.

Bella popped above the water, laughing as she pulled her hair back. She softly waded in the water, her lips turning a pale shade of blue. "C-Cold!" She giggled, swimming to the wall and grabbing on to it, allowing her legs to rest.
Jenna's lip quivered with The Conductor's cold reply. "B-but..." She whispered, tears cascading down her cheeks. "I didn't mean to do anything... Please... Why don't you believe me?!" Jenna wiped away her tears, her eyes searched for The Conductor's. I don't know why I try to form a relationship. It all leads to heart break anyway. She thought to herself, reaching out and pushing the hair out of The Conductor's face. "Will you please believe me?"
Matt ducked his head, feeling entirely awkward. Why was he here witnessing this?? He wanted to leave, but he did not want to leave poor Bella here by herself. Matt's face was blazing red at this point. "S-so how about this water?" He said awkwardly. Oh man this was completely unfair. He swished his feet in the pool a bit, trying to not look at either person here.
The Conductor looked at her coldly, his brown eyes now a seemingly awkward shade of black. He was used to her usual scent of roses and vanilla, yet could only smell Sage. "I don't know if I can. By the way you were looking at him, you liked him. It's uncomfortable to be doing this whole back and fourth thing. It is for me, at least." He whispered, sinking himself deeper in to the water. "If you're gonna sit here and talk to me, might as well get changed and get in the pool." He mumbled a bit loudly.
Jenna looked down at her clothes and shrugged. She sat down, slipped into the pool, and stared at The Conductor without flinching. "I don't need to get changed, Jake." She said, crossing her arms. "Listen, I'm not trying to 'go back and forth'. Sage is mentally messed up, or something!" Jenna whispered loudly, anger coursing through her system. "I... I just want you. I promise!"
The Conductor quickly stepped out of the pool, grabbed her arm and pulled her out. He grabbed his towel and wrapped it around her. "You idiot, you're going to catch a cold. Go back to your room and get changed, come back when you're dry." He muttered harshly, stepping back in to the pool. "Yeah. The water is pretty cold." He added, elbowing Matt. "I guess we'll get through it."

Bella shivered and swam her way over to Matt, her limbs awkwardly flailing to keep herself afloat. She sat himself on his lap, trying to remain still. "Where's Sage?" She asked quietly, looking up at Matt innocently.
Matt flashed and awkward smile at the two of them left, “Y-yeah.” Damn this was beyond awkward. When Bella sat down on his lap, Matt let out a few awkward giggles, “hehe..hehaa.. I have no idea Bella… I think she was finishing lunch.” He said, rubbing the back of his head.
Jenna's face grew red with anger. "Yeah, sure. Okay." She mumbled, walking back to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, her eyes fell upon Sage clutching an ice pack to his cheek. "I'm sorry for hitting you," Jenna apologized, hanging her head in shame. "It was really inappropriate of me. I should've controlled my anger more."

([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] I felt like bringing Sage back, lol.)
Sage glanced at Jenna and smiled at her pleasantly "Don't be Jenna. I was very selfish to do that to you. I did not stop to consider how you would feel about it. Like I said, I tend to be a very physical person." Sage had been sitting there in a daze, her mind had wondered to Sanz and the conversation they had earlier. "Did you save TC from my horrible mistake?" She asked her. Taking another bite of the encalota she had severed herself, she looked away from Jenna and to her plate.
Jenna rubbed her arm nervously. "No," She grumbled, gazing at the ground. "To tell you the truth, you probably have a better chance with him than I do." Sorrow was beyond evident on Jenna's face as she glanced back up at Sage.
The Conductor ran his soaked blonde locks through his pruny fingers with a laugh. "I could go for some food. But I'm scared the next time I come in, her and Sage will be on the bar having dirty---Oh wait Bella's in the room." He mumbled, looking down at the confused toddler. He laughed again. "Just playing. But really. I'm going to the hot tub." He added, standing up and walking 10 feet over to soak himself in the warm water.

Bella looked up at Matt, confusion etched in her looks. She slowly climbed out of the pool and seated herself next to T.C in the hot tub, sighing with relief as the warmth flooded throughout her body. "Come on in, Matt!" She beamed with a large wave, as if he didn't know where she went.
Matt smiled and let Bella pull him to the hot tub. Sliding in, Matt shivered as the warm water immediately chased the chill away. “this is great, better then the pool.” he said, laughing with Bella. "With this Conductor, I am sure we will stay male!"

When he looked at the conductor he sighed,
“I don’t what to tell you man. I don’t know Sage, Jenna or you very well. But to be truthful, Sage says some off things sometimes, and his smile… sometimes seems fake.” He splashed a bit of water at Bella, “Beside, I am not really fluent with the ways of the heart man. I really liked this girl and I asked her out. She said yes. That’s when I got brought onto here. I have never even had my first kiss.” He said with a hardy laugh.


“Don’t think like that Jenna, your everything The Conductor would want. I have nothing you do. I don’t think I have a chance.” She said, cutting another piece of encalota, Still staring at the wall. “I would offer a hug, but I don’t think you want me to even go near you right now.” Sage could feel her face going numb from the ice pack. “Would you like some food? By the way… why are you soaking wet…” She asked casually.
Jenna looked down at her clothes, blushing a bit when noticing her partially see through white shirt. "Um, Conductor kind of threw me out of the pool when I tried to apologize.." She tried to explain, crossing her arms over her chest. "Listen, I don't have time right now. I need to apologize. Again. But, you know, you could go out there and try to convince him that we weren't doing anything." Jenna stated before walking out of the kitchen and towards the cart she slept in.

([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] Yes, I went there with the white shirt. xD )
The Conductor nodded once, looking over at the pool. "Eh... My soda...." He mumbled, attempting to reach it. "Damn. Whatever." He whispered quietly, snapping his fingers.

Bella laughed, diving herself under the shallow water. She gently opened her eyes, searching about for Matt's feet. She found them, latched on, and began to swing them around playfully.

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