~All Around the World~

Sanz's ears perked up at the soft words spoken. When he turned around the source was already gone. That voice was unmistakable, but something was off.

"Odd. He sounds . . . weak."

Was he injured? Had someone besides himself finally had enough but actually taken action? He shook his head as he tried to focus elsewhere, and failed.

help yourself

He looked over at one of the enchiladas, devouring it in a few minutes. It was very well-made.


He shook his head. Why couldn't his conscience leave him alone at times like this? He walked down past the train, coming to the room where she resided, knocking.

The Conductor laughed, making his way to the kitchen with Jenna in his arms. He set her down at the bar, searching through the cabinets. "It's 3, time for lunch. What do you want?" He asked, looking back at her casually.
Jenna shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm really not too hungry, honestly." She said, smiling. "What do you want? I'm actually a fabulous cook! Probably even better than Sage!"
The Conductor grinned, looking back at her with a twinkle in both eyes. "I'll take this as a challenge. How about me and you both make a dish, have Sage, Sanz, and Ashley judge it, we can see who's a better cook. We both know that I can never back down from a challenge." He smirked, holding out a hand for her to shake. "Deal?"
"You can come in..." She said, buttoning up her shirt. Not sure who would be knocking. She probably should take a shower a bit later. her chest was hurting because of the binding. When she got knocked down when she landed funny.


Matt smiled and pulled Bella out of the water and shook her a bit,
"Its nap time for you. Come on, lets get dry." He said putting her down to help her dry off.
Jenna glanced down at The Conductor's hand. She grinned before taking it in her own, pulling The Conductor close, and placing a tender kiss on his lips. "Deal." She said breathlessly when she pulled her head back. Giggling, Jenna took the turban off (That Arabians use! [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] I'm smart... I-I swear..) and put it onto the bar. She shook her pink hair, smiling when some droplets of water hit The Conductor's body. "Sorry." She said, wiping some of the water off with her left index finger.
Sanz slid the door aside, looking over at Sage.


He walked over to one of the beds across from the young man, sitting down.

"You all right?"
"Yeaah... just a bit bruised.... TC tackled me.... I told you, I am very squishy. Then I have this lovely bruise," She said, motioning to the bruise on her cheek, "I think my chest hurts the worse. So you did not want to go swimming? What did you think of the food?" She asked, smiling. "Also... what brings you here? I was almost sure I annoyed the mess out of you." She said, humor in her voice.
The Conductor grabbed on to her hand, grinning as he tugged on it, forcing her body against his. "Fair en-" He began, only to be interrupted by a loud clap of thunder. He cringed, watching as the lights slowly began to dim. "I guess we're going back underwater today. Now that I think about it, we probably crossed a small island. Lemme take a look." He mumbled, walking to the back with a nod. He pointed to a small green dot in the middle of the Pacific. "We're here, so odds are we're going to be going back under water in about 30 minutes, but I doubt we'll have to stay in our rooms. We'll just be in a dark train." He added, looking back to Jenna. "Wanna help me set up lanterns in some rooms in the trains do we won't be in utter darkness?"
"How many questions are you going to--"

Sanz stopped as a clap of thunder echoed through the area. He let out a sigh

"All right, in order: No, I don't feel the need to go swimming as of now. The enchilada was just fine thank you. And, I came because some stupid part of me doesn't leave someone who's hurting alone. Now, my turn. Why did the conductor tackle you? Though i can hazard a guess. And two: Why does your chest hurt?"
“Hahaha, it was quiet humors, actually,” She said, laughing, “I was in the room with Jenna while she was changing, don’t get me wrong I was not looking, my back was turned. But anyway… TC came In and tackled me because he thought it was peaking…. My chest hurts because I slammed into the ground. I am afraid I might he bruised a rib, perhaps it is just soar.” She said, rubbing her sides.

Maybe he'd learned a little something from that . . . then again, he had that tone back in his voice. He let out another sigh, why did his mind refuse to let this go? There wasn't any permanent damage right? He stood up and walked over

"Well, maybe that should tell you something."
((Sorry everyone! I'm probably on a different timezone then everyone else so I may miss a few pages, but I will not drop this RP I am too stubborn! And I love the idea of it... he he C:))

Kara had fallen back asleep after her little swim. She lay there completely exhausted and drained from the days events, although she had not really done much. A loud clap of thunder shook the train and Kara shot up frightened and sweaty. The woman was deathly afraid of thunder and lightning. Jumping out of bed, still in her sweater, jeans, and scarf, the purple haired maiden quickly ran out of Cart 3 searching for Cid. He always knew how to help her through a thunderstorm. The sound or rushing water could be heard outside the trains metal walls and Kara slightly relaxed, but she was still a frantic little thing.

"Hey Ciddo? You around here?" It wasn't dark in the train just yet, but Kara guessed that everyone would be heading back into their rooms like last time and if anyone was asleep she didn't want to wake them. She whispered again with a little more urgency, "Clyde!?" Why must I be so afraid of thunder? Why can't I be a normal person and be afraid of politics or the economy or SOMETHING?!

She was mentally yelling at herself as her feet carried her back into the kitchen for a little snack.
Jenna froze at the sound of the thunder. She shivered, the sound of it terrifying her. "I-I-I..." She stuttered, squeezing her eyes shut, trying not to let years escape.
"Hmmmm..." Sage said, making the sound she knew annoyed him. "Don't walk into my own room? Is that the lesson I needed to learn?" She asked sarcastically. She heard some more thunder, making her take a deep breath. "So who is your room mates, I don't feel like handing out here much right now... I am a little peeved at TC." That was a lie, she could care less. She just wanted to sleep and not have anyone come in giggling and flirting.
"Never really paid attention. I always was up before any of them. I know Jenna, TC, and Bella are not."

So much for learning anything. Or maybe that was how he got his kicks? Sanz sincerely hoped that was not the case

"I don't want to be here." She said simply, rather blunt, but still not answering the question. "Say... Do you have any baggy shirts?" She asked, "I just own button ups and ties really." Sage sat up, looking at Sanz for the first time up close. She smiled a pleasant smile at him.


After Matt got a sleepy Bella into some sleeping cloths, she took her back to the room and laid her down for bed.
The Conductor scooped her up, as the lights flickered, fighting to stay on. He gently covered her ears as alarms sounded again.


The alarms slowly ceased, making him sigh with relief. He slowly made his way to the stuffy supply room. He managed to handle a box of lanterns as well as a fragile girl in his arms all the way back to the bedroom, where he hastily hung up two lit lanterns. He sat Jenna on her bed, gently kissed her fore head, and took the box to the hallways where he hung up a series of lanterns. After visiting various rooms and using up all of the lanterns in the box, he shuffled back to his room and grabbed pajamas. "Wait for me while I get dressed." He muttered, walking to the bathroom and changing in to sweatpants and a t-shirt. He walked back in to the room, looking over at Sanz and Sage quietly talking. He smiled happily and looked back to Jenna, cocking his head towards the door. "Go get dressed in to dry clothes."
"Can I borrow something to wear?" She asked, smiling widely. "I desperately need to get to the laundry room and clean all my clothes." A giggle escaped Jenna's lips as she blushed deeply.
(Sorry, I had to eat dinner.)

Sanz looked over at the two who had come in. A brief understanding flashed through his mind before he stood up

"Come on then. Better be quick."
Sage laughed and then got up to follow Sanz out of the room. “I guess we should be helping hang up latrines…” Sage said quietly, She felt like she could hardly move though. “I hurt like hell though. Not sure if I want to help. Geeze…”
Kara heard the announcement overhead and took a shaky breath. "Well maybe that's where Clyde is.." Redirecting her feet she passed the Conductor on the way to the supply room, but said nothing. She was set on finding her friend. Kara grabbed a few lanterns and helped set them about then when she was finished she hurried off into the Kitchen.

As her feet passed the threshold she let out a sigh of relief, "There you are!"

Cid sat there with a look of worry across his face. He had thought he had been caught red handed, but it looked like Kara hadn't noticed the bowl of Ramen he had made for himself just five minutes ago. Sucking up a noodle and placing his bowl on the bar, the male turned toward his friend and acted as if he had done nothing.

"Hey Karkitty. You alright?"

"Yeah just peachy. Thunder scared the crap out of me that's all." Kara shrugged and took a seat next to Cid. Her eyes stayed glued to her nimble fingers in her lap.

Cid shrugged and grabbed his bowl of Ramen. He scarfed it down before Kara could see, she loved the stuff, but the green-haired male didn't feel like sharing at the moment.
"Someone's already done most of the work around here. I'll grab a box on the way just in case."

With the box gotten, he found that his own room was devoid of lanterns.

"If you really can't help just sit down somewhere. I'll take a look and see how bad it really is when I'm done."

He started to hang a few along the sides
Sage laughed but it was slightly morbid, "Oh Sanzy-poo, as much as I would like to show my chest off to you, I think it would be best for me too keep my shirt on." She said, putting her hands on her cheek and wiggling around. That hurt, maybe she did bruise her side. "I can check myself later."

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