~All Around the World~

Sanz stopped as he hung up the last lantern needed in the cabin. Looking strait at Sage with glazed-over eyes

"Right. Mr. Not-so-tough guy. How about you let someone who knows what to look for take a look at it?"

And what the hell was with that flirtatious attitude? Was this guy bi or something?
"Oh I am not very tough at all." Sage said sitting down on the bed. "I don't think you should... I just need a big shirt and I will be fine." She said, trying to insist. But she had a feeling he was not going to get up.

Sanz walked over to him, standing directly in front of the young man.

"One: I fail to see how grabbing a baggy shirt is going to help a possibly bruised rib or muscle sprain in your chest. Two: To acquire one requires my goodwill. And three: You have to take off your shirt anyway to change so I might as well take a look if you are so insistent on changing."

Something was off here. If it was someone like himself he could understand, but why did Sage seem dead-set on NOT letting him see his chest?
Sage let out a nervous chuckle, this was getting a little too close, this might actually cross the line. “I guess I will have to suffer then since your good will only extends to letting me room with you for a bit.” Thunder clashed again the in back ground. All she needed to do was take off her binding and she would be fine for her chest to heal, “What could you do for my chest if I really did have a bruised rib?” Sage leaned back on the bed to put a bit of space between them. She was starting to get nervous.
"Well of course the only thing that will heal it is time. Time plus an ice-pack generally. But you don't know for sure if it's a bruised rib. It could be something less harmful, then again it could also be something worse."

He crossed his arms

"Hell, I've had my ribs broken before, so at the very least I know what to look for."

He didn't speak in some cocky or proud manner, it was just a matter of fact.
“Oh… how did you go about doing that?” She asked, leaning forward some. This was the perfect opportunity to change the subject. She smiled her usual smile, the lanterns illuminating the room.

(She is being such a pain in the butt haha.)

(Let the war of stubbornness commence :3)

"Construction beam. Maybe I'll elaborate while I'm checking. Come on, shirt off."

He sat down on the edge of the bed opposite from Sage

"There's nobody else here."
(Yes! Let it)

"Oh man… the distraction was not effective.”
She said, laughing again. “Can’t you fill… outside the shirt? And for the refrerance you are here.” She said sarcastically.
Sanz ended up right next to the Sage

"What? You'd prefer I do this for the next hour?"

He poked the young "man" in the chest, it wasn't hard, but he wasn't exactly light either

As soon as Sanz poked Sage, She jumped onto the bed. He foot got tangled in the sheets of the bed, making Sage fall backwards
"Whoa-" She gasped as she started to fall backwards.
(This is going somewhere very comical, very quickly)

Sanz reached out and grabbed Sage's shoulder firmly with one hand, pulling him back upright

"I take it you don't want that then? It's either I poke around for about an hour and make an estimated guess, or you actually take your damn shirt off and let me see the problem."

Okay, this was bordering into the realm of the ridiculous. WHAT was he hiding?
(LOL yeah…)

“Why thank you Sanzy. You can poke around for a few hours!” She said happily, stumbling back a few steps. He was being VERY persistent. She had a feeling this was going to turn into dancing around the room in a bit. This guy was going to get his way… Damnit.
No. He wasn't getting off that easy. What was he hiding under there? A scar? A tattoo? Something he shouldn't be holding? Maybe an odd birthmark? At any rate it was ridiculous, time to change tactics. He actually let himself bear a small grin, though his eyes looked like they belonged on a devil

"Are you certain about that . . ."

He leaned in so that his face was inches from Sage's

"If it's worse than what you think, there's a chance I could make it even worse just by doing that. What if it's cracked? I might end up breaking it entirely, or worse completely put it out of place. Then we'd be in a bit of a mess wouldn't we?"
Sage’s smile extended, but it looked more like a smile of fear then laughter, “I-I am fragile!” Sage said before she jumped backwards and making a run to the other side of the room. “I don’t think Violence is the answer! I got beat up enough today! Also I don’t think there is a doctor on the train. Saaannnzzzyyy~~” Sage said, not really screaming, but defiantly in a raised voice.
Sanz let out a sigh, waving his open hand around in a circle.

"What? I'm only saying that it seems a very foolish decision to force me to try and guesstimate what's wrong by touch, which has a chance of backfiring horribly, as opposed to just stripping off your top. Or are you as bashful as you are frail?"

He raised an eyebrow with the last statement
(( I may have to pull out. Everyone is moving too fast and seems to have created tight relations already. I don't want to be a burden and continuously ask to add in. :/ ))
“Very very bashful Sanzy…” That was a flat out lie and not a very good one. Turning around to look at Sanz, Sage huffed a bit and laughed awkwardly. “Saanzy… why are you so determine to strip me dooown?” She said, a slightly flirtatious tone seeing if it will detour him at all. This will probably was the final stand before Sanz actually came down and forced her to take it off.
Right . . . he wanted to play that game?

"Bashful? Really? Well, putting aside that you were totally fine being in the same room with a girl who was changing . . ."

The triforce shirt hit the ground with a soft *fwump*. Sanz walked towards Sage slowly, both his hands in his pockets. There was a scar that looked like a deep gash over his right shoulder, what appeared to be a stab wound in the bottom of his abdomen to the right side, and over his left ribs was a giant splotch of scar tissue, as if it had burst clean open. In addition, it looked like someone had taken a scalpel and carved away all the excess body fat a man of his age should have, there was nothing but muscle. He stopped only a few feet from Sage.

"With this, there should be no problem right?"
"Ok ok... I'll tell you!" she said, eyeing his scars. She had a strange want to touch them. The scars moved across his chest in ways that seemed uneven and strange. Crap she had no good excuse. "Ok so... if you promise you won't tell anyone..." Stalling for a good excuse... Thiiinnk....
Sanz crossed his arms, looking at Sage's eyes darting around.

"I won't as long as it doesn't disturb everyone else . . ."

Was he going to tell the truth? His eyes were darting around, almost as if he was looking for an excuse. Of course, he already knew how to retort.
(This is a very long and stubborn battle haha.)

"Damnit..." Sage said under her breath, "I don't think it obstructs anyone...." Sage lifted up her shirt, just under her the binding. Her tummy looked soft and not very toned at all, very much the opposite of Sanz. "Will this be ok?" She asked, still trying to get away with it.
(It's like two bulls with their horns locked)

Partial huh? Well, he would let him off . . . if the problem in question was that low

Sanz knelt down to look. Odd . . . even if Sage had never worked out in his life . . . this didn't look like a man's belly. It was almost--no come on, that would be completely ridiculous. He ran one hand along the side, the skin on his fingers was rough and callused. There were a few bruises there along the side, but they started just at the edge of the shirtline

"Well, can't see it all. So we're going up."

He grabbed the front of the shirt and lifted it up all the way

( xD )

Sage froze, her binding warped tightly around her chest. She did not move. Maybe he would not figure it out. He was not dumb but. Sage was holding her breath, it wouldn't matter, he would have to remove the binding if he wanted to see the rips there.
"Uh...." Sage said, He had not said anything, she waited for a reaction.
"For crying out loud . . . just what are you so desperate to hide?"

He pulled the shirt of the rest of the way before grabbing the edge of the wrapping and ripping it away. The cloth started to unfurl as his hand went up the side again

"You don't have to--"

Sanz stopped dead. Holy shit. That was actually it. He quickly handed Sage's shirt back to HER and turned around.

"Put that back on. Then we'll talk."
Sage laughed a bit, letting the binding fall to the ground. Pulling her white beater over her head she unbutton her shirt and then rubutten it back over her. After she was done, she walked past him, slowly folding the binding in small squares, "See anything? And by anything I mean are my ribs broken?" She asked, sarcasume in her voice.

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