~All Around the World~

“She must have be quite the fighter. You are very skilled. When I watched you fight that punching bag earlier.” She said, walking closer to Sanz.
The Conductor shook his head playfully. "Tsk tsk, Jenna. Here." He mumbled, crouching down and quickly thinking. My clothes is too big for her. I guess I have to give her the smallest of what I have. He grabbed a very large pair of sweatpants and a large white tank top with a blue anchor on it. He handed it to her hesitantly. "They're very big." He whispered.
Jenna shrugged, "That's okay!" She said happily, pushing The Conductor's bangs from his eyes. She took the clothes from The Conductor's hands, and smiled. "Turn around?" Jenna asked, giving him an expecting look.
The Conductor sighed, turning his body so his back was facing her. He covered his eyes, a voice in the back of his head telling him to peek. He quickly shook the thought off and sat on his bed, keeping his eyes sealed.

The Conductor sighed, turning his body so his back was facing her. He covered his eyes, a voice in the back of his head telling him to peek. He quickly shook the thought off and sat on his bed, keeping his eyes sealed.
"When you fight hard enough to be called "The Demoness", yeah, you could say she was quite the fighter."

Sanz clenched his fist

"She was the one who helped look out for me when . . ."

He shook his head

"That's enough emotional baggage to drop for one day."
Jenna turned so her back was facing The Conductor, even though he had turned around himself. "Thanks," She muttered as she slipped off her jeans and shirt. Jenna replaced the discarded clothes with the rather large clothes belonging to The Conductor. Damn, these are huge! She thought to herself, rolling the waistband of the sweatpants so they were tighter against her extremely small frame, but not by much. Sighing in defeat, Jenna turned around and called out to The Conductor, "You can turn back around. By the way, why are your clothes so big?"
The Conductor turned around, a bit shocked by her loose clothing. "Uh, er, uhm.... I'm 6'2", you're 5'11". My clothes are going to be a bit big." He stifled, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks.
Jenna looked down at the clothes she was wearing. "Yeah, you are pretty tall, Conductor." She said, looking back up at him and smiling. "Are you sick or something? You're all red!" Jenna exclaimed, pressing her hand onto The Conductor's face, feeling for a fever. Concern was etched on Jenna's face as she felt for warmness, her eyebrows scrunched together.
The Conductor felt himself blushing heavier and attempted to look at his feet, only to be met with cleavage. He quickly looked back up and tried to look across the room, trying to avoid eye contact. "I'm fine." He growled quietly.
"Sorry..." Jenna whispered, backing up a little and looking down at her feet. She pulled the shirt up, pulling it closely to her body. "My father was a doctor." Jenna whispered even quieter, pain striking in her chest. "My mother and father were really nice people. They never did anything wrong. Never. They didn't deserve to..." She trailed off as tears slowly started spilling from her eyes.
The Conductor sighed, putting a hand to his forehead. He gently hugged her, stroking her hair. "Uh, it's... It's fine...." He whispered, trying his best to comfort her but failing miserably.
"Th-thanks, Conductor." Jenna whispered, sniffling. "I haven't had much time to open up to a lot of people. Thanks for being there." She repeated, wrapping her arms around The Conductor's neck, pulling herself closer to him. Tears cascaded down her cheeks, landing on The Conductor's shirt, staining it. "So sorry!" Jenna said, wiping her own tears away and trying to rub the tear stains from The Conductor's shirt. "Here." She said, grabbing onto the bottom of his shirt and lifting it over his head. Jenna threw it to the ground, bending down to retrieve a new shirt from his drawer connected to his bed.
The Conductor turned a darker shade of red, a cold gust of wind hitting his over exposed chest. It wasn't until he felt something gently brisk across his leg. He took several steps back when he realized that it was Jenna, making his cheeks look rosy like a girls.
Standing up with a new shirt in hand, Jenna smiled as she thrusted it at The Conductor. "There!" She said, smiling even brighter. "Sorry about getting your other one wet, I was just... Emotional."
The Conductor took the shirt and lazily tossed it on, grinning at her happily. "It's fine. It's-" He began, only to be interrupted by a loud boom of lightning. He quickly tossed his body on to Jenna's, embracing her roughly. "Oh. Sorry. Force of habit." He mumbled.
Moving closer she leaned down and looked at him in the eyes, she wanted to see what he was feeling. Sanz interested her, and not in the way people have interested her before. When people interested her, she wanted to know and then make them squirm or cry. She just wanted to know.

"You are different from most people I meet." She said quietly after starring at him for a while.
"I should hope so. Meeting people like me generally does more harm than good."

Sanz shook his head, as if he could shake away the company, before standing up.

"Go ahead and put the shirt on, I won't tell anyone about this."
Oh. My. God. Is this really happening? Jenna thought to herself, squeezing her eyes shut. "N-no, it's f-fine..." Stuttered Jenna as she grew a deep shade of scarlet. "To tell you the truth, I'm terrified of storms. And the dark. I know, it's childish, but I've always been afraid of it." She said, chuckling nervously as she opened her eyes. Jenna stared into The Conductor's chocolate brown orbs.
The Conductor blushed, walking to the door. "I'll go make hot chocolate." He mumbled, running to the kitchen. He quickly tossed up two cups of hot chocolate and awkwardly brought them back. He handed Jenna hers and took a sip of his, cringing as his tongue burned.
Laughing, Sage watched Sanz, "Me too."

standing up and flash Sanz her smile, she spoke again
"Why thank you. Also... would make you uncomfortable for me to room with you tonight? If there is room of course." She said. She would go back tomorrow night, but she planed to avoid The Conductor since he tackled her, she needed her side to heal before she actually tried to commit more trouble.

Putting on the new shirt when Sanz turned around, Sage let out an exasperated sigh,
"This dose not match my dress pants at all...Oh well can't be helped." She said, "It is almost dinner time... but there is still no power...."
(Nebula.... I love you dearly, I do, but... I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS MONSTROSITY YOU ARE SETTING ME UP TO TYPE!!!!)

"Thanks," Jenna said, smiling as she took the mug. Taking a generously large gulp, her mouth burned. The train made a sharp turn, making her drop the mug on herself. "Dammit!" She screamed, the burning sensation of the hot beverage was too much for her skin. Not even thinking, Jenna ripped the loose, baggy tank top from her body, writhing in pain. "Dammit!" She screamed again, obviously in pain.
(I set you up for nothing, lovely.)

The Conductor quickly whipped his head away, covering his eyes. "Jenna! A-Are you okay?!?!" He asked, grabbing her wrist. He drew in a deep breath and turned his head around, trying not to stare. "Are you hurt? I won't stare, I just need to make sure you're not hurt." He muttered, gently rubbing at the pink flesh on her stomach. Her skin warmthed his fingers, making him pull his finger back. He hesitantly wrapped a clean towel around her chest, covering everything as if the towel were a tube top. He scooped her up and brought her to the kitchen, sitting her awkwardly on the counter top. "K-Keep you're chest covered." He whispered, holding a damp rag in his hand.
"There are other ways to cook besides a stove you know."

Sanz pulled on a plain, dark red tank-top.

"As for the first question, I don't really mind. Just don't try anything, for your own safety."

He opened the door to head out, and was surprised to see a young girl with a stuffed bunny all by herself


"O-okay..." Jenna whimpered, clutching the towel to her chest... Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry! She thought to herself, trying her best to hold back her tears. "It hurts like hell." She muttered, pain coated her voice, making her sound very angry. Jenna took a deep, shuddering breath. "Please don't hurt me." She whispered, feeling completely immature because of the words that came from her mouth.

(Mmhmm. Okay, Nebs.)

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