~All Around the World~

Sage laughed loud, “Oh Sanzy, that sounds like an invitation. But no, really, I value my squishy life. And the stove is the best way…” She said, following him out the door.

“Ooh Bella, why are you all alone out here?” She asked. She swore Matt was with her.
The Conductor looked in to her eyes, seeing the pain and tears brimming. "Why would I do that?" He gently whispered, pressing the rag lightly on her skin. He slowly moved the rap around, awkwardly trying to get all of the warm skin cooler. "Sorry if it hurts." He mumbled, wetting the rag again and rubbing at her skin again. He quickly retrieved an ice pack and placed it on her stomach. He swirled it around, trying to cover everything. "Does it hurt?"
"Heh, no not at all..." Jenna said, squeezing back her tears. "Mng, GODDAMN!" She screamed, a little too loudly, balling her hands into fists. "Oh God, that was loud." Jenna whispered, snapping her eyes open. Her eyes darted downward, towards her stomach. "I'm such an idiot."
([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] I'm so sorry I completely skipped over the Bella part xD )

The Conductor looked up innocently. "Sounds like it hurts. Sorry." He quietly said, a tinge of sadness in his voice. He pressed the ice to her stomach and crouched down, finding an old first aid kit in the cabinets. He pulled out a burn ointment and softly smeared it on to her stomach. "It says to ice it on and off. The ointment should cool the burn and heal it as long as you occasionally ice it to trap the temperature." He said casually, bending his back roughly to crack it. He cradled Jenna again and grabbed the ice pack, gently blowing on her stomach as he walked back to the room.

Bella nodded several times, blinking as she looked up at Sanz and Sage. "You're not matching." She pointed out matter-of-factly, tugging gently at the large shirt.
Sanz knelt down to look at the little girl closer to eye level

"Are you all right? It's pretty dark out here."
Sage visibly flinched when the girl pointed out her state of fashion, "Oooh Saannzzy...." Sage said leaning on the wall in a rather dramatic fashion, "What has the world come too... My hideous fashion is already attracting attention...." Sage said sulking.
([MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] Well, this is awkward....lol.)

"Thanks." Jenna whispered, nuzzling her face into The Conductor's chest. "I'm so sorry, I'm being a burden." Jenna clutched the towel closer to her chest with her right hand, the other remaining around The Conductor's neck. This is so incredibly awkward... She thought to herself, blushing deeply and burying her face deeper into into The Conductor's chest.
The Conductor sat her on his bed as he 5pulled out another shirt with a laugh. "Better not ruin this one, this is my last shirt." He joked, handing her over a plain black t shirt. He tore off the towel and discarded it to the side, keeping his back to her awkwardly. He found himself desperately trying to look back without turning his head.
"Would you rather have the COG symbol from gears of war? That one's black."

Obvious over-dramatization is obvious. That was all he could think about that little shpeal.
"Heh, yeah, I won't!" Jenna said cheerfully, looking down at her chest. Damn. My bra is damp as hell. Shrugging, Jenna unhooked her bra and threw it off The Conductor's bed. Pulling the new shirt on, Jenna sighed happily. "Better." She stated, lying back onto The Conductor's bed.
(LOL, Sanz is catching on with Sage's shinanigins.)

"No no... don't worry about me... Just hope the world is strong enough for me." She said, holding a fist out.

After a few moment she pushed herself off the wall and smiled at Bella, "Are you hungry? You didn't have lunch did you? It is almost dinner time!"

(-cough- Don't forget Bella... shes going to be included in the posts from now on haha....)
Bella covered her mouth bashfully. "I wasn't allowed to say that?" She whispered, faking a cry face as she looked up at Sage. She forced tears to come, beginning to sniffle and squint.

The Conductor hesitantly turned around and walked to his bed, only to get something caught on his foot. He casually picked it up, yet upon further inspection he found it was a rather lacy bra. He quickly threw it behind him, shuddering as he sat down. "Feel better?" He asked.
"Yes!" Jenna squealed, wrapping her arms around The Conductor in a tight embrace. "Thank you so much. You really helped me a lot." Smiling in delight, Jenna squeezed him tighter, shutting her eyes. God. I could really fall for him. She thought to herself, her smile dropping.
Sanz sighed and picked up the little girl

"You just mentioned what you saw. There wasn't anything wrong with that."

He turned back to Sage

"If you're quite done being over-dramatic, I might have an idea for how to fix dinner. If we're lucky it won't even be that difficult depending on what we have equipment-wise."
Sage bust out laughing watching the girl trying to fake cry, this girl was going to be a genius. "I am never dramatic Sanzy." Sage said smiling.

Following him to the kitchen, Sage walked in to see Aaron, Ashely and two others she was not failure with,
"Ah... Hello you four." She greeted, "Anyone here hungry?"

[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] [MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION]
Bella yawned, burrowing her face in to Sanz's shoulder. "Okay. I want dinner. I didn't have lunch." She stated simply, blinking curiously. "It's dark."

The Conductor awkwardly hugged her back, squeezing her. "Good."
Ashley looked up as Sage entered, still shocked to of seen Aaron here. Then, when Sage mentioned food, she perked up, her stomach grumbling loudly. "What are you thinking of making?" She asked in a soft voice, barely above a whisper. She had never been good at talking to people, and this time was no different. She stared at her feet, shifting awkwardly, and rubbing the bump on her head.
"Ohhh food actually sounds awesome right now." Kara spoke up rather perky like as she rubbed her stomach, she nodded towards the other girl's small question as if quoting it silently before returning her gaze to Sage. Shrugging off Cid's shoulder she poked his side which caused him to recoiled and rub the area where her nimble finger had protruded between his ribs.

( [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] )

He gave her a death glare, "Don't do that." Cid hissed silently before narrowing his eyes at the purple haired mistress, which only caused Kara to surpass a small giggle.
After each person spoke up, Sage made a mental note and then continued, "I was thinking fruit salad. Possibly basic sandwiches. No bake cookies." She thought for a long moment before opening the fridge, "I can make quiet a few things. Al thought I much prefer the oven, I guess I will have to make do tonight." pulling out a large quantities of fruit, and sandwich makings. "Anyone have a preference?" She asked as she tried to fold her sleeves up. She frowned when she realized that she was not wearing her button up and they did not fold the same way. This is annoying. Damn The Conductor. "Blast it..." She mumbled when the sleeves would not stay. Letting out a long sigh she gave up, taking out a knife and a cutting board and started to chop fruits up into a bowl.
Jenna unwrapped her arms from The Conductor. Smiling a pained smile. "You know, you're really different from everyone else. I thought you were the jerk type- you know, since you called me a whore and everything-" Jenna shook her head befor continuing, "Anyway, I'm really glad that you're not as you seemed."

I chuckled as the girl was ignored, just as I, by the teenage angst that constantly roamed the rooms and halls. "Welcome to paradise. " I nodded to her, pulling up the plate of food that was given to me. I bit off a large chunk , easily chewing and swallowing it before talking again; "It's that kinda day." I said, my head propped up by my arm. I was referring to the absolute chaos of high emotions running free.

And as soon as she showed up, she left. In this time, I had gone back to my room and changed into more suitable clothing than just sweatpants. I headed to the TV room, passing by too many faces.


My face held a gentle smile when I read her hands. "Just being here helps dear." I held her hand to my face for a moment, sighing. Human contact. It almost feels new, now. I didn't expect anyone to deal with me, but just tolerate. "What's your story, Rhea?" I let go of her hand, my posture softening. Even warming slightly, as if the cold loneliness was gone.

(( [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] @Doctor Who? ))
"I'm not that hungry actually, but thanks anyway." Cid gave the blue haired male? I think so.. A courteous smile before patting Kara on the back, "Make some friends. I'll be watching in the TV room if you need me." Once the girl gave him the thumbs up he headed down the hallway where the TV room sat silently. He wasn't sure what he was going to watch, but as long as he was able to get away from everyone for a bit. He wasn't socially awkward like his Karkitty, oh no, he just hadn't a small patience level and wasn't one to stick around too chat, unless he really like the person he was talking too. Walking into the TV room and plopping down on one of the couches, Cid searched the cushions for the remote, "Now where is that blasted thing?"

( [MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] )

Kara gave her friend the thumbs up as she left and proceeded to take a seat at the bar, but before she sat she looked over at Sage, "I would love a PB and B, but do you need any help? I wouldn't want to leave all this work too only you." She looked at Sage reassuringly as if telling him she won't burn down the kitchen or anything. Could I burn down the kitchen by making a sandwich? Nonetheless a peanut butter and banana one? Oh well... Shrugging to herself she continued to watch Sage's movements.

( [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] )

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