~All Around the World~

"You know damn well what I saw! Why the hell would you hide that?!"

He whipped around. That was certainly not something he had been expecting. She was back into her sarcastic tone, but his calm exterior had been totally blown off by that little . . . incident that just occurred.
"Well... you see. Remember that conversation about parts of life that moves us be who we are today? That is part of it. Besides, I tried to tell you. I appreciate you trying to make me comfortable with your own chest, it was a sweet gesture." She said smiling. This was the first time anyone had EVER discovered this. "You are very.... stubborn." She said finishing folding the binding. After that she started to put her tie on.
"What on earth could possess you to pretend you're the opposite sex?!"

Well, at the very least he knew now why she had been so hesitant . . . and probably why she wanted a baggy shirt
"I was raised that way." She said, answering without even skipping a beat. She was getting exactly the reaction she was looking for earlier. Sitting down on the bed, Sage sighed. "Hey look, are you going check to see if I have bruised rips? Why dose my sex even mater? That dose not make me who I am." She said sighing once more, this was bothersome.
Sanz let out a very disgruntled sigh

"All right, I'll take a look, just . . . cover them up if you can."

He sat down next to her, waiting for her to do the revealing
"Well, they weere..." She said, not even bothering to finished the sentence before lifting her shirt up and wrapping her arms around herself, "I probably just bruised them. I think that because my binding hurts to wear." She said quietly. "So are you going to tell everyone?" She asked while he checked her ribs.

I laughed lightly. "Older, I'm much older." I smiled lightly to her, but sat down. "I don't seem to connect with anyone here. I just wake up before everyone else, open the curtains to wake everyone, clean, and go back to bed." I laughed, but it sounded somber. "When I finally wake up again, it's like the morning loneliness doesn't end. It's like people are still asleep, cuddled up in their blankets, unknowing I'm up and walking. I'm like a... ghost." I paused. "Maybe this is my limbo."
Sanz was quiet as he ran a hand along. It was pretty easy to see the ugly blue/black splotch that stretched underneath her left . . . *ahem*, focus Sanz.

"You have a reason right? I said I wouldn't tell as long as it wasn't disruptive to everyone else."

He stood up

"It's somewhat bad, but far from the worst I've seen. It'll probably heal within a day or two . . . well. It would if left unwrapped."
Rhea listened quietly, unsure of how to respond. What do you say to that? ‘Is there anything I can do?’ she asked through sign. What could she do but listen? She was just as trapped as this woman. Sitting in front of the women, Rhea reached out to her and cupped her cheek and smiled a weak smile.


Sage only smiled at Sanz, pulling her shirt down.
“Thank you, and I was afraid of that. Damn TC.” Sage laid down on the bed, not answering Sanz. She did not really have an answer, she was just raised this way and she likes to be this way. “For once in my life, I will apologize and mean it… Sorry about the surpise.” She said.
Sanz shook his head with his back turned, clearing away some of the excess thoughts he had.

"The baggy shirt you asked for, it was so you could leave the wrapping a little looser and heal right?"
Sage nodded lazily, "Yes, that is exactly why." She said quietly, "You are very smart." She said, praising him. Sitting up, Sage look at him. "Whats the story of your scars?" she was very interested in them, they drew her to his chest. "Perhaps, we can trade stories? Maybe one every now and again." She suggested.
Sanz let out a sigh and walked over to his bed, pulling out the drawer beneath it.

"I did say I'd elaborate on the construction beam didn't I?"

He ran a hand over the splotch of scar tissue over his left side

"It's not as grand as you'd probably want."
"For once, I think I am interested because I want to get to know a person." she said as she laid back down, clutching the binding in one of her hands. She was feeling tired. Her side felt tons better with her binding off, she felt like she could breath better too.
Ashley yelped as thunder rang through the train, jumping in the air, then tripping as she landed on her toe, slipping backwards and hitting her head on the floor. "Ow..." She muttered, wincing as she sat up and rubbed the new bump on her head, looking around. Slowly, she stood, mumbling under her breath about needing an ice pack and slipping out of the compartment in only shorts and a t-shirt. Aimlessly, she wandered forward, pausing when she reached the kitchen and slowly sliding open the door, peering inside.
Sanz pulled out a long-sleeved shirt. It was a large blue one with Navi on the front. He handed it to her, easily large enough for someone two sizes bigger than her.

"Well. I don't go back on my word."

He took a deep breath and leaned back against the opposite bed, sitting on the floor

"It was three years back. I had gotten into a tangle with four others who were looking for revenge after . . . well, against someone I knew. We ended up at a construction yard. When we started, all the idiots got into their heads that it would be a strait-up fist fight. You don't fight four on one in that fashion and win, it's not possible. So I used the terrain to my advantage. hammers, loose gravel, the iron beams lying around, I got down two of them before they got it in their heads to do the same thing . . . so while I was preoccupied with one, the other shoved a crane line holding an iron beam right at me."

His hand ran back over his side

"Smashed three of my ribs and tore my side up. Of course, the other guy ran up to gloat, not realizing both of them were in the way. So I took the beam and basically did a clothesline from hell. Ended up in the hospital for a while while this healed up, but you can still see where it hit."
"Hmm, so you were a bad boy." Sage said, making the observation. She wondered who this person they were trying to get revenge on was. "Well I told you it would be fair game, you can ask me a question, I promise I won't lie or squirm my way out of it." She said, although he knew one of her biggest secrets, not that it would entirely affect her.

Sage reflected on Sanz story, a lot of questions popped up in her mind, but she felt she should not try and pry, for now.
"A bad boy huh?"

Sanz chuckled a little

"That's probably the tame way to put it. As for my question . . . well, any family back at home?"
Aaron shuffled in his seat at the bar, trying to peel open a banana with one hand and drink low fat milk with the other. The banana fell on to the bar, making him put the milk down and try again. He heard the door creak open and turned his head, looking to who might be entering.


Bella woke up to be met with almost darkness, save for the flickering lights and two lanterns. She stood up with a yawn, rubbing at her blue eyes tiredly. She slowly made her way to the hallway, looking around for anyone. She wasn't used to being alone. She didn't like it.
the tame way to put it? Sage thought. It honestly made her a bit scared, but if fear stopped her from doing anything, she would not have gotten slapped today. She was always afraid of being bullied her entire life. Although she never did anything about her weak state, so she could not complain much.

“Oh Sanzy~ I thought you would ask a much deeper question then that! You’re going easy on me! How chivalrous ~” She said in her usual playful tone. She could never help to say things like that to people. Sitting up, Sage looked at Sanz and smiled at him, actually thankful he did not ask to personal of a question. Perhaps he was going easy on her.

Clutching the shirt Sanz had given her, Sage’s smile shrank a little to a small sad smile,
“I am an only child. I have a very loving mother and father. They thought my mother was sterile, but they got a pleasant surprise after years of trying when she had suddenly gotten pregnant. That was me. Although, they were severely disappointed when it turned out to be a girl." Sage paused and started to kick her legs back and fourth from the bed. "When I was a little girl, they would treat me a lot like a boy, dress me like one, etcetera etcetera… When I got older they tried to teach me the importance of being who I want to be, but I was not stupid, I saw what made them happier." Sage nodded, more too herself, evaluating her parent's reactions to her actions, "So I stayed like this… It followed me to high school and the act just turned out to be habit. My parents were happy, but I think they regret, what and why I am not sure. I am sure they are worried sick about me… or crying because they are almost sure I am dead. That’s all about them away, I suppose I gave a little extra there to explain to you why I am the way I am. I guess I miss them too.” When she was done, she rubbed her hands together in a nervous manner, "I miss them." She said again, in a low whisper.

"Tsk." She said louder, standing up suddenly, Sage started to pace the room. She was antsy, which was a extreme contrast to when she was feeling unbelievably sleepy. Her side did not hurt as bad as earlier when it was bound, but it was still hurting with sudden movements. She was suddenly irritated, getting sentimental and thinking about her family. She wanted to do something she had never done, she wanted to cry. But she refused. She will never cry, there was no reason for it, not from her.
Cid put his bowl into the sink and slung his arm over Kara's shoulder as she too got up from her stool. "Let's go do something yeah?" He directed her out of the kitchen and down the hall thinking of something they could do together, but right now he had no clue on how they could occupy themselves.

Kara crossed her arms over her chest as Cid directed her out into the halls. She was happy that he suggested they should do something since it would take her mind off the thunder and the rushing water around them. She simply nodded as they walked.
Sanz watched her pace around the room like cat wanting to go out. He looked down as he spoke up

"Well . . . I don't know what's worse in this situation. To have a family who loves you dearly even though you've been taken away from them, or to have a family that doesn't give a rat's ass whether you're alive or dead."
Sage stopped mid stride and glanced at Sanz, “Hmm. I hate placing two situations on a scale and determining what is worse. If they both suck, they both suck. Your family, why do you think they don’t care?” She asked, proceeding to pace again, but this time taking slower steps.
"I don't. I KNOW they don't care . . . at least my parents don't. They've given up on me since I started Junior High. "A train wreck just like my sister" . . ."

He subconsciously clenched his fist before shaking his head

"Look at me, here I am spouting my own familial bull shit when you've clearly got enough to worry about."
Sage smiled kindly, and smile she did not smile often, “There is nothing to worry about.” She said, her pacing turned into calmer steps, more like she was not just wondering around the room. “At least, I don’t think I do. You said, ‘at least my parents don’t’. You have other family that cares?” She asked, wanting to understand.
Blinking, Ashley stared at Aaron, one hand still on her head. She had no idea he had ended up here too, and she wasn't sure on how to react. "Aaron?" She asked, taking a step forward as the door shut, slamming on her fingers. She yelped, yanking her hand back and holding it to her chest.


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