All Alone... (RP)

Hunter is changing clothes in his room and he notices how messed up his room is. His book case fell over his TV is shattered, his computer is completely fried and several other things are thrown on the floor, he can't help but wonder if zombies did get into his home. He looks around some more and hears a light tap from down the hall. He grabs his katana ready to pull it out, he steps out of his room and gets tackled by a skinny tall man,

Hunter: GAH!!

Hunter can't pull out the Katana and instead uses the sheath to keep it from biting him, he regrets taking off his face mask since it was getting really stuffy, he kicks the zombie off and runs to the end of the hall, he starts unsheathing the blade, as the zombie runs at him he blindly slashes it's neck and it tears open. he still runs around blindly and he slashes the top of it's head again, yelling at it to die, it finally dies and he pants deeply, the zombies blood all over his face and he holds in some puke, still sort of hyperventilating. He touches his body, looking for bite marks.
Max heard some screaming coming from a few ways down and, after zipping up her now full backpack, she gets up to investigate. She stays to the walls and when she turns around a corner she sees Hunter, checking himself over, and a now dead zombie. "What happened?" She asks quietly even though she already knew.
He doesn't respond and simply leans on the wall breathing heavy, when he finally speaks

Hunter: That..That!

He points to the zombie and quickly gets wide eyed,

Hunter: It got in my mouth!

He runs to the sink and what little water comes out he uses to clean out his tongue. He runs to a towel and wipes his face and tongue off, still a bit panicky (That's right, World War Z style)

Hunter: I don't think I'm infected...I don't really know.
Max bit her lip nervously as she watched him, hoping that he wasn't infected. "I don't thinks it's as safe here as we thought." She says to him, shifting her eyes around the small hallway before they landed back on him. "We might need to think of a plan or something soon."
Hunter nods looking around more doors of the house, he opens his mothers bedroom and sees nothing, no other zombies inside so far, but it seemed a bit too mysterious, maybe he left the door open when he left and it closed with the wind? he wasn't sure

Hunter: Well I see nothing but once we're all ready we should leave. Find some better place, with military and all that, but I can't help to say this...I don't think anywhere is safe right now.

He goes back to his room and finishes packing quickly then walks back to Max, "I'm sure I'm fine. Just keep an eye on me if I start giving you the dead eye. If I show any symptoms. You know the rest.." Hunter couldn't finish the words, since it was hard to imagine the people he just met, brutally beating his head off with steel pipes and killing his corpse. "Luckily I didn't swallow the blood. Even if that does sound like a stupid excuse." He smiles and laughs nervously
Neku was still sitting down, waiting for the others to get back, talking to himself.

"So, the military abandoned its own, didn't give a warning to anybody at all, and didn't try and stop this, and because of that, a recon unit that's been in training for fourteen goddamned years was nearly killed."

By the end his emotion was filled with both anger and hysteria.

"By god this must be a nightmare...."

he lets out another sigh, as usual.

"A real life nightmare..."
Max let out a shaky sigh as she gave him a small smile. "It didn't really get in your system then if you didn't swallow it." She said, trying to reassure him. "Let's go back down and tell the others. We could always get Charlie to hot-wire that car but it would track tons of unwanted attention." She said as she turned around and slowly begins walking, waiting for him to follow.
Hunter nods and follows her, smiling that she assured him he wasn't sick, but he was still worried he would eat all his new friends, he pushed the thought aside and followed down

Hunter: Well we could always just Ram through them, Even if it is a bit risky... they couldn't really keep up with a car, and it's not that loud, It isn't really that big of a car. But I get what you're saying

Hunter reaches the bottom of the stairs, still having some dried blood on his cheek, "All handled upstairs...We should get going once we're ready.."

(The car:
Charlie followed them. "Yeah it will only take me a minute to hot wire it," she told him. She was really quick at doing it.
Neku stands up.

"I think we were all pretty much ready. Also, no matter the car, its gonna make some noise, its a car, so we're gonna need to prepare ourselves for the worst, and realize that whatever hears us is gonna chase us, for who knows how long. So we wanna take un-populated side roads otherwise when we reach our destination, or run out of gas, we'll need to be ready for some combat."
Max nods her head as she picked up the rest of the cans, shoving them in her bag. "Mhm, We need to be ready because almost anything could happen. Many different outcomes could come." She gets off the floor and looks at the guy who just spoke. "And I still never got your name."
"Neku, Military Recon Unit, the MRU from the stationed base in this city."

He taps one of the Insignia's on both his shoulders.

"Been in the unit for fourteen years, and that's about all you need to know about me, unless you're curious what they feed us in training, 'else isn't too interesting."
Max scrunches up her nose slightly but smiles afterward. "Nice to meet you Neku." She looks around once more before sighing "Okay, I guess we are ready to have Charlie hot-wire the car."
Hunter nods at Neku, "Nice to meet you." He walks over to the garage and looks at the car, luckily it was open in driver's seat and he unlocked the doors, He quickly checks the back and notices a very small first aid kit on the back of the car. He opens it and sees only a few alcohol swabs, and some cloth tape, remembering when he was 10 he scraped his knee pretty bad and they had used this kit. He put the things back and close the back. "You're up Charlie, I call shotgun!"
Charlie went in the front seat of the car and under the sittring wheel pulled out the wires connecting difrint ones together making a small spark as she pushed them together and she pushed on the gas and the motor roared. "Okay guys hope in," she said and Cameron hopped into the back seat.
Neku opened up the back of the car and got in.

"It's a good thing that most cops probably won't care about me not wearing a seat-belt, I'm gonna make sure anything that grabs onto the back has a bullet in its brain by the end of the day, if you don't mind,"
Max climbed into the car, goes to the very back of the car so everyone could be more comfortable. She put her long, faint pink hair up into a ponytail before leaning back against the trunk of the car. "This should be a fun ride." She muttered sarcastically.
"Well then, I guess it's nice having company back here."

He leans against the back of the seats, facing out behind the car.
Charlie looked back to make sure everyone was in. "Okay everyone hold on this might be a bumpy ride," she said and started to drive.
Max rolls her eyes at Neku, looking out the window and into the garage. She could hear the moans of zombie nearby, the number only increasing in size as the time drags on. "We haven't even gotten out of the garage yet and they are still coming are way." She groaned out, her fingers lightly brushing against her pipe that was laying across her lap. She could see the car inching forward and she waited for the onslaught to come soon.
Charlie made sure that everyone was in the car and started up the engine. Hunter was sitting in shot gun and everyone else was in the back. Then she ran the car through the garage door and over a bunch of the sick looking people their blood splattered on the window but she just kept driving forward quickly.
"Whoa whoa girl, this isn't a movie, don't thrash the car right out of the garage!"

He says while loading bullets from his many pouches into the magazine he had in his pistol.
Hunter had a grim expression but then turned it into a smiling one, he looks at everyone making sure they are seated, "Wait the garage remote is on the- Oh forget it" he says "So much for the smooth ride.." making sure the obvious sarcasm was in there. He looked at the two weapons he had, the blade that belonged to his step-father, and the practice bokken he had, everyone was armed but if anyone needed a weapon he would give them the bokken. He was glad his step-father kept things like these at home, but also a bit pissed he didn't have at least a bit more. But he smiled, looking at the blood splattered windshield as they rode on.
"Oh I should have warned you that I am a reckless driver," she said with a smirk. As she drove but soon could her one that got on the roof and was pounding.
Hunter cursed and looked out the window, he knew it was a stupid idea, "Maybe I can open the window while you drive and slash him off the roof...I don't think stabbing this thing through the roof will do much.. Any other ideas before I do something really stupid?" he said with a bit of a desperate grin

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