All Alone... (RP)

"We hid under a table in the basement," Cameron said. He had remembered being under the table and hearing everything exploding and people screaming for there lives above them. Then the basement roof came of... It was really scary for him. He still didn't really know what happened....
Hunter chuckles a bit. "My parents were out at the time and I was sleeping, when I heard it I woke up and crawled under my bed, then probably fell asleep again."
Max rolled her eyes at Hunter, yawning before she talked. "I was just getting out of bed when I heard it. Unfortunately for me I didn't have enough time to find cover somewhere." She grimaced at the various different cuts and bruises on her body but other wise ignored them, to her they only felt like a dull throb. "And yet you still got out easy compared to everyone else there." She muttered under her breath, sighing quietly.
"Well, my turn I guess. The whole military base was ordered to evacuate about thirty minutes before the bomb hit, I didn't make it in time to the 'copters..except for one, that stayed behind. I was one of a few others that decided to run back in the base's bunker, and run to the last copter, and I regret my decision, we didn't make it out of here on time, so when the bomb hit, we spiraled back down towards the city, and ended up crashing right into a 20 or so story building. I ended up being flung out of the side that was facing towards the building, so i flew right into the offices, my comrades on the other hand fell to their death from the other side, their bodies were eaten down below. As for the pilot, the windows glass killed'em. That's basically my story"
Max nodded her head occasionally as he talked to show that she was listening. 'Why did we, out of many other people, not die?' She thought to herself, a tiny frustrated growl-like noise coming from her. 'I need to stop over-thinking things. It's only going to make me feel guilty.' She looks out the window to see burning buildings and torn up land everywhere, windows shattered and vehicles scattered around.. 'Well more guilty and confused than I already am.'
Mei curled up behind the counter of the small shop. I decided to come to the mall why? To kill a friend? She rested her head on her knees and a few tears came out. This is horrible. I only knew one person. What happened to the world? She continued thinking things along those lines. She herd the few zombies there were banging on the chain link door that locked the shop up. Help, anybody. Please. Help me. She had changed out of the hospital clothing and into an outfit from around the shop. (the one from my skelly~)
Max looked up when she heard a soft noise on the top of the car. She was about to say something when she realized that it was water, more specific, rain. She stifled a groan as it started to come down slightly harder, beginning to seep into the fresh bullet holes that opened up tiny spots on the roof. "Looks like that wasn't the smartest idea." She mumbled to herself, listening to the somewhat soothing noise that the rain made when the wind blew it around. Max gets up on her knees and looks out of the front window, a giant shadow of a building in the very far distance. "Hey guys, I think the mall is coming up ahead. It's kind of far away but you can still kind of see it."
"Ehhhh, well then, when I was shooting I didn't think it'd rain."

He takes an empty bullet casing and puts it in the holes, although it barely stops any water from getting in.

"Better than nothing I guess..."
"Wonderful now we have an indoor shower!" he says sarcastically. "Wonder if I should have wacked him with my sword instead.." he says "Nah" he thought being happy he doesn't have to get wet since he's in shotgun. He looks out the window again, noticing the familiar streets. "We're close to the mall. If you guys don't want to get your hair wet there are 2 small umbrellas in the back." he says sarcastically, smiling. He wants people to laugh a bit, everyone is so down and he understands why...but making an effort never hurts.

(I shall try and help it live!)

A small chuckle escaped Max as she looked at Hunter who was in the front. "Thanks for stating the obvious." She said in a sarcastic tone, rolling her eyes. She glanced back at her hair that was atop her head after his last comment, the light pink hair locked within a ponytail holder, and shrugged. She didn't mind getting wet at all, but she would have to hurry inside quicker so she wouldn't get completely soaked to her bone.
A half smile crept up on Charlie's face from the conversation. She didn't mind getting wet, she like the rain and water. She knew her brother wouldn't mind either she just didn't want him to get to wet to catch a cold. She parked right out front of the mall. They made it.
Hunter chuckled and said "Guess you can call me Captain Obvious from now on." he smiles, he noticed Charlie smiling as well. He was happy it got them in a good mood at least, he barely saw Charlie smile, and he liked to see Maxie smile. He looks as they start entering the Mall's property. Many stores lined up together on the outside then one big building. He looks as the parking is mostly empty. "Oh hey there's actually some good parking spots for once." he says, chuckling a bit remembering how full this mall would get.
Max raised an eyebrow it his sarcastic nature right now, an amused smirk lingering on her face. She relished in the peacefulness for a few more seconds before letting out a tiny sigh as she scanned the outskirts of the Mall. She could already see some zombies aimlessly wondering around, knowing that without a doubt there would only be many more inside the actual building. "This should be one hell of a trip."
"We should go in small groups so we don't make so much noise, and meet up at the entrance of the Mall. Anyone who thinks that is a bad idea say No." he says a bit casually, he looks around to see a good route.
Mei heard noise from outside the building. She looked out the window to find a van(i think?) full of people. She banged on the window as they talked. "Help!" She started screaming. She hit the window, causing a lot of noise from inside the building. Can't they hear me? She thought as she began hitting the window harder.
Hunter was looking at the window when he noticed the zombies starting to pay attention to a windowed side of the building. Something, or someone was making noise, banging on the window violently. He couldn't make it out but a zombie can't be that smart or loud to bang on a window. "I think someone gave us a distraction. I think they see us, we should hurry while they are paying attention to that." He sounded worry. He wanted to tell the person to shut up but this was an oppurtunity to save them. Unless they make TOO much noise.
Ghost hid on the top of a building nearby petting her owl have her bow at a ready position if she needed it. She waited for someone to come out of somewhere hoping to find a survival group. She could easily jump onto one of the flickering street light and slide down when they came out and meet them.
Mei saw one of the boys noticing her ruckus. She hit the window one last time and let her fists slide down the window pane. She then slumped onto her feet and watched them chatter and do their stuff. The zombie things had come to the chain link gate when she was trying to get the survivors attention. She squeezed her eyes shut, turned her back to the window, and pulled her knees to her chest. I need to hope, just hope they come to me.
Ghost heard her banging and ruckus noticing the zombies that way she knew she would have to help her. She jumped from building to building trying to get over to her. She shot jumped over the fence and to the building looking around for the source of the noise
Hunter sighs and says "Shut the engine, we should enter through the sides since most of the attention is being drawn near the middle." He says he notices someone climbing around the building and sighs. "Another person. I think he/she is trying to check out the noise maker. Oh also when you get out of the car manually lock it. When you use the remote it bleeps soo best be safe. It doesn't do it for unlocking luckily so swift escape can be an option." Hunter opens the door slowly(Im basing the car from my own car xD ) 
((Im gonna try not to post much from now since we need other people to join in)
(I am now thinking of my moms car, my car is too old to even have an auto lock thing xD and other people need to join.. like... please? ^-^)
(Tha car im talking about isnt that old xD it cab auto lock and unlock it just doesnt make a sound when it unlocks like BLEEP when it auto locks)

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