All Alone... (RP)

(Okay and sorry I keep getting distracted =_=)

Max looked over in the direction Hunter pointed out, barley being able to see the outline of something in the other side of the glass window. 'Must be a survivor because the 'zombies' don't seem that smart.' She thought as she quietly opened the trunk of the car, making barley any noise in the process. "Maybe staying in a group right now is the smartest idea. Plus we already know where we are heading first."
Hunter nods and closes the door quietly. He heads towards Maxie and waits for the rest to group together. He grabs his wood bokken and katana. He uses a tear of a long sleeve and uses it as a a holder for the bokken, tieing it tightly and slinging it on his back. Keeping the sword at hand. "Well let's get going."He whispers and walks to the left side entrance
Charlie shut off the engine off, she then got out of the car and shut the car door quietly maualy locking it. Cam soon went to his sister and took her hand, staying close. Charlie looked over to the person who was making all that sound. 'Shouldn't we help?' she thought. She followed the group her brother close.
Ghost looked around for an entrance to the girl locked inside. She turned and looked at the zombie like things banging on the fence and went around to the back of the building looking for a second door that was open cause she knew there would be an alarm set on the main door of the mall.
Hunter leads to the side entrance and sighs. They were getting there without much difficulties. "Once we enter the mall we'll be able to help that survivor easily."
Max follows after Hunter, Charlie, and Cam, nodding her head to tell them that she heard. "Yeah but with all of that banging there will no doubt be tons of zombies around the area the survivor is in." She pointed out. Max didn't want to get anyone more down about the situation they were in but she was being practical, not wanting anyone to get too cocky or carried away.
Hunter nodded and smiled, remembering how in TV shows they would jump into vents and sneak it...wait. "Um...I know this may sound crazy. But one of us could go through the vents and get to the person...I think the person was inside a shop or something and Vents could be a pretty easy way to get in. But call me crazy and slap me if it sounds stupid. Just some creative thinking...heh." He scratches his head nervously
Max looks at Hunter before smiling slightly. "I wouldn't mind doing it but what vents would we enter and how would we get the girl inside... wait ignore that second question because all we, or I, would need to do is just stack some things up." She mused out loud to herself, thinking it over. She wouldn't really mind going into a vent and because of short frame it shouldn't be at all hard to fit in there which would help out in this situation.
Hunter was surprised she agreed to it "Oh well...I guess you will do it, I think there is a side vent that curves downwards so we either give you a boost and you crawl up or you get some boxes and start stacking." Hunter smirks slightly, a bit shocked this crazy plan might just work.
(Its okay :P ) Hunter sees the vent and nods. He looks around hopefully no zombies would chase them. "We'll have to pry the top off, since we don't have a screwdrive, anyone have a pocket knife or something?" The top isn't that far up and he is sorta tall but he simply starts stacking up some crates for Max that were near a dumpster. Not that he wanted too but it's all they got :P
Walks through the halls slowly bow at ready fully alert, the hall Ghost is in is pitch black besides the blinking red exit sign. She pushed the exit door open and end up in a stair hall she goes down a flight. She hears faint mall music in the distance and follows it the stairs is fully lit up.
Max nods her head and hands Hunter one of the throwing knives she got from his house earlier. "Here,this should do it." She whispers to him, making sure to keep her voice low and quiet in case an unwanted visitors decide to make there presence known.
Hunter nods and starts unscrewing them with the throwing knife, trying to be as quite as possible. He takes off three and the third one seems to not hold the pressure and it falls but he holds the actual barrier. He sighs as the screw wasn't too loud and he places it down gently. He sets up some crates and offers some help. "Good luck."
((sorry, my alerts died and SOMEONE *cough* cressy *cough* didn't tell me about it))

"Our group seems to be getting larger and larger, that if after we help the person they join us"
Max nods her head at Neku to express her agreement, wincing when the screw hits the pavement but lets out a breath when the noise doesn't echo as much as she expected. Once she takes back the throwing knife she let hunter borrow she thanks him for the help and climbs up the crates, squeezing herself into the vent's entrance to let her eyes roam over the inside of the vent, taking note of how dark it was. "I'm in." She calls back to the small group before traveling on ahead to find the other survivor.
Mei hears a faint "I'm in." from the vent above her. "In where?" She calls back. She was completely confused at what she was talking to, but replied to it anyway. She stood and grabbed a chair so she could be closer to the vent. "Where are you?" She called again.
Max hears someone speaking, almost like they are responding to her, and knows that it is the person they were trying to find. After a few seconds she also hears someone announce, rather loudly, that they had found someone. She noticed that the voice didn't sound like the one who spoke first and felt just a small amount of panic seep into her body. She continued at a steady pace before she found the vent she would exit at. Once in front of the piece of metal she grabbed one of her knives and takes off the vent in a few swift movements.
Mei spins to face Ghost. "Um, how did you get in here?" Her face showed her panic. She looked up to the vent above them and it was moving. "Who are you people?" She began shaking.

(.-. awkward)

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