All Alone... (RP)

Hunter nods and starts going left, he tries to open the gate to his back yard but it's locked, he looks over to the next house and goes over to it, entering their backyard then climbing over the fence that divides the two houses, the fence isn't that tall, like 6 feet, He looks around his backyard, seeing no "Zombies". "Alright everything is good here, hurry before the other ones catch up."
"Okay," Charlie said climbing up the wall easily and pulling her little brother up, then them both making it on the other side silently
Hunter waits for everyone to climb over, keeping an eye out for any of the zombies. He quickly walks to the backdoor and notices it's locked, he goes over to a loose wooden board and pulls on it gently, he grabs a key from inside and goes back to watching that there are no crazy Zombies around, and waiting for everyone to climb over
Neku hops the fence with ease, it was what he was trained to do after all, and made sure to be quiet on the landing and such by cushioning his fall.

"How long are we gonna stay here? You well-stocked and such? Otherwise we have to leave quickly again in search for supplies"
He nods at the Armored man

Hunter: Yeah, I didn't take a lot of stuff I originally planned to just search for my parents, but they haven't called so...

Hunter quickly shifts the key and opens the door to the laundry room. He is glad the alarm got screwed up during the bomb. Other wise a large "BEEP BEEP BEEP, REAR DOOR OPEN" would have attracted every zombie. He lets people enter to his room as he holds the door.
Charlie enters the house, Cameron following close behind holding her free hand. There house had ben torn to shreds in the accident, Nothing was left but the bottom of there basement.
Neku followed inside shortly, after looking around the back.

"Do you have anything here at all you think would be good for the others to use? It seems you have it covered from what you've been using this whole time, but I worry for the others."

He's given up on traveling alone already just so he doesn't die without being known by somebody. Almost pathetic really... But his whole life has been, might as well keep with it.
(Sorry, I had to go somewhere.)

Max leans against a wall and looks at the pipe, seeing the blood and bits of the zombies skull on it. She suddenly looks away as she thinks about her killing that thing, about how she felt slightly guilty for it. "They used to be people too." She mutters under her breath.
He looks at the Armored man

Hunter: Well no guns really, my step-dad doesn't like guns, I have a lot of canned foods and some hunting knives, in the garage there are tools and a chain saw but I don't really want to touch that. My mom's car is parked in the garage but she took the keys and I don't really know how to hot-wire it *hint hint* and, there is one thing that a came here to get.
"I know how to hot wire a car," Charlie jumped in. She had to do it a few times before, for resones that you don't want to know.
"Basically you have nothing that would be useful that's silent, but a bit of stuff that's horribly loud."

He sighs, a bit of steam comes out of his masks filters.

"Well, we may wanna see if we can take shelter in a large tall building then, because from what i saw there wasn't too many...survivors of anything, in them, I'm surprised I lived through that...oh, don't get me wrong though, I wasn't actually in the building at the time, its something else I was surprised i lived through...ah...I'm rambling, sorry..."
Max smirked slightly at the guy that was rambling before looking over at Hunter. "I could take some knives just in case." She looks at everyone else around the room. "I really think we should get each others names before we doing anything though."
He looks at Charlie a bit surprised and nods. "Well if we ever need a quick escape with the car. You'll be driving, it's a medium car so I think it'll hold all of us. If some people go in the back" he enters and quickly goes over to the garage and pulls out a locked wooden box, he heads inside again with a hammer. "Sorry Kai." he slowly smashes the wood holding the lock and opens the long box, revealing a Katana inside

Hunter looks over to Max, "Yeah in the garage there is a green plastic case with some throwing/hunting knives inside. To anyone who doesn't know yet, I'm Hunter." he announces
Max's mood brightens immediately at the mention of throwing knives. "Okay I'll go get some." She goes over to the garage and looks around for a second before spotting a case of them. "Perfect." She walks over and examines what she could take. She grabs around 5 decent knives before looking for something to hold them in. Finding a small pouch she puts the knives inside before heading back to the others. "Oh and my names Maxie, but I go by Max."
Hunter nods holding the sheathed blade at his hand, he grabs an apple from the fridge and bites into it, seeming pretty hungry

Hunter: Nice to meet you
"My name is Cameron but everyone calls me Cam," Cam told the girl named Max with a big childish smile. "I'm Charlie-"

"Or Rosy!" Cameron interrupted. When he was younger it was hard for him to say Charlie so he called her Rosy refuring to her middle name.
Hunter nods and smiles at the small kid, he finishes the apple and throws it away, me starts grabbing some boards from the garage and some hammer and nails, he looks outside and notices zombies still around his doorway, he sighs and nails the board slowly, the wall nullifying some sound but the vibrations still going.

Hunter: Please don't come over please don't come over...*he repeats*

Hunter finally nails it in and looks out the space, the zombies look over and one gently keeps hitting himself against a wall. He sighs then suddenly one slams his face against the glass, it doesnt break since it's a very thick glass. But Hunter gets surprised and jumps back

Hunter: Jesus..

He sighs and heads upstairs, going to pack some clothes.
Max smiles gently at Cam. "I like the name Cam, it fits you." Looking at Cam reminded her of playing with those small and innocent children, memories of teaching them things that others wouldn't. But those thoughts turned into ones about them screaming when the bomb hit, wails and cries coming from people that were so young. Max blinked a few time to get rid of her water vision, a sigh escaping her lips as she smiles at Cam again.
"Are you okay," Cam asked innocently looking up at her with his big brown eyes, he could hint that she was sad, her eyes looked watery. He tilted his head.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just... thinking." She was a little shocked that the boy asked if she was okay, as most people would just brush it of, but she was happy nonetheless. "So how old are you?"
"Seven," he said with a big grin on his face. He was very observant and sweet for his age. Charlie ruffled his brown hair, about the same color as hers.
Max's amber colored eyes sparkled. "I'm Seventeen." She then looks up at Charlie. "It's nice to meet you both." She could tell that they were siblings, as Jess and Jasper were too.
"She is 18," Cam pointed at his sister. "It's nice to meet you to," she tells Max. She seemed like a nice girl.
Neku had sat down while listening to them talk about their ages and relations and what-not.

Well, I guess this isn't too bad, I miss seeing my own kind but enjoyment in a time like this shouldn't really be happening anyways, so I gotta deal with this stuff...

He laid his head back as he sighed again, the same steam as earlier left the two filters on the side of his mask.
Max noticed that Hunter was still gone but shook he head, bending down she opened up her backpack and placed out some canned goods. "If anyone is hungry they can eat these. I'm going to go get some more from his pantry so we can have some for later." She walks out of the room to pack some more food.

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