All Alone... (RP)

Max tensed up as she heard a small noise come from her side. She took a quick peak over her shoulder and saw a zombie, followed by a few others, were coming near her. Not to sound sadistic or anything but she couldn't help the small little smirk that showed up on her face, her hands bringing the pipe up like a baseball bat. She slowed down a little before turning around, the small smirk still planted on her face.
Hunter shakes his head as he looks back,

Hunter: Walk a bit faster and quiet..if they start running you take the lead up until that lamppost up ahead..Ill go to max's side and fight them with her.

The zombies keep walking but they start going a bit faster, hunter walks faster towards his home now coming into view slowly.

Hunter notices jasper saying, oh god and he turns..

Hunter: Noo..That pipe can send an echo,

Hunter pats jasper on his shoulder and heads for Max,
Jasper looks back at Max "Oh dear god.." he says and looks down at Jessi, she opens her eyes, they are their normal bright blue, but the whites of her eyes are blood shot and her pupils dilated. 
Jasper nods, Jessica looks at Hunter then to Jasper, He bites his bottom lip "Jess?" he asks gently, she stares at her "Jass?" she says gently back to him, he smiles, relief flooding through him, then he looks up at Hunter "Okay.."
Max sees Hunter coming closer to her out of the corner of her eye but she pays no attention to him. The zombies in front of her are walking a little bit faster, almost to the point of running, and she takes in a deep breath. She grips her hands tighter around the pipe, waiting until they get a little closer.
Jasper nods and then turns to quickly walk for the lamp post, He walks quickly, jogging slightly, Jessica watches Hunter, then looks up at Jasper, she looks around then grits her teeth "Jasper.." he looks down at her then follows her gaze, his stomach drops when he sees about five zombies eating a corpse of a police horse. He looks away quickly "Stay quiet." he whispers.
Hunter comes to her side and holds up his bokken as a zombie starts running at them, there are 3 of them

Hunter: Get ready..

Hunter slams the bokken across the first one that comes at him in the face, its head splattering all over
Max watches as he kills the first one, another one coming closer to her. She holds on to the pipe before she swung it, the side coming into contact with the zombies head. The zombie dropped, a giant hole in its rotten skull, but Max wouldn't take any chances so she hit its head again just to be sure. "One more to go." She muttered, looking at the limping guy who was coming closer to them by the second.
Jasper watches as one of the zombies looks towards Hunter and growls loudly, then he runs for them, the other four following closely, he quickly sets Jessica down on the porch of a house "Stay here." he quickly grabs a large metal pole and gives it to her, "ill be back." he holds the hammer tightly and runs up to the zombie in the back, he swings the hammer and its head breaks open "Hunter, watch it!" he says as the other four run for them, Then he gets tackled, he flips over and hold the zombies neck, keeping it from biting him, Jessica stands up slowly, she limps over to them then holds the pole tightly, then stabs it through the back of the zombie, it screams, and she kicks it off jasper, wincing in pain. Jasper looks up at her "I told you to stay there." jessica shrugs "You also said you were coming back." she smarts off.
Neku stays behind them, being as the loud ranged combatant, only firing when someone is in trouble.

"I won't fire any shots unless we need to, it's too loud and they'd hear it."

(sorry a bit inactive, playing something with my friend =n='')
Max watched as the 5 other zombies ran, in some cases limped, over to were Hunter threw the rock. 'Noise attracts them easily.' She thought to herself, nodding about how that would come in handy. She makes sure her steps are quiet again before she walks over to the others.
the zombies look at the car and run for it, growling loudly. Jessica looks up at Hunter and Max, then helps Jasper up, her eyes still blood shot and dilated, she looks away. Jasper looks at her slightly shocked "Does it still hurt?" he asks she rolls her eyes "No shit." she says stepping back "I just.. i dont understand." he says confused. Jasper nods as the run down the street towards his House, Jessica runs even though her wound stings.
(( okay I deleted that post on accident xD IM on mobile so its hard to keep up

Hunter thanked jasper and he threw the rock to attract the zombies attentions, it breaks the cars windows and they walk for it, he throws another and nods

Hunter: We have to get there fast..go

Hunter takes the lead again and starts walking past the horse corpse slowly, trying hard not to puke, he makes sure none are chasing them. But some follow them anyways, he keeps walking faster, the zombies are far behind so they wont catch up

Hunter: My house is only a few more meters down...
Jasper nods gently, then tries to pick up Jessi, she steps away "Im fine, i can run..." she says quietly. Jasper nods and follows hunter 
i gtg guys, be back later :)
(Hiiiiiiiii I am awake and for me this is early c:) 
Charlie followed close behind the others, Cam was now on her back again. She walked quickly, but tried to be careful with her steps, making them light and quiet.
He keeps walking, the "zombies" following them from behind so he jogs a bit faster

Hunter: Damn...That scream and Jasper were too loud...

Hunter's house is only 300 meters away but he sees some "zombies" at his door way
Jessi bites her lip and looks back at the zombies, they growl and she examines them from her distance as she also jogs, then she sees their eyes, they were blood shot, like hers. She gets shivers up her spine and turns back, just in time to see more zombies in front of a house "F*cking, Shit!" she mutters and tightens her grip on the pole.
Hunter sighs and looks forward, 4 zombies were in the lawn of the house and 3 were following, he picked up 2 rocks and threw them at the house next to his. Aiming at the windows, 1 of the zombies runs over and slams his head against the other houses door, trying to get in. "Okay...1 the rest we'll have to deal with..."

Hunter keeps walking forward until he reaches the steps that lead to his door, the zombies slowly turning to where they are. "We're either going to have to sneak past them to the back door or fight our way through the front door. What do you guys say?"
Neku holds the gun up, as in to show it.

"I say we be stealthy, conflict isn't the best time for me"

He sounds a bit embarrassed behind his gas mask, as a soldier that doesn't like conflict and would rather avoid it at all costs.

"Although we do have my pistol, which can easily take them out, but it depends if your door can handle the fists of a ton of dead people..."
"If we fight them it's only going to cause more noise and more will come, it might be better to sneak around back," she suggested .

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