All Alone... (RP)

As the ground stops shaking, she looks up at Hunter and quickly lets him go, her face red with embarrassment. Then she looks past him and sees a girl, She steps back quickly, and Jasper looks up at the girl as well "are you.. human?" he asks her, then realizes what he said and blushes slightly at the sound of stupidity in his voice. 
Uh, just jump in anywhere you think its possible :)
Neku quickly checks to see after that shockwave he still had his basic firearm and combat defenses on him.

"alright..good to go..."

He continued to walk around, he felt the presence of others as to his recon units natural sense, but he more or less ignored it for now, afterall, whatever killed one of his brothers in arms, must have been a human with those teeth marks...until he had seen a group of things eating another man, so he instantly turned backwards and started to head in the way he was originally going, keeping eye for anyone that looked suspicious...except was probably the most of all suspicious looking.

((you missed basically a few people meeting up, and multiple explosions going off in the city and a building falling down shaking alot of the city.))
((You guys post fast xD , and my internet crashies))

He nods at Jasper

Hunter: Yeah, earlier today I did.

As the buildings fall and Jessi loses her balance somehow falls back and catches Jessi, using his body as a pillow and uses his other arm to soften his fall a bit

Hunter: Um..You okay?

Hunter chuckles a bit and simply stays there, he stands up after she gets off

Looking back to the direction the sound came from, the buildings clashing and falling. He sighs

Hunter: I think things are getting a bit too grim for one day..
Jessi blushes and crawls off, she sits on her knees "Im sorry..." she looks away blushing "Im fine." she stands up , then she looks back at him "Did it.. bite you?"
Max stops walking mid step and looks at the guy slightly confused. 'Am I human? What kind of question is that? Are there... things that aren't?' She thinks but in all honesty she wouldn't be surprised of there were. She quickly blinks a few times and let's out a small breath, nodding her head as an answer. She was too overwhelmed right now to actually speak.
Jasper stares at her watching her cautiously "Are you hurt?" he asks and watches his sister and Hunter carefully.
Neku gets back to the fallen building and steps through the sideways glass window, although it was now broken, as well as now acted as a door, he stepped all the way through, and found the other side.

"Well, It seems this is the way to that one clearing in the forest, might as well check the rural areas for any survivors..."
He looks at Jessi for a second, he got lost in his own so it takes him a bit but then he comes back to reality and blushes a bit.

Hunter: O-Oh, Nah I hit him with this *points to the wooden bokken* on the head. I thought he was trying to get help or something, he was just slamming against my garage door.. and if it did I might have been trying to eat you guys right now, heh...

He laughs nervously at his small joke but knows it's not the best time

Hunter: I noticed you guys killed that other one, well I think you did, either way..

Hunter avoids looking back at the squished corpse, trying not to get a wave of nausea again, He looks at the girl that just approached.

"At least we are getting a big group..We should see what happened over at that building, maybe there are some people we could find."

He seems to stiffen a bit at his comment of a bigger group, knowing it would require more supplies and resources, and also more people means louder noise
Max, until now, never bothered to check over herself for injuries and only now did she actual feel some pain. She looks over her body and sees various different cuts and bruises along the visible parts of skin, no doubt more on the parts that are covered. She bit her lip and simply shrugged. Max was used to getting things like this, albeit not as many but used to it nevertheless. She also didn't want them to waste anything on her in case they needed to tend to more serious injuries.
Neku starts to walk through neighborhood streets in order to maybe find another unit going back to their homes in times of despair, but to no avail, all units homes were empty...or were simply blown to bits.

" I don't want to call out for anymore, that would leave me with being attacked by zombies, so I should probably cross that off my list.
Jessi smiles weakly, then looks at her brother who didn't smile, "Yeah. I killed it." he says and stands up slowly, then tips his head back as he takes about 4 pain killers. He looks at all of them "Do we have anywhere to crash for the night, or at least rest?" he says and rubs his wrist gently. Jessi stands up and holds out her hand to help Hunter up "I didn't mean to knock you over. " she says gently, her eyes gentle but afraid.

( i gthg, be back in a bit)
Hunter notices the girl (Max) hurt and sighs

"Anyone else who needs the first aid kit..? It's still has some stuff left."

Hunter has a few of his wounds wrapped up and bandaged, they don't seem very serious so he considers himself lucky really. Jasper asks if they have a place to crash

"Well my house isn't that infested or hurt down, thank my step-dad for the reinforcements..We could head back it's not that far really. Just around this corner. I think I have more supplies in it and we have a basement that seems in pretty good shape"
Max grumbles lowly at the guy who just spoke and sighed, only grabbing some antibacterial wipes to get any dirt out so no infection comes. No need to waste any other supplies. She bends down and starts to tend to her wounds, not making any noise or flinching when she rubs the wipes over the cuts.
Hunter smiles and nods

"Well I guess we should wait here for a bit before we move out, so everyone can get in like, walking shape"
Charlie waited a little a way from the group meanwhile her brother was more friendly and with the group but Charlie wasn't all that... social.

(Sorry I don't really know how to jump in :) )
((it's cool xD we got carried away))

Hunter looks at the little boy that came to them

"Did he come alone?" Hunter thought as he looks over to a person that stands away from the group a bit, "How long has she been there?"
Once Max finished cleaning herself up as best as she could she got back up and looked around, seeing a girl a little farther away from the group than everyone else. She also saw a little boy and could tell the resemblance between the two almost immediately. Max smiled faintly as she walked over to the girl, giving her a small nod of her head as a small greeting, before looking at all of the damage that the area has experienced.
Charlie gave the girl a faint smile back, she had a long scratch going down her arm that was bleeding but it wasn't that bad and ignored it. She looked at the ruins of the buildings and houses, it was kind of sad. She wondered if there any more people left.
After Hunter finishes packing he goes and sits on an distant abandoned cars hood and sighs, he looks inside and only sees a burnt corpse. He sees the keys still in the ignition, the car has no hope of ever working again but it could have supplies. He checks the garage and opens it with a Key, he sees some clothing, discarded magazines. And duct tape.

Hunter: Sweet..

Hunter seems to start to walk over to them but stops, remembering the cold glare Maxie gave him earlier (at least it's what she thinks, prolly is xD ) he sighs and walks slowly towards them.

Hunter: Hey, I found duct tape, I still have a bit of the first aid kit if you need it for your, brother or cousin.. well you get what I'm saying
Max watched as Hunter came back, announcing that he found duct tape. Her eyes sparkle sadly as she looks at the duct tape, remembering how she would create little gadgets and things made out of duct tape with the little kids at the orphanage. She bites her lip and looks up at him, a small and sad smile coming across her face. "That could help."
He notices her smile, it seems attempted and sad but he is glad she smiled somehow, he gives her a small nod

Hunter: Yeah, I'm sure we could make some use of it, I think I have some pretty good ideas. Hopefully those people don't pop up again..
Max still had no idea of what everyone was talking about so she decided to ask him. "What people are you talking about exactly. I haven't seen anyone that doesn't act human." 'Or at least yet.' She thought in her head, knowing that whatever they were talking about would come again.
"What people? Are they talking about Rosy?" Cam asked her. Charlie had ran into some while he was sleeping but managed to hide from them enough to get a way and not be seen.
He seems to get a bit of a grim expression and sighs, the memory of the one he saw and killed giving him a pale shade to his face

Hunter: be quick and precise...Zombies basically

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