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Realistic or Modern All about Life

Coyodie said:
The bulky athlete didn't took much for the treat and stared Al with his cold eyes. His other friends on the other hand were scared by the threat and started to back away from the furious teacher. One spoke to the bulky one and said "Come on Ando this is not worth it" while he pulled at his arm. It looked like this guy was the smarter one as he wasn't very strong nor tough. Ando decided to listen to the his friend and walk away still fire in his eyes he looked at Nakasone. He said nothing but his eyes said enough. "This isn't over." Nakasone replied "Come and get me." But he didn't do it in silence what made it a little weird for the ones that weren't involved in the dead stare. "So we've taken care off that one didn't we Al?" Said Oishi with smile.
"Guess so but stay on your toes you never know with theses guys. I'll talk to the principal after school and talk about keeping a close eye on them." said Al. Al walked towards the student to make sure he was ok and when he was al left him be and walked back to Oishi and looked at the clock. 10 minutes left. *Shit. Time went by fast.* Al thought and let out a sigh. He then looked at oishi "You finish your lunch yet?" asked Al
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"Almost, if it wasn't for our hero I would even had some time to take nap outside. It's such a beautiful weather outside, almost wish that this never happened."

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Coyodie said:
"Almost, if it wasn't for our hero I would even had some time to take nap outside. It's such a beautiful weather outside, almost wish that this never happened."
"sigh. Ya Oishi me too. I wish people didn't bully others and just talked about their problems. " said Al as looked to the clear blue sky Oishi was right it was beautiful*Yuki loved days like this* Al thought. There was a moment of silence until Al broke it by saying "Can I see what you have left of your lunch? Also you study for the history test or have you been slacking off?"
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Eiko laughed at the bar tender's response, "Then how about that glass underneath the coffee machine where you can skillfully press that button?" She looked at the menu that was handed out to her, "Mmm, mmm," nodding to herself. The sound of the cafe doors opening made Eiko turn her head slightly. She gasped at the sight of a shirtless man headed towards the bar. "I'll take some macaroons and a crossaint," she said to Shida, index finger in the air, and still eyeing the blonde like some sort of specimen.

@Hobbesisalive (I'm assuming anything goes for the menu? xD )
"I've got some onigri left I think. And for the test well...... I've started uhm..... at the subject that we discussed about in class, which is....." Oishi quickly looked at his friends for help but neither of them were in the same class as him. "The work of the human brain." Oishi said and hopefully looked at his teacher.

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Coyodie said:
"I've got some onigri left I think. And for the test well...... I've started uhm..... at the subject that we discussed about in class, which is....." Oishi quickly looked at his friends for help but neither of them were in the same class as him. "The work of the human brain." Oishi said and hopefully looked at his teacher.
Al went to the table and took what was left Oishis lunch. "We were talking about the fall of the shogunate your lucky you have till next Wednesday so study up. Also you have." Al looks at the clock. " 7 minutes till class starts so see you in a few minutes." Al said has he walked back to his classroom.
"I'll give you some time to think about it." Leopold shifted his focus to the bartender, "Doing fine... can i order another espresso? That americano simply wasn't enough." Leopold smiled and looked at the new girl, "Aren't you from Hiroshima University?"

@BornWithoutFear @Hobbesisalive @ArcticViolin
Shida put is hands at his hips and nodded. "Of course, of course my lady!" He chuckled and pressed the button. "So, done the magic can start." While he waited for the coffee to be made, he grabbed a plate and went into the kitchen. "Hey chef can you make this?" He asked. The chef nodded and took the note and immediately began. Shida headed back to the counter and turned his eyes to the black haired girl. "Your breakfast is being made." Short after the student asked for another espresso. "On the way!" He said while grabbing the coffee cup for the girl. "Tadah, taste the magic."

@JAMN @ArcticViolin
Eiko watched eagerly as the bar tender prepares her coffee and hands it to her. "Mmmm, smooth, smooth!" She says, taking a sip, "It truly is magical! Aren't you the best bar tender there is!" Flashing a rather sweet grin at Shida. She was still drinking her coffee when she heard the stranger beside her said something. "Hmm?" Turning her head to face him, "Yes. Yes, I am" Then, leaning forward to examine him, "Are you?" And referring to the other guy, she asks, "Is he?"

@Hobbesisalive @JAMN @BornWithoutFear

@Still Crazy (alrighty, thanks! ^^)

As Masao walked across the cafe, only one person seemed to even notice him. Although most of the people in there were men... He gave a chuckle before walking behind the counter and standing next to Shida. His sister Yuri was always trying to get them together, and truth be told he wasn't that fond of Shida anyway. He bent down and opened one of the drawers that he kept a pair of pants and a shirt in. He picked up the shirt and slid it over his head.

Masao always kept a change of clothes under the counter, mainly because he mostly worked through the nights so he wanted to have fresh clothes for classes in the morning. As he stood back up, he gave a grin to those at the bar that had just witnessed this.

@Hobbesisalive @ArcticViolin @JAMN (And to whoever else was at the bar)
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@Still Crazy OMg I totally forgot about Masao! And just a menu not Starbucks xD That place almost has no food.

Shida Smiled as he watched the customers get familiar with each other. It was nice to see how a simple place like this could bring people together. He turned around only to find Masao putting on a shirt. "Why the sudden change of shirts?" he asked. But he quickly noticed the wet shirt. "Ah I see." The guy looked at Masao and back at his shirt then back to Masao again. "Ha." Shida chuckled. "Airhead."
Oishi looked at his teacher as he walked away. "No go ahead I wasn't planning on eating that anyway." saying it just loud enough that Al couldn't hear it but it friends did. Nii said "What a teacher you have there. Kind of a hypocryt, isn't he?" "Why is that?" "Well first he says he dispices bullies and then takes your lunch without asking, second he wants to help students but doens't look if the bullied guy is doing well. So yea kind of a hypocryt." "Owh thats just 'Al being Al' as everyone in my class says that. But he is a nice guy. Only has a hard time expressing feeling. Some kind of tragic past, atleast that what the rumors say. But I've got to go." But lunch isn't even close to over." "I know, but I don't know were my lesson is. So I'm gonna look for someone in my class. Later."
As Leopold grabbed his new espresso he replied, "Yes, I'm studying law there. Have been since I moved here five years ago. Him on the other hand... I'm unsure but I assume not, he's a florist. How about you?" As Leopold took a sip of his espresso, he noticed a man changing out behind the bar counter. Weird... I wonder why? He must be an employee, Leopold thought. Leopold looked back at the girl, waiting for a response.

@ArcticViolin @Still Crazy
Masao thought for a moment after being called an airhead. For once, he actually didn't have a comeback that wouldn't roast Shida's entire existence. Instead he grabbed a cup and the bottle of whiskey from one of the shelves. He poured himself a bit before putting it back. "Thanks" Was all he managed to say to Shida.

[QUOTE="Still Crazy]

Masao thought for a moment after being called an airhead. For once, he actually didn't have a comeback that wouldn't roast Shida's entire existence. Instead he grabbed a cup and the bottle of whiskey from one of the shelves. He poured himself a bit before putting it back. "Thanks" Was all he managed to say to Shida.

Shida leaned back against the counter as he watched the guy treating himself a whiskey. "Aren't you gonna pour one in for me?" He asked as his eyebrows raised. The bartender liked to tease his colleagues, but Masao sometimes acted like he owned the place. Not that was not true, he had worked here for a long time and Shida had to admit he was a fine bouncer and he kinda had the permission to do what he wanted.

OOC: I like how the two kinda don't like each other and are still being set up by Yuri xD
Coyodie said:
Oishi looked at his teacher as he walked away. "No go ahead I wasn't planning on eating that anyway." saying it just loud enough that Al couldn't hear it but it friends did. Nii said "What a teacher you have there. Kind of a hypocryt, isn't he?" "Why is that?" "Well first he says he dispices bullies and then takes your lunch without asking, second he wants to help students but doens't look if the bullied guy is doing well. So yea kind of a hypocryt." "Owh thats just 'Al being Al' as everyone in my class says that. But he is a nice guy. Only has a hard time expressing feeling. Some kind of tragic past, atleast that what the rumors say. But I've got to go." But lunch isn't even close to over." "I know, but I don't know were my lesson is. So I'm gonna look for someone in my class. Later."
Al sat in his classroom eating the onagri *maybe I was a bit harsh by taking his food but I wouldn't have made it back until 30 minutes after lunch was over.* Al thought while he looked at the clock not much longer until lunch is over. *After class I'll give Oishi some notes about the test and maybe buy him something to eat to make up for it* Al thought while he took a sip from his flask.
Masao gave a smirk before taking a sip. "Your a big boy, you can do it yourself" He muttered slightly in a sarcastic tone. To be completely honest, Shida didn't really know when to stop. Whenever anyone was having a rough day, Shida would pretty much just bother them until they either stopped talking to him, or they left. Not the greatest quality to have.


OOC: Yeah I do to xD , I was contemplating whether Masao would have a crush on him or not and I thought it would make more sense if he didn't like him. Since they both are pretty different. :P

OOC: Yeah I do to xD , I was contemplating whether Masao would have a crush on him or not and I thought it would make more sense if he didn't like him. Since they both are pretty different. :P
Shida rolled his eyes and grabbed the bottle from him. "Fine." He kept looking at him while he poured a bit in, took a sip of it and turned around. "Thanks for the reminder." Shida sat down at the bar and wondered why Masao would even be here. It wasn't his working hour was it? Some how Shida didn't really felt drawn to the guy, no he didn't really dislike him but didn't like him either. Masao was the one of all his colleagues he could miss at the cafe. But Shida guessed it was a mutual feeling.
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"No problem" He said, copying what Shida had done, and sat down. There weren't many people in the cafe currently, which pretty much meant that he wasn't really on duty. After people start coming in the afternoon though, he would start his work. There wasn't much work to do though, not many fights happened. Except maybe fights that are just words, but those were usually just between him and Shida. They usually weren't serious.

Shida looked from the corner from his eyes at the male besides him. He wasn't really bulky, but muscular enough to throw the problem makers out. And if only Masao was not enough, Shida would help him. "So...you don't have school today?" The guy asked to break the silence that quietly crept up to them. "Or are you skipping?" He continued with a small smirk on his lips. The customers were talking with each other and he and Masao were sitting at the bar. It was only natural to start a conversation right? Well in Shida eyes it was.
Masao was drinking in silence until Shida started to talk about school with him. Before he answered the question he took another sip of the whiskey. "Canceled." he said, clearing his throat a bit. "I was running here, and the coffee decided to go all over me" He muttered, leaving out the part where he completely tripped over his own feet and literally landed on the coffee.

@Hobbesisalive[/URL] @ArcticViolin @JAMN (And to whoever else was at the bar)
JAMN said:
As Leopold grabbed his new espresso he replied, "Yes, I'm studying law there. Have been since I moved here five years ago. Him on the other hand... I'm unsure but I assume not, he's a florist. How about you?" As Leopold took a sip of his espresso, he noticed a man changing out behind the bar counter. Weird... I wonder why? He must be an employee, Leopold thought. Leopold looked back at the girl, waiting for a response.
@ArcticViolin @Still Crazy
Eiko looked at the shirtless guy again as he walked behind the counter. She almost choked on her coffee when he grinned at her. "I study medicine," she said turning back to Leopold, "but I just transferred early this week." Taking another sip from her coffee, she glanced over at the barman and the other fellow. "A florist, huh? Hmm, maybe I should go get flowers sometime," she said to herself.

@JAMN @Hobbesisalive @Still Crazy @BornWithoutFear
"Transferred? From where?" Leopold took another sip from his espresso before he got a call on his phone. Leopold stood up and looked back at the girl and Coa, "Just a sec." Leopold looked around for a place where he could have privacy and answered the call.

"Ya got the stuff?"


"Then you know where to meet me, Mr. Delafosse."

"Yes... John."

Both sides of the call laughed before the driver asked, "So you have the coffee?"

"Yeah, one for you and one for me... plus another one... for me."

"Any day now Leo." the driver said jokingly.

"I'm just talking with some people, I'll be right out."

Leopold hung up and make his way back to bar.

@ArcticViolin @BornWithoutFear
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