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Realistic or Modern All about Life

Hearing Taro speak, Yuri dumped all the stuff in her back and pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper. "Looks like, english" She said, putting it back into her bag and then standing up, tugging her long sweater down a bit. She gave him a smile before walking around her desk "Welp, lets go" She said in a bubbly tone, leading him out of the room

@Birdsie (ScarletRose is going to join our characters I believe, so we should wait to time skip for the next lesson :D )
@Birdsie[/URL] (ScarletRose is going to join our characters I believe, so we should wait to time skip for the next lesson :D )
Taro Matsuda

Taro nodded and picked up his backpack, standing up. He walked to the side of the desk and slid the chair forward. Taro walked out of the classroom just after Yuri. He was absolutely in awe of how easily she packs up. He'd probably be scolded, if he actually brought anything school-related broken, or damaged in the slightest amount. Well, besides a pencil or something like that. These are easily replaced.

Once they were outside the classroom, he looked at Yuri and started a conversation. "You're sooo cool." he spoke in admiration, and in happiness of knowing her. "And popular. You probably have countless waves of friends, but you decided to hang out with me: The most average person on planet Earth." Taro tilted his head and asked: "Why?" in curiosity.

As Yuri walked out of the classroom with Taro, he started saying these awfully kind things to her. Her cheeks turned pink, and a smile formed on her face. "Because your not average" She spoke, right after he asked her why. "I just had a feeling, that talking to you would turn out pretty well. I always go with my gut" She said, it was all true aswell. She usually does what ever she feels is right.

Yuri nodded her head as a 'Your welcome'. As she turned her head to look at where he as looking to she sighed "I know right". The teacher had tried to humiliate her infront of the whole class right off the bad. Even though Yuri was a pretty good student.

Coaxch sighed, and looked at the clock again. It was time for his shift to start. Standing, he waved goodbye to Leopold and yelled over the din, "I'll be down the street, at that little flower shop."he said, walking out the door, and hurrying down to the shops front door.

"Sorry I'm late." He said to the shop owner add he entered, "I stopped in for a coffee break the Sugar and Spice down the street. Hope you don't mind."
Still Crazy] [CENTER][FONT='Book Antiqua']Yuri nodded her head as a 'Your welcome'. As she turned her head to look at where he as looking to she sighed [/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua'][B]"I know right". [/B][/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua']The teacher had tried to humiliate her infront of the whole class right off the bad. Even though Yuri was a pretty good student. [/FONT] [/CENTER] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31269-birdsie/ said:
Taro Matsuda

"Yeah, I wonder what's up with her." he responded, then turned to Yuri again "Hey, where do you want to go after school? To the Cafe, or somewhere else?" he asked, as he just realized they didn't really discuss th
Yuri thought about his question. Where should they go?? "The cafe is fine with me" She said as they walked to their next class. Between classes they had about five minutes to either go to their lockers or to just socialize. Yuri always brought all her stuff for the day with her, therefor she didn't have to go to her locker thought the day.

Shida laughed at his response. "Why would you run?" he knew Masao was a sporty guy, but to run all the way to the cafe, with a coffee in your hand? "With a hot drink?" the guy took a sip of his whiskey and stretched his arms above his head. "Well never mind, we all have weird hobby's right?" He chuckled and put his empty glass in the sink. "I mean, I like to....set tea and turn the furnace of just before the tea goes peeeeeeep?" Again he chuckled and shook his head. "Lucky you got free from school."
"Why not run?" Masao asked, as Shida told him about his weird quirk, he couldn't help but grin a bit. "Yeah, I was thinking about skipping class anyway so I was pretty lucky to get off" He laughed a bit, not really a manly laugh but more like a giggle.

Taro Matsuda

"Alright then." he said, with a hint of excitement. It was good to talk to someone other than his Grandfather, or Bang for once. As friends, that is: As Taro talked to a lot of other people, but not all of them could be considered friends. Once they were near the class, he looked at Yuri and asked "Hey, do you like cats?"
(sorry crazy week) @Everyone

Mariah laughed with him after finally letting him out at the cafe.

She drove off heading for the post office. Blasting her radio like always se reached her destination in 10 minutes. She hoped everyone back at the cafe was alright. She had a habit of worrying. But she trusted every soul that worked there and even her loyal customers. After She finished she went to a milkshake shop. She knew it was still a little early for dessert but she wanted to treat her friends to something nice.
Yuri walked with him in silence until they started nearing the classroom. When he asked if she liked cats she gave a smile. "I love cats. My moms allergic though. So I don't have one" She said to him.

Taro Matsuda

Taro smiled, hearing her tenderness towards cats. "I adore them, and I have a cat myself, his name's Bang." he said, with a grin on his face. It was at this moment he realized once again, that he was talking to a girl. Taro looked forward, at the class' doors. "I wonder what he's doing... actually, knowing Bang he's probably sleeping. I woke up today, to see him lying directly on my face... I had to spit up cat fur into the sink, gross."

@Still Crazy
As they neared the doors of the classroom, Taro had begun to talk about his cat. Named Bang. It was a cute name, especially for a cat. She gave a little giggle at the thought of a cat laying right on his face. "Awe he sounds adorable" She said, before opening the door to the classroom.

Al looked up from his paperwork to see who was coming in. " Mr. Matsuda and Miss Mishimoto

Good to see you. How has your day been so far?" Said Al with a smile on his face.

@Birdsie @Still Crazy
"You know what? We can continue this later." Leopold wrote down his number and placed it on the counter, looking at Eiko. He picked up his coffees and made his way to the café door. But then he realized something and quickly made his way back to bar counter. "You guys can split this up among yourselves", looking at the two men behind the counter as he reached into his wallet and placed a 100$ bill in the tip jar. Leopold then finally left the café and gave his driver his espresso. "There's a floral shop down the street, I'd like to go there." The driver nodded and began driving.

It was a short drive and it could have been easily walked. "I'll be a few", Leopold said as he exited the vehicle. He looked up at the floral shop. "What a nice place", Leopold said to himself. Leopold entered and approached the nearest employee. He smiled as he said, "I'd like to buy a three dozen white roses."

@ArcticViolin @Hobbesisalive @Still Crazy @BornWithoutFear
Yuri blushed a bit when he let her go into the classroom first. "Thanks" She said softly, before giving him a smile. She gave a little wave to the teacher. "Eh" She said, thinking back to the first teacher of the day.

@Birdsie @Alushey


Masao had gone a minute without talking to anyone, during that time he sipped on the whiskey. When he heard a man speaking to them, he glanced over, watching him drop a hundred dollar bill in the tip jar. "Holy shit" He muttered as the guy left the cafe without a trace.
Taro Matsuda

Taro thought a bit before answering and bit his lip. Then when he made his judgement of the day, he said "Above average, but it just keeps getting better." with a bright, and polite tone, as he was talking to a teacher. "And how about you, Mr. Al?" he asked, in attempt to seem well-behaved in front of the teacher and gain his liking, even though all of the teachers liked him quite a bit already.

@Alushey @Still Crazy
"I'm doing fine Mr. Matsuda thank you for asking. Now please take your seats class will be starting any minute" said Al as he watched them enter the room. "Also have you seen Oishi I want to make sure he doesn't miss class"

@Birdsie @Still Crazy @Coyodie
JAMN said:
"You know what? We can continue this later." Leopold wrote down his number and placed it on the counter, looking at Eiko. He picked up his coffees and made his way to the café door. But then he realized something and quickly made his way back to bar counter. "You guys can split this up among yourselves", looking at the two men behind the counter as he reached into his wallet and placed a 100$ bill in the tip jar. Leopold then finally left the café and gave his driver his espresso. "There's a floral shop down the street, I'd like to go there." The driver nodded and began driving.
It was a short drive and it could have been easily walked. "I'll be a few", Leopold said as he exited the vehicle. He looked up at the floral shop. "What a nice place", Leopold said to himself. Leopold entered and approached the nearest employee. He smiled as he said, "I'd like to buy a three dozen white roses."

@ArcticViolin @Hobbesisalive @Still Crazy @BornWithoutFear
"Hmm?" Eiko was still sipping her drink when the man left the note on the counter. She looked at the man and gave him a nod but before she could respond, he was gone. "And I don't even know his name," she mumbled as she grabbed the paper. "Ooh, a number," Eiko said, grinning. Checking her watch, she realized it's time for her to leave. She weighed her cup and decided to get another coffee before taking leave. "I'd like to order another cup of coffee, please," she asked the bartender.

@JAMN @Still Crazy @Hobbesisalive
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why is nobody around here?" Oishi ran through the halls someone that he recognized. "You've got to be kidding me. Now one's around?" And as he said that he recognized someone. "Hey, you're Miki right? Don't we have the same class together?"

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Shida chuckled shaking his head. "Well, Ill be surprised if you can manage to stay on the university for another how much years? 3?" He put away his glass and looked at Masao's. "Are you done with drinking? Then I can do the dishes."

Coyodie said:
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why is nobody around here?" Oishi ran through the halls someone that he recognized. "You've got to be kidding me. Now one's around?" And as he said that he recognized someone. "Hey, you're Miki right? Don't we have the same class together?"
Miki put the last piece of the onigiri in her mouth and grabbed her back, ready to head towards her class. The fight turned out to be much more tedious then she thought. The girl shrugged following the teacher and the boy who was with him with her eyes. "Nothing at all." The tables slowly turned all empty and the students started to head to their classes. Some were in a conversation, others just had to drag to themselves towards the class. Miki got up and headed to the halls were it became more crowded. "Hey, you're Miki right? Don't we have the same class together?" The girl looked behind her and nodded. Kinda surprised he knew her name, as she didn't know his. "I'm Miki yes, but we have no class together, in fact I don't know you at all." Her face remained unchanged as she spoke to him. But after a few seconds she recognized him. "You are from the fight right?"
Masao rolled his eyes at the comment. As he downed the rest of the whiskey, he watched for anyone who might possible come into the cafe. He slid the glass over to Shida then nudged him when the girl asked for another cup of coffee.

@Hobbesisalive @ArcticViolin


Yuri shook her head slightly, she had heard of Oishi, but just like with Taro she never had the pleasure of meeting him. Once again Yuri sat next to her new friend in the front of the classroom.

@Alushey @Birdsie


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