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Realistic or Modern All about Life

"Well..." Leopold paused for a second to think. "I'm a university student at Hiroshima University studying law. I plan on eventually entering politics and if that doesn't work out, philanthropy." Leopold took a sip out of his iced caffè americano and smiled asking, "what's your trade?"

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Al walked through the halls of the school keeping an eye out for trouble makers while simultaneously wondering to either go to the teachers lounge or go to sugar and spice for his lunch break since he forgot his lunch at home. "On one hand I stay and mooch off one of the other teachers for their lunch and if someone starts a fight I can intervene or I can go to the café and get something and maybe a few of my friends will be there to." said Al as he stopped in the halls. "I got 50 minutes and the café is a twenty minute drive to and back not counting traffic...*sigh* I owe Mariah fifty bucks anyway so better not to delay that." Said Al as he continued walking through the halls.
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At least the girl heard him, but she didn't respond what so ever. Is she retarded? He held his hand over his eyes to get a better look at her without the sun bothering him. The girl had wet eyes and didn't look particularly happy. Shida sighed and looked at his watch, he had 5 minutes till he had to head back. "Hey missy, are the ladybugs hurting you? There is no need to cry over that." The guy walked towards her and gave her a warm smile when closer. "You al-" That's when he noticed the note in the girl's hand. "I see, you got dumped?" He liked to talk with people and cheer them up if they had problems, but the guy was also very straight forward. He knelt down besides her. "Did you like him that much?" @Gabriel97
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Hobbesisalive said:
At least the girl heard him, but she didn't respond what so ever. Is she retarded? He held his hand over his eyes to get a better look at her without the sun bothering him. The girl had wet eyes and didn't look particularly happy. Shida sighed and looked at his watch, he had 5 minutes till he had to head back. "Hey missy, are the ladybugs hurting you? There is no need to cry over that." The guy walked towards her and gave her a warm smile when closer. "You al-" That's when he noticed the note in the girl's hand. "I see, you got dumped?" He liked to talk with people and cheer them up if they had problems, but the guy was also very straight forward. He knelt down besides her. "Did you like him that much?" @Gabriel97

She turned her head at him with an angered and sad expression. Her hands were shaking, as her entire body. "H-her..." She corrected, looking down at the note again.
Oishi sat with his friends in the canteen. "Nice job with that assignment today" said one of his friends with a sarcastic tone. "Like you're such a talent" Oishi reacted. While the guys where arguing over who was the worst actor a newcomer walked to them. "Is it ok if I sit with you guys?" One of the guys started "Uhm...... well....." "Ofcourse" Oshi said with a big smile. The boy sat down and there was a short but very present. "Well shall I introduce everyone then? These guys are Nii, Amaya, Imai and i'm Oishi. You're new here right? At least I haven't seen you here." "Nice to meet you I'm Nakasone Akio and I...." "Easy with the introduction." Said Oishi "All that stuff comes when it comes. I mean we will discover that soon enough" "Alright fine with me."

"He what's going on over there?" Nakasone asked while he pointed at another table. Nii answered "Oh nothing. just someone that is getting bullied." "What?! And your not gonna do anything about it?" "Nah we don't now the guy. And to be fair I don't really care" Oishi said. "Well then I'll do something about it" Nakasone stood up and went to the other table. Imai looked at Oishi and said "Well are you gonna go after him or what?" "Why me?" "You're the one that invited him and introduced us. You now if you don't interfere it is gonna end out into a fight." "Fine, But if a fight breaks loose you got my back." 'We got your back." said Amaya with a smile.

"Hey!!" The guys at the table looked up. Nakasone scanned the guys. "Probably around 18. Athletes, what a cliche." "What are you guys doing to him?" He pointed to one of them that was really quite inspecting the floor or something. "Oh nothing we where asking him about the last lesson" said one of the guys. Another more muscled asked "Why do you even wanna know? It is none of your business." "I don't care if it is none of my business. As I was seeing it you were trying to stick his lunch in his face." "Don't be such a bitch." Said the bulky one and pushed him while the others went back to bullying the kid. at that moment Oishi stepped in. "Guys we want no problem u don't want to be interrupted. Come on Naka we should go." "No I'm not gonna leave. And don't call me like that. Listen fat ass. I don't care about your respectless attitude or the pushing but you don't just bully some one!" Not even flinching the bulky one said "I don't care about your opinion and you should listen to your friend cause if you say one bad thing to me your gonna regret that." Nakasone looked at him with a cold dead stare and said "Bad thing" this wasn't without consequence and he got punched in the face. But he wasn't going to walk away and hit the guy back. And before you could even take a breath the other boys were standing around Nakasone. Each of them trying to hit him. Oishi sighted, looked at his friends and waved them over.
Gabriel97 said:
She turned her head at him with an angered and sad expression. Her hands were shaking, as her entire body. "H-her..." She corrected, looking down at the note again.
"her you say?" Shida shrugged. "Doesn't matter does it? I guess you liked her very much then. What a pity she did it over a simple note." The guy looked at the paper in her hand and then at his watch. He had to go back. "Miss, someone that breaks up with you via a note isn't worth your time, you deserve better." He smiled at her and then turned away. If Hayashida got more time he would have spoken to her longer, but his duty called.
Hobbesisalive said:
"her you say?" Shida shrugged. "Doesn't matter does it? I guess you liked her very much then. What a pity she did it over a simple note." The guy looked at the paper in her hand and then at his watch. He had to go back. "Miss, someone that breaks up with you via a note isn't worth your time, you deserve better." He smiled at her and then turned away. If Hayashida got more time he would have spoken to her longer, but his duty called.

She turned at him, He...he really tried to help me? she thought to herself. Nobody ever wanted to help...a bisexual. Everyone that she's ever met always discriminated her for her taste...

"...e! Abe!"


"Were you just sleeping while standing?"

Why did this scene look so oddly familiar? Could it be the traces of the vivid memory? A recent occasion? It all felt so blank, so...uncanny.

"No, no, I wasn't."

He rubbed his face as energetically as he could, trying to provoke a reaction, anything to snap out of his oh-so-subtle dormant state. Not even Minami would fall for that. Not that the co-worker by his side was particularly dense or anything...well, she was, yeah. But he would never be able to tell her that, of course. A sigh escaped from her rosy lips. "No sleep last night?" The novelist nodded his head lightly.

"Yeah...I tried writing something...But my bird started chirping out of nowhere...my neighbours started a fight...and then..."

"Ahhh, stop it, stop it"


"You're too pitiful!"

"I don't think-"

"Minami, you'd best not be slacking off on the job!" The redhead let Ren's hands go in silence, her bright smile still glued on her face. Yet the voice of the manager was enough to send chills down her spine, no doubt.

The raven haired male returned back to the batch of cupcakes, still warm and fluffy, focusing on the last touches. His eyes wandered out the nearby window, opening it to let the fresh air of the morning invade the room, falling on a small, beautiful butterfly, flying right before him. A blue butterfly...a sign of good fortune? He was not sure of what the creature's sight could mean for him. A vague idea seemed to make sense in his head but I was far too faint for him to fully grasp it.



Guess such things would have to be left for later. That is, if he remembered it. He walked in careful steps while carrying the metal tray, leaving the back to find himself at the counter, organizing it as perfectly as he could.
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Still Crazy] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31269-birdsie/ said:
@Birdsie[/URL] this might have gotten lost
(Ya... I didn't answer, because he didn't answer.)

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Coyodie said:
Oishi sat with his friends in the canteen. "Nice job with that assignment today" said one of his friends with a sarcastic tone. "Like you're such a talent" Oishi reacted. While the guys where arguing over who was the worst actor a newcomer walked to them. "Is it ok if I sit with you guys?" One of the guys started "Uhm...... well....." "Ofcourse" Oshi said with a big smile. The boy sat down and there was a short but very present. "Well shall I introduce everyone then? These guys are Nii, Amaya, Imai and i'm Oishi. You're new here right? At least I haven't seen you here." "Nice to meet you I'm Nakasone Akio and I...." "Easy with the introduction." Said Oishi "All that stuff comes when it comes. I mean we will discover that soon enough" "Alright fine with me."
"He what's going on over there?" Nakasone asked while he pointed at another table. Nii answered "Oh nothing. just someone that is getting bullied." "What?! And your not gonna do anything about it?" "Nah we don't now the guy. And to be fair I don't really care" Oishi said. "Well then I'll do something about it" Nakasone stood up and went to the other table. Imai looked at Oishi and said "Well are you gonna go after him or what?" "Why me?" "You're the one that invited him and introduced us. You now if you don't interfere it is gonna end out into a fight." "Fine, But if a fight breaks loose you got my back." 'We got your back." said Amaya with a smile.

"Hey!!" The guys at the table looked up. Nakasone scanned the guys. "Probably around 18. Athletes, what a cliche." "What are you guys doing to him?" He pointed to one of them that was really quite inspecting the floor or something. "Oh nothing we where asking him about the last lesson" said one of the guys. Another more muscled asked "Why do you even wanna know? It is none of your business." "I don't care if it is none of my business. As I was seeing it you were trying to stick his lunch in his face." "Don't be such a bitch." Said the bulky one and pushed him while the others went back to bullying the kid. at that moment Oishi stepped in. "Guys we want no problem u don't want to be interrupted. Come on Naka we should go." "No I'm not gonna leave. And don't call me like that. Listen fat ass. I don't care about your respectless attitude or the pushing but you don't just bully some one!" Not even flinching the bulky one said "I don't care about your opinion and you should listen to your friend cause if you say one bad thing to me your gonna regret that." Nakasone looked at him with a cold dead stare and said "Bad thing" this wasn't without consequence and he got punched in the face. But he wasn't going to walk away and hit the guy back. And before you could even take a breath the other boys were standing around Nakasone. Each of them trying to hit him. Oishi sighted, looked at his friends and waved them over.
Al walked in to the lunch room to check on the students one more time before leaving for the café. As he walked in He saw one of his students from 3rd period Oishi and some of his friends talking to some athletes and from the look of it the athletes were picking on someone. And from were he was standing it looked like a fight was about to breakout "Hey! What are you kids doing over there!" Al yelled as he was getting closer to the tables
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Alushey said:
Al walked in to the lunch room to check on the students one more time before leaving for the café. As he walked in He saw one of his students from 3rd period Oishi and some of his friends talking to some athletes and from the look of it the athletes were picking on someone. And from were he was standing it looked like a fight was about to breakout "Hey! What are you kids doing over there!" Al yelled as he was getting closer to the tables
Imai was the first one to notice Al. He tapped Oishi's shoulder and asked if that was his teacher. Oishi looked and at that moment Al yelled "Hey! What are you kids doing over there!" Everybody looked up, except Nakasone and the bulky one. They didn't care about what was going on around them. "Oh he sir. Well an argument might have been getting a little out of hand" Oishi said.
Coyodie said:
Imai was the first one to notice Al. He tapped Oishi's shoulder and asked if that was his teacher. Oishi looked and at that moment Al yelled "Hey! What are you kids doing over there!" Everybody looked up, except Nakasone and the bulky one. They didn't care about what was going on around them. "Oh he sir. Well an argument might have been getting a little out of hand" Oishi said.
Al walked up to Oishi. "Oishi What's going on here." Al said while keeping an eye on the athletes and Nakasone. He already knew what was happening but wanted the full story from his student.
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"Well..." Oishi started. "We were just enjoying lunch when suddenly those guys started bullying that kid. And as the good students that we are we tried to help him." Nakasone overheard the conversation and stopped his starring contest with the athlete. "No you were just going after me. you might want the story to be told by someone that tells the truth." Oishi looked astonished to the new guy. "Oshi told half of it. I saw that kid being bullied and decided to help him. I confronted him but this kid as zero to none respect for others. And well that escalated into the scene you just saw." "I wasn't done with me story yet." Said Oishi grumpy.
Coyodie said:
"Well..." Oishi started. "We were just enjoying lunch when suddenly those guys started bullying that kid. And as the good students that we are we tried to help him." Nakasone overheard the conversation and stopped his starring contest with the athlete. "No you were just going after me. you might want the story to be told by someone that tells the truth." Oishi looked astonished to the new guy. "Oshi told half of it. I saw that kid being bullied and decided to help him. I confronted him but this kid as zero to none respect for others. And well that escalated into the scene you just saw." "I wasn't done with me story yet." Said Oishi grumpy.
Al walked away from Oishi and Nakasone towards the athletes "Hey boys you having fun over there?" Al said as got up to the table and looked the muscular one strait in the eyes "You know I don't like trash like you in my school so unless you want to get expelled I suggest you stop picking on the other students and walk away." Al said in a stern voice.
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JAMN said:
"Well..." Leopold paused for a second to think. "I'm a university student at Hiroshima University studying law. I plan on eventually entering politics and if that doesn't work out, philanthropy." Leopold took a sip out of his iced caffè americano and smiled asking, "what's your trade?"
"Well..." Coa let his mouth hang open a little, impressed by the others trade, "I'm just a humble florist. I work at a flier shop down the street." He motioned over his shoulder, and looked at the clock, "Which I have to get to in fifteen minutes. I love arranging the florests, that's sorry of what I've been hired to do, arrangements...."
Flailing arms and flying skirt, Eiko managed to make it in time to school. Thank goodness her feet worked like it was jet propelled. Okay, maybe not. But they were fast, nonetheless. Before Eiko stood a grand building - Hiroshima High School/University. "This is it. I'm really here," she said, straightening up her now rumpled dress. It was only yesterday that I was here when they called me saying I got accepted, she thought. Students dotted the campus ground and the sound of idle talks and morning greetings began to be heard as she neared the school. The thought of being in a new city and continuing her studies excited her. Suddenly, a cold air seemed to envelop her as thoughts of blood and the likes popped into her head. Eiko shivered then shook her head. "Wah!!! Ahahaha!!!" She burst out laughing, index finger pointing in the air. The lady made her way to the campus door.

Peeking through the hallway door, Eiko drew a deep breath and took out her schedule. "Hmm, Anatomy...." *Bbrrrnnnngggg* Students began to file towards their respective classrooms. Seeing this, Eiko glanced at her watch and followed suit.


"Aaahhh, that was....fun!!!" Eiko said. "No blood today so that was certainly fun, right?" she humored herself. Rummaging through her bag, she was expecting to find her lunch but what greeted her instead was the disappearing

act of the container. Gasping at the sudden realization, she began to look around in hopes of finding food. "Hey, you know that cafe around the corner....." She overheard someone say. "Cafe? Cafe sounds good," Eiko said to herself. She followed the other students and head out to this so called cafe.

Sugar and Spice Cafe it says. Eiko looked up and saw the sign. The place looks yummy, she thought. Upon entering, she spotted some empty tables and chairs and settled herself down. Inhaling the sweet aroma that filled the air just made her more hungry. She began to look around whether she should wait for someone to server her or go up to the bar herself.

@MariahChanell @Hobbesisalive (And anyone else at the cafe, not entirely sure if the others are still there xD )
"Ahh... a florist... doing arrangements?" Leopold heard the door open and turned his head. Ohh... It's just some girl. She looks familiar though, Leopold thought. He looked back at Coa, "Only 15 minutes?" Leopold frowned but then smiled. "How about my personal driver drives you to work? The cars right outside... and I still need to give him his espresso."

@BornWithoutFear @ArcticViolin
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Eiko's gaze fell towards the bar area where she noticed two people talking, one of them holding two cups of coffee. She can smell the pleasant odor all the way from her seat. Unable to contain it anymore, she made her way towards the bar and proceeded to order a drink.

@JAMN @BornWithoutFear @MariahChanell (I realized that it's still morning for you lot while I'm on my lunch :P I guess I'll adjust my time frame. Anything would be okay, I think)

Shida made it back to the bar, feeling sorry for the girl he just met. "I'm back." The bar tender said happily while throwing his jacket over a chair. He quickly got behind the counter as he noticed a new customer. "What can I do for you?" Shida asked, a smile spread over his lips. He also noticed the two men were still sitting at his bar, sipping their coffee and talking to eachother. "Everything alright guys?" The man also asked.

@ArcticViolin @BornWithoutFear @JAMN


A paper was taped on the door where she was supposed to have class. It said it began 15 minutes later due to the teacher that had overslept. Miki stared at it and then just shrugged. Guess I will look at the cafetaria. It was her first day at this school. Well of some sort, before she graduated she was in High School, located in the same building. Miki was kinda glad it was all that familiar. She liked changes, but not too big.

The girl headed to the couple of tables that were still free and started rummaging through her back. She spotted her red lunch box and grabbed it. Although it was still morning Miki nibbled on an Onigiri she had brought for lunch. While she ate, her eyes followed the scene happening in front of her. A bunch of guys plus a teacher making a fuss about things. She wasn't really interested, but as long she did not interfere it would be alright.

@Coyodie @Alushey
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Eiko saw the bar tender came in. "Hello there, Sir! What specials do you have here?" Eiko asked, grinning at the bar tender. "Ah, and also, do you happen to have anything edible I could eat? The pain is unbeeaarable," she said in a rather dramatic way, one hand touching her stomach.

@Hobbesisalive @JAMN @BornWithoutFear
ArcticViolin said:
Eiko saw the bar tender came in. "Hello there, Sir! What specials do you have here?" Eiko asked, grinning at the bar tender. "Ah, and also, do you happen to have anything edible I could eat? The pain is unbeeaarable," she said in a rather dramatic way, one hand touching her stomach.
@Hobbesisalive @JAMN @BornWithoutFear
Shida chuckled and looked at the time. "Well my specials mostly have alcohol in them, I don't think that would be suited for you on this fine morning, but I could be wrong?" He smiled and then grabbed a cup. "I'm also very good at placing a glass underneath the coffee machine? And pressing buttons." The guy chuckled. "We have breakfast thingies, here." Hayashida gave her the menu card and waited for her to choose something.
The bulky athlete didn't took much for the treat and stared Al with his cold eyes. His other friends on the other hand were scared by the threat and started to back away from the furious teacher. One spoke to the bulky one and said "Come on Ando this is not worth it" while he pulled at his arm. It looked like this guy was the smarter one as he wasn't very strong nor tough. Ando decided to listen to the his friend and walk away still fire in his eyes he looked at Nakasone. He said nothing but his eyes said enough. "This isn't over." Nakasone replied "Come and get me." But he didn't do it in silence what made it a little weird for the ones that weren't involved in the dead stare. "So we've taken care off that one didn't we Al?" Said Oishi with smile.

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Masao talked with Mariah while she drove him to the cafe, dropping him off in front. He left the computer bag he was carrying and walked towards the cafe. The coffee was making the shirt stick to his skin. He muttered under his breath before yanking the cafe doors open and walking in, looking a bit pissed off, even though Mariah had make him previous laugh about the occasion. He wasn't even really angry, he shook the blonde hair out of his face. He was headed to the back of the counter, where there was a change of clothes for him. On the way there, she shirt got so annoying that his just pulled it right off, over his head. "Thats better" He muttered.

Masao had a pretty toned body, there wasn't quite a six pack there but you could definitely see the outline of one forming. His shoulder blades were sharp and went well with his muscular back.


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