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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Meredith smiled sweetly and muttered a healing spell under her breath as she touched her wing. The tear glowed green as it knit itself together once more. @metalcity
Inuk watched as the healing took place, he stood there. He started to shake slightly due to becoming cold with the lack of clothing. "Sooo, feeling better? I'm slightly freezing." He asked and stated.

Meredith giggled, "You should of worn clothes than." She walks to her bed and slips under the covers. "Well, are you going to join me or stand there like an idiot?" @metalcity
{Good morning students it is now 7am breakfast will be served until 9am remember there are no classes until Monday have a nice weekend!}
Inuk started to wake up, his eyes flickered open until he could just see "T-this isn't my *yaawwwwnnnnn* room..." he stretched to find himself only in his pants and not in his room. He was confused then heard some sounds coming from the bathroom, he was ready to scold who was in there but then quickly remembered that he was at Meredith's room due to the stack of dvd's. He smiled, yesterday went rather well. He started to get out of bed "Morning Cuto, you sleep well?" he called out as he stretched again.

Gears stirred in his slumber. He was awaken by the announcement over the PA system. He pulled his covers back and sat on the edge of his bed for a couple minutes. He stood up and pulled his baggy school pants on and tossed his school shirt on that had crinkles all over the sleeves from being rolled up all day. He slipped his arms into his jacket and pulled the sleeves just up over the end of his shirt. He did all but the last three buttons up on his shirt then grabbed his stuff and headed to the bathroom to prepare for the day.

He wasn't going to work on anything today so his cologne and deodorant might actually stick for a couple hours. He walked down the stairs of the boys dorm and into the lobby to chill for a little before hunger was going to set in.
Lin turned over as the morning announcement went off "I wonder how today will go" she said out loud as she thought about last night. Smiling she climes out of bed and changed in to a pair of ripped up jeans and her school shirt. She brushed her hair and teeth before putting on her cloak. Leaving the dorm she locked the door then pulled down her hood over her eyes before walking down the hall.
Aki woke up to the announcement hearing that it was 7:00 a.m. She rolled over onto her side, facing the middle of the room. She had a bed head along with the same clothes as yesterday. She closed her eyes for a bit more with her arm hanging down the side of the bed. It wasn't soon before she heard a big bang which made her to fall onto the floor. A big thumping sound echoed through the room. She put her arm over her eyes and moaned slightly, "Ow.." Aki was a bit paler than usual, but she paid no attention to it as she got up to her feet, fixing her skirt. She quickly changed into a pair of clothes that were the same as her last. She stood there in an empty room. She gave out a sigh as she took the headband out of her hair. She tossed it on her bed and quickly headed out followed by a sneeze when she closed the door to her dorm.

(I hope you guys don't mind me jumping back in..... The alert problem was killing me.)
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"Cool! I'm going to go back to my room and get ready for today. I'll knock when I'm finished or just come round mine." Inuk called back as he left her room in pants and still holding his teddy bear, he walked back into his room and throw the bear on the floor and walked into the bathroom.

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ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki woke up to the announcement hearing that it was 7:00 a.m. She rolled over onto her side, facing the middle of the room. She had a bed head along with the same clothes as yesterday. She closed her eyes for a bit more with her arm hanging down the side of the bed. It wasn't soon before she heard a big bang which caused her to fall onto the floor causing a bit thumping sound. She put her arm over her eyes and moaned slightly, "Ow.." Aki was a bit paler than usual, but she paid no attention to it as she got up to her feet, fixing her skirt. She quickly changed into a pair of clothes that were the same as her last. She stood there in an empty room. She gave out a sigh as she took the headband out of her hair. She tossed it on her bed and quickly headed out followed by a sneeze when she closed the door to her dorm.
(I hope you guys don't mind me jumping back in..... The alert problem was killing me.)
Welcome back :3
"uuugghhh...waking up sucks." Soul says after hearing the announcement and decides to get up to search for the cafeteria. He gets up and gets dressed before leaving his dorm.
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Lin sighed as she heard her stomach growling "i should probably go and eat" she thought as she turned to head to the Cafeteria. making it there she grabbed a bowl of fruit and a chocolate milk then found a seat in a darker corner of the cafeteria. she was still tiered and the sun coming in from the window was hurting her eyes so she pulled her hood down more and started to nibble on some fruit.
After a bit of searching ,Soul finds the cafeteria and looks around "hm..finally." He grabs a muffin and some chocolate milk and sits at a table away from everyone else so it wont be awkward and he drinks some of the chocolate milk.
Aki wandered down the halls until she came across the cafeteria. She let one final sigh escape her lips as she entered. All she got was an apple, while she turns to the rest of the cafeteria wondering where to sit. Every table was taken. She spotted Lin in a dark corner, but decided not to approach. She found an empty looking area in the back and leaned against the wall while taking bites of her apple. Aki seemed like a delinquent looking for trouble, like usual. The habitual mad-like expression sat on her face, but her bright purple eyes that were slightly scanning the room radiated a slightly different feeling. She sneezed once again and her skin seemed a bit paler. Her bright red hair was a bit in her face.
Soul looks ari , noticing that she was looking for a table that wasn't full. after taking another bite of his muffin he looks back at her and points to the table he is sitting at alone
"ugh this light is killing me " Lin thought trying to make her hood go down farther on her face, the she popped a grape into her mouth then leaned on the wall beside her. "I guess I can try a little magic to wake my self up" she thought reaching for her bag, only to find out she forgot it in the room. She sighed "grate the only one that comes to mind is that stupid snow one" she sighed agen and held out her hand so the palm faced up "in the cold in the light let the snow be in sight" she mumbled as little black snowflakes started to form in her hand like they were falling from a cloud. She sighed and kept trying as she ate.
ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki wandered down the halls until she came across the cafeteria. She let one final sigh escape her lips as she entered. All she got was an apple, while she turns to the rest of the cafeteria wondering where to sit. Every table was taken. She spotted Lin in a dark corner, but decided not to approach. She found an empty looking area in the back and leaned against the wall while taking bites of her apple. Aki seemed like a delinquent looking for trouble, like usual. The habitual mad-like expression sat on her face, but her bright purple eyes that were slightly scanning the room radiated a slightly different feeling. She sneezed once again and her skin seemed a bit paler. Her bright red hair was a bit in her face.
(tag people it's more likely they will get it that way :3 )
Aki noticed a boy pointing to sit at his table. Was he gesturing to Aki? Yes, had to have been.. Why would she want to sit with him? What was he trying to pull? Are thoughts that would usually come to her head. But, she was acting a bit differently today. Plus, her feet still hurt from running around all yesterday with some chick. Instead Aki felt bad that he was sitting all by himself. She slowly stood on her feet and rubbed her head a bit as she let a sigh escape her lips. She made her way over to his empty table, while looking a bit tired. It was barely noticeable as she sat down across from him, "H-hello," She was stuttering. Why was she stuttering? Aki looked down at the table to avoid eye contact as she took a bite of her apple. She seemed a bit off today, and couldn't conceal it.

@Soul Yugashi

(Sorry, wasn't really trying to get into anything that second. I was really busy yesterday and was only posting quickly. Sorry if I'm a bit busy today also.)
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Aki was forced to look back up as he started to make conversation, "Oh, uh, yeah. I guess so. You?.." she was a bit curious herself. Not only did her slight bedhead blend smoothly with her odd eye color, but her pale skin made all of her unique features very distinct. An uncomfortable feeling sat in Aki as she started to speak with the boy. It didn't help how they were making eye contact.

@Soul Yugashi
haruko walked through the gates of the school. she had never been to school or had contact with people for seven years. haruko wanted to return to her home, the forgotten ruins of lyros. but her family had decided she needed to adjust to 'normal society'. ironic isn't it that this was a school for nonhuman beings and humans, most of which could use some sort of power. not knowing where to go she walked through the school with her relic which had taken the form best suited to the holder. in haruko's case the relic had become the armor she was currently wearing. @anyone

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