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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Gears frowned "I think the teachers vanishing was a side effect. The barrier might be a percussion for whats out there...any" He stood up and turned to her "I am getting tired so i might hit the hay"
she nodded then stood up "ya i might as well also shall we walk together?" she asked smiling at him. "hopefully the teachers will figure this out before some students decide to fry them selves" she thought glancing at the crowed of students.
"Sure" Gears said walking out of the gym. They walked for a little before he asked "Um..is it okay if...i hold your hand?"
she took his hand before answering him then looked up at him wish a smile "yes..." she looked were she was walking as she started to blush "anytime you wan to hold my hand you can".
Gears blushed slightly and kept walking. They came to the cross section where they needed to split up again. Gears Turned to her and smiled "Goodnight Lin. Sweet dreams" He lent in close and gave her a quick kiss.
"sweet dreams" she smiled at him with a slight blush on her face she then turned and left for her dorm. making it into her dorm she laid on her bed and cuddled a pillow smiling as she fell asleep.
Gears made his way to his room. He walked in and st at his desk. He picked up one of his little gizmos and began fiddling with it, this helped him sleep. He stopped and looked out the window at the big round moon. He stripped and got into bed. He fell asleep thinking about Black snowflakes.
As Inuk continued to hug Meredith, he was confused why black smoke started to gather around them. Then they appeared in the hall, he sighed "Looks like we are back here." he kissed her. forehead and listened to the teachers speech. "Looks like we wont be leaving the school for our dinner date. Shame." Then as the speech finished he held her hand and started to lead both of them out side, standing in the court yard "So what do you want to do now?" Inuk asked.

@Nylana (how could you @Srion Receno I was looking forward to the dinner date D:<)
@Ami the breadling

@Whomever else


She was ported to the auditorium and was at the moment lying on the chairs while she started to hear a voice, which caused her eyes to open in a flutter. She was at the moment holding on to Caroline when she noticed that they were in the auditorium, her double blinking as she realized this. After the speech was over she made a sour face, her a bit annoyed that she was interrupted in her sleep seeing how she was very comfortable. With that in mind she said aloud with a light sigh, "Couldn't that have been done over an intercom..." Her then pausing and looking down at Caroline who was still in her arms at that moment, "Oh, hi there cutie."
Caroline hadn't yet understood what happened. She frightenedly held onto Via. Fina hadn't been moved, so she still laid on the bed. Caroline looked around, searching for Fina, but couldn't find. "Where is Fina? I need her? Where is she? Fina? Finaaaa!", she scaredly cried out, still holding onto Via.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ami the breadling


She shook her head and said with a light smile, "I'm sure she is just lying in the bed right now, no need to worry Caroline." With that said she pauses and pats her on the top of the head as she sits up in the seat, her looking around at the surrounding students as they started to vacate the building. "How about we get back to the bedroom and get some sleep cutie?" She pauses and looks over at her with a warm smile, "No need to linger here it seems." Quite frankly she was still a little annoyed that she had been disturbed while she was so very comfortable but it seemed that the staff here really didn't care all to much.
Caroline seemed to be calmer. " Bedroom...sleep...good idea.", Caroline said as she stood up and took Via's hand, leading her to her dorm. She opened the door and led Via to her bed, where Fina laid, sleeping. Caroline happily looked at Fina but did not want to wake her up. She carefully laid down under Fina.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ami the breadling


She followed along with her back to the dorms and didn't say a word as they made their way there, seeing as how she figured that Caroline was a bit worried about Fina seeing as how it seemed like they were always together around the clock. Via watched as she took great care as to not wake up Fina, Via thinking as she did so with a light smile upon her lips, 'Can't fool me, you'd be lost without that little chatterbox wouldn't you.' She giggled a small bit and then slipped into the bed next to Via, her sliding up next to her as she does so. At the moment she could not think of a place that would have been better than this single spot, her quite complacent at the moment. "Nighty night, Caroline the cutie pie," she simply mumbled as she closed her eyes and placed an arm around Caroline's waist as she slowly went to sleep.
Caroline blushed as Via talked. She was already fading to sleep but muttered a " Don't... Need her...don't... Want her..." and then slept, holding onto Via. Caroline had a peaceful sleep. She was next to a friend, for the first time of her live she did not feel lonely and left alone in her life as she slept.

@Mediocritys Muse
Jet was on the roof of the academy, he grew wings and flew into a hallway which had an open window, when he was in. His wings burst into flames and burned away.
"Sure." Inuk replied, he held her hand and they walked to Meredith's room. On there way he saw a new flyer, confused why it was his fan club. Then giggling and smiling evily. "Looks like I'll be getting new fans, don't get to jealous." He mocked gently poking her nose.

Meredith giggled, "I know nobody else has a chance in hell with you. So, unless that one chick joins I wont have to be jealous." With that said she launched herself high into the sky, laughing and smiling the entire time. It seemed as if the Fae girl was overjoyed about how things were turning out between the two of them. @metalcity
Meredith blushes and lands beside him, "Oh, no reason." She smiles at him mischievously and drags him to her dorm room. "Do you want to watch more movies or do something else?" And with that she kisses him more passionately than she has thus far. @metalcity
Inuk followed by kissing her back, enjoying her sweet tender lips. He wrapped his hands around her like he normally does, brining them closer so they can share the warmth around each other together. He started to stroke her hair softly while kissing.

Meredith broke the kiss, breathless. She grinned and tugged him towards her bed and laid down. She was really happy that she at least had a week with him. Even if this didnt last, she was happy that she had the opportunity to get to know this side of him. The lightly teasing and playful side that others didnt see. @metalcity
Inuk was surprised as he was pulled to the bed, he fell onto the bed not in his chose. He landed on his back and rolled over to face Meredith, "I'm guessing you don't want to watch a film." he stated as he gently rubbed her cheek, smiling at her.

"I'm the perv? Who tugged me into there bed? As a teenager what am I suppost to think?" He asked in a attack victims tone, he held his smile and continued to rub her cheek.

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