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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Carolina made a small bow front to the headmaster." Mr. Headmaster, that is the reason why I am here. My name is not Caroline. I was her clone... But...I don't feel like one. I am materialized... I don't know how, maybe through the stuff stratos did. Anyway, I am a sepereate being and I want to attend this school. Is there a way that would be possible? ", she said.

he nodded "yes its possible ill put you up in a room but for now you will have to keep the same classes as her is that alright?" he started to wright in a book.
[QUOTE="Srion Receno]he nodded "yes its possible ill put you up in a room but for now you will have to keep the same classes as her is that alright?" he started to wright in a book.

She nodded. " Carolina is the name. I have no last name. My powers are the same as hers. Thank you kindly Mr. headmaster."

(I'm leaving for a while aswell, cya later pals.)
Stratos made had signs quickly (like naruto) and arcane energy flowed down through out his body increasing his strength, defense, and speed amazingly. He then dashed straight past akari as wind rushed behind him like a mini sonicboom towards a test dummy, Stratos punched the test dummy in the stomach quickly and swiftly turned upside down landing on one of his hands sending a very powerful downward axe kick on the top of the dummies head leaving it damaged greatly. @FalseUser12 @djinnamon
Akari stops right before the rapier impales the practice-target and stands up straight before looking at the idiot who was destroying the room. " Stop that please" He said in a rude tone that didn't match his words.
His eyes flashed as he growled at Stratos. He stomps up to Stratos as a sneer appears on his feminine face. " What are you doing" He said
Stratos turned towards the rude male and walked towards him slightly "I don't like your tone kid." He said looking at him as the test dummies parts fell apart behind him "or do we have a problem?" He said as the chaotic energy around his body grew larger and started swirling in a spiral motion around Stratos body making wind blow crazily inside the room.
" Like hell I care if you like my tone or not " He said as he folded his arms and smirked. " Yes we do and are you trying to intimidate me bigs guy" He asked as his eyes and the blade of his rapier glowed.
as the teachers left there meeting Sir. Leo heard a noise coming from the room he was teaching in. before entering he sighed then slammed the door open "what the Hell is going on in this room!" seeing the room was a disaster "and who did this? " he crossed his arms looking at the students.
Stratos just looked at the boy as his eyes glowed red his entire body was covered in chaos energy as it mixed with the arcane energy "is that a challenge little boy?" He said as his fangs grew sharper, the ground started cracking making one big hole and spirits started floating out and forming next to Stratos. The crack closed and the spirits stood at attention looking at the boy, stratos hair started spiking upwards and his clothes turned black but he only kept it at 15% full power or bad things would happen, he then made hands signs and spoke "chaotic control." He said under his breathe as the rooms lights started to flicker on and off his aura grew stronger and darkness seeped off his skin dripping onto the floor, spiritual hands were shown trying to crawl out of the ground as his opponent and Alex could hear the cries of dead souls. @djinnamon @FalseUser12
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]She nodded. " Carolina is the name. I have no last name. My powers are the same as hers. Thank you kindly Mr. headmaster."
(I'm leaving for a while aswell, cya later pals.)

"well nice to meet you Carolina I hope you have fun among the solid" he laughed as he looked back up at her
(I have Combat currently. I'll join Akari)


"Shame" Max said to Ramza. "I have my powers wherever. Anyway, night dude." Max jumped into bed

The next day:

The demigod woke up, stared at the ceiling and remembered what he had. "Oh yeah!" He jumped out of his sleeping quarters. "Combat class!" With a grin, he fixed himself up. Brushing his teeth, he heard some commotion. "What is going on?" He changed from the clothes he slept in and grabbed his magic sword. "My armour and then off to class. Where, if my gut feeling is right, the noise is coming from." With a smirk, he ran out and grabbed his typical

. He then put it on and rushed into class. "What's going on?" He threw his scissors in the air and caught it. Max's sword was still in the scissor form. "Want me to join in?" The teen asked the other. Then, the teacher walked in. "Oh, it's Lee. Sup?"

@djinnamon @ayumukatsuchia @FalseUser12 @Srion Receno
shiro feeling the same aura from the prevous night. follows the aura into the room. well now. this seems fun.
ayumukatsuchia said:
Stratos just looked at the boy as his eyes glowed red his entire body was covered in chaos energy as it mixed with the arcane energy "is that a challenge little boy?" He said as his fangs grew sharper, the ground started cracking making one big hole and spirits started floating out and forming next to Stratos. The crack closed and the spirits stood at attention looking at the boy, stratos hair started spiking upwards and his clothes turned black but he only kept it at 15% full power or bad things would happen, he then made hands signs and spoke "chaotic control." He said under his breathe as the rooms lights started to flicker on and off his aura grew stronger and darkness seeped off his skin dripping onto the floor, spiritual hands were shown trying to crawl out of the ground as his opponent and Alex could hear the cries of dead souls. @djinnamon @FalseUser12
Sir. Leo sighed then grabbed the back of the boys neck then turning he threw him agents the wall "knock it off" he put his hand on his sword showing he was'int playing around " wait until the class has started!"
" Oh my , maybe. How about you catch me " He said smirking as a circle appear under him and he was I the other side of the room before making a rude gesture with his hand while sticking out his tongue. " Come on big guy." He said in a teasing and flirty voice as he cocked his hips.

( BWHAHAHA. Being flirty and teasing its a recipt for making straight men mad)
Akari looked at the teacher as a innocent look appeared on his face. " Oh , hi there teach" He said
Stratos got the wall after being hit against it and growled as he returned to his normal form and jumped next to Alex and took a seat "if I end up beating him bloody, don't blame me." He said yawning at the teacher.
Looking over at the teacher Alex just turned extremely small and tried to sneak out of the room "This was not part of my idea!" then Alex looked next to him "Oh Hi Stratos" He exclaimed getting back to normal people size.

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seeing that no fights broke out. i sigh and return to the math room disappointed.
He took his seat. " What are we learning to today" He asked as he crossed his legs and leaned back on the chair.

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