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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

he nodded "I dont know then personality but i spoke to one of them, and its not as awkward as you think" he crossed his arms " now please calm down and go to your dorm"
Stratos suddenly had a embarrassed look on his face "yeah I would, but I have no idea where they are." He said with a large grin and looked at the girl who was with them "if your a clone, and the real you made you and she's sleep, how did you become made or whatever?"
ayumukatsuchia said:
Stratos suddenly had a embarrassed look on his face "yeah I would, but I have no idea where they are." He said with a large grin and looked at the girl who was with them "if your a clone, and the real you made you and she's sleep, how did you become made or whatever?"
" As I said, she must have summoned me while sleeping. Maybe she dreamed it and then did it in reality. I don't really know, I was pretty surprised as I just popped up there. ", she said, smiling at him kindly
Stratos gasped a bit "I can do that, but like way more intense. I can merge reality and fantasy because I'm a aetheral being or whatever there called now." He said smiling back and stood next to her "she's cool, by the way my name is stratos katsuchia." He said to her with a slight now of kindness.
ayumukatsuchia said:
Stratos gasped a bit "I can do that, but like way more intense. I can merge reality and fantasy because I'm a aetheral being or whatever there called now." He said smiling back and stood next to her "she's cool, by the way my name is stratos katsuchia." He said to her with a slight now of kindness.
" Nice to meet you. I'm carolina, the clone of Caroline. I'm glad to meet you, since that means we're not the only being with a heart of darkness. I'd give you a hand but I am not material. ", she said, still smiling at him.
Stratos just nodded and thought for a second "do you and Caroline share thoughts, so when she wakes up she'll know who I am or something?. But anyway I'm the son of my fathers darkness and chaos and my mom oblivion. Pretty strange name for a lady isn't it?." He said with a small laugh.
ayumukatsuchia said:
Stratos just nodded and thought for a second "do you and Caroline share thoughts, so when she wakes up she'll know who I am or something?. But anyway I'm the son of my fathers darkness and chaos and my mom oblivion. Pretty strange name for a lady isn't it?." He said with a small laugh.
" Yeah, as soon as I get dissolved, she gets my thoughts and feelings. And as soon as she creates me again, I get hers. And I would dream of parents like that. Our parents were normal people. They were always scared of us. Just as the others were. If we only were born into a family of darkness...that would have been a dream.", she told him, the smile fading a bit as she talked of her parents. But a few seconds after she finished, she smiled her usual, bright and kind smile.
[QUOTE="Srion Receno]the head master cleared his throat " dorms now" he said starting to get angry.

" But sir, what shall I do at Caroline's dorm? I can't even lay into bed, I'd fall through it. Can't I wander around until she wakes up, seeing the stars and stuff? ", she asked smiling, but with a begging tone.
Stratos shrugged "having the 3 greatest destroyers as your parents isn't as good as you think, scolded by humanity your entire life, Angels hate you, rejected by both life and death, which brings me to another story to tell. I actually am supposed to be dead but neither the overworld or the underworld would accept me...and so I was resurrected as the first person to be able to fully control the aether, and the aether is a place nobody would like to see...it's worse than anything anyone could imagine, and it's where I was made and lived for 19 years."
ayumukatsuchia said:
Stratos shrugged "having the 3 greatest destroyers as your parents isn't as good as you think, scolded by humanity your entire life, Angels hate you, rejected by both life and death, which brings me to another story to tell. I actually am supposed to be dead but neither the overworld or the underworld would accept me...and so I was resurrected as the first person to be able to fully control the aether, and the aether is a place nobody would like to see...it's worse than anything anyone could imagine, and it's where I was made and lived for 19 years."
Carolina looked sad. " I am honestly sorry for you. Your cool. Shall we be friends?", she asked, overjoyed and still smiling.
(Time skip?) stratos walked towards the place marked the dorms, he entered the building and went into his room and saw two beds and growled "WHYYY!!??" It was probably loud enough for the headmaster to hear, but he just sighed and layed down on a empty bed, he made his own covers out of darkness and chaos. The perks of being a aether controller were pretty awesome though.
after seeing Stratos of the head master looked up at the rooftop. sitting down next to shiro

he turned to him "you know there is a curfew"
Red heard the headmaster yelling dorm now. He tried to be a good and typical man. Because, he thought that everybody had power. The only who didn't had any power was him

"I bet the headmaster could blow a volcano. I better run to my dorm" he ran as fast as he can to his room
[QUOTE="Srion Receno]after seeing Stratos of the head master looked up at the rooftop. sitting down next to shiro
he turned to him "you know there is a curfew"

curfew? seriously?
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shrugs as i look at the headmaster with my red cold and emotionless eyes. i heard it. i just figured i could get away with being up here. apparently not though.
"Run as fast as you can. The volcano man will blow his lava, lala lalaa lalalala lalal" sang red while he was running

"He is super duper mumbo jumbo scary lalalalala he is very mumpo jumbo whumpus wumpo scary lalalala" sang red while trying to open his room

After that, he was startled by the fact that Carolina Caroline clone was there. Sitting in his bedroom

"Uuuuhh... I think I was alone in this room.. why are you here?" Asked him pathetically
"nope" he smiled then stood up "head to your dorm" after walking to the edge of the building he turned "have a good night"then stepped off the building falling then stepping into his office closing the door behind him.
Valhite said:
"Run as fast as you can. The volcano man will blow his lava, lala lalaa lalalala lalal" sang red while he was running
"He is super duper mumbo jumbo scary lalalalala he is very mumpo jumbo whumpus wumpo scary lalalala" sang red while trying to open his room

After that, he was startled by the fact that Carolina Caroline clone was there. Sitting in his bedroom

"Uuuuhh... I think I was alone in this room.. why are you here?" Asked him pathetically
"Well obviously because you are our friend and I did not know where to go... ", she said and chuckled a bit, " also I got to admit you are a pretty decent singer and good at making up texts. ". She smiled at him kindly.
i walk to the edge of the roof. following the headmasters example. i step off the roof falling. i then grab my rooms window ledge and swing into my room. i see someone in the room. your Stratos katsuchia?

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