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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

"nice to meet you too" she said quietly she really didn't know what to so next " ummm.... What side do you want? " She said turning to the beds.
"You can pick.." Aki said as she picked her bag up from the window sill. They both seemed not to be much talkers, which gave her a bored feeling. Maybe the girl is just shy.. she thought as she looked at her.

@Srion Receno
When Caroline began to sleep, Carolina broke free. She was a little surprised at first. But as soon as she understood what happened, she left the room exploring around.
Stratos casually walked through the gates of the school looking at the school with a sigh he spoke "why am I even here..." He said slightly and remembered what oblivion told him. He told him that he has to fit in with the humans and others so there would be no conflict, Stratos was also the only being in existence to be the child of chaos and oblivion, when his name is spoke it brings terror. Yet the headmaster allowed him into the school knowing how much of a danger he was, his aura has a Erie and dark feel to it like something would be destroyed if it was gotten near but that was just the feeling. Stratos walked down the path of concrete to the front entrance of the school and opened the door, many students turned his way and started whispering things about him since they all knew what and who he was since his parents are pretty famous, but not for good things. He just growled slightly and everyone that was whispering went silent and walked away in horror but didn't want to make a scene, he then kept walking and sat on a bench alone since that's how he always is since oblivion, chaos, and darkness only made him and the species didn't allow him to play or be near there children. "Wow, what a way to change my life huh?"
Instead of went back to his own room, Red, feeling curious, decided to enjoy the night sky. He gazed to the sky, looking at different stars who sparkled with their radiance. Red leaned to the nearest wall, and began contemplating the surrounding

"Strange, usually , I like to sleep. But somehow it is different here" he said to himself
Carolina looked at the sky. She did not see where she went. She went on for some time, until she went right through Red. She did still not realize there was somebody, but she stopped and watched the sky some more.

Stratos just looked at Nikko slightly and laughed a bit to himself "Stratos katsuchia, the son of chaos oblivion and darkness." He said happily, he then stood up and opened him palm which shown a ball of destruction in his palm "and your name."
i sit on the academy's rooftop once again. having snuck out of my room a while ago. staring off into the distance remembering why i am here. unsheathing vengeance, i stare into the blade. quietly repeating my vow to become stronger and hunt down lyxe's killer.
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Red was gazing the sky when he heard footsteps. It was Caroline. She was also looking at the sky, the same sky he was looking right now.

"Having trouble sleeping? I think we shoukd be at our own room. But that doesn't matter. I don't have any room mates anyway" he said calmly while gazing into the sky @Ami the breadling
"Caroline is sleeping. She seemed to be calmed. Thank you for helping her. She must have somehow summoned me while sleeping. I'd hug you but I can't touch material. That's my only trouble in this world. But I'm still happy. The stars look beautiful tonight, don't they?", she said, smiling at him and then smiling back at the stars.

Stratos looked into the sky and smirked getting a devious thought in his mind, he opened his palm towards the sky and shot out a beam of destructive energy into the sky which would explode so the school could see, once the beam exploded words formed which said 'I'm here,Stratos katsuchia.' This was Stratos attempt to put the school into panic.
i watch as energy shoots into the sky. revealing a name on explosion. i shrug not knowing or caring who that is.
Carolina found the beam and explosion beautiful. She loved the pure power of what she saw. She went to the place, where the beam came from, seeing two people. She went towards them and greetet. " Who of you is responsible for this explosion? I loved it...could you do it again? That power...so...impressive...", she said smiling at the two.

@ayumukatsuchia @Ldybug123
appearing behind Statos the head master started to clap " thats a nice trick , but please refrain from using anymore destructive energy on school grounds with out being in a class or with permeation." he smiled at Statos then looked up at the sky. "you all should be in your dorms" he said in a serious tone after seeing a girl join the two boys and himself.
She smiled at the headmaster in a kind manner. " I am. I'm a clone, Caroline has produced while sleeping. I guess that's fine then is it not? I mean, the student is at her dorm sleeping, why should you punish her for that?"
@ayumukatsuchia[/URL] @Ldybug123
Stratos just looked closely at her and just turned away with a slight smirk "so you wanna see it again?" He said darkly and darkness seeped off his skin and his hair turned completely black and his eyes glowed red, spirits slowly started crawling out of the ground around Stratos. The atmosphere around the courtyard turned cold and evil. Stratos hair spiked up and grew longer with aether energy dripping off the tips, once the aether energy would hit the floor it would make a flower or life and then it would die in an instant. His teeth grew sharper with primal darkness forming a mask in his face only being able to see his red eyes, the primal darkness would also make a cloak around Stratos and make dark hands come out the ground like crying souls from hell. The darkness would block off the three from the sun "this is what caused that explosion." He then returned to normal and shrugged at the headmaster "meh just got bored, just wanted a name fulfilling entrance just like my 2 dads and mom...pretty weird."
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i look down from the rooftop. feeling the evil aura. i watch for a moment as someone appears to be changing forms. i sit back down on the roof and continue gaze off into the distance.
He watched the beam in the sky. It then exploded to create a name. Red could read it. Carolina went to see the source. While Red too bored to follow her

"Probably just a guy with crazy desire" he said as he calmly gazed the sky again until he felt bored
the head master sighed at the sight of Stratos "stop this immediately or I will have no choice but to expel you hear and now"
Stratos just shrugged and jumped up hyper "hey headmaster or whatever I call you, did you know any of my 3 parents?" He said curiously "did they have to come here and talk to you or something,because that would be awkward since they don't really have physical bodies anymore." He said with another sigh remembering what happened to there bodies "stupid volcano."

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