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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Valhite said:
Red went out of the hallway, still confused, he looked at the poster and his room was 119 with someone called Morris Harper. He let out another sigh while he was walking out of the hallway. He spotted the cloning girl, and decided to ask her. @Ami the breadling
"Hello, I need help" he said frontally to the cloning-girl with a desperate voice

(Sorry guys for a long reply, I was asleep. Could someone explain to me what's happening?)
The clone now turned to Red. " Oh dear, I'm getting popular. But to be exact, I'm not the cloning girl, I'm the cloning girls clone. Nice to meet you. Your name was red right? I'm Caroline's clone. I actually want a name for myself....I'm Carolina from now on. Hi Red, I'm Carolina. What do you need help with? ", Carolina asked, a bit overjoyed.
Meredith nodded in understanding, "Makes sense to me. What classes do you have? Well, Caroline's classes anyways." As Red joined them Meredith smiled, "My name is Meredith. What's going on?"
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Lin covered her face back up and watched As the three way conversation went on. Lin started to shrink back so she didn't disturb there conversation.
Aki nodded and followed the girl; she heard the introduction and felt like she had to introduce herself too, "Aki....." Her red hair swayed back and forth with every step she took as she scanned the unfamiliar hallways. She looked back at the girl in front of her starring at her light blue hair. Aki was lucky for someone to guiding the way for her, and wasn't sure if the girl wanted something in return. She always thought that there was a catch to kindness, since not many people were necessarily nice towards her. Aki put her hands in her pockets with the thought quickly fading.

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Meredith grabbed Lins arm as she recited her schedule, "Math, english, flight, music, magic, and history. Lin, where are you going?" Meredith smiled kindly at the witch and refused to release her arm.
[QUOTE="Srion Receno]Lin covered her face back up and watched As the three way conversation went on. Lin started to shrink back so she didn't disturb there conversation.

Carolina turned to Lin again. " Don't consider yourself out yet. Join our conversation. ", she said encouragingly.
Red was shocked. In fact, he was confused. His mouth was hanging open, his eyes widened.

"This is worst... This school is freaky"

he pondered himself while trying to mantaining his composure. He took a deep breath, and started to response

"Soo ..... hello.. cloning girls clone... ahh how should I say this.... emmmm... where is room 119? And who is this morris harper guy??" He asked

Then, he saw another person was walking toward him. That person asked him a question

"Nothing exactly, I'm still confused with this school... who are you?" @Ami the breadling
ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki nodded and followed the girl; she heard the introduction and felt like she had to introduce herself too, "Aki....." Her red hair swayed back and forth with every step she took as she scanned the unfamiliar hallways. She looked back at the girl in front of her starring at her light blue hair. Aki was lucky for someone to guiding the way for her, and wasn't sure if the girl wanted something in return. She always thought that there was a catch to kindness, since not many people were necessarily nice towards her. Aki put her hands in her pockets with the thought quickly fading.
"See you later?" She sayed as she stopped at a door that sayed 220
Meredith turned to the boy still holding onto Lin's arm. "My name is Meredith. Out of curiosity, what are you human or something other? I am a mixed breed Fae."
Valhite said:
Red was shocked. In fact, he was confused. His mouth was hanging open, his eyes widened.
"This is worst... This school is freaky"

he pondered himself while trying to mantaining his composure. He took a deep breath, and started to response

"Soo ..... hello.. cloning girls clone... ahh how should I say this.... emmmm... where is room 119? And who is this morris harper guy??" He asked

Then, he saw another person was walking toward him. That person asked him a question

"Nothing exactly, I'm still confused with this school... who are you?" @Ami the breadling
" I don't really know where that is or who that is. But why don't we search for it? ", Carolina said to Red.
He saw Meredith was pulling another Girl to the group. As far as he knew, he was the only sane and normal human in there who unluckily stucked, trapped, and stranded into magical school where everything seemed Insane to him..

"Mixed... breed... fae??" He asked back to Meredith

"Emmm,, I am a human.." he answered

Caroline.. or Carolina was inviting him to search for both of the thing Red asked before

"That sounds fun. Alright let's go Caroli....na..." he answered while stuttering
Aki was slightly relieved when they were drawing closer to room 220. It had been silent the whole way there since the introductions. "Uh....yeah..cya." she tried a forced smile upon her face but it didn't exactly work out. It looked....too forced.. to the point where her eyebrow was twitching. Aki had gotten slightly embarrassed, "Bye.." she repeated as she opened the door with her key. It was cute when Aki got embarrassed over the simplest things, she even blushed and avoided eye contact. Aki gave a slight wave as she closed the door behind her. "Crap," she said to herself.... "Was I supposed to say thank you or something?" she gave a light shrug and turned to see no one in the room yet. She was relieved yet again as she looked at the two beds. Aki only had one pair of clothes to unpack and wasn't sure which bed her roommate wanted. She just leaned against the wall for now. Aki stared out the window as she watched it get dark. A small smile plastered on her face, this time it had been real as she watched the stars slightly appear. Aki took joy in the smallest details and found this time of day beautiful.

Meredith nodded her head, "My parents are two different types of fae. Also know as fairies. Carolina why don't you help him. Lin, could you help me find my room and tell me your schedule again? I forgot it." When Meredith uttered the last sentence she blushed slightly.
Carolina clapped her hands in joy. " Alright then, let's go. Lin: you are hereby in need to search for more people and talk to them. You need more practice. You are beautiful and nice girl. So don't make yourself worse than you are. Meridith: Take good care of Lin please. Red: let's go. ", she said and went ahead to search.
Red looked at Carolina who was already ahead of him. He looked the sky, which was already quite dark. He assumed that night would come. So, he prepared to leave the 2 girls who had their own problems

"Hmm sorry mixed breed fae, and someone I don't know, I must follow Carolina, have a nice sleep" he said as he started to walk and waved his hand while following Carolina
She gave a slight smile as she went to her room then wile she was walking back to her dorm she bumpped into a girl that was with a grupe "oh im sorry i guess i should be more carefull whare i walk." She looked at the girl

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Lin had no idea what was going on so all she did was nod "what... Is your dorm number?" she said still confused "and my Scedual is art, music, math, free, magic and battle/fighting."
Suddenly Carolina stopped, neither looking joyful, nor happy anymore. She turned to Red. " Your dorm is right there. But I need your help. Follow me. ", she said, pointing at the right room and then quickly and worriedly leaving towards another one.

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Red was amazed by the building in this school while following Carolina. He looked around and enjoy the scenery of the night falling to the school. He looked at Carolina, it seemed that she was also enjoying it. He smiled a little bit, he never felt as much happy as today. He started to move quickly so he could be beside Carolina. He looked at her face

"Are you having fun Carolina?" He said with a gentle smile. His heterochromia eyes shine brightly in the night
"Im rose. Whate we are in the same dorm. Hi lin is it fine if i hang out with you girls ?" She asked not wanting to be rejected

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Valhite said:
Red was amazed by the building in this school while following Carolina. He looked around and enjoy the scenery of the night falling to the school. He looked at Carolina, it seemed that she was also enjoying it. He smiled a little bit, he never felt as much happy as today. He started to move quickly so he could be beside Carolina. He looked at her face
"Are you having fun Carolina?" He said with a gentle smile. His heterochromia eyes shine brightly in the night
She looked at him, having a worried and hesitating expression on her face. " I was, I was having fun. But I feel a problem with Caroline. And I need to help her. And I need you to help me to help her. She will immediately dissolve me. But not you. Help her please. I'll guide you to the room. Please.", she said, almost begging.

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