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Realistic or Modern Ain't No Sleepin'

( Gonna swich to Kiki )



Kiki sighed" True.. We are the only ones who care.." It tinged on her that people had her back and Sincere's but hardly little to no one had hers. Maybe it is from her mean kind of feeling? But she cant help that, its not something you can change in an instant.The ordeal did stress her, her almost sister was shot who knows how many times. She didn't want to leave, but thought it was for the best, instead of worrying her brains out for the girl. She sighed and stood up, following him. She looked at the blood. Usually she wouldn't care, but this was Xavier's, It was different. " Shit.. That's so much blood.." She said silently, just audible enough for her friend to hear. " Think she will be a'ight?" She asked, noticing the boys hands were shaking, but she did't bother to bring it up, seeing it was bothering him probably more than her, Which caught her thinking a little. She shrugged herself off and jumped in the passengers seat. A small sigh escaped her nose as she hid her face in her hands. " Shit cuz.. I'm scared for her.. She's never been shot.. Think she handled it well?" She asked him, true concern engraved in her eyes. She wasn't used to seeing someone so close to her get shot. She didn't want to be used to it, she hoped it was her first and last time.

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"The doctor's said she'll be ight. So i gotta put my trust in them docs. But you know you how the saying goes, kiki..."

Crips don't die. We multiply!
Crip gang

Sincere listened to Kiki talk and was quiet for a minute. This time sincere did stop at stop signs, breathing heavy everytime he breated out. Trying to calm himself, he rolled the window down. A guy he knew from school crossed the street with his little daughter. They greeted each other then went separate ways. "I seen more people than Xavier get shot. But she the only girl im close with, so it hurts more than seeing others gettin shot, ya know?" Sincere kept driving. "Like she the only lady in my life since i aint don't have momma. And she died when i was born." Sincere continued softly. He didnt really talk to kiki all like this. Only time he did talk to her was when he was talking to everybody. Sincere nodded his head to the music playing and thought of things to say. He came into a clearing of a plaza. The clothing stores were closed off course, but the fastfood restaurants and an atm were open. "Did you eat when I cooked? Cause we could get sumn to eat if you didnt"


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.c6b0dfd4daceb378a617676dcebdc341.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129014" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.c6b0dfd4daceb378a617676dcebdc341.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kiki listened to the saying and a smile cracked onto her lips. For some reason that saying did make her happy, she honestly had no idea. She saw him getting more troubled with it, and frowned lightly, patting his back as if to say ' I'm here for you'. She leaned her head back and sighed. Kiki listened to him. " Yeah, I've seen people die... But Xavier is a different story. She is like my sister. If it wasn't for her, to be honest, I should probably be some sex slave." She said, remembering the day that Xavier had Literetly been a superhero for her. " Man, Xavier saw her momma die. I think that might be why she does kinda have a motherly instinct kind of thing. You know, she cared about me and you, we the world to her. " She let out a sigh and stared at the pizza shop as the car parked in the driveway. " I'm good cuz, I ate some of your food. And let me tell you hot damn that was so good." She let out a small laugh. Kiki was always the person to try to cheer up the atmosphere. She hated a depressing atmosphere, and hated seeing people sad. She leaned her head back and bled her hinge from her face. Looking at him. " Comfort food? My treat." She offored.




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Sincere had his head down as he laughed at Kiki's comment on his cooking. "Thanks" he said. Sincere thought about the comfort food she offered though. Did he need comfort food? Was that even necessary for him at the moment? Sincere had too many questions about too many subjects trailing through his chain of thought. But most of them were of Xavier.

"What am I gonna do if she aint ok?"

"I hate losing people dawg"

Some good thoughts and some negative thoughts began to surface his mind as if he had the little "devil and angel" versions of himself sitting on his shoulders. Wispering different things into his ears.


"Xavier aint shit to you. You know that. Why you gotta go and get sensitive and shit?"


" crips dont die, they multiply."


" you gotta smash when she get home."

"Naw, She a member, not a Bunny. Huuuge difference."


"*echoing laughter* we all know yo ass got a thing for the bitch. I'm uncultured tryna hide from erbody"

"Sike. You can miss me with that dumb shit."


"Xavier's been through enough. It'd hurt her like hell if you do that."


Sin:"Wait...kiki was about to be a sex slave?"


His head started to move slightly like he was starting to become dizzy. By wiping his face down from his nose to chin, Sincere snapped back into reality. "So a sex slave huh, kiki?" Sincere asked as he shifted the gear into drive. "And I'll take you up on that comfort food." Sincere smiled. The music continued to play as he drove out of the plaza smelling the delicious scent of pizza from Papa John's. Sincere waited for an opening so he could go to his correct lane. "Tell me my destination and tell me the story." sincere continued.

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Teramoto Kazuyuki​

After the incident, the 3 men quickly got new clothes and cleaned their now bloodied suits at a laundromat. They were smart not to be doing anything to send a message, so the bloods may turn a bit of a blind eye to them. But they knew that if the bloods found out they were responsible and who they were, especially Teramoto. He imagined that they would hound them down and try to absolutely murder them. If that time came, they knew they were better trained, and were more skilled than most of their blood adversaries. Once they were cleaned up, luckily cleaning up their suits. The TV lit up with news of a gang shootout, near... The house the men they met were at! Apparently not many details were known, or if the firefight was still going down. But Teramoto seriously needed to know if the gang he chose to befriend was worth their time. He found the number that Sincere his name was, called them from his phone. Hoping he would pick up.

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She told him where the nearest Papa Johns was, And cleared her throat, ready to tell the story. " Okay, I'm going to shorten it as much as possible. I was a dumb child, And desperate, Dumb and desperate do not mix. I worked for the black hand, Or tried to. A few weeks before this happened,I met her. She was like an angel to me. I know it sounds weird, but she was. Every day We'd meet up, It was great. I told her the offer they were giving me, and that I was taking it up, I needed shelter. Next then I knew , I had blown a fuse in her and she scolded me, took me as fa as possible. Here, in this beautiful shit hole." She laughed, tipping her head back. She flinched as his phone rang, staring at it. " Who is it?" She asked as she car was parked in front of the restaurant, tilting her her head as she kicked her legs up again, itching her cheek as she listened silently.She bit on her nails but quickly stopped when she noticed herself doing so. But then she started to think about Xavier and Sincere, Did they have something? She smiled a the thought of it. She thought they looked adorable together but Xavier always begged to differ. It wasn't like that with Xavier and himself,Kiki guess they saw each other as siblings?



Nishida Mitsu​

Back in LA, she and 10 other Yakuza were preparing to head down to Compton, she had to make sure all the supplies were in correct order, the right amount of money was prepared and that they were all prepared. She had been doing her research on the area, and was constantly planning as to how they should go about navigating the city and its other gangs. The Wakagashira had insisted that they could prepare and get there, one day early. It would surely be a surprise to Teramoto and his other men, but it would be good in making money quickly. She was looking forward to seeing Teramoto again, they had grown friendly in mostly the business sense. And she was happy to be his advisor here, but this was a startup she was going to have to use her wits to definitely assist Teramoto here, not that he was not competent already, even the most wise of men and women need advice.
"It was Kev. They had jumped Marth and i told them to take him to someone house." Sincere said after getting off the phone. "But yeah, i wasnt even around when Xavier got in the gang. She does seem like the type that would do something like that for somebody." Sincere said puting his car on auto the car letting the radio in the car play "I'll be back." Sincere said to kiki as he opened his car door and stepped out. Sincere's phone rang aain after he closed the door. Sincere shook his head slightly and answered the phone. "hello?" Sincere answered tiredly. Sincere opened the door of Papa Johns and walked inside, seeing two lines of customers. He took a seat on the bench and waited to for his order to be made.

@Dibbydoo @The Omen of Death


Teramoto Kazuyuki​

"Well, I would have liked to be in bed... But obviously 3 men in red had to bleed on their bloody uniforms." Making casual remarks to the fact that they killed 3 bloods. "Now having to clean my suit, and I heard news about a gang shootout near where we so happened to be, I needed to know you were alive and know how if you are holding out ok? Obviously you don't sound like you are over there, and if you need me to do a quick 'drive by' to help with your bleeding problem." Putting that special emphasis on drive by to mean go guns blazing on the bloods raiding their turf.


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