• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Ain't No Sleepin'

" Ofcorse you don't care." She said under her breath, staring off into the wall, her mind just Thinking random things. She wandered what she would look like with black hair. For some resin it didn't appeal to her as much as red, but she was a Crip not a blood so she had to show her loyalty. Almost instantly, her face turned a Scarlette colour when he said she got jealous. " I don't feel any kinda way. I'm just tired of stuff like that." She said, rolling her eyes, her face turning back to the creamy brown it always was. She sighed, taking her bandana she had pulled down off her neck, tossing it over her as it fluttered and landed near her shoes. She lazily spread her limbs on the bed, tiredly sighing. She had no idea but she felt completely trained of energy. " Not all girls want the D, asshat." She complained. " Do you see my vagina blown up to the size of a football?" She stated. To think of it she wasn't very active. Which was strange, for a person like her. She looked at the sheets she was lieing on and face palmed. " Right, sorry, " she shrugged, crawling over to where the pillows were, peeling the sheets off and climbing in,moulting them over her and curling up on the bed, letting out a small sigh as she looked up to him. " Yeah,I am. What's on the menu?" She asked, hugging the pillow.

Sincere rolled his eyes and smacked his teeth "Well you could always go find yo ass a I'm uncultured. While you going back and forth to other people's houses." He snapped. "Talking about you get tired of stuff like that. Man whatever." His dog got up and walked over to him, instantly knowing that Sincere was about to go downstairs and cook. Sincere locked his fingers together and placed them on the back of his neck. He thought for a minute, trying to think of the ingredients he had left in his kitchen. He had a lot of spicy food, since spicy food was all he liked to cook when at home by himself. When he had company, he always made something different to their likings. "Do you eat spicy food? 'cause im about to make some jambalaya." Jamabalaya was Sincere's favorite dish. Coming from New Orleans, and his culture being Creole, he especially loved the shimp being placed in his dishes. His aunt taught him to cook while he was growning up, and then his best friend's mom taught him some dishes too. "It got shrimp in it" Sincere added. Sincere watched out the window as the sun started to set, making the sky pretty shades of pinks and yellows. You could see a lot from his window, including downtown. A song played in his head as he waited for Xavier to respond. It didnt bother Sin, too much the fact that she slept over every now and then. He got used to it over the years. Sincere dropped his hands to his sides, so that the blood circulation could trickle back down to his fingers.

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Teramoto Kazuyuki​

As Teramoto looked around further while the others set up shop, he found some places around where racketeering operations could be set up, couple nice little businesses sprawled out that they could get some protection money from if they could expand. Then suddenly he got a call, he was expecting the gang member he talked too. But it ended up being Teramoto's regional Wakagashira (1st Lieutenant in Yakuza rank structure) who was in command of the LA to surrounding area region. "Kon'nichiwa?" (Hello?) Teramoto asked. "Anata wa konputon de no jigy? kiban no tame no ry?iki o mitsukemashita ka?" (Have you found a base of operations in Compton?) the Wakagashira asked. Teramoto replied with "Hai, watashitachi wa motte iru. Soshite omake to shite, watashitachiha konputon ni koko ni y?jin o motsu koto ga dekimasu." (Yes, we have. And as an added bonus we may have a friend here in Compton.) The Wakagashira on the other line seemingly lit up a bit at the news "Sate sate, watashi wa... Ni tsuite... 2-Kakan jikan konputon ni made hy?ji shite imasuga, wareware wa d?sa o tasukeru tame ni, yori dansei to josei to ris?su o teiky? shimasu. Karera wa anata no m?shide o ukeireru baai ni mo, watashi ga aitaidesu." (Alright, I will be showing up in Compton in... About... 2 days time, we will provide more men and women and resources to help in the operation. Also if they accept your offer, I would like to meet these friends of your's.)

The phone then hung up. Shit... We are going to have to prepare... He mused to himself. He then went out to his full gang of 9, which had cleaned up a lot of the place and made it look neater.

"Sate sate, dansei wa appu kikimasu! Wakagashira wa, ch?do kare ga 2-nichi ni t?chaku sa reru koto o, nobete imasu! Wareware wa, kare ga t?chaku shita toki no tame ni junbi suru hitsuy? ga arimasu!" (Alright, men listen up! The wakagashira, has just stated, that he will be arriving in 2 days! We need to prepare for when he arrives!) The men began to step up the progress and Teramoto for a bit began investigating the spot of land that they had and the surrounding area.
" You smack your lips more than I do, I thought I had an attitude." She curled up in his sheets, rolling her eyes and Hididng her face in his pillow. " No, It's not that easy for me to just find someone you know. Might be for you, not for me, cuz." She sighed, gripping on his pillow as she decided to Close her eyes. Like Sincere, Xavier liked to cook too. Sweet stuff, actually. She had learnt it in foster care, they used cooking to help her calm down. Hopefully drag her away from what they call the streets. Clearly didn't work. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up, blinking slowly. "Do I like spicy food? Cuz did you forget I'm Mexican?" She said, shaking her head slowly. She really did think that he forgot about her backround race. It tinged on her that she knew more about him than most people but he knew hardly anything bout her.,or was he good at hiding it? She layed back down, and thought that her leather rip wasn't fit for sleeping. So she reached for the zip in the back and grabbed onto it, pulling it down and taking her top off, tossing it where her those were, using the blanket to cover up as she tried to get some sort of shut eye. She didn't care if she had taken her top off infront of him, she just wanted to be comfortable, and now just in some joggers and socks, she felt more comfortable than ever, letting herself sink in the bed,

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Sincere gasped dramatically and said "You're mexican? Since when was you gonna tell me?" He placed his hands on the sides of his face as his mouth sat open. "Did you know im mixed with French?" Sincere continued with the charade. He stopped after Blu started barking demanding him to come to the kitchen. Sincere turned around and walked towards the door, stopping once he got to the doorway. "Of course i aint forget you mexican." Sincere jogged his way downstairs into the kitchen dapping up Og Kev, sitting on the black marble counter and Deebo who was bent over in the fridge. They were two of his muscle men. Ever since Kojo got shot last year, Sincere been taking over the gang. Treating them just like how Kojo would treat his members. Except for the fact that Kojo fucked the crip girls and Sincere didn't. Noboy was allowed to make deals, agreements, and such without running it passed Sincere. Kevin was, and still is, Sincere's bestfriend since they lived back in New Orleans."Man Deebo get yo fat ass out my damn fridge I'm uncultured. Yo ass stay looking for food." Sincere complained slaming his fridge closed after Deebo stood up. "We making some food tonight Sin?" kevin asked rubbing his hands together. "Hell yeah my I'm uncultured you know." Sincere pulled out a silver pot, big enough to pour two bags of rice in, and sat it on his white stove. Kevin grabbed out the spices and rice they needed and Sincere had deebo grab him the frozen shrimp and andouille sausages. Sincere turned the stove on and they began to make jambalaya.

About a few mintues later, the house was filled with scent of onions, shrimp, meat, peppers, and more. Sincere grabbed two yellow glass plates from out the cabinet. Sitting them on the table, he grabbed a big spoon and set two scoops of jambalaya on both plates. Blu and the other dogs barked for some food. He tossed a shrimp and two sausages to the five of them and then poured them their relgular dog food. Sincere knows Xavier was tired right now, but so was he. If she told him she wasnt hungry anymore, he would get completely mad. But then again he made enough for more than 10 people. Sincere grabbed two forks and walked back upstairs. Walking into his room he looked for something to sit the plates on. The long cedar wood table by the door under his flat screen tv caught his eye. He sat them down and walked over to Xavier. Sincere nudged her. "Yo food ready cuz. Its better if ya eat it now while its hot." Walking back over to the table, Sincere's stomach growled to the smell of his freshly cooked dish. Sincere pushed the table towards the foot of the bed. He turned on his lamp that sat on a nightstand. Sincere just now realized Xavier took off her shirt and was in nothing but her joggers. "Its hot in here or sumn, cuz?" He asked Xavier, thinking that his room wasn't really all that hot foreal. He walked back to the table and sat down on the bed turning on the tv. He scrolled through the channel guide to see what was on. He turned to Xavier and asked what she wanted to watch. "Love & Hip Hop or the game?"

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She rolled her eyes at his attitude and hissed under her breath. " Ofcorse I know your French." She said, rolling her eyes. " And if you knew I was Mexican why did you ask?" She said, laying down.

When she was comfortable, the sheets covering her half naked body, her legs entangled in the sheets, she was in complete peace with her body. Nothing was aching, no one nagged at her and most of all she began to feel weightless. After a minute or two she was in a very deep sleep, her body getting the rest she needed, naturally regenerating itself. While in the process, her mind took over and she was drifted off into a dream.

I'm in my room.. My room? Since when did I have a room? I'm in a bed, too. My bed. I tired to get up but I can't. My body won't let me. But I can move my head around. I have posters of boy bands on the wall, the walls being pink and the room girly. I looked down at my own hair that was rested on my chest. Brown, and curly? What? Where is MY red hair? I look down at my shirt and mentally scream, a pink top?! Since when? My eyes quickly avert to the door when I see it open. I raise an eyebrow as I see a lady with white hair and pale skin walk in, smiling. " Hey Deary.. How are you feeling?" She spoke. I wanted to speak my own words but the dream clearly had something else for me to say. " I'm okay, Mum." I hcoudlnt believe these things were coming out of my mouth. Mum? No no, I promise myself I wouldn't get another mother, ever. I only had one and she was dead. The disgusting old hag walked toward me, handing me a cup of tea. I sat up against my will and took it, drinking. I tried to refuse, so I looke fucking British to her?

Her horrible dream was interrupted by Sincere tapping her, telling her that food was ready. She opened her eyes slowly and sniffed the air, smiling ever so lightly as she sat up and took the plate, using the blanket to cover up her chest, taking the plate off the dresser and moving the food around, before digging in. She tilted her head back and moaned in food porn pleasure, smiling at her reaction." Holy shit can you cook." She said, quite impressed. She didn't think it was going to be half as good as it really was. To her consent, this time, she continued to eat. When he meant ironed if it was hot, her mind went blank, before looking down at her bare chest. " Oh. Nah it isn't hot, my letter crop was nudging at me, it's more comfortable without it. Do you have any left over clothes from those girls you fucked? Or smashed as you prefer it.." She shrugged, the warm plate still in her hand, Suprisingly half eaten. Unlike most of the girls she liked to eat and did so willingly infront of the opposite gender. She thought about his question. " Uhm, the game why not." She shrugged, leaning back and enjoying.

"Been cooking since i was little." Sincere said as he tuned on the game then sat the remote next to him on the bed. The Warriors vs the Thunder showed on the screen. "Warriors gonna win no doubt cuz." Sincere said confidently. But did Xavier forget he doesnt fuck any of his girls in his house? Sincere doesnt do it because they can get too damn comfortable and Sincere just likes to smash and pass. "Naw G, i dont." Sincere took a bite of his food letting the spiciness tingle on his tongue and warm up his stomach after he chews and swallows the food. While eating he thought about if he did have a shirt from one of the girls. Sincere got up, went over to his Ash wood dresser, pulled open the second drawer, and looked through it. Sincere looked for a decent shirt for Xavier to wear since he didn't keep any girl clothes. He found a tie-dye shirt he didn't wear to often and closed the drawer. Sincere walked over to Xavier and handed her the shirt before sitting back down to finish satisfying his hunger. "You know my birthday coming up. I'm uncultured bout to be 20 is this btch." He said getting turnt. "What ya'll plannin' for my party?" Sincere tried to get an insight like how he always did. He remembered that Japanese ganh and forgot to call the guy. Eh..he'll just call after he gets done eating.

She raised both eyebrows. " Really? Since you were little? That really shows off." She smiled as she ate, tilting her head. " Could go for some more spice though." She said, recommending some things for the dish. She smiled awkwardly at him as he got up and looked for a shirt, taping on her cheeks as she watched him, raising her eyebrow as the Ty Dye shirt was brought over. As he searched, she began to think about herself. Everyone was getting sexed and stuff, even one night stands and hookups.. But thinking about herself, she has only had a hookup once during this year. Last year only twice. She knew Sincere much rather stick with a 'hit and run' style, and she didn't care. It just got her thinking if she should be active. She held out her hand and softly took it off him. She put the plate down and quickly slid the shirt on, his blanket having covered up her chest the whole time he was in there, so he didn't see much. She took the plate and began to eat again, watching the game. When he mentioned about his birthday, she couldn't help but smile. " Sure, we have SOMETHING planned.. But not much." She said, looking back to the tv as she finished her food, standing up soon enough and taking his empty plate. " Be right back."

once she walked out the door she quickly jogged downstairs to the kitchen, walking silently to put the dishes in the sinks. She looked at the muscle men. " You got anything planned for Sincere's birthday?" She asked. " Because I have something.. Lets say exiting on Saturday for him." She smiled. " I think he might like it." She nodded, leaning in and telling them what it was. " Don't tell him through, or ill skin you hand hang you from your guts." Her smile didn't wipe off, it was almost intimidating." But really, no telling."

( the surprise doesn't include herself or any of the gang members inside, its more of a visiting something.)

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Sincere kept his eyes on the game as Xavier changed shirts. Wasnt no sense in getting a peek since she was covered up with his cover. "Mhm. Sure." he said commenting on the party. Sincere watched as Xavier left the room to take her plate in the kitchen. Taking some more bites, he eventually finished his food. He probably had enough food for seconds but he knew that he would be too full to do anything afterwards. Sincere stood up with his plate and walked out of his room "It better be a party at the strip club too!" Sincere said to Xavier as he walked downstairs to the kitchen. He sat his plate in the sink that happens to be filled with dishes. Sincere quickly turned to looked in the pot of food that was made. It was completely empty. "Damn cuz." Sincere complained. "Yeah boy. Everybody and they're momma had a plate of your food." Deebo said with a mouth full of food. Sincere looked at Deebo with a disgusted look on his face, looking Deebo up and down. "I aint washing yall dishes." Feeling his shorts sag, he ignored pulling them up. They were too far down though. Sincere turned and held the crotch part of his shorts up as he jogged back upstairs to his room. Before he sat on his bed, Sincere looked down and seen a bulge in his shorts. He went and grabbed some bandana joggers out of his dresser and changed his pants. Hopefully a bulge wouldnt be seen this time. Sincere walked over to his wall that had rows of shelves that held up his shoes. Most were customized ones that he wore either one time or were just for show. At the bottom of that wall on the floor, he has a row of shoes that he wears all the time. Sincere slid out of his air force ones and sat them in the same place they were at this morning. "I need some more shoes cuz." he said to himself as he looked at the long row of shoes that stretch out from the window to his door. He walked back to the door and called back down to Xavier. "Aye yo Zay. Aint you tired cuz?" He asked her.


After that Sincere walked and sat back down on his bed. He turned his body to face the bed and looked for the card the Japanese man gave him earlier. Once he found it hidden under his cover, he turned his body back around and stared at the card. Maybe being allies was good for the both of them. He sat there thinking about the deal for another minute then stood up and walked over to his dresser. He picked up the phone and dialed the given number. "Hello? Yea my name Sincere. Im the one that came up to yall earlier today. I was told to call this number to make a deal."

@The Omen of Death
She looked up at I'm as she asked if she was tired. She didn't know if she wanted to sleep any more, after than nightmare, but it might be worth it either way. She sighed. " Yeah ill be up there in a little." She said, her head snapping when she heard one of the girls call her name. She sighed, and narrowed her eyes tiredly, Walking to where she heard the call. "Aye cuz! Hows the planning? Yo shit you look tired. " One of the girls remarked. She sighed under her breath, scratching her neck. " Planning finished, we have to just wait, Ill know he will like it." She smiled, waved them off and walked. While Sincere made the call, she walked up, opening the door and looking at him tiredly as he spoke on the phone, walking and sitting on the bed, soon getting on all fours as she crawled to her original spot, sliding under the sheets and sighing silently, hugging the pillow as she closed her eyes, getting comfortable. She tossed and turned, soon enough, her body going in a relaxing state. Soon, SHe is fully asleep.


sorry its short, writerblock)


Teramoto Kazuyuki​

After a while the place was fixed up well. With some more money and resources which were coming in 2 days Teramoto would make sure the place could hold an office and stuff eventually, for now the newly cleaned building was good enough. Teramoto gave permission for the men to go out and get dinner, he would catch up with them since there was a small Japanese place nearby. Then as he began to walk down there, he got a call. It was an unknown number, Teramoto knew that they were willing to talk it over. He picked up the phone and spoke into it. "Hello?" He then heard it was the same member who approached him recognizing the voice. He then heard his name. "Ah, I see Sincere. If you wish to know my name is Teramoto. Anyway I assume you are willing to discuss a possible friendship? If so, we found a spot to set up at. It is at (Bla bla bla street too lazy to make up a name) if you wish to discuss terms, I would like to meet in person again, whether it be at your turf or our new territory spot. Also we may be willing to sell some goodies if you so wish to purchase what we have. Might be useful for your own endeavors."
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"Yeah, i think we could be on good terms." Sincere said referring to the friendship offer. They talked on the phone some more. Sincere moved the phone away from his ear real quick to see the time. 7:55pm. Sincere walked to his side of the bed and plopped down. "Alright. I'll come by either at midnight or early tomorrow. Im kinda tired." Sincere said with a slight yawn. He still had to go smash Camryn later. Or was her name Courtney? Sincere thought to himself as he went through tons of names that started with C, to figure out this girls name. When Teremoto mentioned some goodies, Sincere got to thinking. Yeah i aint getting nooo sleep tonight. The goodies had to be some drugs or gats. And Sincere always wanted his crew to be hip to the new shit and hve enough supplies to last thrm for generations and generations to come. Well maybe not generations, but enough to last them for the year. Sincere rapped up the conversation with Teremoto. " 'Ight. See ya when i see ya cuz." Sincere hung up the phone and plugged his phone up to the charger. Rubbing his eyes, he really needed to get some sleep. He pulled his cover back and tiredly swung his feet onto the queen sized bed and pulled the cover over him. Sincere grabbed the remote, turned off the TV, turned off the lamp and got comfortable. He yawned again and looked over at Xavier. "Wake up Wake Up!! They cappin Cuz." He said rapidly shaking Xavier to wake up. He waited to see her reaction. When she eventually got up he laughed at her reaction. "Im dead asf cuz. Im just playing." Sincere held his stomach as he laughed at whatever her reaction was, slamming his head back on his pillow. He soon stopped laughin and calmed down.

@The Omen of Death @Dibbydoo
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Xavier looked like a baby as she slept, so warm and comfortable, happy too. She was more relaxed than ever, till Sincere began to shake her and yell, sayin something was happening. Her heart skipped a beat as she instantly got up, jumping. " W-WHO?!" She asked in a panic,her hair a mess and her clothes being twisted. She noticed him laughing and calmed down. " What the

actual fuck Sin! That wasn't funny!" She said, laughing a little herself. Okay, it was funny. Very funny, but she would've rather slept than be scared. She watched him Kay down,mslowly doing so later. She elbowed him hard and rolled over to her side to face him,touting childishly and angrily at him. " Don't do that Cuz. Well, not all the time,because one day I'm gonna think your lieing when it really is happening." She said with a small sigh. She closed her eyes as she got in a position comfortabler than her side, which was on her stomach, her head turned away from sincere. They shared the bed and the sheets but that didn't bother her, it just felt a little colder from the gap inbetween them. The air flowing in and out. She felt herself in a weightless LEIKE state,and before she knew it,she was asleep.

Sincere finished laughing, set two alarms on his phone, then layed on his back. He fluffed his pillow and positioned himself to where his right arm sat under his head, his left hand sat on his stomach, and his left leg was bent towards Xavier. Sincere inhaled and cleared his throat before drifting off to sleep for whatever free time he had. Eventually it got hot for Sincere and he took off his shirt, tossing it into his hamper hallway full of dirty clothes. Sincere went back to sleep.

At 10 something at night, Sincere's alarm went off. It took him a few minutes to get up. When he did Sincere rolled over to his side and grabbed his phone to dismiss the alarm. Sincere unlocked his phone and went to message the one girl he talked to earlier. When he opened the message, Sincere finally found out the girl's name was Crystal. Ohhh that's her name. He thought to himself. Sincere rubbed his eye and called the girl. Hopefully she was still up. It rung three times before she answered the phone. "Hello?" a female voice answered. "This crystal?"sincere asked. when the girl confirmed who she was sinvere continued. "My name Dre. uhh I guess Yummy gave you my numba or sumn" He said low into the phone, half asleep. The girl remembered and she told Sincere where she lived. It wasnt too far from his house. "Ight bye" Sincere hung up the phone and looked at the screen. Sincere didnt want none of the girls calling him by his real name so he chose three different names and had them call him whatever he said his name was. "Blue", "Dre" or simply "Gino" Just some aliases. Anyway, Sincere shoved his fully charged phone into his pocket, and grabbed two condoms out his nightstand. He then walked to his closet, grabbed his jacket and didn't bother putting on a shirt. "This bitch better be worth my time to." he said to himself as he grabbed his car keys off the dresser and headed downstairs out the door. Sincere locked the back door behind him and hopped into his pure white matte camaro, turning the engine on and pulled out of the driveway.
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@Darth Gangsta[/URL] @katiebaby420 @Tola


A'marion McCoy

A'marion simply ignored McGrady's comment on school, "This shit can go like 200 mile per hour (is that a little crazy? Let me know, I don't know shit about cars
xD ), I'm uncultured." he said with a proud smile on his face.

After about ten minutes of driving at around eight-five miles per hour, they reached Crip territory. "We in Crip turf, Blood. Get a gat and bust some caps." (We're in Crip territory. Grab a gun and shoot some rounds). A'marion reached into his pocket and grabbed a Colt .22 pistol. "There some gats in the back seats." he said looking at the back seats. There were about two illegal assault rifles, a shotgun and four pistols. They all lay on the ground. A'marion aimed his gun and shot at the Crips, doing Blood signs just after.

@shesolittle @Dibbydoo @The Great Catsby



Raushan Sellers

Raushan sat by himself on a curb by himself with a blunt in his mouth. He blew a puff of smoke, attempting to make a ring of smoke.

After about five minutes, a red muscle car pulled up and shot him and his fellow gang members. "Shit, cuz!" he said getting up and pulling up his pants. He dropped the blunt and took out a gun and returned fire.

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Sincere got finished with Crystal and walked back out to the car. He looked around him and seen something was vaguely familiar about the street. He ignored it and hopped back in the his white camaro. Sincere drove out Crystal's drive way and headed back home. He stopped at a red light and stared at the main street sign for the longest. He came to realization that he was in blood territory. "Awww shit!" Sincere yelled. He forgot all about the bloods and left his crew hanging. He reached into the glove compartment and grabbed out his 9mm glock, slapping in the extendo clip . Once the light turned green, Sincere sat the glock on his lap and stomped on the gas pedal. Sincere got a call from Deebo. "Aye bruh where yo ass at? Slobs tryna raid our ass cuz." Deebo said. "I'm on my way bruh. Yall I'm uncultured better start capping bacc, and make sure Xavier safe cuz. Get yall extendo clips. We BKs(blood killers) my I'm uncultured. Slaughter they asses." Sincere said loudly into the phone. Sincere ignored the stop signs and drove 80 miles per hour. Once Sincere got back to Crip terriory, He did his drive byes, and shot any blood walking.

Sincere got home in less than 15 minutes and drove on to his yard seeing bloods everywhere. He quickly took out the keys and slammed the door closed. A couple crips ran to his side to block him from all sides. Sincere cocked the gun back and started shooting some blood members. "Ya'll I'm uncultured tryna raid us again cuz?" Sincere asked in general. after most bloods were shot down in his front yard, Sincere ran upstairs to his room to wake up Xavier. Sincere shook Xavier up out of her sleep and quickly said "Aye yo Zay hun. They downstairs tryna raid us forreal this time. Take my extendo. Im getting the rifles G." he grabbed a duffel bag out of his closet and headed for the door. Blu following. "And don't die on me cuz." Sincere said then ran downstairs. The other four dogs barking like crazy gaurding the house from any blood that tried to come in. Making sure no blood was behing him, Sincere ran to the basement, closed the door, locked it and went to his safe. He opened it and threw all the money and drugs inside. Sincere then went to this hidden door that he had added to his home. Not even Xavier knew about it. She knew of the safe, but not the door since it was hard to find. Sincere tossed the bag behind the door. He told his dog Blu to stay in the basement till things was done. Sincere went to a corner in the basement and pulled out a trunk filled with rifles and a shotgun(that he doesnt use often). Sincere grabbed the riffles and ran back upstairs to the kitchen. Sincere tossed the rifles to some Crips in the house and everybody went back outside. When guns were empty, people started physically fighting.

(woah i aint expect that to be that long lol)

@Darth Gangsta @Dibbydoo
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Xavier was in a deep sleep, it was so strong it was almost like a coma, but her sleep was slowly being interrupted from the sounds of shooting. Her mind refused to listen to it, but she wanted to wake up. Sh e jolted up as she felt his hand shake her awake. She grabbed his extends and nodded, shaking the tired off her and getting up. She walked out of his room, jogging downstairs. " I'll try not to die, can't make any promises." She said, standing at the door. It was already opened. She walked out in a sort of crouching position, before ducking, a bullet just hitting the bricks ontop of her. " Shit!" She whispered to herself, spotting her main girl Kiki hiding behind her old tin can car, holding a glock. She ran and slid beside her. " They doin this bullshit again! Are they SEREOUS cuz?! " She hissed out as she poked her head out and shot at the people, sighing angrily as some fire was returned, swooping out of way. While she reloaded, Xavier peeked her head out to see where she could get a good shot.She made sure the extends to the gun was in tact, before aiming and shooting, emptying out a few bullets on a bloods chest, making him lean back and fall, dropping to the floor. She had seen people die , so it didn't haunt her. She didn't notice that a blood had snuck around the car, having slipped through. The car was on the outskirts of the house so it would've been easy for him to get around, everyone being distracted with the gunfight. Kiki looked up after finishing reloading, and screamed as she pulled up the gun and shot. Xavier saw him pull up too, Kikis bullets having missed every inch of him. Xavier pushed Kiki out of the way, aiming and shooting a few times, as the man fell, dead in the bushes. Kiki smiled at her friend, but her eyes widened as she looked down. Blood was losing out of three holes, all those holes made from bullets lodged in her leg. " Shit cuz..! He got you!" He said, panick on her face. " What do you me- Oh shit that's bad.." She said, looking at the wounds. " I'll be fine.." She said, ignoring the surging pain that was going through her. She pulled her bandana from her neck and used it to compress her wound. Suprisingly, this was her first time getting shot. And to her expectations, it hurt a lot. ALOT. Kiki jumped over her friend and covered Xavier, shooting at bloods and keeping an eye out. Xavier didn't notice, but she actually had one more Bullet,mcloser to her hip. The adrenalin didn't let her notice it.The guy had an automatic, she was lucky it didn't hit anywhere else. She pulled out her phone with her bloody hands which seemed to be cracked from the ordeal. She pulled up Sinceres name and called him, pulling up the phone. She was breathing heavy. When he answered, she broke the news. " You know how I said I couldn't keep promises? I REEALY can't keep em! FUCKIGN! Agh!" She whinced at the pain. " I've been shot in my leg and Its bleeding so fucking much!"


Sincere dodge a bullet that he could've sworn it was a straight hit to the rib. He shot back at the blood and went to hide behind a house across the street. He sat down behind a car in the driveway and peeked out every now and then. Sincere felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, seeing that it was Xavier. "Hello?" sincere answered. When she told him that she had got shot, it's like Sincere's heart skipped a beat. Maybe even two. "Fuck, man!" he yelled. He punched the car behind him. "here i come." Sincere said back into the phone. he hung up the phone and shoved it back into the pocket of his joggers. Sincere got up, put some bullets into his rifle and walked back across the street pissed off. He shot at some bloods who soon shot back at him. Sincere jogged over to Xavier and looked for the wound. His eyes quickly ran over her body and found her scarf wrapped around her leg. She obviously was hit here. "Damn Zay." Sincere said softly. He patted his joggers down for his keys and took them out, opening the car door. "Come on Kiki. Help me put her in the car." sincere said grabbing Xavier from up under her arms. Kiki did as told and frabbed Xavier's legs as they put her into the bac of the car. Kiki sat in the passenger seat while Sincere got into the drivers side. Tossing the rifle onto his floor in the back. Sincere pulled out, almost runnin over a few people and drove off to the nearest Hospital.

As the two waited for the boy, kiki kept on slapping her cheeks. " Come on! Don't fucking pass out!" She yelled. Davies mind was getting foggy and her sight was getting blurry. Kiki looked up at Sincere with a worried look, and nodded as he told her to pick her up. She did exactly that. She grabbed her by the legs and helped her in the car,making sure she was ok and secure, before jumping in the passengers seat, continuing to slap Xavier to keep her awake. " Cuz don't fucking pass! Stay awake!" She panicked, before giving one hard slap on her cheek. It seemed to wake her up. She felt her cheek, but was reminded of her billet wounds from her throbbing pain that seemed to surge all over her body. She winced and whined. But she didn't cry. She. Ot iced the car was moving, and managed to speak. " I-I'll be fine! I don't need.. To go!" She tried to tell him, but her own blood told a different story. She pressed her head on the back of the car seat and stared at the roof at it drove. " RUN OVER A BLOOD FOR ME IF YOU WANT ME TO GO." She told him. Kiki was hiding her revolver, just looking for someone who tried to aim.

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Teramoto Kazuyuki​

As Teramoto heard what Sincere said as to what time he would come he replied saying "Just text this number when you come over, put it in your contacts or whatever, so we stay in touch. Anyway sayonara (Goodbye)." He then hung up and ate a nice dinner. Later that night Teramoto went out with his bodyguards to check the side some of the men already saw to see for themselves what was there, as the rest of the men spent the night resting. Though while they did so, they stumbled upon 3 men clad in red, they were definitely not so friendly and seemed not intimidated by the big bodyguards Teramoto had. "'EY YO G**KS STOP RIGHT THERE, THIS BE BLOOD TURF! TURN YO SORRY ASS'S BACK TO ASIA! Oh this one's a bold one. Also irritated by the slur thrown at them he snarkily replied "Oh, sorry we didn't know. Maybe you should put up a god damn sign so I know next time you stupid Ame-koh." This ended up pissing off the three and caused them to attack, the blood in front of Teramoto tried pulling out a pocket knife and tried stabbing Teramoto in his face with it, but seeing this coming he moved his head to the right quickly drew out one of his Sai's and stabbed the man in his head driving the blade through his head, he then turned his attention the blood on his right side, who appeared to be manhandled by one his bodyguards but nonetheless, Teramoto stabbed this blood through his back. Quickly pulling out his sai from the man and looking over at the 2nd one who had just executed the last blood. Teramoto then just sighed and they all began heading back.
@shesolittle[/URL] @Dibbydoo @The Great Catsby
McGrady laughed as he didn't hear a response from A'marion's school legacy, but he answered A'marion's response on how fast the car can go. "Wow. 200 miles per hour. I would totally steal this car of yours, A'marion." McGrady was amazed how the car can go that fast. "I'm guessing you stole this... right?" When A'marion drove over to Crip territory, McGrady heard A'marion say there's some guns in the back. McGrady grabbed a pistol and loaded the weapon. "Ok, I got my gun ready. Do you give us the order to shoot them or we just go bang bang on them." McGrady said.

@Darth Gangsta
A blood ran in front of the car, shooting twice at the windshield before the gun clicked empty. Sincere shifted his gear into drive, and stomped on the gas pedal. He drove straight towards the blood and ran into the guy's leg as he tried to jump out the way. "Don't deny help Zay. You going to this hospital. I'm not letting you die." Sincere said driving passed stop signs. Sincere bit his lip as he felt some weird feeling bottle up inside of him. Naw Naw. OGs dont cry cuz. OGs dont cry. Sincere said over and over again in his head. Sincere was biting his lip so hard that his lip got punctured and started to bleed. Sincere pulled up into the emergency section of the hospital, parked, took the keys out, and hopped out the car. "Ight Kiki go get some doctors and do that shit quicc cuz." Sincere demanded as he opened the back door and reached for Xaviers hand. He crawled his way inside and kneeled down next to her. Griping her hand in his he tried to keep her consious. "You know Xavier. We dont have to dye you're hair you can leave it blacc. And about what i said earlier about you getting I'm uncultured, I was just play cuz." He tried to laugh but it came out slightly. "You gone be straight G. You'll be aight" He continued as they waited for the doctors to come. When they did come, Sincere helped lift Xavier's body onto the gurney and watched them take her inside. "Come on Sin." Kiki told him as he stepped out the car and stood facing it. His fingers interlocked and place on his head. Sincere tried to get some ait but it felt like he couldn't breathe. Was Xavier going to die during the whole emergency process? Was she going to be alright? Paralyzed? All these questions kept running through his head. Sincere turned around and jogged into the hospital along side Kiki. A nurse came straight up to them asking them all types of questions about Xavier, and the facts on how she was shot.

After being done with the nurse Sincere and kiki sat in the waiting room. Sincere couldnt stay still. wgen he sat down he constantly bounced his leg on the ball of his foot, hands uncontrollably shaking. When he stood up, he paced the room back and forth. Impatient to fid out if she was going to be okay.

She felt his hand in hers and looked over, narrowing her eyes. She snapped back to reality and whinced at the pain. She squeezed, and tightly. " Th-Thanks cuz, But can you take me home..." She asked. " I don't want to be here,, please.. I hate the hospital.." She said, trying to get up, but probably just made her wound worse. She yelled and layed right back down, her bleeding escalating. She was cold as ice, but her body was sweating, and that made her shiver. She looked at the doctors and tried to move away, but sincere helped them grab her. She shook her head, frowning." N-No! I don't want t-To go! I'm FINE!" She said, now being a pain in the ass as she was placed on the gurney. She struggled and tried to get up, coughing. The doctors pressed her down as she was strolled right through quickly. She continued to yell, and squealed out as a needle was poked into her arm, liquids flowing into her, which just made her more drowsy. She slurred,mand calmed down, before falling asleep. Now the only thing that filled the halls were Sinceres feet padding and Kikis texting. "Want me to tell anyone cuz?" She offered, looking up at him. She was just as shaken up as him, but didn't do what he was. She was good at in asking what she felt. Xavier hated hospitals for a reason that hardly anyone knew, she was terrified of them actually. A doctor walked out, a little bit of blood on his arm, mostly from her struggling. " She will be okay.. We're just going to start the removal now,mand overall check on her. It may take a while, I could call you when we're done instead of you two just waiting?" He offored


Marth got shoved down and forced up again. "Honestly kid. You'll die soon." A crip grinned as he kicked Marth out of the front door , his body folding like a lawn chair as he hit the frame but tumbled out still. Then he got grabbed by the back of the shirt. He didn't understand why they did this to him but it was all he knew. He messed up the coffee again. one sugar cube instead of two.

The tiny kid was thrown in the road and his head was stomped on, then the shoe rubbed on his ear as if he was a bug. "What an excuse of life ya got there." Then gunshots. Marth's assilant got shot in the knee and he fell down, his friend struggling to get him up. The toddler's blood came from his ear, back of his head, tiny cuts on his arms and from his heels. He whimpered out. Unable to move. Fear held him there as well as the pain.

@Darth Gangsta @shesolittle @Dibbydoo @The Omen of Death @The Great Catsby
Sincere listened as his Xavier, who was practically his best friend besides Kevin, as she yelled in denial. Sincere wondered what was so wrong about get being in the hospital. "uhh...nah." sincere replied to kiki as he sat back down. "We the only ones she's got foreal." Sincere waited and watched a doctor come out. He listened to what the doctor said but didn't want to leave. Sincere wanted to be here when she woke up. Until he got a call. "Yo Sin cuz. Got that little white kid again boy. We jumped his ass. Where y'all at?" said his best friend Kevin on the other line. "That little boy there again? Y'all I'm uncultured better leave him alone before he call 12. and Im at the hospital with kiki cuz." Sincere said. "Take him to Ajohnny's crib till i get bacc. Bloods still out there?"

"The hospital?....They light weight still here." a gun shot in the back ground. "Damn they got Donny cuz. we killed four of 'em tho. And you sure you want him at ajonny's?" Kev asked. Sincere replied yes and they hung up the phone. Sincere didn't want to leave but he had to go handle business with the little boy Marth now. The other crips don't like how Sincere wanted to keep the kid, seeing that he needed a "job". Sincere had the kid work as a servant for some of his members, doing what they wanted and asked for

If he got shit wrong, he got hit. But that's how the game go now. Sincere met Marth one day when he was in the middle of a shootout between crips and Latin kings.

Sincere told Kiki to follow as he left out the emergency room, hands still shaking. Sincere walked to the trunk of his car and grabbed a water bottle and a towel. Putting one foor into the back seat of the car, Sincere poured water on his all white seats and used the total to help wipe up the blood, scrubbing any blood that dried. Once the car was cleaned in the back, sincere tossed the towel into the trunk with water bottle, closed the trunk, and hopped into the drivers seat. Sincere put the keys in the ignition and turned the car on, letting it rubble for a bit second. Sincere plugged his phone up to the auxiliary cord and played his music. Sincere left the hospital and was on his way to ajonny's house to deal Marth.

@GoldenChari @Mariam
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