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Futuristic Agent of Maniacles OOC and Characters

I may associate with crack addicts and meth gators, but if I'm going to electrocute anyone, it's going to be an olympic swimming pool full of people with hundreds of toasters. I'm smarter than that
I gots a baby of mine on the way for creation.


Nah I kid, I'm actually trying to keep this one within the bounds of the sci-fi theme
Regretting that I put the "pro" in "procrastination" because I've neglected my chemistry homework for the last month. I'm fortunate my chemistry teacher grades based on what you know, not what you turn in, but I don't know shit and I'm cramming
Don't sit here then!
Don't get me wrong I love talking to you guys but getcho knowledge in!
) =<

I graduated last June. It's weird to say but I miss school lmao. It actually gave me life and something to do.
I've got videos to listen to. I'm just waiting for something I actually need to take notes on to pop up. Yay for unnecessarily long lectures!
Hello weirdo

Heyo potato

Oh gross no. Whatre you guys learning?

I might be a weirdo and a potato, but I'm arrogant enough to say that when I'm on my A-game I'm one of the best RPGers and writers on this site. And when it comes to comedy there are very few that can touch me. Of course it's all subjective, but I like to indulge in a bit of awesome ego and confidence from time to time. Tomorrow I'll probably think I'm terrible, but tonight is ego night!

I might be a weirdo and a potato, but I'm arrogant enough to say that when I'm on my A-game I'm one of the best RPGers and writers on this site. And when it comes to comedy there are very few that can touch me. Of course it's all subjective, but I like to indulge in a bit of awesome ego and confidence from time to time. Tomorrow I'll probably think I'm terrible, but tonight is ego night!

Nah Fam I like your writing style a crap ton. If you're ever down for a 1x1 rp lmk (=

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