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Fantasy Age of Heroes


The monsters rose from the seas, raging and destroying those within their reach. The Sentinels march through the kingdoms and rush to the rampaging savages. Mebios was under attack. Meanwhile, somewhere deep in dark blue waters of the Mid-sea, something large and scaly has awakened, and is waiting for its time to strike on the lands of Mebios.

The Heroes are assembled in the city of Lionsfield, capital of Cavalle, at a large hall with the statue of the three gods facing them. In the hall, the right side is full of tables, filled with foods and beverages. At the left, different sorts of supplies are seen - potions, weapons, essentials and relics. Though the Heroes are welcome, soldiers block their way towards the supplies and are required to have the permission of the rulers for them to be given access. Just before the statue, three people are seen sitting on their thrones - a man, an elf, and an Illieth.

First, the man spoke, "Heroes, you are tasked with finding the source of this monster infestation and put an end to it. We have information that something in the Mid-sea has been causing this, we do not know what it is but I assume it is evil." ,then the elven woman, "As of this moment, we are working on a spell that will allow you to live underwater." ,then, the Illieth "If you have any requests, questions, disagreements, now is the time for it."
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Addai waited patiently outside of the hall. Though the hall was great and could fit his mighty form, the door was for smaller beings. And so, Addai would wait outside and learn of his quest from his peers. Addai was confident that they would act as blood-brothers, though they shared nothing in common and were born of different fathers.

Addai's thoughts briefly drifted to his body. His armor had been designed so as to house a small prayer group of up to six, with room for texts and a shrine. Though this space had been cleared out for use in his quest, Addai was convinced that his allies would respect the holy nature of his interior.

Looking to the gorgeous guard towers posted across the courtyard from him, Addai compared his size to theirs. Though he was a colossus striding amongst smaller beings, he was still half a head shorter than the towers. This thought worried Addai not, for he knew that his size was more than sufficient to safeguard his companions against their monstrous foes.
Sethos Ras-Tal led his mule to drag his cart through Lionfield. He had been here before, many times, actually, selling his wares. Sethos went through the Merchant's District, keenly observing the various buyers. What he really wanted to sell of course, were his patented 'Snakeblood Elixir' which, in actuality did nothing, but extend his coin-purse and was made of cheap ingredients. Just whatever pleasing scented plants he could find mixed with urine. And of course he did have a few watered-down potions he wanted to get rid off, which again extended his coin-purse, the most important fact. But of course, it wasn't effective as the real stuff. But, these were important, and he had to sell them to rubes. Those who could tell the difference, they'd get the real stock. Before any meeting he had more important matters to attend to. Business.

"Of cooooouuuuuuursssseeeee..." He said to a burly man, who lacked any hair. Sethos smiled as he flicked out his tongue, smelling the area around him, and giving off that vibe which helped sales. He held up his right hand as he waggled his fingers, when he moved up close to the man and placed the claw like nail against his cheek, "This will grow you hair, just make sure to apply it daily, though remember..." He said with a smile, "It may take some time to see the results." The man gave a nod, as he handed a few coins over, as Sethos handed over the Vial of Snakeblood Elixir. "May the Sssssaaands be ever shifting in your favor..." Sethos gave a courteous bow to the man as he opened up his coin purse and deposited them in. He then proceeded to glance around, as he strolled forth towards the keep where he was asked to arrive at.

Sethos tilted his head as he frowned, "Oooooh dear... I can't possibly leave my mule out here, but it would be oh so rude to just take it inside." He tapped his claw-like fingernails on his cheek as he decided to take the mule and cart inside with him.

"Mmmyes." He said glancing up at the three individuals sitting on some sort of throne, clearly the people in charge here. "Oh, I would have left the cart out, but ah, I do not like parting with my supplies, you see. Not good for business to just leave them about for anyone to go through." He said with a smile, as he brushed through his hair with his left hand.
Garom stood in attention before the rulers of the land, those from whom he had taken, those who had mandated his punishment and those who he served, first as part of the navy and very recently as part of the regular army. It was this very experience in the navy, he supposed, that had landed him the job, the four years where he had occasionally been forced to fight against monsters from the ocean. Well, that and that most other equally or more highly qualified men and women were busy spending their last dimes or turning back to thievery and other activities of ill-repute.

The Lirak had been almost entranced by the opulence of the palace, the wealth of available supplies and the massive amounts of food just...sitting there, ready and waiting to be consumed. For someone who had oft gone hungry and had to kill his own meals or take them at knifepoint, it was rather stunning. But his mind quickly turned to the task at hand. "Sirs! I would like to request additional information on the mission. The current course of action has not been detailed to me beyond finding the source of the disturbance and ending it. Furthermore, while I have no doubt magic may provide a way to survive underwater, actually fighting there is another matter entirely. Bows are useless and it's nigh impossible to get a good swing out of a sword. Will this spell assist with this as well?".
Jorah was sitting crisscrossed on the cold floor of the hall, in his large paw like hands he held a medium book within his hands. His hood was thrown back, his ears were covered by several thread and feathered piercings. Playing with his tail was his small kitten companion, while on his shoulder his raven gazed around the large room at the different creatures. Jorah's lips quivered as he stumbled his way through the words,"B-brit floers, no no, bright flowers."

Jorah looked up from his book and at the speakers, his bright green eyes glared at them as he stood from his sitting position. Though a seldom sight, most of his visible body is of rippling muscles or scars. He yawned and stretched his large arms then said,"First off, how much am I getting paid," he paused," before you say anything, double it. Are we only fighting in the water, or the land too," he looked over at the supplies," when we're done having this conversation they had better have moved or decided to decline your orders," his voice was dark, deep, hoarse, and raspy as if his throat was filled with demons and sand. Jorah smiled as his kitten companion snugged itself against his legs.
The king of Cavalle answered back to the Lirak, "Yes, I believe this will allow your weapons to function properly whilst underwater." Then, the Illieth king to the Fiern, "Remember who you are speaking to, commoner. You are here to fight for the safety of the world. If that is not a price enough for you, then I believe that I can speak of a price you can prefer - the life of your family." Feeling that a tension was rising, the elven queen of Cerros told to the Heroes, "Well, that is it. We have to leave for a council meeting." Then, a man moved from the shadows, revealing himself. "This is Sieg." ,the queen said, "a soldier from the Sentinel. He will be answering your further questions." And with that, the three rulers left.

Sieg stood there, watching every move that the Heroes did, observing them, their appearance, their actions, everything.

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Sethos glanced towards Sieg, who of course dramatically entered from the shadows, when his name was uttered. It was a fun technique to do, after all, showmanship and all that. Sethos flicked out his tongue as he hissed a bit. "Sieg, as you are so called, do you know what help we will be given in this task?" Sethos shook his head as he dramatically brushed his hair with his right hand. He then held out his palm as he laid his head on it for a few seconds, before moving it back up right. "After all, these creatures are, of course quite dangerous. What support, besides of course the magical spell which would allow us access to the depthssss, are we looking at? Will we have forces from the assembled military of the Kingdoms to bolster us? What supplies are the Kingdoms willing to arm us with so that we may complete our task? These are just the first few questions that come to mind, and if you are able to answer of course, I would very much appreciate the answer."
Sieg looked at the Esken, smirking at the questions he had asked. "The very help that you will have is me. The kingdoms are busy working with the Sentinel about the current assaults. And of course, the supplies you are seeking for have been prepared at Port Hermalt." ,he said as he went to the nearby table filled with sorts of food. Grabbing an apple then taking a bite of it, he looked at the Heroes and said, "Eat now, once we make way for Port Hermalt, there will be no rests or stops."

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Gaston had remained silent and nigh-motionless while the rulers of the three kingdoms were present, save for the occasional nervous twitch. Surely, it was an honour of the highest order to even meet people of such regal caliber, let alone be entrusted to undertake a quest of such importance to the future of the land. Yet, he was hesitant to so much as move, lest he slip up, thereby embarrassing himself in front of the world's monarchs. A failure of that magnitude would almost certainly demolish his reputation before he even had a chance to even build one, not to mention how his father would feel about such an occurrence.

Thankfully, they eventually took their leave, allowing the fledgling knight to relax. With the arrival of the man named Sieg, Gaston decided now was the best time to ask a question pertaining to himself, or more accurately, his choice of transportation. "While this may seem an odd inquiry, I feel this is necessary. This spell they're concocting, would it apply to my horse? I am at my best in combat whilst mounted, and I would much prefer if I didn't have to abandon Rose partway through our trek."
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As Sieg finished munching down his apple, he answered Gaston's question. "I fear that I am not able to answer your question. But, I do think that the ones who will be doing the spell knows." ,he said as he left the table, and headed to the exit of the hall, "Well, if you are all done chit-chatting and muching down the goods, then tell me so we can leave for Port Hermalt at once."

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Snarling Jorah looked to the table of goods, with out second thought he slowly walked toward the table. His small kitten companion close behind, gazing at the variety of foods and items Jorah looked disgusted and shook his head. He picked up several peaches from the table and slipped them into his bag, he took a piece of fresh venison then a smaller piece from that. He lifted his hand to his shoulder giving his raven the smaller bit, ripping another piece from the venison he leaned his arm down and gave it to his kitten companion. After giving out pieces of the venison he slipped the remaining of it into his pack.

After slipping more fruits and herbs away from the table and into his pack Jorah took a gaze toward Sieg,"How much are getting paid," he said roughly as he took and soft bite from a cantaloupe. Jorah looked back at his soon to be companions, almost instantly he realized the large building wasn't part of the buildings near the hall but another creature, looking confused Jorah asked,"Please tell me that one is on our side," pointing at the large building creature.

Addai turned to face the great hall's doors, ripping his attention away from the towers he was comparing himself to. He addressed the nearly nude canine-shaped catperson in front of him.

"You must be my newest companions. Your valor has presented itself many times over in coming here; I am honored to make your acquaintance. My name is Addai, and may my magnanimous glory shine through to victory!"

He kneeled down and addressed the knight right next to Jorah.

"I was not informed there would be
five others on this trip. Tell me, kind sir, what is our quest?"
"Only one man? Disregarding the spell-casting of course. Are we not being sent out with suppl-" Sethos Ras-Tal said as this Sieg was heading out. He scowled a bit as he went over towards the table which had provisions. He scanned it for meat selections and he ripped off a haunch of roast boar. Sethos chomped into it, as the juices of it rolled down his neck. He glanced towards his mule as he motioned it to head out. We have more stock to sell. As we are heading out to the Port City, we better go down the route which leads through smaller villages. Sethos ripped another chunk of meat off, as he exited the chambers, while hearing some incredible voice.

Ah yes. The giant tree. The giant tree that is in fact alive. Sethos stood near his mule and cart, taking another bite out of the meat.
Sieg was about to answer the Fiern when a giant figure turned towards them and spoke. An Earthfolk. Sieg was almost surprised by its sudden movement. As the Earthfolk introduced itself and questioned him about the quest, he knew that this large creature was one of the said Heroes. "Ah, Addai. The quest is to find whatever is causing the monsters to rise from the depths of the sea. You are to follow me to Port Hermalt." ,he said as he started to walk towards northeast, leaving the boundaries of Cavalle as he headed to port Hermalt.
Addai turned to Sethos and Jorah. He brushed his hand across his armor, checking for cracks. Maintenance is as vital an aspect of existence as life itself!

"You need not walk the entire way. My armor has been designed to house a small contingent of priests. Should you wish to take residence in my armor, you will find the accommodations meager but welcoming. In the mean time, I suggest we wait for the other two of our companions."
"Very well. We shall wait for them." ,Sieg said as he stopped and return to the Heroes. He looked at all of them and sees no human but him. Ah, the gods and their diversity. Then, looking at Addai, he questioned him, "Tell me, Addai, why do you think all of you had been chosen for this quest?"
If Addai could smile, he would. Instead, he merely clasped his hands together in deference to the gods.

"We are here because Cerpus wills it. The creatures from the depths of the ocean have caused a major crisis, and has forced our kingdoms to fight for survival. Before the crisis, I fear that we would have descended into hedonism and heresy. But now... the looming threat of destruction has created many great things. Myself and this group are but one product of Cerpus enacting an ultimatum against us: grow stronger, or perish. Some may find this... cruel, or evil. I believe that this is all for the Greater Good. All things, in due time, will reveal themselves."

Addai rose from his knees and unclasped his hands. Though his mask revealed no emotions, one could clearly find a sense of sureness and satisfaction in his stance.
Sethos simply glanced at the tree as he spoke of his thought on the reason they were here, before returning his attention again to his supply cart. Glancing at his mule he returned to glancing at the tree. "I would be most delighted to take residence inside, as long as I could bring my cart as well." After all, allowing the mule to rest while the giant tree traveled, would be beneficial, as the mule would have more energy. And while that happened, Sethos would still be traveling. All he had to do was make sure that Addai stopped at the proper destinations so he could sell his wares.
"Are you ready to depart?" ,Sieg shouted to the others. By the time they would have left, the spell would be ready and so will be the supplies. The air was already giving an oceanic scent due to the presence of so much monsters from the seas. Sieg took out a piece of paper, and observed it. It was a route map, and it seems that Port Hermalt was close to them, just a few minutes walk from the hall. He looked at the Earthfolk and the Esken, who both were ready to travel, but he doubted their combat abilities, since the quest relies on that much.

Then, he shouted once more, "We should leave now, Heroes!"

@Spookums @jole875 @Zerohex

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When the Earthman made his presence known, a look of awe formed on the knight's face. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold. So devoted was he to the faith, that his very body had become a temple to the almighty. Furthermore, Addai's words revealed an inner wisdom on par with the temple priests and sages. Verily, his presence was a boon.

Once Sieg's shout reached his ears, Gaston shook his head, returning his focus to the matter at hand. He strolled over to the table on the right, looking over the wide selection of foodstuffs. Grabbing some salted meat and fish for the road, he then headed over to the left table. Picking a sturdy looking waterskin off the table, he ignored the other items on display, and stepped outside. He whistled for his steed, the horse arriving at his side within moments of doing so. After mounting up, the knight nodded to Sieg.
Sethos glanced at his mule and cart before glancing back to Addai. "You are still extending your offer for riding upon you yes?" He took another bite out of the meat he acquired earlier. Surely this will be a lengthy journey with quite a few stops along the way. He thought to himself, as he walked around behind his cart, checking to make sure all of his supplies were in order for selling. They were, like always. "As I would very much like to do that, if you are still offering."
Addai let out a burst of steam, attempting to depict a thoughtful hum.

"Is your mule ill, friend? 'Twould be immoral to force it to carry your livelihood on a broken back and rumbling belly. I shall carry your cargo, provided you keep your mule's lodgings clean. However... if I find that you have been abusing my offer of hospitality to swindle your way out of effort..."

Addai leaned in close, his immense mask eclipsing Sethos's vision.

"I will ensure that you will not take advantage of my good will again. Such are my terms. Are they acceptable?"
"My mule yes, has a rather rumbling belly, and has seemed under the weather." Sethos replied, he hadn't been able to get the mule food today. Though as for under the weather, the mule was mostly fine, maybe moving slightly less than usually if only due to it being hungry. "I swear to you, I have only the most honorable of intentions." Sethos Ras-Tal hissed out, staring into the monolothic mask of Addai which indeed took his entire visage. Sethos Ras-Tal gave a slight bow to Addai, "Your terms are acceptable and fair." Now then, just carry us away, then I can traverse with my mule and sell my goods.
"Then I shall allow you to make a stable of my sanctuary."

Addai lowered his hand, and waved his fingers towards his palm, in an attempt at beckoning Sethos onto it.

"Climb aboard, please. There is a small shrine where the small of my back would be. You may use it for your own means, if you will refrain from defacing it."
"Of coursse." Sethos replied as he walked onto Addai's palm. All the while Sethos led his mule with his supply cart onto Addai's hand, as well. He placed his hand on his mule, as his eyes darted towards his cart. He then glanced at Addai, "I may have to go there. But of course, I shall leave the mule away from it, in the of chance it happens to... well you know. In respects to you, and your generosity."

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