• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Afflictions of Atavaria (ooc)

random ask here, but do our face-claims/character appearences have to be anime-based?? Or can they be in an alternate style so long as they're still drawn pieces of art so to speak or...???? 🤔
random ask here, but do our face-claims/character appearences have to be anime-based?? Or can they be in an alternate style so long as they're still drawn pieces of art so to speak or...???? 🤔
As long as they're drawn (and credited), they're good ^^
Faydflowright Faydflowright SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles ithinkcat ithinkcat Terrier B Terrier B
@AlmighTy Mirai-chan Mirai-chan @Paradiso @Helaena
Megilagor Megilagor @animegirl20 Lucipurr Lucipurr mizton mizton

Also, quick note to everyone: the idea is to have two members of each race, but mix it up when it comes to the guides. According to the intro, the guide to the heir of Le'Ven would be from Muliah, the guide to the heir of Dur'Fen would be from Najud, the guide to the heir of Najud would be from Le'Ven, the guide to the heir of Aldor would be from Ig-Kilar, the guide to the heir of Ig-Kilar would be from Dur'Fen, and the guide to the heir of Muliah would be from Aldor.

Hm, this thread has gone suspiciously quiet ._.
You all still here? Where them plots and concepts at? ;P

(Yes the Lore is coming soon, but in the meantime, le plots!)
Im here just got back from work.
( Which was hell since i was suppossed to be there only for 6 hours, had to stay for 12, and i had to work in the rain so yeah F* my boss)
And yes im currently self plotting and making sure i make as little grammar mistakes as i can.
But happy thing is im free from today up to the end of thr month , except a few days but still.
Mkay, here's an update then:

Human Heir of Aldor, reserved for ithinkcat ithinkcat
Theriander Heir of Muliah, reserved for Faydflowright Faydflowright
Mer Heir of Ig-Kilar, reserved for SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles
Djinn Heir of Najud, reserved for ??
Elven Heir of Le'Ven, reserved for Terrier B Terrier B
Orc Heir of Dur'Fen, reserved for Ayama Ayama

Guide to the Human Heir of Aldor, reserved for ??
Guide to the Theriander Heir of Muliah, reserved for Megilagor Megilagor
Guide to the Mer Heir of Ig-Kilar, reserved for Lucipurr Lucipurr
Guide to the Djinn Heir of Najud, reserved for @Paradiso
Guide to the Elven Heir of Le'Ven, reserved for Mirai-chan Mirai-chan
Guide to the Orc Heir of Dur'Fen, reserved for ??

@animegirl20 @AlmighTy @Helaena mizton mizton
Which of the remaining 3 spots did you want?
hey, so sorry for my radio silence! could i reserve the Guide to the Orc Heir of Dur'Fen? ^^
Also, quick note to everyone: the idea is to have two members of each race, but mix it up when it comes to the guides. According to the intro, the guide to the heir of Le'Ven would be from Muliah, the guide to the heir of Dur'Fen would be from Najud, the guide to the heir of Najud would be from Le'Ven, the guide to the heir of Aldor would be from Ig-Kilar, the guide to the heir of Ig-Kilar would be from Dur'Fen, and the guide to the heir of Muliah would be from Aldor.
So wait if i understand it correctly the quide for Muliah's heir must not be from Muliah. So that means a different race than the heir?
If yes then i might need to change a bit of what i had planned
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Quick update!

Human heir of Aldor, reserved for ithinkcat ithinkcat
Theriander heir of Muliah, reserved for Faydflowright Faydflowright
Mer heir of Ig-Kilar, reserved for SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles
Djinn heir of Najud, reserved for ??
Elven heir of Le'Ven, reserved for Terrier B Terrier B
Orc heir of Dur'Fen, reserved for Ayama Ayama

Mer guide to the heir of Aldor, reserved for ??
Human guide to the heir of Muliah, reserved for Megilagor Megilagor
Orc guide to the heir of Ig-Kilar, reserved for Lucipurr Lucipurr
Elven guide to the heir of Najud, reserved for @Paradiso
Theriander guide to the heir of Le'Ven, reserved for Mirai-chan Mirai-chan
Djinn guide to the heir of Dur'Fen, reserved for mizton mizton

@animegirl20 @AlmighTy @Helaena
2 spots left!
Faydflowright Faydflowright SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles ithinkcat ithinkcat Terrier B Terrier B
@AlmighTy Mirai-chan Mirai-chan @Paradiso @Helaena
Megilagor Megilagor @animegirl20 Lucipurr Lucipurr mizton mizton

And another update- the Lore thread is up and running~
Just the basics, mind you, but enough to get people started. As you ponder your character concepts, don't hesitate to reach out with little lore tidbits you want me to add (customs, holidays, events, historical figures, people, places...); we can flesh out this world together ^^

To help with plotting and brainstorming, I made a little reserve/blurb code (it should be mobile-friendly; let me know if it's not). You can fill it out and post it here, that way we know a bit about who your character is and we can start plotting those relationships and backstories!

[border=5px solid #454445; /*Outer box*/
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: auto;
width: 325px;
height: 480px;
padding: 10px;
background-color: #e4e2e4;
overflow: hidden;][border=0; /*Inner box*/
box-sizing: border-box;
position: relative;
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
width: calc(100% + 30px);
height: 450px;
padding: 0px 20px 0px 10px;
overflow-y: scroll;
text-align: center;
color: #454445;][border=3px solid #454445; /*Title*/
padding: 5px;
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #454445;]THE HEIR OF ?/THE GUIDE TO THE HEIR OF ?[/border]

[border=1px solid #9d9b9d;
margin: auto;
width: 250px;
height: 120px;
background-image: url('-');
background-position: 22% 35%;][/border]
[u]NAME HERE[/u]
[b]Race - Gender[/b]

[b]Age on the day of the attack:[/b]
[b]Current age:[/b]
Little blurb about who they are, their family/personal history, and their personality.[/border][/border]
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Ayama Ayama Thanks for the lore. Definitely helped me. I didn't want to over-commit to any character ideas without a general understanding of the nations and their histories. If it's okay, I'd like to have the Aldorians be pretty religious, having survived sailing across the endless ocean (Great Ocean) and surviving decades of assault from larger and more powerful nations. Could make it to where they originally left their homeland because of religious persecution and believe the only reason they've survived everything against all odds is because of their faith in some god. I would also like for humans to have access to some sort of divine or holy magic. Despite humans effectively being the weakest of the races, it would make them the worst enemies for the demons. It could explain why they were conquered first; Diaterenn knew she needed the extra advantage of surprise to defeat the humans with her demon army.
hey, still working on my character but just wanted to drop what i have here! if anyone's interested in brainstorming some relationships/backgrounds with him, feel free to reach out. hoping to flesh him out a bit more later this week. :ghostv:

“We believe that we can change the things around us in accordance with our desires—we believe it because otherwise we can see no favourable outcome. We do not think of the outcome which generally comes to pass and is also favourable: we do not succeed in changing things in accordance with our desires, but gradually our desires change. The situation that we hoped to change because it was intolerable becomes unimportant to us. We have failed to surmount the obstacle, as we were absolutely determined to do, but life has taken us round it, led us beyond it, and then if we turn round to gaze into the distance of the past, we can barely see it, so imperceptible has it become.” – Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time
basic information
Sa'id al-Najud
Sid, Saad
5'11" (180cm)

A rather awkwardly tall young man. Hides his physique in layers of undyed linens & loose ties that often snag onto things when walking through busy city streets. His attire is adorned with the few accessories of gold he has left from a past life in the lap of luxury. His hair is at an inconvenient lengh to where, though he tries, tying it back makes no difference as his fringe falls before his face anyway.
one day i'll write a personality paragraph for him. today is not that day :ghostxnx:

— highly perceptive; seemingly all-knowing
— socially confident; adaptive; often finds humor in dim situations
— restive; tends to take matters into his own hands
— finds it difficult to be honest with or trust people

— Djinn guide to the heir of Dur'Fen
— Compared to other Djinn, he's not lived long enough yet to mellow out; mortal troubles still weigh on him, as he's only socialized with those of limited lifespans.
— Was always a resourceful kid, but learned to perfect his skills in an effort to survive off of nothing.
— Works odd jobs to support himself & the heir, as they're often on the move.

— idk what else :')
code by @Nano
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i might have most of the sheet done by today.
why so late you ask?
well i kinda took upon myself to bbcode it from memory [ i couldnt find that one bbcode i liked to use for character sheets so i had to write it from memory ]
and fill in the details myself. also there is some art which sadly i lost who the author was in my cs so if anyone finds the author for said piece and pms me him i will add him to the credits.
I have another char to finish off elsewhere, but i’ll eother get mine here done today or tomorrow 👍🏽🙂

Idk how to code tho so im afraid its gonna be a bare bones uggo kinda sheet 😭

do you want us to post them here btw or in the lore thread??
i will need to change the images for the characters when i get some ideas later on, and i will need to fill the empty places but i sadly need to get away from home for now so i will post this incomplete one here
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i will need to change the images for the characters when i get some ideas later on, and i will need to fill the empty places but i sadly need to get away from home for now so i will post this incomplete one here
Click Tabs on Left + Possible Scroll
  • Rosetta "Rose" Beatrix
    Guide to the Heir of Muiliah
    25 years old
    5'9'' / 175 cm
    148 lbs / 67 kg
    (text here)
    Frontier town on the border of Muilin and Aldor

Even though BBCode is considered creative commons, I would also ask the original creator before copying their design, as that's generally something that's frowned upon considering the hours of work they put into making these things. Ambi doesn't even require credits for using their codes, but it would still be the polite thing to do to message them and ask if it's okay.
Even though BBCode is considered creative commons, I would also ask the original creator before copying their design, as that's generally something that's frowned upon considering the hours of work they put into making these things. Ambi doesn't even require credits for using their codes, but it would still be the polite thing to do to message them and ask if it's okay.
Dont worry i did ask for permission to use the code way back [in december last year], and while i did forgot to credit the author of the code [mainly cause i forgot to do so] he is now credited.
sadly i cant credit artists for the art im using since they were found on pinterest by me, and reverse searching sadly had no luck in finding the artist but if someone does know the artists then i will gladly put credit for them down below.
Ayama Ayama Thanks for the lore. Definitely helped me. I didn't want to over-commit to any character ideas without a general understanding of the nations and their histories. If it's okay, I'd like to have the Aldorians be pretty religious, having survived sailing across the endless ocean (Great Ocean) and surviving decades of assault from larger and more powerful nations. Could make it to where they originally left their homeland because of religious persecution and believe the only reason they've survived everything against all odds is because of their faith in some god. I would also like for humans to have access to some sort of divine or holy magic. Despite humans effectively being the weakest of the races, it would make them the worst enemies for the demons. It could explain why they were conquered first; Diaterenn knew she needed the extra advantage of surprise to defeat the humans with her demon army.
So I gave this some thought, and I'd have to say my biggest issue with it is that it feels too reminiscent of real-world examples (Protestants/Puritans fleeing Catholic persecution to America, the Jews fleeing Egypt, etc.). However, if you just want to make your Heir and their family deeply devout, I have no problem with it.
Blurb of mine

Rosetta "Rose" Beatrix
Human - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 13
Current age: 25

Rose hails from a family that served the royal family of Muilah for ages in many different ways. Some were knights, others were servants, and some were even mages. Rose although not related by blood to the family, for she was a foundling, was raised by them as one of their own, and upon becoming seven years old was sent into the capital to be a loyal friend and servant to the young Espen.

Rose is a calm collected and caring person although the ways she shows it to the world might appear weird for the many times she nagged at Espen as if she was his elder sister. Although she tries to appear as ladylike as possible sometimes she forgets about it and slips back to her tomboyish days of early youth. Her biggest weakness is being honest to a fault which at certain times does lead to trouble, but her being her means any trouble that comes her way makes her life a bit more fun. She might seem unapproachable at times but its just her not knowing how to properly convey her emotions to others.

!- confirmed plot
?- plot to confirm
?Rose acting like a older sister to Espen, a bit naggy but caring.
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consider the art to be changed because for the love of god i can't find the artist for it. I only remember finding it in some art dump almost a year ago. Well off to find some new art and to finish filling the cs with what i have. Finding good art is hard, and finding 4 images that at least loosely fit together is harder. But i will have complete CS tomorrow well excluding the art and appearance, but i will try to get that done as fast as possible. Unless i just need 1 image of my character and the rest is for other stuff that don't necessarily need to be of the character then it will all be done tomorrow.

Rosetta "Rose" Beatrix
Human - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 13
Current age: 25

Rose hails from a family that served the royal family of Muilah for ages in many different ways. Some were knights, others were servants, and some were even mages. Rose although not related by blood to the family, for she was a foundling, was raised by them as one of their own, and upon becoming seven years old was sent into the capital to be a loyal friend and servant to the young Espen.

Rose is a calm collected and caring person although the ways she shows it to the world might appear weird for the many times she nagged at Espen as if she was his elder sister. Although she tries to appear as ladylike as possible sometimes she forgets about it and slips back to her tomboyish days of early youth. Her biggest weakness is being honest to a fault which at certain times does lead to trouble, but her being her means any trouble that comes her way makes her life a bit more fun. She might seem unapproachable at times but its just her not knowing how to properly convey her emotions to others.

!- confirmed plot
?- plot to confirm
?Rose acting like a older sister to Espen, a bit naggy but caring.
I like it~ Take your time on the full profile- getting those blurbs up and plots plotted is a more pressing matter anyway ^^
Faydflowright Faydflowright SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles ithinkcat ithinkcat Terrier B Terrier B
@AlmighTy Mirai-chan Mirai-chan @Paradiso @Helaena
Megilagor Megilagor @animegirl20 Lucipurr Lucipurr mizton mizton

Hey all, please start posting those little blurbs in here like I asked- the point of them is to give everyone the basic relevant info about your character at a glance, so that they can plot with you without having to search through an entire CS.
I woke up feeling my sick this morning, so I probably won’t get around to plotting until I feel better.
Hello! After serious contemplation, I don't believe I have the time to dedicate to this like everyone else! I don't wish to hold anyone back because of it either. I apologize, but I'll gladly watch from a distance!

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