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Realistic or Modern Adult Hood

She took a drink and coughed trying not to laugh at Blaze singing. Casper Rey grinned at him and followed him in his little dance as he sang. "I love you." She heard Blaze say, "I love you too, Mr. Denaldi." A grin grew on her face as she continued to dance with him, reaching up as far as she could go on her tip toes, she kissed him. Although it was a bit of a struggle to get up their, Casper Rey thought it was worth it and actually liked having taller boyfriends because she feels even more protected by them. She gave him another kiss and lowered back down, pulling him in tight and giving him a hug.
Asher continued to watch a movie on Netflix as he waited for Angelika to come over. He paused the movie and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar from the cabinet and unwrapping it. He took a bite off the top and set it back down, deciding to change into something comfortable. He quickly stripped, and put on a pair of denim shorts just above knee-length. Asher then threw on an Arctic Monkeys t-shirt and a pair of black socks. He walked back to the kitchen, grabbed the granola bar, and went back off to his bedroom to watch the movie he was playing.
Keithn made his way to the front passenger door and slipped right in to the warm, toasty vehicle. "Alrighty then, Baby do your thing." Keithn closed his eyes and reclined into the chair placing his hands behind his head. The heat from the car made him want to just fall into a deep sleed so badly it was almost hypnotic. He was still very worried about her driving but he managed to convince himself that Alyssa wouldn't let that happen. But just as he was about to clear his mind of all troubles he couldn't help but wrinkle his face at the thought of one more thing. Keithn Opened his eye and sat up straight while she was driving. Tilting his head to the side and squinting his eyes at her he couldn't help but say. "Baby is there anything to listen to?" He exclaimed with A smirk.
Dani took off to the apartment while Keithn made himself comfortable. She was glad he trusted her and to be honest her high was already worn off. She wished she had more at home, but she didn't. She looked over slightly when Keithn asked about music. "What you don't like my match box 20" She said blaring it giving him an evil playful smirk. She looked back to the road waiting for him to change it because knowing him, he would. He didn't like the same things all the time, most of the time.
"No its not that am just....expressing my opinion baby, maybe am being too stereotypical." He reclined back down into the chair into his original position and laughed aloud for a moment. "To be honest, Its a lot better then your Katy Perry faze from last month." He opened his eyes and turned his head just so he could see yer face react to his teasing. He knew she hated it but most of the time she couldn't help but smile acknowledging the truth. "Right my beautiful Sapphire eyed princess?"
Alyssa looked over at him "don't make me punch you" She laughed and put her eyes back on the road. Finally pulling into the parking space of their apartment . "home sweet home" She got out of the car closing the door behind her. She didn't wait for Keithn she just walked up the stairs to the second floor. unlocking the door she walked in turning on the lights. She walked into the kitchen and started making them both a cup of hot chocolate. when he finally made it inside she called out "Do you wanna watch a movie or something, play some video games maybe" she added marshmallows to her hot chocolate and started making his cup.
"Yeah lets watch something, am in need of a laugh."He said as he lock the door behind him and hung up his Jacket. He strolled over to the countertop and admired her as she sped around the kitchen. "Hey baby, what was you and Angelika and Blaze talking about?" He said with a inquisitive look on his face. For a while he was wondering but didn't know the right time to ask, not to say that at that particular moment it was the best but it was better than the previous ones.
"Ok" she called out. She finished his hot chocolate and turned to hand it to him "Asher" She thought for a moment "that's really about it,Blaze was shocked to see me smoking". She grabbed her mug and made her way to the couch. After putting her drink on the coffee table she removed her jacket and scarf and hung it up. She took a seat on the couch and took a sip of her chocolate "Why do you ask" She looked at him curiously as she reached for the remote.
"I was just wondering, you know, Curious George over here."He took a sip the sat close by her. "Blaze needs to be more worried about Cas, then your smoking habits. At least thats what I'd shocked about." These were one of those times when Keithn could kinda say how he really felt about people even though it lacked the luster of his deeper more heartfelt feelings it got the point across.
Alyssa shrugged "I don't know, i'm not getting in their business". She sat back taking another sip. "What was wrong with her?" she started changing the t.v a bit aggravated but not quite sure why. She just didn't feel like talking about them.
"Well she wasn't to happy when blaze left the table. As a matter of fact she looked pretty distraught, started talking about drugs and hallucinogens. She was looking like she had a bad run in with drugs in the past. Am surprised her and Angelika even look at each." He swung his arm over her head and placed it on her other shoulder rubbing it in circular motions.
Alyssa shrugged "Well what does she expect when she dates a stoner, she knew everything when they got together". She was still a bit worried about Angelika so she took out her phone to make sure she was alright. She sent her a message 'you alright girly? xoxo' she put her phone down and looked at Keithn hoping to change the subject. "so what are we watching tonight?" She finished up the last bit of her hot chocolate and sat her mug down in front of her.
"I plan to be waking up the next morning on the floor, laying in my own vomit." She said, jokingly. She smiled as Erin grabbed her hand and pulled her to her car. Angelika was a massive binge drinker, you would never be able to find her by the end of the night, mostly because she's either passed out somewhere or she's ran off with some guy. Angelika usually suffers with 'the walk of shame" the morning after which gives her a massively bad reputation.

"Why thank you baby." She winked and got into the car. She fiddled with her nails a bit before playing with the radio, finding the right radio station to put on. She was in fact shit scared of what Asher was planning on saying to her. She'd wondered for months why Asher had been neglecting her and now she was finally gonna find out. "Alright, sounds like a plan." She looked over at Erin and smirked, "maybe get something a little more stronger than weed?" She hadn't really ever spoken to Erin like this before, she'd actually never spoken to Erin at all before now. Them two were never really close, Angelika never knew why though since they had quite a lot in common and Erin was a good laugh.

She pulled out her phone to check a few things, noticing that Alyssa had texted her. Angelika loved the though of Alyssa always looking out for her, at least she had someone that cared. "I'm all good sweetie, on my way to see Asher now. Wish me luck? xoxo" She put her phone back in her bag and closed her eyes.
Keithn chuckled a little at her smart remark. As much as he didn't want to admit it she had a point."Well I was thinking of Frozen." He looked at her with a wide sarcastic smile and laughing aloud a bit. He went ahead and took her mug from the table and got up and took his and hers to the sink and after he finished his he began to wash them.
She playfully rolled her eyes at keithn laughing "i'm not gonna listen to you sing let it go all night". She checked her phone 'good luck hun' She replied back.
((I'm gonna fast forward like two hours don't kill me plz I just wanna rp this again))

Nathan looked hard and long at Alisa balling his hands into fists and simply walking off. Even if he tried or not it wasn't working out and he needed a moment to calm down and think this over. He walked down the street back to his office.

However he didn't go inside he instead called a taxi and started texting Blaze.

"Yo I need a place to crash tonight, smoke and drink. You up for it?"

He then threw his laptop to his side along with his phone and put his hands on his face. He started rubbing it roughly then lead his hands over his head and onto the back of his neck obviously stressed out over all of this.

@Amora Aurora

Blaze Denaldi


Blaze sent his roommate to his bedroom when he arrived home, which his hermit roommate was more than pleased to do. The coffee table was covered in paraphernalia and cigarette ash but the couch was clean aside from some pillows that he tossed on the ground and invited Casper Rey to sit next to him on the sofa. An hour or so into cuddling and watching television, his phone vibrated and he clicked the screen on to read Nathan's text.
"Curo's gonna come over for the night." He informed Casper Rey, typing back a quick reply.

I've got Vodka and Whiskey. You supply the smoke and it's a deal.

After it was sent and his phone was put away, he replaced his arms around Casper Rey, chin rested on top of her head. "You can stay, too, if you don't have plans for the morning. He could probably use some friend-time distractions. They're always fighting."

Erin Campbell


"Sure thing, love." Erin confirmed with a smile, petting Angelika's hair compassionately.
"It's gonna be alright, you know? Life goes on. Even if this ends up being the shittiest day of your life, you're hot as fuck and there are going to be a million more loves." She comforted, leaning across her to open the passenger door. "Get it over with so we can forget our middle names, let alone our love lives." She urged.

She pulled her phone out to get started on finding substances for the night. Erin didn't regularly do more than a little pot here and there, though she'd tried party drugs a couple times. It was pretty obvious that Angelika was in dire need of getting out of her head for a moment, though, so she'd suck it up and find something that met her friends standards.

Nathan let out a sigh and gave directions to Blaze's house to the driver. He didn't even reply as he was so anxious to get out of that place and away from Alisa as possible. He sat back and tried to relax, his shoulders were extremely tense and his hand was rubbing the lighter in his pant pocket just aching to smoke already.

He couldn't stand it when they started fighting and he just wanted to get going. He looked at his laptop then quickly looked away, this wasn't the time to think about work, just to drink something and relax.

He didn't want to break up with her since it would give him bad media, but couldn't cheat on her because his moral values and hunger to be a gentleman (when in person) was so ingraved in his mind.

Before getting to Blaze's house Nathan stopped the driver at a 7/11 and went to buy three packs of cigarettes. The clerk was hesitant to do it but he instead it was for a two of his other friends.

He hopped back in the cap and was at Blaze's place in a matter of minutes.
Angelika smiled at Erin, leaned over to the drivers seat, and gave her a massive hug. "Thank you so much for driving me here." She squeezed Erin's hand and got out. "I'll call you when I'm done here." Angelika looked behind her and there she was, standing outside Asher's. She didn't know why she was so scared, Asher was her boyfriend, not some sex predator waiting to pounce on her. Angelika walked up to the door, looking it up and down. She gave a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting silently.
Casper Rey cuddled into Blaze, "I don't have any plans for the morning. And I love cheering people up, so I guess I can hang around with you two losers." She stuck her tongue out at him and giggled. Staying at Blaze's was good in two ways, she would eat and wouldn't be lonely. Luckily she had the day off tomorrow, so unless someone randomly decided to ask her to hang out, she was an open book. It was typical for Casper Rey to not have many plans, life happens and having to constantly remind someone to eat isn't really much of a fun thing to do. So she figured it was kinda her fault, but then again it could be someone else's. Casper Rey kinda shrugged to herself, it doesn't matter as long as she has Blaze who will definitely be around no matter what, it doesn't really matter to her.
Asher heard a soft knocking on his door, and figured it was Angelika. He opened it without asking who it was, and gave her a somewhat apologetic half smile. "Uh- Come in." He said a little bit nervously, holding the door open for her. He walked her to the kitchen/dining area, pulled out a chair for her, and sat down as he stayed silent for a moment. "Angelika, I love you so much. You're such a wonderful person to be around I mean- you're funny as hell, you're brave, and you add a kick of excitement to wherever you go. Our group of friends would be so boring without you. I do love you- but not in the way you want me to. I'm- I'm gay." Asher started tearing up a little. "In college when I dated you, it was real. I thought I maybe liked girls and I could change the way I was, but I realized I couldn't and I was just too afraid to tell you because I didn't want to hurt you and now it's caused so much chaos and 10x the pain and it's all my fault for not telling you before. Don't apologize for any of the fights or arguements we've had or anything, because it was all my fault. I didn't mean to hurt you- this is just one aspect of my life I can't change. This is full disclosure. If I could, I would change the world for you because you deserve so much better." Asher's voice was shaky because he was trying not to cry in front of her. He hated crying in front of people, and he just felt extremely guilty about what he's been putting Angelika through. "I- I'm so sorry."

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