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Realistic or Modern Adult Hood

"Well before I braved the elements like a man I was sitting cozy in my bed and you still need to get that swiss whatever its called. paying 4 buck for half a cup of chocolate WHO DOES THAT!" Keithn made sure his voice was loud enough so that the restaurant's workers could hear him. "Rip offs, the thing tasted like boild water with a dash of suger."
Alisa sent a nervous glance at Asher, wanting to console her friend, but gave Nathan a quick nod. She didn't know what he had in mind, but let her arms drop back to her sides as she agreed to have this little chat. Following him, she ran a hand through her blonde waves, nervously trying to figure out exactly what she wanted to say.
Alyssa smiled "Well dear before you braved the elements, I was in them since 5 this morning". She sat up "We have some in the pantry, I bought it yesterday when you texted me". She was a bit embarrassed with him being so loud. She laughed it off anyway.
Nathan didn't walk back to the shop but instead walked towards an alley way two buildings away. Far enough so Asher or anyone leaving the shop wouldn't see them. He didn't say anything for a minute, but after a while he opened his mouth and said, "Okay first of all, I'm sorry I get busy with work okay?" He tugged nervously at the leather strap of his laptop bag as he said this. "My dad has been pressuring me and tempting me with this new promotion and I really need it."
"Well I won't denie that you braved the elements, But you didn't do it like a man baby, see your man did it like a man. Its almost too much manliness." Keithn smiled as one of the employees started giving him a evil stare. No doubt in response to his unexpected outburst. "Really baby you mean I came in here looking like am from Miami all for hot chocolate that was already at home?" He laughed at the awkwardness situation and paused to look at her intensely.
"It's just Angelika and her friends-- They don't like me and you know how I get when people don't like me. Maybe they don't even feel that way and I'm just having anxiety bu-" Nathan walked up, interrupting Asher and cutting him off. He then asked to talk to Alisa, and shot him a look when he got to the word 'alone'. Asher rolled his eyes. He had a lot to say to Nathan, but he didn't want to hurt Alisa or make anything difficult for her. "Yeah, it's just- whatever. I'll get over it. Seeya at the apartment." He shot Alisa a half smile and didn't even look at Nathan as he hopped in the driver's seat of his car. Asher felt pretty mad at Nathan, bur he also felt good that he wasn't childish about it and chose to be the bigger person. Asher turned out onto the street, and headed towards his apartment. Asher really wished Alisa stayed with him instead of going with Nathan, but he understood that her relationship meant a lot to her and that she really wanted to fix it, so he couldn't blame her.
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Blaze Denaldi


Blaze lagged behind when the group started dissipating, hoodie slung over one of his arms, and head rested back against the cold bricks. It was freezing outside, and he was growing rather hungry, though that could have very well been the munchies talking. He watched the girls walk away, and though they were both wildly attractive, it was more in a thoughtful way than a perverse one. Angelika's last words hung around his mind for a while, a comment about how his girlfriend would probably get suspicious. And she was probably right, though there was a very small chance Casper Rey would comment if she was suspicious. She was more of the crawl up inside herself type than the confrontational type, unless he was very clearly in the wrong and she had an argument to win. More than that, though, he thought about how chill and fun everything was before Asher came out. How fun things always were around Angelika, and hopefully now that he knew she smoked, Alyssa. And going back in to Casper Rey seemed like a chore. The girls commented on how good of a boyfriend he was, but they were wrong. He was actually kind of despicable, at least on the inside. The whole thought process made him want to be even more fucked up, and that was certainly not a problem. The problem was whether or not he'd be able to spend the rest of the day with his girlfriend if he got even higher.

"Fuck it." He mumbled to himself, digging around in his pockets until he fetched out his wallet. Inside, there was an emergency baggie of little colorful pills. A mixture, really. That was the fun part: he never knew what he was taking, and never got addicted. He picked one out, slipped it onto his tongue, and made his way back inside.

The group was all but gone now. Alyssa and Keithn were showering each other in PDA, and even Erin was packing up to leave. Blaze walked to the booth and extended both arms, hands outstretched towards Casper Rey.
"My place?" He offered, ready to get out of the cafe, half because seeing Keithn all over Alyssa sparked something troubling in him and half because the chances of Blaze smelling of pot smoke was pretty high, and the waitresses probably didn't appreciate it very much. Also, food. There was lots of food at home.

When he reached to grab both of his girlfriends tiny hands, he couldn't help but notice the red stains under her eyes. He glanced around the booth momentarily, confused as to what exactly had happened while he was gone and why Casper Rey was crying, but he wasn't sure he was equipped enough to handle any drama at the moment, so he'd have to wait to ask her until after he came down.

"See you love birds later. We prefer to cuddle in private." he joked to the couple still sitting at the booth. Even high, Blaze knew it was time to get his shit together and act like a decent boyfriend. Hence putting his man-card away for a moment and mentioning going home to cuddle his girlfriend to another man, which he normally definitely would not do.

Angelika twiddled her thumbs as she watched everyone leave, the only people left were herself, Erin, Alyssa, and Keithn. Erin was doing her own thing whilst Alyssa and Keithn were cringing it up, which made her quite jealous. There was nothing here for Angelika to do other than watch her best friend cuddling up with her boyfriend so she decided to text Asher. She rummaged through her bag and picked out her phone, unlocked her screen and started scrolling through her contacts until she found the name 'baby.'

She almost restricted herself from sending him a text since he looked quite upset when he darted off, but then again, she really wanted to know what's been bugging him. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and started texting. "
Let's talk, now. Your place?" She switched her phone off vibrate so she could hear the sounds of the alert when Asher texts back.

She put her phone back into her bag and started biting her nails again. She sat in silence and stared into space for a few seconds before making conversation with Alyssa, Keithn, and Erin. "So, how you guys doing?" She said. awkwardly.
Alyssa smiled "what ever you say dear, and its not my fault you don't listen to me". She looked over at Angelika scooting a little closer to her in a jokingly fashion "I'm doing pretty great, kinda" she smiled hoping to make her laugh. "how you doing?" she said with a very bad Italian impression. She ran her hands threw her hair like all the cheesy guys did trying to look cool. "Let's all go back to our place shall we?"
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Casper Rey looked back as she heard the bell to the front door ring, it was Blaze. He came over to her and offered to go pack to her place, she smiled at him and nodded. Placing her small hands in his, Casper Rey stood up and adjusted her sweater. Some alone time with Blaze did sound nice, so she was up for it, plus she needed a way to get her mind off of the muffin. Holding Blaze's hand, she began walking towards the door, waving goodbye to the rest of the group. She opened the door and braced the cold, Casper Rey gasped at the freezing wind that wrapped around her. "We'll just go in our sep-separate cars, o-okay?" She said shivering. Giving Blaze a hug, she dashed for her car and got in. It didn't take her anytime to get it started and get the hot air running. Casper Rey pulled out and started her way to Blaze's house, one of the few places she feels comfortable.
"A whole lot better." Keithn responded to Angelika's question as he watched Casper and Blaze walk out together, It was heart warming for him to see them together. He looked at Alyssa chuckling to himself as she attempted to speak like a Italian. It was cute and amusing on so many levels. "Mmmh yes, I do say my little honey suckle that us quite the Marvelous Idea I must say."He exclaimed with the best britsh accent could muster. Keithn then stood up from the table and held out his hand to Alyssa and looked at Angelika. "I do say my dear it would be a great addition to have your company." He continued.
Alyssa laughed and took his had. standing up she looked at Angelika "come on, come have some fun' she pleaded with her best friend. She poked her lip out "Please"
"Oh guys, that's kind but I should seriously speak to Asher, it's extremely important. You guys go, I'll see you later." She said, standing up and giving Alyssa a hug and a kiss.

She turned to Keithn and kissed him on the nose. She sat back in her chair and fiddled with her phone, still waiting on a text from Asher. She was feeling extremely nervous and had butterflies in her stomach.

"Looks like it's just us." She said to Erin, giving her a charming smile.
Asher made it home after about fifteen minutes of traffic. It seemed like a small amount of time, but he lived two blocks away from the coffee shop. New york city traffic. He unlocked the door to his apartment, spotting his kitten Lily sleeping on a chair in the living room. Asher decided to let her sleep, and just walked into his bedroom. He switched the TV onto Netflix and began playing a romantic movie from the 80's. Just then, his phone rang. It was Angelika. He quickly read over the text and replied. "Of course. Come over whenever you have some time, I'll be here."
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Alyssa frowned "Awww fine". She gave Angelika a hug then turned to Keithn "Shall we? I will go and make some hot chocolate" she gestured to the door. She kind of didn't like the way Angelika kissed him on the nose. She would never say anything, but she felt like it was something more then friendly. She always felt that way. With his flirting she never knew what was real and fake. She made her way to the door looking out, knowing the bitter cold outside she buttoned up per jacket and fixed her scarf. she turned and watched Keithn

Erin Campbell


"Dude, do you want a wing man for all this Asher stuff? It looks like Siv's going to be busy all day, so I could ride over with you, chill outside. If things go badly, we can get shit face wasted and talk about how terrible love is, and if they go well, we can just all go up and watch a movie or something. It's not like I have anything better to do than be a third wheel." Erin offered, slipping her phone into her pocket after receiving a text from her girlfriend mentioning why she couldn't make it to the cafe with everyone. Erin could use some friend time anyway, even if it was third wheel friend time. With everyone all coupled off all the time and Siv busy doing whatever it was she was always doing, Erin was getting a bit tired of sitting at home with ice cream, getting fat and watching reruns of Friends.
Angelika jumped at the sound of her phone beeping. It took her about five seconds to open up Asher's text because she was so nervous. As soon as she got the balls to do it, she immediately calmed down. "On my way." She texted back, putting her phone back into her bag and looking up at Erin.

"Sure, and fuck the movies girl, if everything goes well, we still go out and get shitfaced, kapeesh?" She said, standing up and holding her hand out for Erin to hold. "You gotta car right?" She said, raising one eyebrow.
Pulling up in front of Blaze's apartment building, Casper Rey shut off her car. It was still warm, but it wouldn't stay like this forever. After what seemed like eternity, she took the keys out of the ignition and opened the door. In one swift motion, her purse was over her shoulder, the car door was shut and locked, and Casper Rey was walking towards Blaze's apartment door. "Too. Damn. C-Co-Cold." She shivered as a gust of wind blew her hair around. "Blaze, where are you? It doesn't take that long to get here from the cafe..." She thought to herself while looking around in the parking lot hoping to find a sign of Blaze.

Blaze Denaldi


Blaze had to slide his hoodie back on, the cold too bitter to withstand much longer. He was completely fine, one hundred percent in control, until about five minutes into his drive, when colors finally started getting brighter and every normally boring talk show on the radio was suddenly hysterically funny. He jammed out through the entire ride home, rocking out to the songs in between the radio shows, and slid into his usual spot in the parking lot of his apartment building. He sat in the car for a moment, radio off and eyes staring at his phone as he took a moment to scroll through his facebook, trying to gather himself. His eyes or his mind, which he wasn't sure, simply couldn't focus on any of the words or pictures, and it was only frustrating him, so he gave up and hopped out of his shitty car. He slammed the door and it startled him, unaware of how much force he'd used.

It wasn't that Casper Rey had never seen him high before, he'd done that to her plenty of times, with things much worse than some random little pill, in the beginning of their relationship. He always felt a little guilty when he couldn't pull himself together around her though. And the high was only making his feelings stronger, more vibrant. Everything was more vibrant. He touched everything he passed on his way up the three flights of stairs. He couldn't exactly afford an apartment with an elevator on his shitty minimum wage. He made sure to scale his hand along the wall, the railing, all of the doors, everything. All of his senses were so heightened that it was distracting. He walked past his door the first time, too busy touching things to notice, and then turned around, laughing at himself, and walked back to apartment fourteen, digging around for his keys and leaving the door open for Casper Rey's arrival before heading straight to his kitchen, sticking a cup of macaroni in the microwave and poptarts in the toaster because the decision between the two of them was simply too hard to make at the moment.

"Don't think nothing of it." Keithn's face was flooded with blood from the unanticipated gesture. He didn't know what to think of it but he he spent the next few moments trying to forget it."Well alright, madam it was a pleasure." He gave Erin a nod and made his way to the door. "Welp, lets go have that chocolate." He placed his hands on Alyssa's face smiling and looking into her eyes. "Oh, and am driving." He said while he closed up his jacket as tight as it could possibly go.
Alyssa sighed "but I am fine to drive". She reached into her purse and pulled out her keys. "Are you really gonna make me let you drive?" She batted her eyes with a smile. Hoping she could win him over she kissed him on the cheek and headed out the door, trying to get to the car first. The cold wind hit her face and knocked the breath out of her for a second. she shivered as she made her way to the car.
Shutting the door behind her, Casper Rey hopped onto the couch and pulled the blanket down for the back of it. "Babeeeeeeeee, get me some watahhhhhhh." She giggled while laying upside down on the couch. Reaching for the remote, still upside down, she fell. "Ouchie!" A giggle followed to show she was alright, though she took a tumble, Casper Rey retrieved the remote. Clicking through the channels, she danced around a bit. "All these shows are boringgg," She pouted jokingly, "gymnastics!" Where are this energy came from, not even Casper Rey knew, but hell she was going to live it up. She was doing flips and kart wheels, jumping around, and singing, "AH NAH HONEY I'M GOOD I COULD HAVE ANOTHER BUT I PROBABLY SHOULDN'T. I, I GOT SOMEBODY AT HOME AND IF I STAY I MIGHT NOT LEAVE ALONE, BLAZE!" She puts her hand up to his mouth like she was holding a microphone for him to sing into.
Keithn paused for a moment after she kissed him conflicted about his decision. She didn't act too abnormal and maybe he was just being paranoid. But then again who wouldn't be, sure shes2 not drunken over but he knew for sure she wasn't 100% either. And knowing Angelika he knew for sure that it was some Grade A potent stuff. "She'll be alright."He reluctantly muttered to himself as he began slowly walking towards her car. "If anything I'll just reach over or somthing.....yeah...." He said trying to reassure himself of his and hers safety.
Alyssa got in the car and started it up and turning on the seat warmers. She wanted it to be nice and warm for Keithn when he got it. She turned the heat on full blast. "i'm ok to drive" she said in a matter o fact tone to herself. "I only had one hit, i'v drove after a lot worse" She turned on her match box 20 CD, just what she felt like tonight, and waited on Keithn to get in. "Hurry up slow poke" She motioned for him with a smile.

Erin Campbell


"Shit faced sounds so good right now." Erin agreed, taking Angelika's hand, relief flooding through her veins at the realization that she indeed did not have a date with Ice Cream and a tv show full of people with more interesting lives than her. The thing about Erin was, she was terrible at consolation, so if things went bad, getting fucked up was all she really knew how to do. Lucky for her, though, Angelika was never really big on unloading emotions, and they weren't really that close. Not to mention they were both fans of being wasted, even if Erin preferred alcohol over drugs. Thinking back on it, she wasn't sure she'd ever drank with Asher, so either way the night was probably ending in an exciting way. "Yeah! I'll drive! We'll probably be taking cabs home and forgetting where our cars even are by the end of the night anyway." She answered with a shrug, tugging the girl toward her car. In a totally platonic way, because Erin didn't hit on just anyone, she even opened the passenger door for Angelika, taking a quick bow afterwards. "'Ma' lady" she joked in a deep voice, sliding over the hood of the car to slide into the passenger seat and set off towards Asher's place. "I'll drop you off and go pick up booze and roll you a few spliffs while I wait." She offered, pulling up next to the curb. "Call if things go downhill and you need me to kick someone's ass."


Blaze Denaldi


Blaze jumped at the sound of Casper Rey's voice, but smiled regardless, pleased to hear that she was in a good mood and he wasn't going to have to pay for earlier just yet. The toaster popped up and the microwave beeped at the same time but he was busy putting ice in a cup of water and all of the things going on boggled his mind a little. First things first, he took the water into the living room to hand to her. He looked down at her hand holding an imaginary microphone to his mouth and shook his head with a grin, indicating that he wasn't going to sing. He waited for her to take a drink, looking for the opportune moment, when the water was in her mouth about to be swallowed, and then burst into song, grabbing the invisible microphone and dropping to one knee dramatically. "No, honey, I’m good I could have another but I probably should not I gotta bid you adieu." He sang with soul, to make it difficult for Casper Rey to swallow for humor's sake. He took the cup of water from her delicately and set it on the coffee table to grab her by both of her hands and pull her into him, swaying back and forth for a moment and then spinning her around once before pulling her back in. It was times like these that he needed. Even if he was blitzed out of his mind, he would have been enjoying himself sober with such a cheerful Cas around. He sang a few more lines off-key while he danced with her, but gave up when he ran out of breath. "I love you." He said in as casual a tone as he could muster at the moment, though he was feeling everything so much more intensely than usual.

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