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Realistic or Modern Adult Hood

"See what you fucking did...Yah done scared Casper...junky." Keithn muttered to Nathan as he got up from table with a over exaggerated look of disapproval on his face showing that he was 100% as serious as his words made it look. "Excuse me misses am going to see to casper." Taking a slight bow with a smile towards Alisa he took he temporary leave and made his way toward the bathroom. "Blaze my friend you bet naught be out there blowing kush....as the young people say these days." Keithn chuckled and shoke his head slightly at his own bad joke and stood at the entrance of the girl's bathroom." Uh, Hey Cas! Everything alright in there. You seemed pretty distraught." He made a few knocks on the door praying for her to respond positively.
Nathan shook his head and pretended to not care about what Keith said, but he was obviously sour about the whole situation and the blame being dumped on him, even if it was jokingly. Instead of letting it get to him he pulled out his laptop and began to work. He didn't even want to look at Alisa both because of what Keith had said and because of how he smiled at her. As he was working the usual urge to smoke a cigarette came to him but he fought it because he didn't want to upset Alisa or be kicked out of the shop.

Erin Campbell


"What the fuck is up with all the hostility today!?" Erin commented with a head shake, watching the group slowly dwindle down as everyone went to either get high or deal with their own drama's. "You alright? They're being a little hard on you." She added towards the rich boy, finishing off her drink and leaning over to catch a glimpse of whatever it was Nathan was doing on his laptop. Erin didn't do well around so much conflict, especially in her up days, which she was having, despite her girlfriend's tardiness. "Whatcha working on?" She asked, leaning away instead of being nosy and deciding to just let him tell her. Someone had to calm down and make some damn cheerful conversation around here, they were seriously bumming her out.


Blaze Denaldi


Blaze was leaned back against the brick wall, one leg bent backwards to rest a foot flat on the bricks while he smoked. He straightened his posture a bit at the sight of Asher, already prepared to put the guy in his place if he'd come outside to hurt Angelika some more, but what he heard was more of an apology, so Blaze let himself tune out of that conversation, giving them their space and turning instead to Alyssa, who was...smoking?

Yeah, as if he needed the girl to be any more perfect while seriously unattainable.

Half of his attention was still drawn towards Angelika, just in case he needed to step in, but it sounded like Asher had it pretty under control, so he took the joint from Alyssa and allowed his body to relax again, immediately feeling the affects as soon as he let go of the tension.
"You're not coughing up a lung, so I'm assuming this isn't your first time smoking?" He said casually to Alyssa, genuinely interested and also trying to make it seem like he wasn't listening to the conversation going on beside them. A glance in his peripheral vision at Angelika told him she was very obviously freezing, so he slipped off his sweater to drape around her shoulder, wrapping his arms around himself to prevent getting cold, but still didn't interrupt Asher's apology.

"Princess Alyssa, secretly a bad girl. I can dig it." He added with a smirk, reaching an arm around Angelika's back to put the joint against her lips when it was her turn. "I'm very impressed, I've gotta admit. You should teach Cas how to hang. She'd be amazing high."

It was strange, bringing up his girlfriend in a situation like this. He was with two of the hottest girls he knew, taking part in his ultimate favorite hobby, and he was talking about Casper Rey. It was probably his guilt, though, because somehow he knew that if Casper Rey was in his shoes, hanging out with two guys without him, he'd be furious. Still, he blamed it all on her as a defense mechanism. It was her fault for not being into drugs. He naturally had to hang out with other stoners. It was philosophy or some shit...right? Damn, he was high.

Wiping away her tears, Casper Rey took a deep breath to try and calm herself. She looked in the mirror and her face was red, "Great." After splashing water on her face, she looked up once again, still red. Casper Rey sighed in defeat, she realised that she hasn't replied to Keithn, but that was the least of her worries. Although she is innocent, she likes to seem strong. This time she just gave up and opened the door. "Yeah, I'm fine." Casper Rey smiled at Keithn who was still at the door. She walked back to the table and sat down, looking at her reflection in her phone and trying to calm herself down back to normal.
Alyssa laughed "so you have caught me" "I smoke every now and then". She watched as he put his sweater on Angelika. She looked down to the ground, it might have been a bad idea coming out here. When he mentioned Casper, she knew it was. "she doesn't really like me". She said quietly her face to the ground so he couldn't see her face a bit red. She wasn't sure why lately she was thinking about him more. Other then the fact he had been over to the house almost everyday for a week and a half. Maybe it was Keithn flirting even more then usual. She wasn't sure. She kicked the dirt and rocks with the tip of her shoe. "well this party coming up should be good". She was trying to get her mind off of everything. She should be getting back into Keithn soon. He was probably getting worried about her.
Nathan scooted the screen away from Erin trying to not let her see the contents on it. "Yes, I'm fine." He said with his deep voice in a rather bored tone, he then waved his arm and continued, "Keith's just joking around." After he said this he smiled at her to try to look more convincing. "I'm just making some number sheets for my business, I'd appreciate it if you didn't look too closely.." The last part was more of an uncomfortable mutter. He was extremely anxious when it came to people outside of work looking at his papers. In fear that they might see something they weren't supposed to or figure out too much about the company's numbers and alliances. Even if he was with his friends, Nathan couldn't be too careful.
Keithn's face stood frozen as the young lady flew out of the bathroom. He felt as though he was obligated to continue his pursuit of questions but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Actually Keithn had to stop himself and ask why the hell did he care at all. This was Blaze's problem not his. Further more he had his own problems, for all he knew Alyssa couldn't even walk straight but she drove here though in the snow. "Shit." The multitude of thoughts flooded his mind and he wasn't in the mood for it. He slowly made his way toward the door passing the table. He then opened the door slightly and instantly he could feel his spine chill with excitement after what he just smelled. With a slight shake of his head he looked towards Blaze with half smile. "Houston we have a problem." He then turned to Angelika turning the half smile into a dash stretched across his smug face. "There are Children here woman GAWHDEH." With a Over emphasised eye roll and facial expression Keithn acting as if he didn't see Alyssa pulled his head back in. Deep inside he rathered he didn't see her in that state. He knew the effects of the plant from when he was in high school but now-a-days he didn't have the money to buy the stuff in the first place not to mention at his job they did drug test which he wasn't too fond of in the first place. Keithn happily rubbed the warmth back into his face and took back he's seat by Nathan. "Aye, Its a coffee joint not the Empire State."
Alyssa seen Keithn poke his head out the door. she quickly pulled her phone out to send him a text 'i'm fine babe be in soon (:*)' She put her phone away. No matter all his flaws Keithn was caring and sweet, really she couldn't ask for more in that area.She pulled her coat over her a little tighter. It was getting a lot colder. leggings probably weren't the best choice for standing in the cold she thought to herself when she looked down.She wondered what was going on inside.
Nathan shook his head lightly, "I'm a busy man, K." He then jokingly added "Where do you think those hundred dollar bills to wipe my ass come from?" He then turned to look at Keith straight in the eye.
Angelika gave Blaze a quick smile, hugging his sweater around her, getting as much warmth as she could. She looked back down at the floor, and then at Alyssa. Asher still hadn't gone inside. She looked back up, straight into Asher's eyes. "We done here?" She snapped. Angelika gave a slight giggle to what Keithn said, putting her middle finger up at him and sticking her tongue out. "Fuck the children."

Angelika took the joint out of her mouth, having a few pulls before throwing the roach on the floor and handing the sweater back to Blaze, "wouldn't want your girlfriend getting suspicious." She smirked at Blaze and Alyssa. "Coming in?" She said, brushing past Asher and walking back inside the coffee shop.

Angelika ate the last of her cookie that she had been holding the whole time and took her seat next to Keithn, leaving a seat in the middle of the two for Alyssa. "Been awfully quiet, ain't ya Nathan?" She looked at him, realising that that was the first thing she'd said to him since she's gotten here. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?"
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Keithn paused a moment to look at Nathan with a blank face. At that moment He thought to himself "He doesn't want me to answer that. but then again." His blank expression soon turned into a devious smirk as he muttered. "From the gold bricks you shit." Keithn jerked slightly holding in the laughter of his own wittiness which was put on hold upon feeling his cell phone vibrate. As he opened it and saw the text he let out a sigh of mixed emotions. "Alright booboo....but your not taking your car home, Love you muah." And with a smooth press of the send button Keithn reverted his attention back to Nathan.
Nathan joined Keith with a fit of giggles. "If I did K-Man it would be all over the news!" He then turned his attention to Angelika, "Been a long day is all. Takes a while until I can unwind." He then put his hand on Keith's shoulder, "It also usually takes this asshole to accomplish it." He flashed a pearly white smirk at her.
"Pfft, this asshole does more than just cheer you up. He saves the world by just being the loveable asshole you see here before you. Keithn held his head high with his face still frozen with a egotistic smirk. He then leaned in a bit close into Angelika's eyes a kissed his teeth as he leaned back. Turning to Nathan he gestured at Angelika. "Shes high as a kite right now."
Asher didn't speak to Angelika, and just followed them back into the building, taking a seat next to Alisa again. He didn't speak and just looked down at the floor in front of him, folding his arms in his lap. Asher wasn't feeling like his usual self, for obvious reasons. Standing out there humiliated by Angelika's vagueness in front of her friends made him feel bad. Especially the way Alyssa looked at him and how Blaze practically seemed ready to jump on him. People may say that Asher's being dramatic, but he's a people pleaser. He can't function knowing that the people around him don't like him. "I don't feel so good--I think I uh-- have a cold or something. I'm gonna go." Asher bit down on his lip which was kind of a nervous habit. He picked up his bag and pulled it over his shoulder, waliing to the door before he turned back for a second. "Seeya." He flashed a very slight smile that still seemed fake, waving slightly before he set off. Asher is one of those people who just can't handle the pressure of people disliking him. They might not even dislike him, but he gets anxiety easily and just can't help it. He'll probably regret this action later.
Nathan nodded slightly at Keith, "I mean she was outside with Blaze, I'd be surprised if she wasn't high." He then acknowledged Asher leaving but didn't say anything about it. However he did stare at the direction in which he left rather surprised at this sudden action.
"Angelika walked through the door, so that must mean Blaze is coming soon. God I really hope nothing went on." Casper Rey thought to herself, she pushed the thoughts aside to try and avoid another panic attack. Every so often she would sniffle before a giggle, but she could blame it on the cold. Her eyes are a different story, but if she kept looking down at her hands then no one could see them and notice she had been crying. Casper Rey felt a little out of place, was it just being in a restaurant? Or maybe because that weird guy across the shop was watching her eat. Whatever it was, it wasn't making the post-panic attack any easier.

Alisa was a little startled by all the mixed emotions around her, and blinked to catch up with it all. Nathan was too busy conversing with Keith to notice her staring at him, a frown set into her features. Instead of engaging in conversation with her significant other like she had planned, she simply stood without a goodbye, and followed her best friend who had just left the cafe in a hurry. Her shoulder pressed against the door, opening it, and glancing around to see which way Asher had went. When she saw him heading for his car, she jogged a bit to catch up with him. It was a difficult task, trying to put on her coat in the winter, and juggle her coffee all at once.

"Hey!" She eventually breathed out, catching up to her friend who was reasonably taller than her and moved at a faster pace. "What's wrong?" Alisa's voice was naturally a bit quiet, and she began to notice this as the five o'clock traffic wailed out around them. Because of this, she repeated her question just in case. She did wan't to stay in the cafe a bit longer and tell Casper Rey about to job opening at the public high school she worked at, and discuss the relationship problems between her and Nathan, but worrying about Asher was her top priority at the moment.
Alyssa smiled at Blaze then made her way inside. Sitting back in her chair between Keithn and Angelica. She looked around "seems I missed a lot". she raised her eyebrows looking around. She put her head on Keithn's shoulder. She suddenly didn't feel like being here. She reached over to hold Keithn hand. She suddenly felt like cuddling. Maybe she just felt guilty. What ever it was she felt better knowing She was sitting next to him.
Nathan bit his lip as Alisa left the shop. He let out a sigh and put his laptop away. "Excuse me." He said as he wrapped his Burberry scarf back around his neck and headed outside, "Alisa!" He called out looking for her. "Alisa!" He said once more before finally finding her and slowly walking towards her. He was carrying his bag by the handles instead of having it over his shoulder, just to prove that he was in a hurry.
Alyssa's chilled body caused Keithn to shiver a bit as their two bodies became closer and closer. "Well now glad to see you had a good time." Though his sincerity behind that statement was debatable Keithn was just happy to have Alyssa back at his side. Her touch gave him a sense of purpose and unspoken celebration even though a small commotion was happening around him all he could focus on was Alyssa. He gracefully shifted her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead leaning off a little he mumbled in her ear. " Everything ok though?"
Alyssa smiled as she felt him kiss her forehead. "I'm fine dear, just cold and a bit tired". She laughed a bit at her self.She whispered "So what did I miss?" She looked up a bit so she could see his face. Knowing he would see her eyes, she gave him a look begging him not to loud her out to the group that she had been smoking.
Alisa turned away from Asher reluctantly and stared at Nathan in surprise. It was very out of character for him to follow her into the cold, barely having a secure grip on his laptop bag. Nonetheless had he just screamed her name, knowing it would attract a bit of attention. "Yeah?" She said quietly, crossing her arms across her chest as she waited for him to speak. Alisa never was assertive, and found it hard to talk about things that were troubling her. This held her back from complaining about all the nights he didn't want to spend with her because he was too busy working, or the fact that he always had that light smell of cigarette smoke wafting off of him.
Keithn looked back into her deep beautiful sapphire eyes smiling. "Welp, Cas needs to have a chat with blaze, there is a interesting triangle going on with Nathan, Alisa, and Ashur which is beyond me and I rather just stay here with you because Keithn doesn't get involved in those kind of things. Oh and Nathan admits to shitting gold bricks, so remember that Benz you wanted, yeah I got you baby." He smiled a little at the final the mention of the jokes between him and Nathan. Who was in his eyes trying to win a war without winning a single battle. But then again its just his opinion.
Alyssa could help but start laughing maybe a little to loud. "Well I did miss a lot" "Thanks for all the catching up". "So what do we do now". Everyone was going crazy and she wasn't exactly sure what to do.
He walked next to Alisa and very softly grabbed a hold of her bicep, tracing his hand down so she would stop crossing her arms. "Let's go talk.." He then let his eyes wonder towards Asher, "..Alone..." As he waited for a reply he put the strap of his laptop bag on his shoulder and resisted the need to smoke once again. It specially hit him when he was outside but had to stop it due to the situation he was in.

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